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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 97 KB, 800x600, 487a4cb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8109337 No.8109337 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8109346
File: 155 KB, 1023x640, Down with the kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am playing the greatest OELVN ever made!


>> No.8109352

www such a weaboo xDD

>> No.8109353

I tried the trial of 七つのふしぎの終わるとき today.
It was actually pretty good, I'm expecting a lot from the game.

>> No.8109355
File: 249 KB, 800x600, 1f9d2201ebdc75c05434164e2d86648d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually trying to get to Shiori route, but ended up in Makoto route instead.
It's not the first time that this happens to me.

>> No.8109357

I want to play Kanon so badly ;_;.

Too bad the damn thing doesn't work.

>> No.8109364

the version from erogedownload should work fine. What's wrong with your Kanon?

>> No.8109394

Strangely I can't paste/modify the patch file. Nothing I've tried works.

>> No.8109399

I'm going through Tsukihime for the first time, I bet it's going to be long as fuck. Also downloaded Hatsukoi, I really love imouto games.

>> No.8109400

just dumping both the translation files and the voice files in the Kanon folder was enough in my case. What exactly doesn't work?

>> No.8109406

Stukihime isn't long, just somewhat boring/repetitive.

>> No.8109419
File: 73 KB, 564x578, kanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8109431

that reallive-patch.exe puzzled me to no end. I don't even remember executing it.

>> No.8109465

Great pic op

>> No.8109536


It's not like you'll miss anything out.

>> No.8109595
File: 1004 KB, 1040x614, Kanae is banging hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished forest this weekend. I really liked how diverse and engaging the pacing of the game was, it was a genuinely interesting title. On the other hand, I think I appreciated it much more after reading every article on the wiki to figure out what was going on. For some things, like what exactly the forest itself and Kako and Nozomi's relation were really difficult to grasp in my play through because, imo, they explained facts like that in a very convoluted fashion. I'm sure I'd of/will have a better impression when I play the game a second time.

In the mean time, Muramasa and Oretsuba every day. Currently playing Kanae's route, and Chapter 4 respectively.

>> No.8109604

Kanon is great to see the actual origin of many trends.

>> No.8109635

look at this faggot, he doesn't like sad girls in snow.

>> No.8109700
File: 68 KB, 292x500, 1137510151248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of faggot doesn't like sad girls in snow?

>> No.8109706
File: 504 KB, 640x480, kanon rori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, at least those guys love 'em.

>> No.8109711

Playing it for anything else is just silly though... ugh that game did not age well

>> No.8109714

Snow=blue skies

That's horrible.

>> No.8109726

It's not like the skies are always grey in snowy places, just when it snows.

>> No.8109742

In Kanon it's always blue.

>> No.8109762
File: 81 KB, 600x450, b50708e75a9e564976eda2daa97d97de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only Nayuki route was better. Nayuki is love.

>> No.8109799

Air however did.

>> No.8109826

I liked her route, actually contrasted with the others because itwas mroe down to earth.

>> No.8109861

Er you need to have ownership of the files and folders relevant to do that. Are you even the administrator? If you are, then give yourself ownership of the folder.

>> No.8109876

Kara no Shoujo

Just had sex with that crazy doctor for some unknown reason. I have no idea where I'm headed to since I don't use a walkthough.

>> No.8109898

I've done that.

>> No.8109911
File: 41 KB, 369x509, adminz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god,fuck me.

>> No.8109912

UAC should kick in when copying the files over... saying that tho Vista's implementation is much less refined then 7's

open expolorer.exe with admin privilages, or temporarily turn off UAC

>> No.8109914

Clearly you don't have permissions for something. Either make sure you have ownership of Desktop and its sub folders, copy the folder elsewhere (like c:\) or make sure it ain't read only. Also run as admin etc.

>> No.8109936

>or make sure it ain't read only
What do you mean by this?

>Either make sure you have ownership of Desktop and its sub folders

I don't see why I wouldn't have ownership.
I checked too....Perhaps I'm 'checking' wrong.

>> No.8110324

When you open properties there will be a checkbox under the general-tab for read only. Probably not what your problem is anyway. Try installing it just under C:\ though, and not under a user.

>> No.8110432

I was thinking about playing Baldr Force, do you recommend seeing all the heroine endings in the same vein as Sky? Is seeing the ones named after the heroine herself enough?

>> No.8110698

So I beat CROSS+CHANNEL and didn't really like it. The idea behind it is kind of interesting but it was just too repetitive. I also didn't really like the characters.

Snow Sakura was simple but fun. It's nothing super great but I enjoyed it.

Tsukihime is a very good game and I had tons and tons of fun playing it. I think it's better than Fate/stay night.

>> No.8111225


>> No.8111311

I find translated VNs even more insufferable than dubbed anime. Every single translation I've come across is written in grade 5 English, so it's a fucking chore to read through hours upon hours of bland narration and dialogue.

Should I install Japanese Windows on a separate drive to play VNs? It seems like the only solution. I have yet to see an English Windows compatibility patch that's NOT a translation patch.

>> No.8111338

Is this copypasta? It's retarded enough to be one but I'm too drunk to tell for sure.

>> No.8111339


...If you're going to play in Japanese why do you need a patch? Just set your locale to Japanese and install it.

>> No.8111340

Just set system locale to Japanese. Most VNs will work, there's very few that actually require a Japanese version of Windows.

>> No.8111400


I can't install Japanese because I have Windows 7 Home Premium.

>> No.8111414

You only have to change the system locale.

>> No.8111418


>> No.8111536


>> No.8111550

Playing Eve burst error.

>> No.8111596
File: 72 KB, 800x600, fs-n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for your help guys. It's so much more gratifying to read it this way.

Feels bad that there will never be a professional translator with an MA in English who can express VNs as poetically as the original.

It's not like anybody plays a Type-Moon game to fap in the first place right? It became popular because of the story.

>> No.8111662


Troll detected, please get out.

English fan translations have been universally accepted as being better than Nasu original script.

>> No.8111697


Care to post the translated version of that screen for comparison?

>> No.8111700 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 526x600, Idoun10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm friends with Zun!bar

>> No.8111705


Sure, it's gonna take a few minutes to re-install the mirror moon patch.

>> No.8111722
File: 55 KB, 800x600, fs-n_eng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you go

As you can see, the translation is lacking a poetic quality which is clearly evident in the tone and style of the original Japanese script.

>> No.8111740

I hope there's more Prismatic Princess info yet. Part of me is scared incase in turns into some big NTR fest where all the heroines get fucked by some random dudes.

>> No.8111756


>Part of me is scared incase in turns into some big NTR fest where all the heroines get fucked by some random dudes.

