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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 300x273, Basic_Kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8113849 No.8113849 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of stupid ass country has 3 alphabets? Because you can't fit all that shit into one right? Oh wait! You can! Fuck Japan!

>> No.8113853

No one's forcing you to learn it bitch.


>> No.8113854

Does it hurt being retarded?

>> No.8113855

Kanji is simply a test to see who is worthy

>> No.8113860


>> No.8113865

lower case

>> No.8113873

How much kanji do japs know anyway? My Chinese cartoons tell me they're all stupid and don't know it at all.

>> No.8113875

>What kind of stupid ass country has 3 alphabets?

>> No.8113909

Not as many as they used to now that there's machined to remember them.

>> No.8113924


You tell me. Some of us aren't a plague on society and don't spend our entire lives in our parents basements, given infinite time to learn thousands of pointless scribbles that can very easily be replaced by using a few dozen as a foundation. There are these things called jobs and bills now a days for people who aren't autistic, non-functioning, sub-human idiots.

>> No.8113941

If you think this is bad, you're gonna hate Chinese.

>> No.8113936

It's a little known fact that all of Japan moved back into their parent's basements and quit their jobs because the earthquake destroyed all the homes and offices.

>> No.8113937

The kanji are dead simple.

My problem is the endless vocab grind
I am only around 1k words in and am pretty burned out at the moment.

>> No.8113942

Gooks excel at memorization. Their language reflects that.

>> No.8113950


>given infinite time to learn thousands of pointless scribbles that can very easily be replaced by using a few dozen as a foundation

It's more sensible for Americans to switch to the metric system. Are all Americans retarded for using imperial units?

>> No.8113955

> Are all Americans retarded for using imperial units?


>> No.8113960

No, they would still be retarded even if they switched to metric.

>> No.8113961


>Are all Americans retarded for using imperial units?

AMERICA, as a country, is retarded for using it. Yes. Are you trying to support my argument or what? If not that was a stupid ass question.

>> No.8113966

There's nothing wrong with imperial units.

>> No.8113968


>> No.8113985

no one uses cursive anymore and capital letters are only good for yelling on the internet

>> No.8113994

yes because that is exactly the same

>> No.8113993

>implying I'm not gradually learning Japanese in my spare time after I work my full-time job

They're perfectly fine for everyday measurements, but utter shit for doing science. Of course Americans are retarded when it comes to math and science anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter

>> No.8113995

Almost everybody uses cursive for signatures.

>> No.8113999

It's not 3 alphabets you autistic fuck. It's 2 syllabary and a logogram. Hiragana and Katakana are not that hard to learn. About 45 characters each. Kanji is something that is generally mastered over about 12 years. As far as learning the language as an adult, it is difficult, but not impossible. Not everything can be based in latin alphabet.
There are several reasons why they need all 3.
The biggest is that there are only about 50 sounds in the Japanese language. This doesn't leave a lot of room for creativity on words so they have a lot of homonyms.
Shasei by itself could either mean to sketch or to ejaculate. Using the kanji removes any ambiguity. Of course that doesn't happen when spoken in context, but then the writing language is unrelated to the spoken as far as kanji goes.
The other big reason is ease of reading and writing. Why would I write out Watashi in 3 kana when I can just do 1 kanji? At the same time you are able to skim over a sentence or even paragraph and grab main ideas just from the kanji. It is very helpful.
Just take some time and learn the language or don't. Nobody says you had to learn it. Stick to spanish if you must.

>> No.8114000

most people use fucking terrible mixture of print, cursive, and squiggly lines

>> No.8114001
File: 89 KB, 800x600, shot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have yet to see a graduate level student who doesn't take notes in cursive.


I think it's neither retarded nor feasible to overhaul the imperial system in the states, or re-organize Japanese into a language that's more gaijin friendly. Why bother changing either when there's a whole establishment built around it.

American engineers and clearly happy using the imperial system, and Japanese people have no problem with their language.

