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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8112873 No.8112873 [Reply] [Original]

>Search engines
>Illegal in America
>Land of the free

>> No.8112877

>Implying it will even be enforced if it's enacted

Last I checked piracy is illegal yet I haven't gotten a single court summons after years of doing it.

>> No.8112880

>Keeping the money you earned
>Illegal in America
>Land of the free

>> No.8112896

I think piracy's actually still a civil offense, but I could be wrong.

>> No.8112901

to be fair taxes, are needed to run a country and shit, but honestly it would be easier if they were taken straight out of your pay
if you don't enjoy taxes go to Somalia and tell me how you like 3rd world anarchic internet connections

>> No.8112902

Sucks to be you amerifags...oh wait.

>> No.8112913


>> No.8112940

Hong Kong has ultra low taxes and also ultra low unemployment

>> No.8112944

HK doesn't exist in a vacuum either

>> No.8112966
File: 86 KB, 512x512, dattsukasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not piracy, that is a criminal act, it's copyright infringement, which is a civil violation.

Really, it's hardly even copyright infringement-it's unauthorized copying that is distributed for free, which is just about the most innocuous form of infringement.

Piracy is just a buzzword to make it sound more heinous and grave than it is, so people sign stupid bills like this.

>> No.8113231

Does this affect america's hat?

>> No.8113233

This law is going to make it a lot easier to jail you, ban websites with objectionable content from even popping up and for them to trace your IP. This is serious, stop playing around and send your reps an email or click the link at the top of the page.

This effects everybody, /jp/ more so since much of the content posted here would be the target of the law. Stop you're shit posting for five seconds and sign the goddamn petition. It may not do anything but when your children asks if you tried to save the internet as we knew it you'd answer with a yes.

>> No.8113234

If this bill gets passed we'll never have to see another shitty green text thread again.

>> No.8113235

It wont go through, just like every bill like this.
Its like them trying to ban video games again.

>> No.8113237

I already did, thank you very much. Brb, posting Sena.

>> No.8113242

>your children

>> No.8113247

i really hope all yankees get banned on most internet sites. it will be like heaven...

>> No.8113253

well internet,Its been...
A beautiful ride...

>> No.8113254

This is a good thing for us. America will be less exposed to non American filth.

>> No.8113255

Nothing will happen.

>> No.8113257

I sincerely hope that this passes.

Why complain when you have nothing to hide?

>> No.8113259

I agree. We should have citizens paid to follow elected officials, watching their every move.

These citizens should also watch them while they sleep, and breathe heavily. Also while the elected official showers. And these watchers should check their underwear for smell/wetness.

>> No.8113261

even if it passed how would you arrest several million people

>> No.8113263

Wait, what? Arrest? What's that all about?

>> No.8113267

You wouldn't. It's called non-enforceability. You hope that you arrest some egregious offenders, try them in a kangaroo court, and everyone gets the message and stops.

Just like drug laws, it won't work, because you can't criminalize/felonize non-violent behavior and have the criminal justice system survive. When we're all criminals, it's okay to be a criminal.

When rule of law is ignored, everything crumbles to dust.

>> No.8113268

Fuck you America, why do you ruin the fun for all of us?

>> No.8113270

It's not about hiding something, it's about simply watching a Youtube video. Essentially if you watch a music video (or any movie with copy-righted material) on Youtube you will be considered a "pirate." All it will take is someone bitching to get an entire site down and the owners thrown in jail/fined.

>> No.8113274

Look I signed the petition because I agree this is all dumb. But would it really be beneficial to write someone? I don't know enough and haven't done a sufficient amount of research to really know what I'm talking about when it comes to political matters like this. I know it's relevant to my interests, but writing an ignorant letter would make me feel like those 99% protesters who didn't know their shit and thought numbers alone would change something. I don't want to add to the thought that only dumb internet kids oppose this bill. Unless you guys think that sheer numbers of letters and emails would be enough to stop the bill regardless of their quality.

>> No.8113279

Big brother is watching.

>> No.8113284

They don't have to arrest you. But they'll black list the site and it'll go "away". Think about what's happening in china, something like that.

>> No.8113290


Can't websites just move their servers to another country to avoid it and to not affect users in another county?

>> No.8113293

The 1950s are coming to the internet.
The days of big brother are coming.

>> No.8113296

so an isp can claim to "enforce" it when all they do is put a paper thin wall over the internet and just say hackers did it whenever someone manages to visit a blocked site

>> No.8113299

You don't have to make it wordy.

Something like:

"I am a concerned citizen of voting age and I am against the proposed SOPA act because of the negative implications it has on our freedom of speech and the negative effects it'll have on the internet community and jobs therein.