Welcome to Japan. Roppongi business owners bring Nigerian dudes SPECIFICALLY for letting NTR-moe businessmen watch their wife get gangraped in 3 holes by black cocks.

>> No.8111789

Whenever the Never7 English patch comes out, I'll read that so I can finish the whole trinity of garbageness.

>> No.8111827

Are there any moege as good/similar to 恋愛0キロメートル? My luck with moege seems to be very hit and miss.

>> No.8111849


the million dollar question

>> No.8112025

So I'm playing Kamidori and I think Cthulhu just joined my party. How exactly does this bigass motherfucker only take up one battle space like a little girl?

>> No.8112068

That's not even the biggest party member you can get.

>> No.8112226

Assuming you haven't read them before, Parfait, Konnyaku and anything by the same writer is generally regarded as great.

>> No.8112738
File: 153 KB, 795x597, eiichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished G-Senjou Maou earlier after having ignored it for so long.

I was pretty disappointed with the fact that Maou turned out to be Kyousuke's brother and the fact that there was no route or even an h-scene for Yuki. Also, I thought the rest of the routes were pretty underwhelming compared to Usami's.

All in all it was a pretty good read, though. The interaction between the protagonist and this guy was especially awesome.

>> No.8112761

I was bored so I decided to do Hana's route in this...

It was quite awful. Basically the whole thing is they are dating but Hana wants to wait for the right time to announce it? So they finally decide to say it at the party at the end, but without them really saying that they are dating the game just ends. So I expected the epilogue to at least take place after they had announced their relationship, yet they STILL haven't? And they are still dating in secret? So dumb. I should've just stopped after Nokia.

>> No.8112937
File: 240 KB, 1024x576, capture_16112011_142214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Midori no Umi and accidentally got into the twin route (the choices really don't seem to make sense so it's pretty random), though I'm not really complaining.

My heart was never ready for this HNNNGG!

>> No.8112957

The writer(s) didn't know how to end her route, that's for sure.

>> No.8113138
File: 117 KB, 747x397, Kanon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8113176

I told you to put it into C:\ not program files... and anyway, also try going into properties>compatibility>and checking the box 'run this program as administrator'.

>> No.8113307

That would be where it was originally....

>'run this program as administrator'.
Tried this too.

>> No.8113310
File: 391 KB, 640x480, 既成事実.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though Hime's route was horrible, I am now quite liking the game.
Now there's only Pamu, and Eimu's wich I expect to be the best one.

>> No.8113312

Oh well. Never play Kanon then I guess.

>> No.8113944

I'm not a fan of how choices work in Midori no Umi. I'm following a guide and I still have missed some choices that were supposed to show up somehow.

>> No.8114083
File: 144 KB, 816x638, kusoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to play it on your recommendation, but I will unfortunately have to uninstall this.

>> No.8114601

Good sir, I truly recommend that you give it more of a chance. You shan't regret it.

>> No.8114657

Eimu's is pretty cool in my opinion.

>> No.8114686

Why would you need a guide anyway? The tarot cards tell you everything you need know. New choices pop up after clearing sme endings.

>> No.8114688

Going into these threads makes me wish that there's a single torrent batch for all the VN's you guys are reading. I'm too lazy to have to go to vndb then nyaa for each game.

Rant aside, I'm starting Grisaia. Heard that the MC makes lots of American pop references and the girls seem alright.

>> No.8114702
File: 24 KB, 250x300, 5524-1509966789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, awesome girls.

>> No.8114724

Yeah the girls in Grisaia are great. They take autism moe to the highest levels.

>> No.8114730

Is there any statistics out there showing even a rough estimate on how many eroge have been made? (Ignoring doujin eroge, fandiscs etc)

>> No.8114729

Aside from all being funny I find myself genuinely interested in the backgrounds of every single girl. Which is surprising to me. I'm not through with it, but it's been a great experience so far. The MC is a haughty asshole who is tiring to listen to (what MC isn't...) but he can be quite funny sometimes.

>> No.8114778

I did not know LLVM frontends could make sounds.

[Why is a VN making a reference to LLVM?]

>> No.8115007

I can't see how anyone could dislike that scene unless they hate fun. Part of what makes Konnyaku great is how it executes harem cliches in humorous and refreshing ways.

>> No.8115034

The poor guy is locked in a highschool with 5 mental bitches and tries to make the best of it.
Normal people just do what Yumiko did and lock themselves in their rooms browsing porn sites all day.

>> No.8115921
File: 1.35 MB, 2871x3585, 8597802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Makina so much

>> No.8115963

where can I download eroge torrents?

>> No.8115966

If the two bills pass, you won't be able to.

>> No.8115970

I used to get them from hongfire, but now I can't seem to find anything. What the hell?

>> No.8116661
File: 181 KB, 800x785, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muv-Luv Alternative OST Vol. 1 in FLAC, seeding at the speed of light^-1.

Not exactly the right thread for this, but I don't want to start a music/OST upload thread for this single album.

Vol. 2 and kanji cue sheet for Vol. 1 coming tomorrow or this weekend.

>> No.8116684 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 803x602, akaaka 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Tsubaki's route in akaaka (doujin game, no H and all that).
So depressing, god. I thought by the general mood it would be a bit more cheerful, but no.
At least I now know what to expect from the rest. His actual bad end in the last choice was pretty twisted too.

>> No.8116883
File: 212 KB, 1024x576, capture_18112011_021746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck man..?
Midori no Umi's route order sure is fucked up.
Looks like I ended up in the true route after finishing twin and Sara routes and two bad ends, without ever touching the other heroines'.

I mean, the culprit is revealed, new characters are introduced and hella lot of another spoiler info is shown in a matter of minutes, like I was already supposed to know all this...

Geez, did I skip half the game or what?

>> No.8116918

Pretty much.
You need to choose the wrong choice every time you can.

>> No.8117395

Played Kara no Shojo and loved it.

I want to play Midori no Umi but it's in Japanese. Ah, well.

>> No.8117416

And that, my friend, is why you use a kouryaku even if you don't need it. There are too many games out there that will fuck you over if you don't do it in the right order.

>> No.8117419


While I'm here, I can't find the OST for the VN anywhere, only the anime. Anyone know a place?

>> No.8117444 [DELETED] 


You can extract the music from most VNs yourself with extractdata. I haven't tried it on Demonbane but it's worth a try.

>> No.8117449

Someone uploaded it here before,
Search the archives

>> No.8117477

Ah, I found it.

>> No.8117509

Anyone using chiitrans? OCN keeps giving me sass and google as well. Systrans works alright though.

I even got the .exe from the site that said it will fix itand still problems. Is it just me?

>> No.8118305

Delicious. I can't wait until February.

