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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 154 KB, 348x386, cirnodoesnotunderstand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
811474 No.811474 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, remember a few months ago when in a thread, some of us said that one day we'd have to learn Japanese to emigrate to 2ch once /jp/ becomes shit? Well, I think it's time.

You managed to fuck this board up completely, and you didn't even need any newfag to do it. All I'm seeing in every fucking thread now is "SUMMERFAG SAGE REPORTED GO AWAY", even in threads we had at the creation of /jp/.

Congratulations. Your paranoia completely ruined a board that used to be decent. You guys sure know how to fuck a board up.

>> No.811485

Summerfag idiots are the ones doing that, trying to fit in by saging shit they are guessing is "newfaggotry"

>> No.811486

I'm innocent

>> No.811489


>> No.811490

lolo whose that gurl in ops pic?

>> No.811494

tl;dr version

>I am a summerfag troll

Because, you know, the only threads getting the "summer, sage" treatment are the ones that deserve it. There's just a few trolling faggots like you that then copy those posts into normal threads. So fuck you.

>> No.811496

PROTIP: They are trolling with that.
Also, dont forget your sages.

>> No.811510

I want my religion = loli back. Only sorta half meme but still it's all we /jp/sies got

>> No.811522



>> No.811556

I don't really get why some things are reported. But whatever, I already spend more time on 2ch than here.

>> No.811557

No, they're absolutely everywhere.

But yeah, when in doubt, call the other a troll. It always works.

>> No.811558

>Your paranoia completely ruined a board that used to be decent. You guys sure know how to fuck a board up.

I bet its the same kind of fag that ruined /a/.

>> No.811593

Don't blame anyone but yourselves, /jp/. By being intolerant fucks who can't stand anything but your own personal interests, you've destroyed the board. You'll never have the kind of community that other boards like /co/ and /tg/ have because you hate each other so much.

>> No.811598


>> No.811601

Now you're just inciting a shitstorm in my thread ಠ_ಠ

>> No.811616

Wow. That hit hard.

>> No.811623

I'm sad, /jp/.

I don't think things will get any better.

>> No.811646

What doujin is OP's Cirno from?

Her moe confused expression arouses me.

>> No.811651

I think its the one where she dies.

>> No.811661

THE Cirno

>> No.811675

Who else thinks Touhou is the cancer killing /jp/?
I did all I could to tolerate it up until now, even in times where the frontpage was nothing but Touhou, but now it's getting ridiculous.
Touhoufags sagebombing and shitting up all threads that aren't Touhou related making any discussions about anything not involving Touhou impossible. Just look how shit /jp/ became because of them. It's sad.
Hereby I propose banning Touhou from this board, for a better /jp/
Who agrees?

>> No.811690

Go back to your own troll thread

>> No.811691

Banning Touhou is going to be the death of /jp/

>> No.811692

The death of shit /jp/ maybe.

>> No.811699


>> No.811705

>one day we'd have to learn Japanese to emigrate to 2ch

I can hardly contain my laughter.

Also, cancer.

>> No.811709

We don't need to ban Touhou, just the people that post about it.

>> No.811711

No. Restricting every topic to a thread at a time would kill the shit.

>> No.811717

This board became even shittier after that huge SWR shitstorm thread with the deal about casualfags and tourneyfags.

I'm a Touhoufag and I blame this board's faggotry on Touhou.

>> No.811725

Don't worry kids, moot loves you. Just wait a few days till summer school starts, these retards can't even pass normal classes, all will be well,

>> No.811731

You think Touhoufags would do that?
They even claim (and maybe seriously believe?) this board was made for them.

>> No.811741

/jp/ - Japan/General

1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.811744


You managed to out-stupid everyone else in this troll thread, you deserve a prize.

>> No.811745

This is what summerfags really believe.

>> No.811750

We don't need to ban anything, just the people that shit up other threads.

>> No.811753

If the board doesn't cater to your interests then you are free to leave. Or, alternatively, start a thread with a topic that you want to discuss and participate in it. The reason you don't see threads that aren't Touhou is because nobody is creating them. So create some. Then ignore what you don't like. It's really simple. Anyone who argues otherwise is a troll.