As for me, I'm glad minored in Japanese and took my MA in Japan. Observe the differences between this passage in the original language...

>> No.8114005

>I can't into learning
>people with time must be autistic

>> No.8114007
File: 64 KB, 800x600, shot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and the English translation that's written in the most unelegant manner.

How can you stand reading VNs with this level of translation?

>> No.8114011

Well, yeah, it's only everyday units. It's not like anybody does engineering with, like, foot-pound-force per seconds, even in the States. The worst it gets is mechanical parts made in inch size. I'm perfectly fine with my half gallon of milk.

>> No.8114022

I feel both proud and sad that I can read all of that without a dictionary.

>> No.8114024

>Thinks nobody uses cursive.
>Doesn't capitalize sentence.
>Ends sentences with no punctuation...

>> No.8114027

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8114041

I'm quoting who I quoted. Is that a question?

>> No.8114043

I always just sign X, and I've yet to be turned down.

>> No.8114049

What are you using for vocab?

>> No.8114050

OP got anal annihilated when he had to face the big bad Chinese letters during Jap 101 class.

>> No.8114053

Signing X is for illiterate people. Besides, the point of a signature is to protect you from impersonation. An X is simple to duplicate.

>> No.8114058


I think you're a dumbass who's opening himself up to fraud and other legal problems.

>> No.8114065

A signature is only needed to satisfy 500 year old laws that basically relied on people to be honest. Using signatures for authentication is ridiculous.

>> No.8114075

Is someone going to steal my Walmart credit card that I used to buy delivery chinese food (and occasionally Figs) with? I got it with a SSN that I bought from a mexican, so I'll be damned if I'm going to give it away by writing my name now.

>> No.8114073

I thought they only do this in cartoons. What the fuck?

>> No.8114081


Spoken like a true patriot. Fight on, white brother.

>> No.8114078

Ok Anon. Just leave your check book around and I'll show you how honest people are. I'll be 500 dollars honest if you let me.
You create a signature that only you can reproduce. That way if something goes wrong you can say, "Fuck you, that 'X' isn't my signature because I'm not a complete retard."

>> No.8114085

We're talking about important documents asspie. Not signing the receipt for Chinese food.
Checks, bills, contracts.

>> No.8114086

Why would I write checks? Is this 1996?

>> No.8114087


>taking classes to learn something

maximum autism levels detected

>> No.8114094

What the fuck are you talking about that for on /jp/? Get the fuck out normalfags.

>> No.8114099

I don't need to take that from some wannabe NEET.

>> No.8114101

>A room full of kids with down syndrome making fun of each other for improper eye spacing and speech slurs.

>> No.8114110


The point was that you need a lot of time to learn that shit you autistic. Even the retards defending it agree to that shit >>8113999

>> No.8114114


But you're gonna take it aren't you? You fucking faggot

>> No.8114120
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Those doubs.

>> No.8114118

Not until you suck my cock, dude.

>> No.8114132

core2k with anki

I think what would help me would be to attempt to read yotsuba or something, but the effort that would take keeps putting me off.

>> No.8114142

>What kind of stupid ass country has 3 alphabets?

Definitely not japan, as ロリあき-san pointed out

I have a job.
You are retarded.

Maybe Japanese is your second language and you are not used to learning languages?

>> No.8114139

Even native speakers don't learn all of the basic use Kanji until their senior year while using them continuously in every day use. God forbid you don't learn them all after a few nights of half assed studying.

>> No.8114175


>I have a job.

What? Being a leech? Yeah, I hear pretending to be retarded is a full-time job.

>> No.8114201

you're not very good at this trolling thing are you,
I don't think you are offending him at all.

>> No.8114216


>faggot trying to learn another language just to play porn games
>trying to defend an idiotic alphabet system that will take many years just to learn the written text
>calling others retarded


>> No.8114224

Yeah, if a guy like that is calling you a retard, imagine how dumb you must be.