>> No.8118313

Had to fill my nightly nukige quota so I randomly tried ツマ×ヘヴン

Fucking casual sex everywhere. I can't fap to this

>> No.8118314


『D.C.III ~ダ・カーポIII~』



>> No.8118379

>Fucking casual sex everywhere.

Downloading this very fucking instant.

Chiitrans isn't meant for getting displaying a translation, it's going to be shit regardless - use it as a crutch to help you read through the horrible mob of kanji.

>> No.8118547

『しりこん☆まじっく ~産まれる前からあなた専用?!~』

『ぜったい猟域☆セックス・ロワイアル!! ~無人島犯し合いバトル~』

softhouse-seal GRANDEE/ADV/2012年3月


『リア充催眠 ~リアルが充実する催眠生活始めました。~(仮)』

>> No.8118555

Wait, what? Weren't they going to do a remake of IM1?

>> No.8118602

Ah, fuck me sideways. I don't really feel like finishing this anymore...

>> No.8118612
File: 6 KB, 298x169, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8118629

Highschool AND card battles? They better make it shitloads of fun because the premise sure as hell makes me want to hammer my balls on the keyboard.

>> No.8118733

Not the first time anyway.
Kozukuri Banchou turned out fine.

Though I wish they'd do a Himegari sequel (story wise) instead.
What happened to the Ikusa Megami 1 & 2 Remake anyway?

>> No.8118736

>casual sex
Is there a tag for that I can search for on getchu/egs?

>> No.8118916

same reaction from here. But I'll wait official site and more info before making my full opinion.
Also where the fuck is the official announcement of IM Remake, tought that would be their next project, but oh well maybe they are producing them side by side or this might be Anastasia game too as that is their sub-brand and feel more like it.

>> No.8119007
File: 131 KB, 802x638, Screenshot - 11182011 - 04:44:18 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanned through my backlogs, saw Quarttet!, with the english patch right next to it. Quickly finished it.

>> No.8119453
File: 161 KB, 800x533, 201111190208404d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8119457

Recently finished soshite ashita no sekai yori which I give a 8/10. Also finished School Days HQ version yesterday (100% complete) and I gotta say even though story wise it's not that special the visceral pleasure it gave me was enough for me to also rate it 8/10. Now looking for something new to read, I like drama/slice of life/modern day stuff. Anybody with a suggestion?

>> No.8119458
File: 181 KB, 800x533, 201111190208393f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8119468

f you haven't read grisaia, give it a go.
I really have a soft spot for card games, and the art seems to be good.

>> No.8119514

art looks as delicious as always and the system looks like it could be fun. I wonder if this takes place somewhere in Eushully-verse or if it is just some random present day+magic setting they made for this game.

>> No.8119604

which is better for downloading eroge, PD or share?

>> No.8119615

Playing Umineko. Just got to episode 2...was sort of losing interest for a bit there but the stuff in-between the episodes caught my attention again, so here goes.

Just finished Cross+Channel and A Profile. Liked both.

Looking forward to...Shikkoku no Sharnoth

>> No.8120029

I also enjoy School Days but sometimes people give me a hard time about it.
Share is probably better for finding older stuff.

>> No.8120679

Going to read Kikokugai's remake, I think.
Had it sitting on my harddrive for a while now, so I might as well.

>> No.8120688

whatever, i'll play it anyway
is it bad that I thought grisaia was awesome and hilarious but have gotten bored the second the heroines talk about their tragic backstory (so far having gotten a little past that point with sakaki and then switching to michiru )

>> No.8120907
File: 306 KB, 883x1200, B005Z2UWVA.09.MAIN._SCRMZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8121785

Yumiko has the worst route in the game, Michiru's route is good but weird so don't do it immediately too.

Do Makina or Amane, they are considered as the best and are written by the guy who did the common route so expect more hilarious and awesome stuffs

>> No.8121821

Quick question about KKK, so it takes place after Marie's route in Dies Irae but before Rea's route?

>> No.8121831

Technically in neither. It takes place in some weird mix of Marie and Rea route where Ren goes for Marie but he still goes berserk like in Rea's and makes allies with Rusalka and some others.

>> No.8122067

It takes place in the southern US.

>> No.8122153
File: 54 KB, 400x300, scg07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my evening cut out for me.

>> No.8122187

Any VNs you guys would really strongly recommend?

What I've played:

+ Fate/Stay Night
+ Saya no Uta
+ Ace Attorney 1-4
+ Snow Sakura
+ Cross Channel
+ Kara no Shojo
+ Little My Maid
+ Tsukihime
+ Kagetsu Tohya

I can't speak Japanese.

>> No.8122197

Basically sometime after Marie's route the main antagonist of KKK appears, in the regular timeline he's eventually defeated at great costs, Mercurius before dying reboots into Rea's route.
KKK is what would have happened if he'd manage to reach the throne.

>> No.8122198

Well you can't really be picky around translated visual novels. Give Swan Song a go.

>> No.8122202

Canvas 2 and like the other guy said Swan Swong. If you really like VNs you should consider learning to read Japanese, you'll drown in choices.

>> No.8122234

Do many VNs use kanji? Anway, thanks (>>8122198, too). I'll give those a go.

>> No.8122237

Some do, it's pretty much a small clique though.
Most VN's use the cyrillic alphabet.

>> No.8122694

Hmm, thats too bad - Makina is awesome, but I'm not into loli-types, and Amane never caught my attention. So, apparently the two heroines I'm least interested in got the best routes ;_;

>> No.8122713

Sachi's route is pretty good too but it's basically the "nakige" route of the game.
So if that's not your thing

>> No.8122747

Amane didn't catch my attention either, but god if her route wasn't good.
Same with Makina, I found her annoying, but her route made up for that.

>> No.8122995

>Sample cg
>All ero scene
Nice advertising

>> No.8123031

I actually found Michiru's route to be the most enjoyable one, only second to Amane's. Didn't much care for Makina, though her route had some pretty awesome sol sections.

>> No.8123055

The routes of Amane, Michiru, Makina and Sachi all have their own merit and are actually pretty different from each other so I could see people liking Sachi or Michiru better.
The only weak route is Yumiko's that only felt like a worse version of Makina's route.
Though Yumiko can be pretty moe.

>> No.8123129

wow, you're right - that is a pretty lifeless translation

It's almost nothing like the original

>> No.8123459

Oh shit, I've been looking for a download for that for ages. Don't suppose you can tell me where you found it? Unless you bought it, of course.

>> No.8123594

That sort of thing is seriously difficult and well beyond most amateur translators. It's often not possible to convey literal meaning of the original words while maintaining the original tone. Professional translators of novels will sacrifice "accurate" translation of every single sentence in exchange for a better reproduction of tone, but amateur translators aren't good enough writers + aren't getting paid to try.

>> No.8123613

I still have the links from when I found it.
use jdownloader, it should work.

