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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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810955 No.810955 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss the problem of nigras in japan

>> No.810960

Is it a foreign exchange student or a professor? Give the average Japanese girl's height, I'm a little conflicted.

>> No.810964

Ugh. The motherfuckers are everywhere.
When will they just kill themselves off?

>> No.810969

>>ITT, stormfro/n/t


>> No.810972

This dude who always moans about stormfront is on here every hour of every day, just waiting for someone to be 'raycizzt'.

>> No.810973

nigras are a problem everywhere they go. They rape, rob, kill and don't have any manners. Its not a coincidence that africa looks like it does.

>> No.810977


Obviously it's one person who never sleeps or eats.

>> No.810979

Yes we know it's you you butthurt boon.

You are hated everywhere you go and with good reason.

>> No.810980

>逃げる (nigeru)
>to: escape, flee, shirk, evade, set free

Nigeru originated from the word negro/nigru.

Basically when they see one, they would escape/flee/run away/etc.

>> No.810981


Bet you've never seen a gypsy in your life.

>> No.810983


Nigger sailor to be tried for murder.

>> No.810986

Is that Azrael?

>> No.810987


don't get me started on gypsys, the scum of the earth.

>> No.810990

>>Now that /n/ is gone, I'll just move into /jp/ without enough persistence!

Yeah, Go back to dodging bans.

>> No.810992

I never frequented /n/ at all, it was a shitty board.

Is it so hard to understand that a lot of people just don't like blacks in general? The conduct of military niggers in Japan is proof enough of that.

>> No.810993


>> No.810994

Azrael is the biggest nigger ever. Goddamned cunt is too lazy to update even once a month.

>> No.810995

The belief in racial equality is faith-based to begin with and is not grounded in facts, evidence, or logic. Therefore, no amount of facts or proof would be enough to sway these true believers.

Just as proof of God's nonexistence would be met with claims that God fabricated such evidence to fool people, proof of negro inferiority is always met with claims that an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient white entity is somehow manipulating the evidence to test the faith of egalitarians.

Evidence which proves that races are inherently different already exists by the boatload, but historically speaking it takes a long time for religious beliefs to yield to facts. The Catholic Church didn't officially admit that Galileo was right until 350 years after his death. I expect it to take at least that long for egalitarianism to reach maturity and admit at least some of its mistakes.

>> No.810999

>Now that /n/ is gone, I'll just move into every other board on 4chan without enough persistence!

>> No.811002


Sure you didn't.
Try harder, /n/igger.

>> No.811004


same nigger is same.

>> No.811006

/n/ was a great board, I didn't see the point of removing the politics/news board just because there were a few racists in it.

>> No.811007

It's funny how niggers always blame the environment for their failure. In terms of natural resources, Africa is maybe the richest part of the planet and these "people" are dying of starvation. What is it about Africa that makes it uninhabitable for them? Is it the air? Grass? Are the trees keeping the black man down? Rocks don't care about black people? Sand is racist?

Now, let's put these same people in USA... wait, what is this! Again the environment is against black people! Evil air! Evil houses! Evil WHITE MAN! These are the things that make ghettos dangerous!

>> No.811011

You mean the Japanese would run away because they are terrified of all foreigners?

>> No.811015

Niggers claim that their shitty existence in Africa is whitey's fault. Whitey stole all the natural resources of the land (as if it's possible to 'steal' the earth's ability to grow crops) and split the continent up to cause niggers to fight each other all the time.

Even on their own continent, niggers blame whitey for their failures. But the fact is that no matter what situation niggers are in or what part of the world they are in, niggers consistently fail. This fact has remained true throughout history and is evident by the present-day status quo. No matter where they are or what their present condition, niggers will invariably FAIL. They do not improve or advance at all. In fact, when niggers get together they destroy and denigrate and they do not stop until they have beaten down their existence to the point where they are crawling in the dirt and living in crude straw huts.

Can anyone reading this prove me wrong? Can anyone show me ONE single area in the world or in history where a dominant population of niggers have created a living situation that is better than a toilet bowl? No.

This nonsense that niggers are equal is a LIE.

>> No.811019

Barack Obama hasn't failed. He managed to become the first black nominee.

>> No.811020
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oh god this thread makes me thing of this

tl;dr stormfront isn't good for much except some lulz now and then

>> No.811021

http://dis.4chan .org/newpol/

Sage and report, people!