>> No.8114230

>Still insists on calling it an alphabet.
>Doesn't understand the words he uses.
>Thinks he is ready to learn a new language when English is still too hard.

>> No.8114233

Does /jp/ seem unusually shitty today? You know, beyond the normal shittiness.

>> No.8114237

The board has only been up for a few hours.

>> No.8114240

The novelty of being able to post hasn't worn off yet.

>> No.8114244

I'm making a really huge effort to shit post in every thread.

>> No.8114253


>An alphabet is a standard set of letters—basic written symbols or graphemes—each of which represents a phoneme in a spoken language, either as it exists now or as it was in the past.
>knows he's been proven retard
>trying to nit-pick at stupid shit to gain some sense of idiotic superiority



That's a great argument for a 5 year old.

>> No.8114256

Look up phoneme, and then think about how retarded you look.

>> No.8114258

>There are other systems, such as logographies, in which each character represents a word, morpheme, or semantic unit, and syllabaries, in which each character represents a syllable
Conveniently leaving out the follow-up sentences you don't like sure is easy

>> No.8114271

You just prove yourself retarded in your own post Anon. A phoneme is the smallest possible unit of sound in the language.
Hiragana and Katakana are syllabaries. That is, they break the language up into syllables. Kanji is a logogram, each character represents words or ideas and can be anywhere from a single syllable to an entire word. None of those are alphabets. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
That is an alphabet because we cannot break those sounds into any smaller parts.
The more you know, fucktard.

>> No.8114280

Only the vowel sounds are phonemic, I thought.

>> No.8114287

Pretty much. After that you could break sounds like ka or so into the consonant and vowel sound of each. They don't, but there is some smaller distinguishable part.

Honestly it just shows how little he knows about the language. How about you learn the basics before you bitch about kanji being hard.

>> No.8114294


Again, retards trying to nit pick at irrelevant shit and try to move the argument away from the main topic. Great job kids! You can look things up in a dictionary! Congrats! Too bad you're still too stupid to learn how to make a proper argument. Maybe you'll learn that when you get to middle school.


>You just prove yourself retarded

Why don't you learn some proper spelling before trying to give someone else a lecture retard

>> No.8114299

Hey guys, I can be a smartass too:
Kana aren't syllabaries, they're moras

>> No.8114300

How many words are there for 'nuke'

>> No.8114306

This thread is ridiculous.

>> No.8114307


>implying anyone said anything about it being hard
>implying we aren't talking about it being time consuming

Cool projections, you just proved you're seriously fucking retarded.

>> No.8114315
File: 196 KB, 961x831, 1321083008285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to hide this thread, but I didn't because I thought it was going to die from reaching a critical mass of trolling, like most troll threads on /jp/.

Looks like you idiots proved me wrong. What the fuck is wrong with you guys.

Take this you little shitstains, pic related.

>> No.8114323

This thread has been dead since reply one.

>> No.8114327



I don't think you even understand what that word even means

>> No.8114330

Don't bitch out on your own argument just because 3 people proved you were retarded in quick succession.
>What kind of stupid ass country has 3 alphabets? Because you can't fit all that shit into one right? Oh wait! You can! Fuck Japan!
Your entire argument is invalid because they have ZERO alphabets in their written language.
Let's reform your question to something less stupid and move from there.
>Why does Japanese need 3 writing systems?
This question is a little less dumb but the answer is the same. If you knew how to read the language you would find out the answer on your own.

This is the most basic one. If ever they were to simplify things for bitches like yourself, this would be how they would write it. But they don't use this exclusively outside of books for toddlers (no jokes).
Typically they use it for simple words, particles, and grammatical conjugation.
This is for emphasis, foreign loan words and sound effects. It has the same sounds as hiragana but differentiates itself so you know that what you are reading is not a native Japanese word (in most cases)
This one is the most important. Verbs, nouns, adjectives and all the rest of the ideas get represented with these characters that can be further broken down into radicals. Radicals are the building blocks of kanji who's base meanings help you understand the kanji at large. Kanji help to remove ambiguity from a language with too many homonyms due to a lack of possible sounds (only ~45 see kana). They compress the sentences as well.
can become
It becomes even more important with larger compounds.
3 characters vs 6.5

you don't know enough about the language to make a sound argument. Just stop.