>> No.8123637

I always prefer to read a localization that's full of life and reads well instead of a clunky direct translation. TL Wiki may get a lot of shit for what they choose to put in, but I'd rather read one of their translations than something that reads awkwardly like >>8111722

>> No.8123748

I'll bite and just say that most TLWiki projects are full of shit like that as well.

>> No.8123782

Mainly because there's a difference between a better reproduction of tone as >>8123594 said and just overlocalise and meme usage.

>> No.8123822

People who complain about translations annoy me. These people are working and doing this for free yet you complain the translation isn't good enough? If it actually mattered to you then learn the language and read the original.

>> No.8124064

People who pretend they are good enough to translate annoy me. These people aren't working to help other people enjoy these projects, they're working to inflate their epeen. All they do is ruin what could have been a great experience.

>> No.8124077

Sure, but you should still recognize people who translate well compared to those who do a sloppy job. Most of the people 'complaining' are those who can read the original, anyway, since they're the only ones who can make the comparison.

>> No.8124091

I don't know, from my experience it seems most complainers are those that don't understand Japanese.

Otherwise they'd point out bigger more fatal flaws instead of focusing on an inconsequential meme or two.

>> No.8124094

/a/ is a big mess right now, so I hope you don't mind me bringing over something from a Little Busters thread here.

>>I'd prefer to play the one where you get to fuck the girls

>No, no you don't. The H-Scenes in Ecstasy are terrible. All it will do is lower your opinion of the characters and make you feel really, really awkward.

I was just wondering why the makers would decide to put in H-scenes in the game if they are so bad that "they would lower my opinion of the characters". Does anyone else agree with that? Even the Kudo Wafter after story game ended up being an eroge. If there was negative feedback to extacy, why would they make Kudo Wafter an eroge as well? Was trying to cash in on lolicons worth alienating other potential customers?

>> No.8124109

the only negative feedback is from prudes on 4chan, in Japan Ecstasy sold more than the vanilla version because most eroge buyers aren't deathly afraid of seeing porn in erotic games

>> No.8124110

If there's ever a choice between ero and non-ero versions of a game, I always go with the eroge version because it's more realistic. People who are in love have sex. That's how real life works.

>> No.8124137

Ero is holding back the potential of eroge

Didn't you get the message.

Besides, didn't Ecstasy add a ton of content aside from the h-scenes anyway? The script size for Ecstasy is 50% larger than the original at least

>> No.8125074

>Most of the people 'complaining' are those who can read the original
I highly doubt that. Wouldn't they have something better to do, like read VNs in Japanese, rather than complain about a translation they will never read?

The ero scenes in LB are shitty, most certainly. But so are all Key ero scenes. They just aren't erotic in the slightest.

>People who are in love have sex. That's how real life works.
Most people in real life do not have sex immediately after saying they like one another. And regardless, why would you want it to be realistic girls anyway? Next you're going to tell me you prefer most heroines not be virgins because it's more 'realistic' that way.

>> No.8125342

>I highly doubt that. Wouldn't they have something better to do, like read VNs in Japanese, rather than complain about a translation they will never read?
I believe that many of us are annoyed with all the English-only people complaining about the writing in VNs when they only read sloppy translations.

>> No.8125351
File: 144 KB, 800x600, FGSY06D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakurai, Harumi as Saya
Why would you NOT be aroused by her voice?

>> No.8125399

>Most people in real life do not have sex immediately after saying they like one another.
True, usually people have sex before saying they love each other.

>And regardless, why would you want it to be realistic girls anyway? Next you're going to tell me you prefer most heroines not be virgins because it's more 'realistic' that way.
The difference is that couples not having sex in fiction is unrealistic in a dissatisfying way, usually. It signifies a lack of romantic development, similar to if they never kissed.

>> No.8125420

Well yea. It annoys me when someone reads a translation and then complains about the Japanese author's writing. But it seems silly to complain that English translations may read awkward or something. The translators are doing their best (usually) to give back to the community. Don't bully them so much.

>is unrealistic in a dissatisfying way,
Maybe for you pervert. Most of these characters in question are kids, who have never kissed, never been in a relationship, etc. It is not unrealistic in the slightest if they do not have sex immediately after confirming they like one another. I have numerous friends that have dated multiple girls for weeks, that won't have sex until marriage. It is hardly as unrealistic as you are trying to paint it.

I think you just want to see lewd scenes and are trying to make up an argument to make it seem there is more to it than that.

>It signifies a lack of romantic development
No. It doesn't. What are you even trying to say? You can be in love with someone without having sex with them. And you can have sex with someone without having romantic feelings for them at all.

>> No.8125456

Started オトミミ

Kon and Mayoi are pretty cool. The heroines' personalities all seem to match their respectful animals. Unfortunately the protag is a super generic nice guy so far.

>> No.8125489

I'm trying to say that things like holding hands, kissing, and having sex contribute to the development of the romantic relationship between the protagonist and heroine. A relationship devoid of any physical component whatsoever would feel fake and shallow. The line is often drawn at sex because people are uncomfortable with it being depicted too openly but that doesn't mean it can't play a role in romantic development like a kiss does.

I won't deny that I enjoy lewd scenes most of the time, but that's not all there is to it. I'd even take an unarousing ero scene like one of Key's over none at all because for me they serve more purpose than just fapping material.

>> No.8125494

>contribute to the development of the romantic relationship
Sure, but I could only see that if the relationship has been going on for awhile. In LB!EX, one route for example (Sasasegawa Sasami's), at the very end pretty much it's "I love you" "Prove it" *sex scene* it's absurd, and hardly realistic at all.

>> No.8125501

Good thing Little Busters was never realistic.

>> No.8125509

Little Busters is the most realistic VN ever to be made. Sometimes I got confused as to whether I was looking at my screen at a VN, or looking through a window into the life of a group of friends.

>> No.8125525

>you likes eroscenes with lolis, you pervert

Sure is Christiananime around here.

>> No.8125529

I am sorry that I am somewhat conservative.

>> No.8125535

Since it's being discussed, I'd like to chime in as well.

Properly translating any work is something that very few men/women are capable of doing at a level where the original writer's voice and tone are left intact. This is not something a pack of amateur rogue japanophiles can convey with very little training and education.

But then again, a lot of people have no appreciation for a story well told. I suspect these are the same people who would rather read pancake crystal elder than learn another language.

>> No.8125543

Great point, and I agree.

I think you might've posted this in the wrong thread though.

>> No.8125570

Sakura is Zen from Hau~ Omochikaeri~! trollblog, it's pretty damn obvious.

>> No.8125579

We're nothing alike.

>> No.8127050


>> No.8127549
File: 177 KB, 800x600, sillyhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The silliest of hats.

Keine is the EX-boss of silly hats, she doesn't count.