I urge you to take position against this bill and oppose this draconian attack on our freedom of speech."

Hell, just copy paste what I wrote in word, check for grammatical errors then send it to your rep and senator.

>> No.8113303

You wouldn't download a car

>> No.8113304

So this could shut down sites like Youtube and Facebook? Sounds good to me.

>> No.8113305 [DELETED] 

You know, everyone is against this because it has an apparent disadvantage to them. Does nobody realize that all that is going to be illegal is already illegal? You're not allowed to watch a tv series for free on the internet but of course nobody will sue you for this. Yet.

Does it make this legal? No it does not. It's simply impossible to track. It's like saying you can murder someone and it's okay if nobody will find out it happened.

So many people break the law and then still have the nerve to complain that this legislation breaks the law as well? It's pathethic.

>> No.8113306

Draconian is a little hammy don't you think?

>> No.8113311

Doesn't matter. The user base in America won't get to even see the page.

>Youtube accused of copy right infringement
>Black list the site.
>No Americans will be able to see it.

They know they can't punish all the pirates out there so they are moving to step two: punish the websites in charge of the sites .

>> No.8113314


Youtube and facebook are bigger than any other entertainment industry, they wont allow let it happen.

>> No.8113320

Facebook is a Zionist honeypot of control for the NWO.

The blue and white logo similar to that of the Israeli flag was a beacon and incentive for a young Jew. It basically said "I HAVE THESE PEOPLE'S INFORMATION AND I GET PAID BY ADVERTISERS TO SPAM THEM WITH ADVERTS AND I CAN DATAMINE 1 BILLION PEOPLE - INVEST NOW", and so he became an extremely rich Jew, almost overnight.

People who have a real Facebook are like fish in a barrel.

Youtube is potentially as bad, it tracks your interests.

Also, the USA is shit. No one but retarded dipshit patriots argue otherwise. They're owned by Jews like the rest of us. Except they're trying to keep their guns which the Jews are trying to take away to stamp more control on the world.

Put your guns to use, Amerifriends. Find some Jews and put them out of our misery. I hear there are lots of them in NY and the Freemason-dense areas in the North East. Wall Street, too etc.

>> No.8113321

Google was the only one that had representatives at the hearing today. From what I hear Youtube and Facebook lobbyists weren't present

>> No.8113322


won't let it happen*

>> No.8113330

>So many people break the law and then still have the nerve to complain that this legislation breaks the law as well? It's pathethic.
The sites that host these things are innocent. The law is targeting them and punishing them simply because they can't go after pirates.

And piracy being bad is a completely whole other ball game that I don't want to go into. but it looks like the music and movie industries are butt angry because they can't afford to pay actors and musicians the millions of dollars they get yearly. Oh look, youtube videos with copyrighted music is making lil wayne so poor he can't afford his gold grills and boo fucking hoo Justin Beiber can only afford ONE ferrari instead of ten.

Fuck that noise.

>> No.8113344

I thought Google owned Youtube. Wouldn't they be represented together?

>> No.8113347
File: 2.82 MB, 800x3155, SOPAinfographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an info graph explaining why this is a horrible horrible idea.

>> No.8113360

Hollywood is run by Jews. People deciding that paying $1 to "buy" 1 song is stupid have forced the Jews to make more laws taking power away from "consumers".

What kind of backward retarded world do we live in, when you have to pay gold to some Jews (who take 99% of it for themselves, and give 1% to the artist) to listen to sounds? If artists want to make a living from music, they should go on tour. Live music is almost always worth paying for. This excuse of charging money for songs is pure greed, and an excuse for mediocrity. If people made music for their love of it, people would go to see live performances. Digital downloads shouldn't be frowned on. In fact, it gets your music distributed to a lot of people that way. Instead, a lot of people make music because they picked up a cheap synth keyboard and got a shit haircut and decided to sign to a label for some money.

Youtube started charging money to watch Rebecca Black - Friday. This was months ago. That's when this whole thing started to get worse. It isn't going to get any better. Until capitalism (read: Jews) goes away.

>> No.8113370

Ah, I forgot about that. Then yes, they were both represented. I've only seen a few clips today while /jp/ was down. Overall the Congress has been pretty cold to all the opposition to the bill.

>> No.8113397

Of course they wouldn't listen to reason. They have already been bribed to pass the bill.

>> No.8113406

I am campaigning against this bill because if it passes, Alice will go to jail for streaming anime.

>> No.8113412

Some of the smaller groups weren't even allowed into the hearing.