>> No.8114345

Nobody told you you needed to learn Japanese. There are tons of people translating things. Pay one of them to read your shit too you if it's too "time consuming".
roody poo

>> No.8114350

In most places, people stop posting in dead threads.

However, /jp/ is all zombies.

Just because there are people posting in it doesn't mean the thread's not dead, done, kaput, devoid of all meaning and only loosely flopping around because people won't stop raping the corpse.

>> No.8114353


>Don't bitch out on your own argument

I guess if you're a 12 year old you could think the argument was picking out words from someone's sentence and trying to tell them it's something different even if it's completely irrelevant and had nothing to do with the main discussion. Sure thing kid.

>> No.8114356


>roody poo

Haha horey shit. God-tier trolling sir, irony meter is off the charts, it hasn't been this high since Endless Eight.


>> No.8114365

You dumbass. It's morae.

>> No.8114362

>disregard entire post
>disregard rewording to something that makes sense
>still stands by non sequitur argument

>> No.8114369

English has 4 alphabets.

>> No.8114376

Out of points to argue so he resorts to name calling and ignoring all valid points

>> No.8114388


>disregard entire post
>retard started the post by claiming I was arguing about whether the proper term is alphabet, phoneme, syllabaries, etc even though it's obvious I wasn't and said it was irrelevant
>expects me to read the rest of his idiotic, imbecilic rant

If you want someone to take you seriously, you should not acting like a complete retard. I'm sure you'll learn as you get older.

>> No.8114397

What the fuck are we arguing about again? I got lost amongst all the ad hominem from both sides.

>> No.8114398

If you had read past the first 3 sentences, I mention that we can forget about the alphabet thing if you reword your question to something more appropriate. It's honestly not that much to read. Sorry I can't sum up an entire language in 2 lines of text. Like I said, you aren't ready for the answer.
If you think you are, the go read the entire post.

>> No.8114405


>> No.8114412

>Why does Japanese need 3 writing systems?
This question is a little less dumb but the answer is the same. If you knew how to read the language you would find out the answer on your own.

This is the most basic one. If ever they were to simplify things for bitches like yourself, this would be how they would write it. But they don't use this exclusively outside of books for toddlers (no jokes).
Typically they use it for simple words, particles, and grammatical conjugation.
This is for emphasis, foreign loan words and sound effects. It has the same sounds as hiragana but differentiates itself so you know that what you are reading is not a native Japanese word (in most cases)
This one is the most important. Verbs, nouns, adjectives and all the rest of the ideas get represented with these characters that can be further broken down into radicals. Radicals are the building blocks of kanji who's base meanings help you understand the kanji at large. Kanji help to remove ambiguity from a language with too many homonyms due to a lack of possible sounds (only ~45 see kana). They compress the sentences as well.
can become
It becomes even more important with larger compounds.
3 characters vs 6.5

>> No.8114423


We're talking about how only insecure, brain dead idiots can defend using kanji. Some with intelligence would understand the importance of simplicity. Making something unnecessarily, unreasonably, long and complex when a simpler solution exists is just a waste of time and energy. Sounds like something someone with pretty low self-esteem trying to gain some false sense of superiority would defend.

>> No.8114437

can become
It becomes even more important with larger compounds.
3 characters vs 6.5

>Some with intelligence would understand the importance of simplicity
>3 characters vs 6.5
>Making something unnecessarily, unreasonably, long and complex when a simpler solution exists is just a waste of time and energy.

>> No.8114443


Nobody is having trouble with it except you.

Waa waa why do I have to learn the multiplication table, why can't we all just use calculators.

Waa waa why do I have to learn calculus, why can't we just type functions into our graphic calculators and look at the plots.

