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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8120521 No.8120521 [Reply] [Original]

Is homu /jp/ related?

>> No.8120526


>> No.8120531

i homu

>> No.8120529
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>> No.8120537
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>> No.8120534

She is the most /jp/ related thing on the front page currently.

>> No.8120541

How the FUCK did mami win saimoe

My butt could not be more devastated

>> No.8120550

Characters with big tits never win.

If Mami won, then underhanded methods were used obviously.

>> No.8120554

Cry unceasing tears, ZUN!spamalot.

>> No.8120561

never enough homu, never enough tears

>> No.8120565
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>How the FUCK did mami win saimoe

Easily, Mami is the closest character to K-on "moe" shit, she's like Moogee incarnation in Madoka (thank God she dies first and fast).
I've heard there was an illegal vote-spam against Homu Homu, Chinese faggots knocked her out. I'm pretty sure Homu Homu could win it.

>> No.8120568

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

>> No.8120569

Mami isn't even moe

>> No.8120572

I am seriously getting sick of your shit. Fuck off with that bullshit.

>> No.8120577

Maybe it's time for you to take a break.

>> No.8120578

She doesn't need to be moe when she has the closest thing to a personality in the series.

>> No.8120581

Why don't you shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of your nerd ass?

>> No.8120583

Or maybe he can stop shitposting.

>> No.8120592


>> No.8120590

the fact itself that people tries to apply moe or not to a production purposedly planned to reach out of genre boundaries is retarded. the characters die when the economy according to the development and economy of the story. enough with this childish bulloccks. if you want a stupid thread, then joke, laugh and shitpost. if you want to talk about something, try to think before posting.

>> No.8120593

...fuck goddammit stupid touchpads. well you've understanded the general sense.

>> No.8120600

What you've written does not make sense.

>> No.8120595

why. you eyes bleed before some typos?

>> No.8120597

Get a load of this waebuu.

>> No.8120606

He's joking.

>> No.8120603

oh, weeaboo. can I ask why?

>> No.8120604

Not only do the typos make it confusing, but it seems that your "style" of writing with its lack of grammar would be better suited for /a/.

>> No.8120610

Maybe it's time for you guys to take a break.

>> No.8120613

Break this. *grabs dick; is 3,000,000,000 teratons*

>> No.8120614


>> No.8120615

try removing "when the economy"
maybe its clearer

>> No.8120616

Let the mature people post please, if you can't contribute then please leave.

Have you even watched Madoka yet?

>> No.8120624

I have no "typing style", I'm just tired

>> No.8120622

I already said that watched it.

>> No.8120621

He has. You'd know that if you weren't a part-time /jp/ user.

>> No.8120627

I'm full time, if such a term is even possible. I frankly don't pay attention to his posts because they are frankly never any good.

>> No.8120629

Use the Foolz archive.

>> No.8120632
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Come on guys. Homura wouldn't want us to be fighting like this.

>> No.8120634

>I'm full-time
Full-time wheybew fag you mean.

>> No.8120638

To what, search your posts? No point, try reading the latter half please.

>> No.8120644
File: 175 KB, 507x340, 1318720870570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The abyss between nice and friendly-/jp/-Homu-posters and raging buttautistics is so unspeakably huge and scary.

>> No.8120653



>> No.8120654

/jp/ Homu fans - nice, cultured, friendly, actually enjoys otaku culture things and homu.

/jp/ non-homu fans: frustrated, have discomfort in their anuses 24/7, hates /jp/ yet posts there 30 hours a day, etc.

>> No.8120660

You tell'em Zunbar!

>> No.8120663
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>> No.8120664
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homu haters are enemies of freedom

>> No.8120676
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Homunity strong.

>> No.8120670
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>> No.8120681


>> No.8120684
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and people complain about image dumps.

>> No.8120697
File: 190 KB, 470x352, kawaii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't that image be animated? It just reminds me of this so much.

>> No.8120734
File: 214 KB, 800x600, 1320243392691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mami >>>> homuhomu

>> No.8120741

I think so too but I post Homura in these threads to fit in.

>> No.8120742

so, I'm eating an apple in my cold house. what about you homu?

>> No.8120750

Everyone who posts homu only posts homu to fit in. Same with Saten and related shit.

>> No.8120747
File: 293 KB, 600x1887, su505078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latest method - how to make an instant panties.

Rubbers will melt plastics.
Take panties off after you played.

Enjoy homu homu

>> No.8120748
File: 1.13 MB, 1227x674, aliceyuno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-So much Homu...

>> No.8120751
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Your taste is so poor.
At least post delicious Kyouko, she's very appreciated unlike Mami and Sayaka.

>> No.8120752

Shut your mouth. I love Saten.

>> No.8120753
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>> No.8120755
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Mami and Sayaka are the best megukas

>> No.8120759
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Kyouko's voice is extremely delicious.
Her design is very pretty.
Her personality is complex and interesting and her past is the most tragic (after Homu Homu).

Her armpits > Raymoo's

>> No.8120763
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>> No.8120770

What homusode made you cry like a little girl more, /jp/?

>> No.8120771
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>> No.8120777
File: 143 KB, 429x519, 1311624406339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean "after" homu homu? Homu has nothing on Kyouko's suffering.