>> No.811022

While the niggers are everywhere and kill everyone they seem to make a more respectfull then gypsy. Gypsy are lazy, they never work they just leach of children support since they usually have about 20 children and they all live in one house. They are the mafia without the elegance just shitty stinking people that have IQ about 10. They also never wash or something since i havent met a single gypsy that i could smell from 10 meters away...

>> No.811023


>same nigger is same.

Also, probably a few more in there.

>> No.811026

for president

>> No.811027

1 black person cancels out the fact that blacks have the highest crime, std, single parent family and murder rates out of any ethnic group... Keep trying egalitarian... Keep trying... One day you'll get somewhere.

>> No.811029

You only say that because your population of niggers is low at the moment, when it rises you will realise how bad the negro is. He is an animal.

>> No.811030


I'm the guy posting the copypasta, try again chocolate-face.

>> No.811032


>> No.811034

Let's stick to the topic. Nigras in Japan.. Not nigras everwhere.

>> No.811035

lol social construction.

>> No.811036


And I left out the copypasta.
Now go back to stormfront, I hear they love you over there.

>> No.811037
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you are the smartest racist in this thread, please tell me what are Obama's shortcomings and is he worse than McCain

>> No.811039

That wasn't him. That was the white men promoting him to overseer.

>> No.811042


>> No.811043

/jp/ - Politics

>> No.811045

I like Obama but I hate niggers in Japan. What now?

>> No.811046


You have to start by knowing that such a thing as "human races" isn't even for certain a "grounded fact" anywhere outside of America

>> No.811047

Obama is a faggot. Ron Paul was our only hope.

>> No.811048

>/jp/ - Politics

is that what you really think is happening in this thread?

>> No.811049

apartheid and nazism is politics

>> No.811051

Now I understand.

4channers are not the ones who separate themselves from society, society simply kicked them out.

>> No.811052

Ron Paul is not black, though. The black man is the only type of person with the ability to revive America right now.

>> No.811056


For once, I ought to agree with Croatia.
People keep taking the piss out of us Europeans on account of being flooded with arabs and blacks, but whereas they *can* behave and overall provide some ever so cheap manpower for every local factory in the need, you'll never be able to say the same about gypsies.

>> No.811053

It's a little bit of boht.

>> No.811054

Living standards for Bantu Blacks such a life expectency, educational standards and crime rates plummeted after the end of white rule. How do you explain that one eh?

Are you denying South Africa is a shithole? Are you denying Chimpabwe is a shithole?

>> No.811055


>> No.811057

You cant honestly believe that....


is not a viable platform.

>> No.811061

I've often thought it must be really humiliating to be black, I mean, it's not just the massive crime rates (the vast, vast majority of which is targetted at whites by a disproportionate amount even relative to population). It's the fact they feel they have to DEFEND any blacks, if a black is arrested for murder, they DEFEND him, even when the evidence is so clear that he is guilty. Blacks simply cannot shoulder responsibility for their own racial failings, so they blame the white man. He is their scapegoat for everything.

>> No.811067

I remember this copypasta

>> No.811074

i'm not denying anything douchebag, least of all something that obvious

all i'm saying is neo-nazi kids, apartheid and post-apatheid massive fail are politics

>> No.811088

South Africa prior to the ANC fucking it up had more black millionaires than the rest of africa put together, black workers had everything from health insurance to state pension covered by the state, the most black lawyers, teachers and doctors....

It was the ANC that fucked South Africa up. It was the whites that built it and created the country with the best living standards for both blacks and whites.

>> No.811091 [SPOILER] 
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Pic related to OP's

>> No.811096

If you think about it hard enough, you'll realize there isn't any difference.

>> No.811098

How can you claim black people are inferior when they are so clearly superior at raping?

>> No.811099

zomg torrent plz

>> No.811111 [SPOILER] 
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that is why japan is full of them

>> No.811113

The only equality between all humans is potential. All people have the same amount of potential to shape the world from birth, it is the situations people encounter that reduce or remove that potential.

>> No.811114

superior japanese getting fucked by the worst breed of foreign scum is my sexual fetish

>> No.811121 [SPOILER] 
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i wish i knew where to get this from

>> No.811125


Egalitarian idiot.

Study heriditability of IQ.

>> No.811128


>> No.811131


Read "The Mismeasure of Man" by Steven Jay Gould.

IQ is primarily "heritable" because families full of idiots tend to bring up their kids as idiots, too.

>> No.811134

No no, I don't base my opinions on facts, sorry.

>> No.811140


Exactly, ignorance breeds ignorance...