Waa waa why is the world so complicated, why can't it be more simple for my sake.

>> No.8114449

More ad hominem garbage...
>unnecessarily complex....long
Have you ever tried to read pure hiragana? Shit don't make sense. Too many homonyms.

>> No.8114462

>Implying he can read ANY Japanese.
He wouldn't be asking this question if he did because he would have notices hashi and hashi mean bridge and chopsticks.

>> No.8114478


You sound pretty buttmad since none of your idiotic parody examples are even remotely the similar to the subject at hand. Not to mention calculators were invented to simplify math you fucking retard. Do you think before you post or do you just like to shit all over the place at random?

>> No.8114480


>> No.8114494

>continue to ignore any valid points against your comletely retarded topic.

>> No.8114504


>Nobody is having trouble with it except you.

>Waa waa why do I have to learn the multiplication table, why can't we all just use calculators.

>Waa waa why do I have to learn calculus, why can't we just type functions into our graphic calculators and look at the plots.

>Waa waa why is the world so complicated, why can't it be more simple for my sake.

>valid points

Wow, you really are 12 years old ...

>> No.8114509

They ended up warping several aspects of the language in order to hack kanji into working. You can't just remove it without a large amount of planning - even more than Korea had to do.
As far as complaining about Hiragana and Katakana, just give up if that bothers you. Seriously, save yourself the time.

>> No.8114513

>implying that is my post you're quoting.

>> No.8114514

So... No rebuttal, then? You're dismissed.

>> No.8114517


You're replying to troll threads way more than you should. Am I going to become like you if I become homeless.

>> No.8114534


I told you already, I'm not reading a rant by someone who's borderline retarded and thought the argument was about what the proper name for the Japanese writing structure.

>> No.8114535

Three days later, the nation of Japan ceased to use hiragana, katakana, and kanji, thanks to OP's heroic efforts at flaming it over the internet.

The collective Japanese nation breathed a sigh of relief that they were ushered into a glorious age where everything was written in hiragana, the only alphabet really necessary for their language, and cast a giant statue of OP in Tokyo Bay next to that Ferris Wheel.

>> No.8114537

I like to argue and have too much free time.
This is how I take it easy, so no, you probably won't end up like me.

>> No.8114540

I know you read it already so it's fine if you pretend you didn't. I don't really care.
I take comfort in the fact that I can read Japanese and you struggle with the idea of its 3 writing systems.

>> No.8114545


>> No.8114554

I just shat my pants in horror at the idea of reading Japanese in only kana.
The only people that want to get rid of Kanji are people that don't know any Japanese.

>> No.8114563


>I know you read it already so it's fine if you pretend you didn't. I don't really care.

I like the irony in this post. You claim you don't care and then claim I read it to make yourself feel better in some pathetic way.

>I take comfort in the fact that I can read Japanese

I take comfort in the fact I didn't spend years of my life learning a new language just to play porn games. That would be like at the bottom of the pathetic scale right?

>> No.8114571


>Modern Japanese uses a combination of:

>(1) Chinese characters

Wait, wait, wait ... doesn't Japan hate China?

>> No.8114574


To each their own. Americans consider fatherhood to be the epitome of manliness.

So unless you're raising a kid while working a blue collar job, you're considered pathetic by a large portion of the American society.


Why do you post stupid shit like this. It's like spamming DESU solely to infuriate people rather than spamming it for comedic value.

>> No.8114578

They don't particularly like each other but all Japanese 'high' culture is basically Chinese with some of their own variations. Same goes for Corea.

China was basically the cultural victor in civ 5 terms in Asia. Kinda like Rome was for Europe.

>> No.8114581

I actually never used Japanese to play any H-games. Mostly watching anime, movies, shows, reading manga and doujin as well as talking to actual Japanese people, exploring Japan and fucking a Japanese girl.
>inb4 nobody on /jp/ knows what sex is.