>> No.811759

>Don't allow any one thing to dominate this board-condense your fucking threads.

>> No.811762
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>> No.811765

Everything that isn't Touhou is saged to shit or hijacked (TOUHOU HIJACK LOL!)

Honestly, I like Touhou, I don't think Touhou should be banned, but >>811593 is pretty right.

>> No.811766


The people who keep harping on that aren't new. They're just trolling. They're horrible, horrible people, but not exactly "summerfags."

>> No.811768

/jp/ doesn't get summerfags

too small

>> No.811781

>By being intolerant fucks who can't stand anything but your own personal interests, you've destroyed the board.

This is pretty much present in every board. I can't see why is it so hard for people to just ignore the things they don't like.

I mean, I hate key with a burning passion, but will stay away form their threads. Unless of course, that the OP asks for people's opinion on it.

>> No.811786


Oh, it does. I distinctly noticed some retard yesterday who kept posting about poop before his posts got deleted. Like, nothing in particular about poop. Just "POOOOOOOOOOOOOOP" or "I POOP ON THIS THREAD LOL", the kind of stuff you'd expect from a genuine middle schooler.

Most of them are fakes just taking advantage of the season to intentionally shit up the board, though. I can't for the life of me understand why they would want to. Am I the only troll with an ounce of self-respect anymore?

>> No.811793

>Am I the only troll with an ounce of self-respect anymore?


>> No.811798

tis a troll.

>> No.811806

/jp/ is 4chan's largest collection of trolls. Every second post here is a troll post, trolling within a layer of trolled trolls trying to troll other trolls who don't realize they're being trolled back.

>> No.811809
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THE Cirno, GO

>> No.811812
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>> No.811819
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>> No.811820
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>> No.811823
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>> No.811824

Wait, so we're just another /v/?

>> No.811828
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>> No.811829
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>> No.811833
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>> No.811834
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>> No.811836


All of old /n/ migrated to /jp/. That explains why we get those racism shitstorms all the time and the incessant reposts of "news". The Touhou pictures are just a front because they don't want to lose their board again.

I'm onto you guys. The veil has been lifted.

>> No.811843
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>> No.811844

I never thought it of it that way, but yes. We've turned into /v/

>> No.811845
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>> No.811848
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>> No.811853


Touhou's a game, isn't it?

>> No.811854
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>> No.811857
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>> No.811863
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>> No.811864


Not really.

>> No.811867
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>> No.811870
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>> No.811871

Its a way of life.

>> No.811876


Like Street Fighter or Halo?

>> No.811882

Yes, but worse.

>> No.811883


Street Fighter is an art. Halo is a crime.

>> No.811887


Awesome, we're worse than /v/ then.

>> No.811888


>> No.811890
File: 10 KB, 426x364, 1213288972811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm only here because /a/ is going through their summer newcomer phase. A few months later once said newcomers assimilate into our chan culture I'm going to be out of this abortion of an imageboard. But like you said, if this board becomes any shittier, /m/ will be my new home.

Protip: My fellow /jp/ers. Accusing someone of being a "newfag" accomplishes nothing. All it does is turn the board into a verbal mess.

>> No.811891

Neither young nor healthy?

>> No.811894



>> No.811898

>a is going through their summer newcomer phase


>> No.811903


>Do my rose tinted glasses look good on me?

>> No.811905

I'm still waiting for the fags that fucked our shit in '06 to assimilate our chan culture. Or I'm not? anyway, sage.

>> No.811906

>summer newcomer phase




>> No.811909


You aren't the real one.
You are a pale imitation.

>> No.811921

But /m/ has been taken over by tripfags and RPfags! Surely you jest.

Or is that phase over now?

>> No.811924
File: 37 KB, 640x368, 1213289370142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>You'll never have the kind of community that other boards like /co/ and /tg/ have

I am so glad I have this picture.

>> No.811925

They are the real "chan" culture now.

No, never.

>> No.811933

>real "chan" culture
> culture
Most hilarious thing on 4chan ATM:

>> No.811972

It's actually pretty sad, not hilarious. Hate to break it to you, but we do (did) have a "culture" whether you like being described with that word or not. And these people came here, found a "culture" and ruined it by imitating it (as opposed to natural progression). Now it's just shit.