>> No.8127565

I don't know why, but I want to kill that hat.

>> No.8127578

Is that the sideways-haired senpai from Akane-iro?

>> No.8127587

Yes, it's the kaichou. I don't really know what you mean by sideways-haired.

>> No.8127633

I meant her gravity-defying hair extending brazenly to the sides.

>> No.8127661


>> No.8127660

Oh of course. Her hair occupies six times as much volume as her head. They trim it three times a month to keep it tame.

Once, they let it grow freely for a couple years just to see what would happen. They say Tokyo has never been the same since.

>> No.8127666

And the hat is a power limiter.

>> No.8127705
File: 218 KB, 800x600, minacchi vs mitsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we can see a skirmish over disputed airspace on the Minato-Mitsuki border.

>> No.8127708
File: 569 KB, 1024x578, Excitement..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Muramasa at the moment, finished Kanae's this past Friday. This game is quickly becoming/already is my new favorite game, the previous of which was Subahibi, with the exception of Oretsuba, which I've been enjoying just as much, albeit for different characteristics it possesses that Muramasa does not. I'm absolutely infatuated with Muramasa's speeches, the dialogue in powerful moments, the discourse on justice and the nature of revenge in Ichijou's and Kanae's route, is some of the most powerful text I've ever read in any literary context. The sheer force behind the words is overwhelming. Combined with the elegantly narrated battles, and simply awesome events, the experience so far has been irreplaceable.

I'm going to keep playing this until I get to Chachamaru's ending/mini-route, and then I'm going to put it down until I can really sit down and soak up the ending, i.e. during winter break. I'll be playing Baldr Sky Dive 2 until that day comes, of which I'm reading all the flashbacks for Mako's route.

>> No.8128470

I've been wondering. Is there a translation tool (in the vein of chii-trans and TA) that, instead of using an english dictionary/JDIC for looking up words, instead uses entries in Japanese dictionaries, like GOO-jisho, to give you the definitions of japanese words in japanese? As a learning tool, I can't help but imagine that would be more effective

>> No.8128525

It is a good way to learn, but I don't see why you need a specific tool to facilitate it. I personally use a Japanese dictionary to look up all words I don't know just because a lot of the English definitions are bad or don't explain in nearly enough detail.

>> No.8128566

It's mostly because it would be extremely convenient. I keep TA running even though I don't require it simply because if I slip on a word, the definition and reading is right there for reference instantly, as opposed to having to manually enter it into a dictionary. Furthermore, if I run into a kanji I don't know, having to guess its reading based on its radicals, or worse having to search it up via its radicals, is time consuming, so I always have ITH running. Being able to integrate a Japanese dictionary into that process would simply be much more efficient and convenient than manual entry.

Of course that wouldn't stop me from using Japanese dictionaries anyways, would make life easier though

>> No.8129502

I have a question about Muramasa (Kanae and Ichijou route spoilers only)
In chapter 3 Kageaki killed an odd number of people, Misao's father, Misao, and Kanae or Ichijou. When you add in that he killed the hatched egg and George in Chapter 4, who did he kill to offset Ichijou/Kanae if they were killed at the end of chapter 3? The only way I can wrap my head around this, is that killing the hatched egg "didn't count", but I don't know the basis for that. By the way, I'm only up to Chachamaru's appearance in Muramasa's route, so if the answer to this question is contained in something I haven't read, please point it out in your response

>> No.8129523

I had Symphonic Rain on hold for 1 year now because of its slow start, but I just finished every route some minutes ago.

God damn, that was really powerful. Thank you /jp/ for recommending it.

I also read the lyrics of all the songs while listening to the whole Rainbow album. I shed some tears, couldn't help it.

>> No.8129528

>I also read the lyrics of all the songs while listening to the whole Rainbow album
Sorry, saying "I listened to the whole Rainbow album while reading the lyrics" makes more sense.

>> No.8129536

Playing: Skyrim, F/E, RF: ToD (kinda; it pales in comparison to the other two games)

Anticipating: Atelier Mereru, Neptunia 2 (never played the first one, but this one seems much better received); apprehensive about FF VS. XIII given SE's recent track record, but kinda looking forward to it, too

Recently finished: Radiant Historia the people who said that their handling of time travel wasn't nonsensical were full of shit; its still a great game, though)

>> No.8129616

You seem to be lost. This isn't /v/.

>> No.8129928

Misao didn't die when Avenge was stopped, Kageaki either kills her or Kanae/Ichijou for killing Suguru just before.

>> No.8129936

First of all, you can play through chapter 3 without killing Kanae or Ichijou, killing only Misao and her father. If you do kill one of them, Misao survives, and the number of deaths is still 2. Then pretty much the same thing happens in chapter 4, with George and the egg instead of Misao and her father.

>> No.8130014

Come to think of it now that you mention it, I remember Kageaki explicitly narrating that he killed her when neither died. it seems I mistakenly assumed Misao was a victim when I read that part. Thank you for pointing that out.

>> No.8130274
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>> No.8130404
File: 643 KB, 781x789, Aterial1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noticed that too, looks nice. I want trial already.
also is it just me or is there pretty high DFC ratio in the heroines, none of them seem to have big boobs.
waiting warmly for more information, was bit put off when heard it was school thing first but theres enough fantasy around to it pass for me, and when the "other" world is probably Eu-verse, so all is fine for me now.

>> No.8131365
File: 124 KB, 640x360, sample03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of upcoming gameplay eroges. Material Braves getchu page had quite bit of update. seems like its gameplay will be somthing similar to Duel Saviors

>> No.8131376

As long as it's fun, I'll play it.

>> No.8131392
File: 76 KB, 600x450, sample04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it's made by Team BaldrHead so it's pretty much taken that it will be shit tons of fun

>> No.8131402 [DELETED] 

>somthing similar to Duel Saviors
I haven't played that, care to explain? Is it something like the old 2D Tales of games?

>> No.8131404

I didn't play duel saviopr, what's the combat sytem like?

>> No.8131407

I just borrowed Dante's Divine Comedy because of all the references in Kara no Shoujo.

I hope I manage to finish it, I've never read poetry before.

>> No.8131418

The divine comedy is fun to read.

>> No.8131448

Haven't played them yet myself either, but to my knowledge they are 2D action RPG, youtubing the game confirms this.

>> No.8131483

Just completed Amane route in Grisaia. Left quite a few questions to be answered, even though it was the best route thus far (4/5 done, Yumiko left).

What is up with the letter in Amane's bad end, is Kazuki actually alive? I heard that we'll see more of her in the upcoming games next year, but will that be a flashback or something set in the present?

>> No.8131502

I'm playing Kara no Shoujo for the first time, and it's pretty wierd. I just died, and I have absolutely no idea what went wrong, because the game gives no hints whatsoever.