I'll admit, I don't know how to write nearly as many kanji as I can read. But I won't support getting rid of it. It is crucial to the language.

>> No.8114582


>Americans consider fatherhood to be the epitome of manliness.

In like ... the 1950s? What rock do you live under?

>> No.8114592


The rock that you live under.

>> No.8114600

You are already here, and therefore are in the most foul cesspool of humanity by society's standards. Feel free to argue who is sitting on the smellier mountain of shit but the end result is the same.
If you really feel the need to prove how much better you are than the other people on 4chan, I think you should spend tomorrow doing a truthful reflection of your life. Oh, and get a trip please so everyone else can recognize your superiority.

>> No.8114611

Thread summary
>Japanese needs kanji and you won't understand why unless you learn to read Japanese.

>> No.8114646
File: 455 KB, 569x928, Perfect Cool9r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8114654

The writing system was built from the beginning to use kanji, and it had a major effect on the language as a whole.Kana was always ment to be supplementry.
Any words that use their 'on' reading in daily use were obviously affected, but that barely scratches the surface. There is an entire branch of study in Anthropology on the development of asian languages from their roots in Chinese if you were actually interested in the subject and not trolling.

If all you care about is an answer in English for someone with practically zero knowledge in Japanese, that link to cjvlang is more than enough.

>> No.8114681

Finally somebody that understands!
Not only are kanji used to express words and ideas, but when combined they create new words with new meanings and readings based on the readings of that kanji.
Basically kanji is the latin of Japanese.

>> No.8114749
File: 33 KB, 354x350, pai_mei_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter if they have words with many meanings. I come from an european country and our language also has many words with lots of meanings. There's no reason why they couldn't use the latin alphabet, because you can pretty much always understand the meaning from the context.

The real reason that nobody is willing to admit, is that the japanese are just xenophobic and don't want to use anything that they didn't create themselves.

>> No.8114754


But ... they stole kanji from the Chinese?

>> No.8114787

>where everything was written in hiragana
Fuck that shit, it made Doraemon even harder to read than Umineko.
OP's idea is bad and he should feel bad.

>> No.8114795

Well the situation must have been different back then, when they didn't have any kind of proper writing system themselves.

>> No.8114807

They theoretically could, but they don't need to. I mean you theoretically could adapt english or whatever you speak to a completely phonetic alphabet, but you won't do it. People use that as a crutch to learn to read English as well, so it isn't a new concept.
Chinese characters have a very high compression of data compared to latin characters so it isn't like there aren't advantages to using them. The grammar in most Japanese texts is fairly standard so their flexible system allows authors to easily imply other meanings or contexts in writing that would be more awkward to describe without it. Chinese characters can be used to target specific connotations for words with very broad meanings.

The bottom line is, they don't give a fuck about foreigners, and Chinese and Japanese both share a common bond in both modern vocabulary and culture. If you think that the advantages for only using a phonetic alphabet vastly outweight the current one, make a real case because all that is in this thread is whine whine, its possible and should be easy, whine whine.

Keep in mind, context in writing is very hard to rely on compared to context in speech because the range of ideas are orders of manitude bigger than in speech or daily life where clarification also takes place easily and seamlessly. That would be the reason that most native English speakers are absolutely terrible at writing in the formal English style (real written English) and instead write exactly as they speak.

So why don't we change English to a completely phonetic alphabet? Our spelling system is one of the worst, and our written grammar doesn't make any sense to most foreigners (or natives) either. Also, make sure to leave none of the latin roots in during the conversion, everything must be exactly how they would be said in speech. See how that works out for you once you get past middle school level text.

>> No.8114866
File: 7 KB, 200x160, cartman spelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think that the advantages for only using a phonetic alphabet vastly outweight the current one, make a real case because all that is in this thread is whine whine, its possible and should be easy, whine whine.

I think somethin being much easier and simpler is a valid reason.