>> No.811984

I still say 4chan was funnier and more original when goons and ex-goons predominated.

>> No.811989

That's why I put it in "quotations". In retrospect I should have put the whole thing in them.

I would probably have found it funny too at one point, but I'm not really in a humourous mood right now.

>> No.811994
File: 45 KB, 336x450, 1213290224709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/.
Let's bring back the junior idol threads.

>> No.811995

Old "4chan culture" was just SomethingAwful/ADTWR expatriates.

>> No.811999

The filename used to be "cirnothelovabletripfriend.png"...

Crying out over daytime and summer solves nothing. Make an interesting thread, look around for ones that might have been forgotten into the older pages, and could use a bump.
Sometimes, a single reply can spark a really interesting discussion.

I think you're overreacting over the state of the board, so less whining, more constructive posts.

>> No.812001

What about the "Anonymous in Gensokyo" threads?

>> No.812002

wow /jp/ sure is whining a lot lately

>> No.812011

Heh, no will know what you mean anymore I reckon.

This reminds me of WUIG

new fags won't get this

>> No.812013

moot agreed, don't bother him about it

>> No.812014

NGM is nowhere to be found and GM has run out of idea and is being an overall cunt.

>> No.812018

btw you falcon punched the stoop lake anyway, so you won. there's nothing to write about anymore

>> No.812021

Fucking weeaboos. I bet you Touhou fags read this doujin then you think to yourself. ZUN is THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST.

Why do you Touhoufags give ZUN credit for fan created character personalities? Oh wait, you're dumbass. I forgot.

>> No.812025


Goons are just normalfags with a well developed sense of irony (which has been killed by hipsters so yeah) and an incredibly undeserved superiority complex. In all honesty I'll take a genuine Gaiafag or what have you over a genuine Goon. At least he won't be so pretentious it physically hurts.

But yeah, a lot of the old, old ex-pats were pretty cool dudes. Which is probably why they left in the first place. Problem is that we have nowhere to leave to now... and even if we did, we wouldn't be able to escape alone.

>> No.812026

It's >you're a dumbass.


>> No.812035


>> No.812039

> Problem is that we have nowhere to leave to now... and even if we did, we wouldn't be able to escape alone.
Yes, closing that browser window requires the aid of many individuals

>> No.812046

actually, it's >you're dumbasses.

he's speaking about "you touhoufags" - plural, etc.

>> No.812050

What an idiot.

>> No.812060

Isn't GM a she?

>> No.812068

I see no male pronouns in that post.

But yes.

>> No.812074



>> No.812087

The best things about /jp/ are deleted on sight. Roleplaying? Banned, Loli? deleted. Grindan games? too Korean, not /v/ etc.

Once Little Busters and Shuffle! are finished with their translations we'll have new shit to talk about but otherwise there's nothing worth saying anyway.

Maybe we need more Aya

>> No.812093

>>In all honesty I'll take a genuine Gaiafag or what have you over a genuine Goon.
Rejoice, for your wish has materialized!

>> No.812094


None of those are good and I support their exclusion from the board.


Not a fan, but ecchi and NSFW loli threads deserve to be deleted.

>> No.812099

<--Gaia is that way. Go back to it. We don't want you here.

>> No.812100


>best things

1/10 because it's waaaaaaay too obvious, especially since you posted it in a troll thread. The 1 is because I giggled.

>> No.812107

Oh yeah, so why they hated this site with passion and wished it's demise?

>> No.812111


That really doesn't say much for /jp/...

>> No.812127
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>>loli threads deserve to be deleted

>> No.812133


Notice the use of past tense and the word "ex-goons".

>> No.812142

Former goons of back in the day were mentioned in said post, fail less.

>> No.812145

/m/ has far more roleplaying than /jp/ ever did.

>> No.812159

And /m/ is a shithole, so yeah.

>> No.812161

Blah blah blah blah.

Im not tired of newfags, Im tired of you people getting pissed off over a couple of people posting whatever you dont like in your little boards, and then blaming it into some sort of newfag summer, shit whatever.


stop posting DRAMA.

why not just ignoring the threads you dont like and posting on the ones you like? Its the same on every page on the internet at any fucking season. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

>> No.812165


>> No.812172

I will always regret the day I helped to share that SRW3 portrait pack. Sometimes, I even cry myself to sleep.