So, my only choice is to start over and choose different answers randomly, hoping this time it would work, because it isn't clear what all those possible choices would result in. And I'm not sure I want to do that. Doing a bunch of trial and error save/load session on order to continue doesn't sound like my kind of fun. I would use a walktrough normally, but this game is about doing detective work, so that would kinda kill off half the fun the game has to offer. So, I'm kind of a loss at what to do.

>> No.8131509

No one knows.

>> No.8131530

Waiting warmly.

>> No.8131577

They're brawlers, not RPGs. The only stat progression or change is that your super bar gets longer.

>> No.8131589

It's similar to Tales of Destiny, minus RPG elements. Except Tales of Destiny's gameplay was much more redeeming.

>> No.8131599

If you want the answer wait for the sequel.

>> No.8131615
File: 471 KB, 1280x960, 1321898968203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking about Grisaia.
Meido Yumiko

>> No.8131617

It's more like Smash Bros since the controls are basically identical.

>> No.8131619
File: 484 KB, 1280x960, 1321898984609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makina, super badass

>> No.8131624 [SPOILER] 
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M training of Amane

>> No.8131631

I dled swan song since I wanted a VN with a christmas/winter theme.

If I start it today how much should I read per day in order to complete it by christmas eve?

Are there any other VNs that would be good to play around the holidays?

>> No.8131635

Yumiko should stop browsing those webs.
Though being into cosplay has its advantages.

>> No.8131642

Try Kanon.

>> No.8131644

We had a winter/christmas thread no too long ago.
Kanon for example is usually popular.

>> No.8131651

quickly checking Duel Saviors are labeled as action games, and Material Brave is labeled as Action Roleplaying game, so I'd think there will probably be bit more stats and such this time around. trial can't come soon enough so we would see

>> No.8131678

They're pretty much a fighting game engine with cancels, parries, OTGs, scaling, etc, but the battles in the games themselves is always 1-4 characters in your party (the AI is terrible) vs a bunch of enemies that spawn constantly or a boss.

>> No.8132927
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>> No.8133809

Another Lovely X Cation Append Life has gone up.
I'll upload it if anyone wants.

>> No.8134249

G-Senjou no Maou is the obvious choice besides Kanon, and Remember11 isn't set during the holidays, but it has winter imagery.

>> No.8135246

Why not Oretsuba?

>> No.8135256
File: 69 KB, 512x512, 056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played through Swan Song a few times trying to see the different endings. It was fun, but I didn't any of the characters. The UI was also pretty awful.

I think I'll play Canvas 2 next.

>> No.8135385


>> No.8135534

Gah. Da Capo III confirmed for all-ages, Twinkle Crusaders PSS delayed a month... Not a good week for VN news.

I can already see Zen's smiling face at that sentiment.

Mitsuki and her gravity-defying hair are great.

>> No.8135564

Just play Da Capo III, and then switch to another Da Capo game's H-scenes when you feel one should be good.

>> No.8135589

well those are bummer, but we got more info for Soukoku no Arterial and Material Brave, so it isn't that bad week for news

>> No.8135672

>Not a good week for VN news.
standard delays and a franchise few people here even care about going all-ages is hardly bad news

>> No.8135786
File: 1.72 MB, 766x1865, aterial_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what do you guys think about Soukoku no Aterial now that the general premise and system is revealed?
Gameplay wise I doubt it is quite as polished as Kamidori was, but it seems it could be plenty of fun as always. also it's Eushully first card battlan game so interesting to see what they will do with it. Plotwise disregarding the school thing, it seems it can be better than Kamidoris plot was, most likely it wont be IM-level goodnes, but it seems it could be good if they manage do the two world thing well, altough not keeping my hopes too high.

>> No.8135796

My biggest problem with this is myself.
I always create the most retarded decks, as long as the cards themselves look pretty.

>> No.8135883
File: 507 KB, 736x665, Aterial3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh I know that problem, I have that often too. just like in RPGs I end up using the shittiest characters because I like them more than the better ones. I see it as challenge instead of problem

>> No.8135937

I really can't unsee the Haruhi ribbon

>> No.8136108

I hate card game stuff so I guess I'll be skipping it

>> No.8136287

>also it's Eushully first card battlan game
Uh, no it's not.

>> No.8136305

fuck, can't unsee it now either. I don't want to see shitty Haruhi in my delicious DFC loli imouto.

what was their first then? I can't remember them having one before that really could be called one

>> No.8136424


>> No.8136468

oh right, I guess Kuutei Senki could be considered one. altough it's more like SLG which uses cards to represent actions/items/etc. rather than being orthodox card battlan with card decks and fields like there seems to be in Soukoku. but won't say much because haven't actually played Kuutei, just seen some vids and read the description, but thats how I saw it. also Kuutei is defined as 砲撃バトルSLG and Soukoku as ユニット編成型カードバトルSRPG
well this is pretty nitpicky thing, and really doesn't matter in long run. as Soukoku will be completely different gameplay mechanics wise atleast, so atleast in that sense it could be said as their first

>> No.8136610
File: 253 KB, 1024x576, 1321803509541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new eroge by the maker of Gothic Delusion looks delicious

>> No.8136622

that looks nice. I wonder if it will have as crazy production values as GothDeri had

>> No.8136677
File: 113 KB, 700x300, natuha_720x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not keen on that girl's character design, but this one looks pretty delicious. And she seems to have a twin, which is always nice.

Still, I don't think she is quite as cute as Ro or Yayoi were.

>> No.8136726

Yes it does. I can not wait, GD was pretty awesome. Though i hope this one is longer.

>> No.8136888

So I was looking at some eroge ranking in Nico to get some idea for my next eroge and I saw one called いつか、届く、あの空に pretty high in this ranking.

Anyone read it here? It looks interesting but the rating in egs is pretty average

>> No.8136910

It's Moogy's favorite eroge ever and it's fucking impossible to read for most of us, even those of us who think we're good at Japanese.

Also, it's an enormous troll for anyone who thinks Lump of Sugar only makes moege.

>> No.8136945

I finished akaaka (I think I still have one background pic left but fuck it I'm not seeing every goddamn scene in the gamel all ends are enough, fucking bastards in that game) and went back to reading concerto note.
I still don't get why it's called concerto note. Also downloaded Sinsemilla to see if I can bring myself to read it for once because I always end up dropping it one hour in for some retarded reason or another.

>> No.8136950


I FINALLY installed the game correctly and have been trying since this post, took me forever to troubleshoot to get it to start running and now have finally started reading it in a language i can comprehend.

I've read G-senjou but have never read kanon.

>> No.8136960

Go for it.
Just enjoy the OST and some how to make a nakige 101.

