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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 675x607, jnbgii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8112003 No.8112003 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8112007

i went to that site like an idiot and then closed it when a navigation-disabling popup appeared claiming that it had been blocked. i don't really care what it was, i don't deal with sites that allow that.

>> No.8112005

What's Cogress?

>> No.8112009

And thus, we know why idiots keep getting elected.

>> No.8112011

That bill would be fucking sick if it got passed.

>> No.8112012

I don't care, just remove that stupid banner so 4chanX works again.

>> No.8112013


>> No.8112014

Do you even know what you're saying retard?!

>> No.8112015
File: 24 KB, 600x450, 2342425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adblock the image you stupid shit.

Is that so hard?

>> No.8112018

Isn't it a kind of rice porridge?

>> No.8112019

That sad part is the act is perfectly legitimate, I just oppose it because I like not paying for shit.

>> No.8112024

>Implying the internet isn't a sovereign entity

Sure, you could TRY to annex the internet, I guess.

>> No.8112021

I understand that most of the internet will be shut down.

>> No.8112022

Get a browser that doesn't suck. Works for me.

Sure is attacking the mechanism, not the people who abuse it.

>> No.8112027

China does a pretty good job of that.

A lot of people agree that its intentions are perfectly legitimate. It's the provisions that a lot of people disagree with.

>> No.8112028

I hear the internet was never really meant to go public.

>> No.8112037

No more free porn sites
No more illegal downloads

>> No.8112035

I literally wouldn't buy any media if it wasn't for hearing it first off places this bill would outlaw.

They literally think this is good for the country.

>> No.8112049
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, saten dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my face when after having to pay for animes

>> No.8112061

I guess I'll just have to buy Mexican internet then ヽ('ー`)ノ

>> No.8112064

--Easier routes for restrictive and right-denying legislation to pass

>> No.8112082

Stock up on your porn, we've got a long winter ahead of us.

>> No.8112094

I tried but it's still there. Assist me.

>> No.8112095

Surmising the flow of Comiket will be obstructed by this are you?

>> No.8112102

Didn't work, asshole.

>> No.8112103

I hope this bill be doesn't get passed. The fucking PS3 hasn't been fully cracked yet, this will screw things over even more.

>> No.8112108

The backwash from this Bill being passed with outweigh any "positives" that come from it.

>> No.8112111

>The Senate Judiciary Committee passed the bill, but Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) placed a hold on it.[4]

I'm glad I have congressmen who sometimes do good things.

>> No.8112128

are people really so anxious to have their rights taken from them? especially for the sheer possibility(i stress this word) that some people may make more money?

>> No.8112155

Either way, this will most likely be shot down. This isn't the first time they have tried to censor the internet.

>> No.8112167

I'd be surprised if there are any "people" who support this legislation. It's just the businesses and organizations that stand to profit from it. Them and their billions of dollars and armies of lobbyists.

>> No.8112195

Who are the only people that matter to them.

I'm surprised a bill like this didn't pass ages ago.

>> No.8112198

An adblock filter for that dumb banner is:

cancensorship.org/images/stop-censorship-small.png);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;"]

>> No.8112203

Sometimes I wish they would break the internet, then I can stop thinking about it and everyone can move to darknet. Its going to happen eventually, you know it.

>> No.8112213

I honestly never remember that banner exists until someone mentions it. The amount of time I spend looking at that area could be measured in femtoseconds.

>> No.8112216


How many times have you eaten bread?

>> No.8112230

Except the only darknet worth a damn is Tor and even that is horrendously slow.

>> No.8112232

You guys. Please sign this.

>> No.8112234

But what if they put me on a list of some sort, that could be bad. Being put on lists makes me nervous.

>> No.8112236

I've already signed it. Although it means jackshit.

>> No.8112245

If anything, internet companies like Google and Yahoo who would lose from this will fight it. I find it laughable that anyone thinks "signing" some website will make a difference.

>> No.8112247

As long they can't shut down P2P we are fine.

>> No.8112255

Not american, but this suck, like this thing about CP in europe because of feminist.
I seriously hope this will never get accepted.

>> No.8112260

>I find it laughable that anyone thinks "signing" some website will make a difference.

Even if it means jack shit. Just sign it.

>> No.8112264

You are already on a list. Signing this may help out or things can go from bad to worse for you.

>> No.8112293


Wait for p2p to go to shit once Americans stop being able to access community websites.

>> No.8112345

Yes, we know.

>> No.8112400
File: 168 KB, 850x1069, lainisnotamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual; fuck congress and their bullshit.

Is their really any question that lobbying has created a democracy that has only corporations as it's constituents?

>> No.8112463

Congress is the opposite of progress.

>> No.8112501

>Stop Online Piraicy Act
>The first half of this legislation addresses fighting rogue websites, and would make unauthorized streaming a felony.

Everyone with an internet connection is going to prison if this passes.

>> No.8112603

But the thing about darknet is, the more people that use it, the faster it is. If you had the entire country on darknet, it would be around 80-90% the speed of the normal internet.

>> No.8112630

Is it just me or is the bar getting bigger over time?

>> No.8112648

It seems like it is. Maybe when it's time to for the bill to come to a vote the bar will cover up the ad completely.