>Chinese characters have a very high compression of data compared to latin characters so it isn't like there aren't advantages to using them. The grammar in most Japanese texts is fairly standard so their flexible system allows authors to easily imply other meanings or contexts in writing that would be more awkward to describe without it.

Yeah, I admit that and it's nice, but beyond that it's just wasting resources.

>English spelling system is one of the worst
Well thats true. The people who invented your spelling system must have been high or something. However this isn't the fault of latin alphabet, it's the fault of those people that made the stupid rules. Where I come from, text is pretty much identical to speech (just like in japan).

>English written grammar doesn't make any sense to most foreigners (or natives) either.
Your wrong. English grammar is quite simple. The biggest fault that I can think of is your irregular verbs.

>> No.8114873

Some things can get away being written purely in kana, but not much. It's a fucking abysmal idea, but I think that this thread is mostly trolling.

>> No.8114877

It's the oldest troll on /jp/. Stop humoring them.

>> No.8114880

But is it older than the atom bomb?

>> No.8114887

Can anyone describe me how kanji become relevant?

I can't believe that they had no word for e.g. 散歩 or 勉強.
Importing words for such trivial objects seems to be as intuitive, productive and feasible as replacing English words with progulka and izuchenie.

>> No.8114894

Kanji became relevant because people needed to write things down.

>> No.8114904

except there were long periods and situations in Japans history where it was the norm to write SOLELY in hiragana and not use kanji at all.

>> No.8114911

While not very complex in rules, is completely different from spoken grammar and has a rediculous number of ways to vary itself because of the mishmash of culture, but only a handful of those ways are correct and even fewer 'flow' properly. Like I said, check out the differences in reading learned writing, not what you read here. White papers, proposals, modern literature, etc.

My graduate university was a pretty good one (UC LA) and a large number of students failed to show any writing ability beyond the high school level even in graduate school. Its really an illusion of simplicity. My native language is not English, though I learned English by experience in the US, not formal study.

The bottom line is you think it is simple change, but it really isn't. Removing them isn't even close to easy, they are bound within the spoken language as well. The coupling between Japanese and Kanji is several times higher than it was between Hangul and Korean, so the planning required would be enourmous. Read that cjv site that was linked earlier for a general overview, or go look up the evolution of language in your local uni's anthro department. Either way you will see how the addition has already made Japanese much more complicated that it was originally - removing them now and replacing them with kana is not even close to viable. The whole writing system would need to be overhauled.

>> No.8114912

I'm glad Japanese has kanji. Keeps all the lazy weeaboos from learning it and I feel superior.

>> No.8114917

Their whole system is descended from Chinese. As far as anybody knows, they had no writing system of their own previous to that.

>> No.8114919

Hiragana wad both considered feminine writing, and is derived from calligraphic kanji itself.

>> No.8114921

Hanja, but the point is the same.

>> No.8114964

well yes, but genjimonogatari proves that if you wanted to, you could write japanese using a simpler system.

>> No.8115011

It's ironic that Vietnam is the only Asian language written in Roman script. the commies did it to spread literacy, but Vietnamese is tonal, like Chinese.

Korean & Japanese is closer to Western languges than Chinese.
Only thing keeping Japan still using Kanji is history.
(Also no one wants to be the first generation to write like retards.)
US should've forced them to quit Kanji after the war.

>> No.8115021

...and yet literacy rates in Japan are equal to the majority of the world. The problem isn't learning kanji for natives, it's lazy foreigners having to learn chickensticks.

>> No.8115032

Okay, well go ahead Japan, and keep using your pathetic writing system. It's not like I care, baka.

>> No.8115038

I still don't think you're grasping how much of a pain in the ass it is to read, but sure.

>> No.8115090

>Korean & Japanese is closer to Western languges than Chinese.

English - SVO
Chinese - SVO
Korean and Japanese - SOV

English - Analytic
Chinese - Analytic
Korean and Japanese - Agglutinative

English - Stressed
(Mandarin) Chinese - Stressed
Korean and Japanese - Unstressed