>> No.8137194

>have finally started reading it in a language i can comprehend.
Are you implying that you're reading Kanon in English? Just a fair warning, the TL is pretty terrible.

>> No.8137817

I found it a little harder than Ore Tsuba, so if you read that you should be able to handle it fine. That said it's not really that good. Also I think moogy's favorite was きっと、澄みわたる朝色よりも、(according to his blog).

>> No.8137856


Could you please upload it? Thanks

>> No.8137886

Close enough. Point is Moogy is gay for Itsusora. I think it might have the same author as Sumiwata too.

>> No.8138270


No way, Oretsuba is not hard at all unless you mean the stupid TV/Garudo talk.

>> No.8138505
File: 430 KB, 1040x679, shel1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished "sampling" the Twinkle Crusaders h-scene demo.

What is To-Love-Ru doing in my Twinkle Crusaders, anyway?

>> No.8138509
File: 774 KB, 1040x679, illear1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why only Lullshare and not Illear? WHY DOESN'T SHE GET A SCENE TOO?

>> No.8138510
File: 747 KB, 1040x679, illear2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love her honesty though. Can't wait to use her in battle too this Chri-- oh wait, full game delayed. Fuck.

>> No.8138530

It's supposed to be Lo, you know. As in "Lolita".

Anyways, I love Japanesque settings, so naturally I will look forward for this.

>> No.8139095


If you think OreTsuba wasn't hard "at all" then you should be able to handle it fine, so go ahead and give it a try (enjoy). Moogy greatly exaggerated its difficulty if you guys think it's inaccessible to people who read OreTsuba easily (in the first place there can only be so much of a difference in writing difficulty between one eroge and the next; I never understood why we were so fixated on writing difficulty beyond the utter beginner level).

>> No.8139387

Well the raiL-soft eroge are definitely "difficult" to read compared to most others I tried

>> No.8139529
File: 421 KB, 1280x720, 1321739748910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is her route the only good route?

>> No.8139533

The writer of that game thought naming a girl after a mobile phone company was cool too.

>> No.8139554
File: 63 KB, 480x272, snap028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys play Galge or VN that released for PSP?
If not is the reason is:
1. Don't have a PSP
2. Don't have a decent PC to emulate it
3. PSP games and other console games are for normalfag
4. How the hell I'm supposed to understand it if i can't use AGTH/ITH!?!

>> No.8139563

I do play some but most original ones aren't very interesting.
I did buy Himawari though

>> No.8139596

I just played that route the other day after playing Mayo's and Nokia's. It was so much better than those two that it was ridiculous.

I heard Misaki's route was also decent(but not as good as Sakuya's)

It's a shame since the common route was great

>> No.8139600
File: 153 KB, 599x599, pa.185144.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably doesn't count as a VN due to the exploration and court battles, but I played through Dangan Ronpa recently. Awesome game if you like ridiculous detective stuff.

Group of elite students are trapped in a school by the evil robot teddy bear principal Monokuma and told the only way out is to successfully murder one of their "classmates" and not get caught. Whenever a murder takes place there's a trial and if the murderer is discovered, they're executed. If the murderer isn't discovered they're set free and everyone else is executed.

>> No.8139605

that feeling when your heart is ripped from your chest and torn to bits ;_;

it feeels so bad, yet so good...

>> No.8139686

Nokia's route is best.
I play PSP galge too. I was playing Weiss Schwartz last night.

>> No.8139754
File: 72 KB, 480x272, snap027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks great. Maybe i'll try it after finishing Weiss Schwartz

It's fun as long as your damage isn't cancelled every single time

>> No.8139761

I only played one match so far because I fell asleep, but that seemed to be the case. Always cancelling...

The loading times in the game are kind of absurd too. Also a little disappointed it isn't full voiced. The girls are cute though.

>> No.8139902
File: 216 KB, 965x523, weiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed with that too. Loading screen almost all the time, laggy card battle, and not fully voiced.
The one thing that make me keep playing it is the art. It kinda like Ema Tooyama artwork

>> No.8140131

I played Second Novel, Amagami and Himawari. Second Novel was awesome, Amagami is decent for what it is, Himawari was terrible garbage. Planning to check out the portable version of Kuon no Kizuna 再臨詔 and Suigetsu at some point if nothing else.

>> No.8140394

So it sucks? That's kinda disappointing considering that i just paid for the damn thing.

>> No.8140417

You shouldn't really pay for something without knowing too much about it. Especially an expensive game like this. Either way, I never said it was terrible, just that there are problems.

>> No.8140452

>You shouldn't really pay for something without knowing too much about it
I know, it was kinda an impulse thing though, i saw the trailer a few months ago and got really excited and pre-ordered it but then i forgot about it till i got the invoice.

>> No.8142187
File: 106 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continuing from this, Vol.2 (and Vol.1 as well) of MLA OST.

Muramasa OST

>> No.8142223 [DELETED] 
File: 980 KB, 1040x806, Baldr Sky 007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finished MLAC01, started on MLAC02 and also started Baldr Sky. Fun times.
I've been lurking and posting a little /m/'s ML threads for the last week or so, and those threads are quite interesting because the ML threads here and ML threads there are quite different to the difference in the nature of the boards. (I am almost tempted to get a Revoltech TSF model now)

>> No.8142718


What the fuck, Nitroplus.

>> No.8142825
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I liked their last release joke better.

>> No.8142837

Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.8142834

Haha fuck

I'm actually playing Saints Row 3 myself

>> No.8143638
File: 274 KB, 803x596, 472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here read 果てしなく青い, この空の下で?
I just finished it and I really liked it, great mood and the writing is really good even though it can be a little slow.
The story is also pretty interesting and Fumino is an awesome heroine

>> No.8143660
File: 466 KB, 800x600, iv_anz01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing the Anzu route in Da Capo II.

>> No.8143667

Best girl, best route, but derp end

>> No.8143668

I did, and yeah it's pretty great. Topcat's アトリの空と真鍮の月 is a spiritual sequel of sorts, and also spends some time exploring the events of Hateshinaku. Be sure to check all of the omake parts in Hateshinaku until 男達の憂鬱 if you decide to check Atori.

>> No.8143684
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Great character. His voice acting was god tier, his little laugh was awesome

>> No.8144122
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Started playing Sayonara wo Oshiete. Expecting craziness.

Is there a specific order I should go through the routes or can I do them in any order?

>> No.8144178

Make sure to do Mutsuki last, you can do the rest in any order.

>> No.8144179


It's Da Capo. What do you expect?

Finished Koko's route a few minutes ago. Boring as fuck, but at least her H scene was kind of moe.

>> No.8144216

I like the class president best. Mostly because of her CV though.

>> No.8144378

I Have a question:
I was checking the already translated stuff and other games (Baldr, Kamidori), so:

What are other "must read" visual novels, eroges and nukiges that are considered "really, really good"?