However potential is unlimited....

>> No.811144

And Gould offers no explanation for the studies of twins brought up in different socio-economic households maintaining the same IQ levels.... He's a moron and an egalitarian.

>> No.811155


I don't even think there were enough such studies to make a statistically relevant sample.

>> No.811158

Yessss.... Of courrsssseee! Genetics plays no role! It plays a role in EVERYTHING else, yet how could it possibly play a role in innate intelligence? That would shatter my egalitarian worldview! Better engage in confirmation bias to prop up my pseudo-science.

>> No.811165

Right, do you even read New Scientist? The study has been largely accepted, the most recent one was done about 2 or 3 years ago, there have been plenty of others.

Even the APA agrees that intelligence is at least 60% hereditary in adulthood. But nothing I or any reputable study can say is going to sway your religious convictions to egalitarianism. The thought that not all races are equal is so shocking it merits a defensive tactic I thought limited only to fundamentalist religious people.

>> No.811167


Let me guess, you think skull size correlates directly with intelligence too?

Might I suggest you find a time machine and head back to 1870? That's the last time your methodology was accepted as "science."

>> No.811171

>Right, do you even read New Scientist
>read New Scientist
>New Scientist


You'd have more credibility if you got your information from a respected publication rather than the scientific equivalent of the National Enquirer.

>> No.811191

Now you're resorting to absurd strawmen.

Let's see what your worldview is compared to mine:

Everyone is born equal in terms of intelligence. Intelligence is the one single factor that genetics has no effect upon. Everything else from eye-colour to susceptibility to infection is somewhat genetic, yet intelligence is the ONE and ONLY part of the human makeup that genetics plays no role in.


Because "All races are equal and if the science said otherwise then my worldview would collapse."

Now let's compare that to my view:

Intelligence is partially genetic, partially environmental. IQ tests show, in every study ever done, that the genetic role increases a child approaches adulthood. The APA puts the figure at 60% hereditable. Others put it at 80%.

>> No.811188

/r/ link for this study (or at least one legitimate source gunning it down)

I find it hard to believe twins being brought up in considerably different enviroments scoring the same points

also I saw this (obviously anti-IQ aimed) documentary that had a korean upper management guy who had taken an IQ test as a kid in the 70s and diagnosed a life-time janitor

>> No.811196

>also I saw this (obviously anti-IQ aimed) documentary that had a korean upper management guy who had taken an IQ test as a kid in the 70s and diagnosed a life-time janitor

Wow! Your one anecdotal example cancels out years of research!

Get back to picking cotton for fuck sake.

Oh, and here is the link to the most recent study:


>> No.811197


I doubt it also; while *intelligence* might be heritable, IQ is an absolutely atrocious measure of intelligence; even its INVENTOR stated that it should never have been used how it was and that it was not at all accurate as a general intelligence indicator.

That's the problem with a lot of this: people still use a 100-year-old metric for intelligence whose inventor insisted it sucked.

>> No.811200

>Oops! Better reel off some absurd trivia to make it sound like I know a lot about science! Vote Obama!


>> No.811202

>IQ is heritable
does not imply
>Intelligence is heritable
because it has been widely proven that intelligence isn't the same thing as IQ.

>> No.811203

>IQ is heritable
does not imply
>Intelligence is heritable
because it has been widely proven that intelligence isn't the same thing as IQ.

>> No.811204

Reported for /n/ bullshit in /jp/.

>> No.811206
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Hahahaha, oh wow!

Now you've lost the argument, you resort to the 'BAWWW, IQ IS WRONG!' bullshit.

>> No.811207


This. What the fuck kind of faggotry is this.

>> No.811215

copypasta is copypasta is copypasta. you're the same idiot that posted this crap in that obama thread earlier this week aren't you? gbt stormfront you community college reject.

>> No.811214


I tripped when I got out of bed this morning, and there was bad news in the media about Iraq this morning.


>> No.811219


This thread consist entirely of people being trolled by copypasta.

>> No.811220

I love the way you reel off textbook sayings without knowing what they mean.

Sorry nigger. The sooner you stop arguing with SCIENCE the better. Correlation does not imply causation, but when the correlation is as great as the chart shows, then there is either causation or one of the greatest coincidences in history.

>> No.811222

The persistent /n/iggers on /jp/ really make it hard for us decent, respectable nigger-haters. Seriously, fuck, why does this shit always pop up on /jp/? And most of it is copypasta.