>> No.812183

Whats the matter? Does it make too much sense to you?

>> No.812190

Create content that you want.

If it doesn't get any replies, try again some other time, but don't whine and bitch about "TOEHOES BAWWWWW".

Enjoy your threads, and if a genuine summer thread comes up, sage, report/hide ignore etc.

>> No.812198


Skip the sage and just hide it. For some reason, sages only worsen the situation.

>> No.812201

Why don't you take your own advice? FUCK FUCK FUCK sounds pissed off

>> No.812203

Skip the hide and just sage it. For some reason, hides only worsen the situation.

>> No.812215

You Touho fags ruin everything.

>> No.812228


Shame on me.

>> No.812231

>>sages only worsen the situation
A troll will feel like he won even if it's just 100 hate sage replies.
I know from experience.

>> No.812241

Personally I don't see what the fuss is about, played Perfect Cherry Blossom, it was a pretty decent game, good music, alrightish bordering on crap character design and thats it. I don't even know any of the character names, its that forgettable.

Why the fuck does /jp/ love it so much and become so butthurt when its badmouthed?

>> No.812242

>For some reason, sages only worsen the situation.

I wish idiots would realize this. Sage really does nothing.

>> No.812252

No, sage used to do something but not anymore since the life of threads became determined by popularity instead of time or number of posts.

>> No.812264

Stfu newfags sage does the same thing it has always done. It never did anything different.

>> No.812265

I like this thread.

I like how /jp/ gets so passionate and crazy.

Shine on.

>> No.812274


>I don't see what the fuss is about


>> No.812270

ITT newfags get pissy because they can't handle being saged.

We go through this like every summer.

>> No.812273


Point demonstrated.

>> No.812275

Touhou is the reason we can't have nice things.

>> No.812282


Sure thing.

>> No.812293

ITT the scapegoats of /jp/'s problems.

>> No.812294
File: 125 KB, 800x565, 1213294479425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost a lot of respect for my fellow /jp/ after that SWR thread. It seemed to send a shockwave of fail through the board and the fractures were filled up with summerfags before they could heal.

I like touhou. I like shmups, I like loli’s, and I like the things imaginative Japanese artists make them do to each other regardless of how much they may like it. But the constant threads with just a ‘cool image’ and nothing else, and tendency to sage anything that doesn’t wear a silly hat, has become quite tedious.

Sometimes I wonder if I should do other things with my time than refresh a SFW image board looking for the odd interesting thread or, effectively, niche porn... But I think we can get through this /jp/. It’s not the trolls trolling trolls, it’s /jp/ collectively being so easy to troll in the first place. Just ignore that shit, even if they insult your personal taste in video games or claim wriggle has a vagina.

>> No.812315

God damn thread does not exist bug.

Fuck it. I had a nice reply going.

>> No.812313

>claim wriggle has a vagina

Well, what if we want a penis?

>> No.812316

>>I lost a lot of respect for my fellow /jp/
There never was any 'fellow /jp', just all the things kicked out of /a/.

>> No.812318


>> No.812320


>claim wriggle has a vagina.



>> No.812324

Listen kids, no matter on which side you're sucking copious amounts of cock the truth is that moot & team4chan are the ones to blame and are our real enemies. I mean, he could've made a /touhoes/ or /vn/ but no, they pitted all the shit that wasn't /a/ enough for /a/(or anywhere else but related to Japan) in something conveniently named Japan/General to generate more bullshit and be the laughing stock of mods/admins in #4chan or #raspberryheaven, just like the rest of the site

>> No.812325

I am of the opinion that Wriggle is a FtM transexual. If he doesn't have a penis now, he will soon.

>> No.812344


>> No.812356


>the truth is that moot & team4chan are the ones to blame and are our real enemies.

This much is true, anyway.

>> No.812362

Spoilers: Touhou threads with actual substance for discussion still gets beat out by Touhou threads where nothing happens except repetition of already overused jokes and imagedumps.

>> No.812355


>> No.812366


>> No.812387

>imagedumps are bad
This is an imageboard.

