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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8117079 No.8117079 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when 21, and your family expects you to have a girlfriend, and wonders if something is wrong with you, or tell you that you need to get one.

There is no real way to explain the concept of 3DPD, is there? I'm getting tired of this conversation topic. How do you deal with this /jp/?

>> No.8117086


Go back to /a/ right now or i'll shoot you motherfucker.

>> No.8117085

Tell them you like little girls. They will learn to deal with it.

>> No.8117088


>> No.8117089

I dont. I just say "yes" to all that my mom says, so she is expecting me to snap out of my depression and get a girlfriend. How delusional she is.

>> No.8117090
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>> No.8117091

Tell your parents to fuck off. They have no reason to be asking questions like that, neither do you have to respond and put up with them.

>> No.8117095

Tell them you're gaay, they'll stop right then and there and leave you alone.

>> No.8117096

Quoting "That feel" ?

Get the FUCK out of /jp/.

>> No.8117098

It's not them anymore, but rather my extended family.

>> No.8117102

Just tell them you are the product of your upbringing so they have to deal with it.

>> No.8117104

I wish my family cared for me enough to ask me these things, as counterpart to this there's no chance to disappoint them so I think is a draw.

>> No.8117123 [DELETED] 

Fuck family.

There's no point to it.

>> No.8117122
File: 82 KB, 550x616, kago-ai-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop please using the 3DPD , say just that you have no interest.

It makes you look less like a /a/ , /b/ idiot

>> No.8117125 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 600x900, 34sfnh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice explanation why you think so , I would never think that you are a /b/ tard

>> No.8117142

3DPD is not just a meme. King of /jp/ my ass...

>> No.8117146

>that feel when 23 and no GF
>that feel when dad says he's jealous of me
>that feel when dad is NEET in disguise

>> No.8117153

That cumrag started tripping on /v/ originally, got raped there and flocked here. It is easier to build a presence on a slowboard, I guess. So don't take him seriously and report him so he get banned yet again.

>> No.8117158

My family is so fucking dysfunctional when it comes to marriage, that they've lost the right to criticize me for not wanting anything to do with it.

>> No.8117191

>>never had a real girlfriend
>>doesn't even want one anymore
Parents keep bugging me about it every now and then, but I tell them she would only get in the way of my dreams. Maybe after I succeed in my field of interest to a certain degree, maybe after that, I'll look into a relationship. Till then, it would be pointless.

>> No.8117194

Filtered it already, thanks.

>> No.8117197

Nobody in my family has ever asked about my love life. I wonder if they think I'm gay.

>> No.8117205 [DELETED] 

Usually that is the case.

>> No.8117223 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1024x768, kago1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No honestly explain me how a person can get raped on a imageboard ?
Or should I better ask how sad you have to be to get angry on people on a dam imageboard.

Take it easy and now back to /b/
Sigh.... everyday more and more /b/ tards are coming

>> No.8117250

i was in op's position around that age, so i gave in and got a girlfriend. once they saw how that turned out they didn't bother me about it again

>> No.8117254
File: 521 KB, 1000x750, 3D_chubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol if you try and explain 3DPD and how you hate it so much then you'll be dissin' the HELL outa yo pops, you wouldn't even be born mang!

>> No.8117263

Yea Preach it.
/jp/ is a good place to have good conversations, even with the best of the best shitposters. The regular Shitposters don't even mean to shit post any way.
We generally get along here. Keep telling newfags this and I think they will eventually get the picture and leave.

>> No.8117303



>> No.8117324
File: 84 KB, 799x473, 1294480912420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really hard to meet new people when you graduate college.

and i've been mugged by the reality of dating in the modern age. Though it is definitely not ALL women, MOST are passive aggressive hos looking for the man with the deepest pockets or who they can brag the most about to their friends.

And so I've been teetering on the border of giving up on women altogether for a while now.

>> No.8117333

Give me back my glasses Varg. They don't even fit.

>> No.8117342

/jp/ is not /r9k/

>> No.8117343

Tell them to suck your cock, dude.

>> No.8118533

You make it sound as if that's somehow bad.

>> No.8118542

Next time they ask you why you don't have a girlfriend ask them "Why should I have one?I'm happy with my life currently and I don't need a relationship."

Or tell them you are gay

>> No.8118573

"Yeah we all had high hopes for anon"

Finally grandma was the last to figure out I am a complete failure in everything

>> No.8118613

For some reason mine believes I am promiscous. I guess wishful thinking makes people ignore all evidence of what they see.

>> No.8118643
File: 56 KB, 366x389, 1314181782227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody in my family has even remotely brought up the topic of me having a relationship with anyone. Except when I got mono, they asked me if I had been kissing anyone. It was an interesting possibility.

>> No.8118646

>There is no real way to explain the concept of 3DPD, is there? I'm getting tired of this conversation topic. How do you deal with this /jp/?
Try misogyny .

>> No.8118653 [DELETED] 

> when I got mono, they asked me if I had been kissing anyone
Had you, Anon-kun?

>> No.8118660

I'm 22, and never so much as held hands with a girl. My dad actually got really excited when he saw me looking at one a few months ago. Must've thought I was gay before that.

>> No.8118664

I actually burst out laughing when my grandmother suggested I take up dancing (you know, the kind you see only very old couples doing at local town festivals) to attract a girlfriend.
My mother is about as introverted and hermit-like as me so even if she drops the "w-well it's not like I want grandchildren of anything you dummy" shtick once in a while I guess she knows my other brother is the one to go for genes tramission.

>> No.8118677



Fuck off you people.

>> No.8118696

>Dad asks me why I still don't have a girlfriend
>I tell him about the bad things of being married
>Agrees with me
>Deals with it

>> No.8118700

The silent brofist exchange that day must have been marvelous.

>> No.8118704

Not quite

>> No.8118780

23 , haven't had a real relationship since I left Japan,
Slept with 43 women but want to be with a ex who was the quiet bookworm type but broke her heart when I cheated on her and left to Japan then 2 years later come back to America and now she is Tsundere towards me and now trying to get back with her but she's different... Idk... What are we talking about again in this thread?

>> No.8118787

My family has the most dysfunctional relationships, yet it comes as a surprise when I show a complete disregard for any gender. Why couldn't I have been born to a normal family?

>> No.8118809

NTR stories are only good when the girl is doing the cheating and it's some form of blackmail. Try to remember and incorporate those when writing your next story.

>> No.8118829

8118780 here, True story bro......

>> No.8118841

>I actually burst out laughing when my grandmother suggested I take up dancing ... to attract a girlfriend.

Uh, yeah, that works. It's worth taking some lessons in song and dance (or just joining a choir or something) just to have the skills, even if there's no girls aspect involved.

Sure, I may have never kissed a girl and rarely leave my room any more, but I'm a respectable baritone and have some moves.

>> No.8118854

My dad bothers me about getting a girlfriend every time he sees me. It gets fucking awkward too because all he ever does is talk about stories of all the women he fucked. He's been repeating the same fucking stories over the years too and it has gotten to the point where I've pretty much memorized all of them. He also does awkward shit like try to hit on women in front of me or try to hit on them FOR me. One time he hit on a cashier and then told her "I'm too old for you but my son is just perfect for you".

I've considered many times just telling him I'm gay so that he would fuck off but I have no idea if that would make things better or worse for me. I've told him many times to cut that shit out and it simply makes him stop for about two weeks or so and then he goes back to doing it again.

>> No.8118857


Now imagining you saying you're gay, and your dad chatting up guys in the supermarket for you.

>> No.8120162

Why haven't you given up yet? Its not worth the effort.