I guess I blame them far less than the stupid faggots who get so riled up by them and thus cause them to stay. I know there can't be more than a few actual niggers here, so why the fuck are you white weeaboo motherfuckers so determined to defend niggers against fucking everything? God, we probably got both sides of old /n/.


>> No.811224

Why do black americans have the lowest number of college graduates of any ethnic group?

It's like when you call white people 'fat', do you realise 'african americans' are the most obese ethnic group in the US too?

>> No.811225

I have nothing to do with this discussion, but just out of curiosity, what science magazines are good?

>> No.811230

Anyway, believe what you will. IQ is a solid science -- it is the most accurate and scientific measurement in the field of psychology. People who attack IQ are doing it out of idealogical reason.

This attempt of social liberals and egalitarian to discredit IQ is really the same thing as the vicious effort of the religious right and Creationists to discredit Evolution. It's an ultimately furtile attempt to use "pseudo-science" (like Intelligent Design) to attack and discredit real science just because the real science does not agree with your idealogy and offends what you want to belief. Anyway, I've made my point, so I move on.

>> No.811234

>General cognitive ability (intelligence, often indexed by IQ scores) is one of the most highly heritable behavioral dimensions. In an attempt to identify some of the many genes (quantitative trait loci; QTL) responsible for the substantial heritability of this quantitative trait, the IQ QTL Project uses an allelic association strategy. Allelic frequencies are compared for the high and low extremes of the IQ dimension using DNA markers in or near genes that are likely to be relevant to neural functioning. Permanent cell lines have been established for low-IQ (mean IQ = 82; N = 18), middle-IQ (mean IQ = 105; N = 21), and high-IQ (mean IQ = 130; N = 24) groups and for a replication sample consisting of even more extreme low-IQ (mean IQ = 59; N = 17) and high-IQ (mean IQ = 142; N = 27) groups. Subjects are Caucasian children tested from 6 to 12 years of age. This first report of the IQ QTL Project presents allelic association results for 46 two-allele markers and for 26 comparisons for 14 multiple-allele markers. Two markers yielded significant (p < .01) allelic frequency differences between the high- and the low-IQ groups in the combined sample-a new HLA marker for a gene unique to the human species and a new brain-expressed triplet repeat marker (CTGB33). The prospects for harnessing the power of molecular genetic techniques to identify QTL for quantitative dimensions of human behavior are discussed.

>> No.811238

With some dodgy data drafted by some opinionated pseudoscientist as "proofs", even Phrenology can be proven true.

>> No.811248

I'd say there are niggers on /jp/ but they're the 'I'm so intellectual because I go to a bog-standard shitty college and read Malcolm X's racist drivel'.

Kind of like that niglet from the Boondocks.

>> No.811246

The highly controversial world-wide IQ study doesn't tell you if the colored individual you see walking on the street is dumber than you, but it will tell you why Africa is a shithole and why Jews have survived since ancient times.

>> No.811252

No, I'm a proponent of some races simply being more intelligent than others, I think the science is behind it. But today's Jews are Ashkenazi Jews. They aren't related to the ancient Jews. And yes, they have ridiculously high average IQs, which is the precise reason they are so successful.

>> No.811264


This is the proof that these trolls have nothing to do with stormfront. No real racist would ever say good things about jews.

You're all getting trolled by a Zionist conspiracy of copypasta.

>> No.811265

ITT Reification

>> No.811267
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This thread obviously isn't going to die until it hits autosage, so I'll help it along the good old fashioned way.

>> No.811268
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>> No.811271

Actually, I graduated from a pretty decent university and have never read any of Malcom X's books, to be honest. You were close, though.

Oh, and I hate Boondocks.

>> No.811270
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>> No.811272
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>> No.811277
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>> No.811278

>today's Jews are Ashkenazi Jews
>ancient Jews

You're all getting trolled so hard.

Fuck, get this /n/ bullshit out of /jp/ faggots.

>> No.811279
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>> No.811280

I'd say the whiteys are a bigger problem in Japan.

>> No.811282
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>> No.811283

Don't go yet! Tell me: how would you as the dictator of the world handle the negro issue? In Africa and America?

>> No.811284
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>> No.811287

Sage, report/hide, ignore.

>> No.811291
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>> No.811295
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>> No.811296
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>> No.811299
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>> No.811301
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>> No.811305
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>> No.811308
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>> No.811311
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>> No.811312
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>> No.811313
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>> No.811313,1 [INTERNAL] 

fuck nigs 14/88