>> No.812392

Yeah, it's summertime. School is out!

Enjoy your summertime 4chan Anonymous! Your pain gives me immense pleasure. Hahahaha!

>> No.812398

There is nothing of substance worth discussion in Touhou.

>> No.812412


>> No.812413


Sure thing.

>> No.812416

>>This is an imageboard
C'eci n'est pas une imageboard.

>> No.812421

Well, there's discussing Wriggle's reproductive organs, and laughing at Reisen.

>> No.812424


You can try to play it off, but I know the summer hurts you more than it does me. After all, it completely floods your shitty troll niche so you'll only get a few pity replies. Doesn't have much bearing on quality trolls like me, though... just more new fish and a much lower threshold for success.

>> No.812448

I thought the threshold for success for trolls was already extremely low?

>> No.812488

Ceci n'est pas un français.

>> No.812491


Omelette du fromage.

>> No.812503
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>> No.812505

Dexter is wrong

>> No.812511


>> No.812512

Fuck that, Balkanization is never a solution.

>> No.812553


>> No.812949


Why don't you go back to /V/ Touhou IS A VIDEO GAME, retard. God, the Touhou fanbase is the male version of the kingdom hearts fanbase, full of retards.


>> No.812955

And the same amount of homosexual fanart.

>> No.812972


This is my favorite troll ever because VNs go to /v/ too, jdramas and other things go to /tv/, idols go to /s/ (Well some of them, ho ho!).

So really the only thing that should go here are the "help me learn Japanese!" threads.

>> No.812969
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>> No.812976

The Touhoes aren't even attractive, or that well drawn

>> No.812977

/jp/ stopped being decent around a week after its creation.

>> No.812987


Blank posts? As if the THREAD DOESN'T EXIST error wasn't enough.

>> No.813005

>>This is my favorite troll ever because VNs go to /v/ too, jdramas and other things go to /tv/, idols go to /s/ (Well some of them, ho ho!).
In a perfect world that how it should be.
However the userbase of 4chan is too diverse. It's like every major board on 4chan is its own little world. You're going to see different (kinds of) people on different boards. That's what's wrong with 4chan in the first place.

>> No.813007
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Go Nagai could beat the shit out of Zun

>> No.813017

fuck you, that's what makes 4chan great

go see, uhm, /fa/ (not really a major board, but whatever) and ask yourself:
- do you want them here?
- do you want to be there?
- do you want to be them being here?

>> No.813018


/m/ hijack!!!!

>> No.813022
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I like where this is going

>> No.813026



>> No.813036

That's what I'm saying.
If the userbase were as it was a few years ago we wouldn't even have boards such as /fa/ or /fit/.

>> No.813041
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Or the superior /m/

>> No.813059

Too bad subcultures don't work that way.
Accept and enjoy the nostalgia. It's all we'll ever have, now.

>> No.813086

Why is this thread still here? Oh well, few more posts till it's gone forever.

>> No.813100

Complaining about the userbase is not related to /jp/. Sure they're a collection of gigantic fuckwits, but better to say it to their faces.

>> No.813187


wana bet?

>> No.813197

I forget if it's 200 or 250.

>> No.813201


lets find out

>> No.813208

superior /m/?
it fucking sucks to the point it's unsuable.

that sums up /m/.

>> No.813211


>> No.813222

/m/ is like that group of school jockeys that laugh like retards at their own stupid jokes.

>> No.813231

So I have a question. What was so great about the board before? I dunno, I've been here from day one and it seems pretty much the same to me.

Maybe less Hatsune Miku. Maybe that's what we need! More Miku! I'll go start a thread.

>> No.813235
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Umm Reimu x Marisa hijack lol?

>> No.813240
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>> No.813245



This is /jp/

>> No.813255
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>> No.813258
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>> No.813264
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>> No.813267


>> No.813260

I happen to be a fan of "so ronery" (ronery threads), "touhou lol" (funny touhou stuff), "lol touhou hijack" (touhou fanart) and "more touhou" (talking about touhou games and music and doujins and stuff)

I think I'll stay.

>> No.813269
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>> No.813276
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>> No.813281
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>> No.813295
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