>> No.8144395

Oretachi ni tsubasa ha nai, Ro-Kyu-Bu, Muv-luv Alternative (sure you already know that one), Steins;Gate, Milky Holmes, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, etc.

Not sure on must read nukige really...

>> No.8144400

List probably would vary from people to people, check vndb lists and sort by either popularity or rating, then see for yourself the ones you think are interesting.

>> No.8144628
File: 23 KB, 450x175, orWgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played To The Moon and...goddamn was it amazing. By far one of the best stories I've ever read. It was a bit pricey at $12, but worth it.

You can download it here


>> No.8145979

Started playing Little Busters again. Figure I should get the last couple routes out of the way that I never finished when I played it ages and ages ago.

Going back to a VN I played over a year ago really makes me realize how much I've improved my Japanese in that time. Feels pretty good.

>> No.8146644
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Ahahah, oh wow. Fandisc for Princess X, who wants more fuck you from the writer?

>> No.8146760

I just realized that 3/4 of all eroge-releases every month are uploaded by one dude. God help us all if he ever decides to quit.

New Kaguya is out on share btw. Time to fap.

>> No.8146811

This isn't really a VN, but it's only 4 hours long and is pretty great story wise. The gameplay and graphics aren't great, but it's well worth playing.

>> No.8147050

oh nice, Material Braves official site opened. nothing new that wasn't in getchu earlier tough. But release date confirmed for 23.3 now.

>> No.8147147

>I just realized that 3/4 of all eroge-releases every month are uploaded by one dude. God help us all if he ever decides to quit.

What are you talking about? Looking at Share, the uploads for this month are fairly evenly spread through several different IDs

>> No.8147228

>more fuck you from the writer?
Huh? Never downloaded it, but I did keep track of it before release. What do you mean by that?

>> No.8147230

Maybe the fandisk will be what people actually expected from the original game in the first place


>> No.8147239

> pandering to fans

>> No.8147272

Marketing and trial sold the game as your average high-school "choose your girl" harem.
Actual game was nothing like that and basically unpleasant to read, with some pretty ridiculous routes where you could feel the writer was either at loss or making fun of people.

>> No.8147325

That doesn't make too much sense to me, but basically, it was a landmine and had a genre shift somewhere?

>> No.8147341

The worst part is that you had 4 heroines that were advertised as main heroines and pretty much everyone was under the impression that it would be a normal kind of game where they'd all have routes or an ending or something.

But it turns out that only one of them really has a good ending, the others have basically bad ends, and one of them even gets NTRed

>> No.8147364

It wasn't as big as a genre shift, the plot just sucked with heavy irritating writer commentary.
One of the main plot points is that humans unlike monsters have the power of "lies" and this somehow becomes like a superpower that allows the main character to stab one heroine after telling her she loved her, for literally no reason. Another had a cute childhood friend turn out some crazy rapist who'd lock up the MC and rape him while beating him up, with closing paragraph going about even humans are "monsters" inside and you shouldn't judge from appearances.
It was that kind of really really cheesy shit written in a way that was meant to be taken seriously.
Without mentioning about there were no happy ends anywhere like someone mentioned.

>> No.8147376

The protagonist was pretty shitty too. Such a faggot. Well clearly the writer was not interested in a happy union between monster and human so that makes sense. But still, a protagonist that's prejudice against monsters and hates them in a monster girl game? Bleh.

But I'm convinced that it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I think it's some sort of weird meta humor or something

>> No.8147425

>I think it's some sort of weird meta humor or something
Like how the sub-company of Cyc Soft that developed it is called Poison Berry?

>> No.8148261

Does anybody have/can transcribe the lyrics from Hikaru's song in Muramasa? The stylized kanji in those scenes are driving me up the wall. If possible, I'd like to get the complete version of the lyrics, i.e. the one that's shown when the Golden Dawn starts in Muramasa's route

>> No.8148598
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>> No.8148943

Just went through muv-luv extra/limited/alternative marathon. Just wow, on how Alternative went. Wish I saved that 3/4 panel art from /m/ which pretty much described how I felt. I had read a lot of time-travelling novels before which the mc is practically time machine jesus so Alternative was a pleasant surprise. Should I try Altered Fable? I know it's back in Extra style setting.

>> No.8149033

Altered Fable is good for the humour, nothing else.
Thread autosageing by the way.

>> No.8149220

SSS: Muramasa, Subahibi,
SS: Oretsuba, Muvluv Alternative, YU-NO (Saturn ver.)
S:Sengoku Rance, Himawari (PSP/PS2 ver.), Clannad, Ever17
A: Grisaia, Eustia, Tasogare no Sindasasdf, Tsuyokisu, Ayakashibito, Masaru, Lost Colors, Steins;gate, FS/N, Tsukihime, Baldr Sky Dive 2 (Sora route is S), Baldr Force, Sayonara wo Oshiete, Nijuuei, Sharin no Kuni, Haruka ni Aogi
B+: Dies Irae + KKK (play both absolutely), Artemis Blue, Steins;Gate (Only if you play it through all the way), Majikoi (May belong in A), G-Senjou no Maou,
B: Concerto Note, Baldr Sky Dive 1, Bullet Butlers, Chronobelt, Asairo, Tsui no Sora lots of games
B-: Trample on Shatten, Noble works, lots of games

Etc. I think the cumulative list of S-B- games would come out to a quality list of around 70-80 titles that most of us would agree are worth the ranking, and/or see the merit that placed them there. This is just to list a few ones that I personally found to be exceptionally memorable (Particularly the SSS and SS titles).

>> No.8150013

Get out with this shit.

>> No.8150089

I'm reading Sayonara wo Oshiete right now and it seems like it makes no difference. I've read Nozomi's route and working on Miyuki's currently, but EGS has a tag that says there's only one end. Should I bother to do the other routes besides Miyuki's or just go straight to Mutuski after?

>> No.8150121

Mutsuki's end is slightly expanded, the other endings are the same (but the routes themselves aren't). Do Mutsuki's last.

>> No.8150131

stopped reading there, it's good but not that good

>> No.8150169 [SPOILER] 
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Cool, thanks. The writing is pretty decent, so I'm not against reading all the routes, despite the lack of skip already read function.

>> No.8150290

But there is one. It's somewhere in the right click menu from what I remember.

>> No.8150354

new thread

>> No.8150448

That's unfortunate. Perhaps I should have put the "imo" disclaimer at the beginning. Muramasa and Subahibi are my favorite games by a long shot.

If I'm going to feign objectivity in what is solely my personal judgement, which is largely based on writing quality and my experience with other eroge, then; Put Muramasa in SSS, and reduce everything else, except for perhaps YU-NO, to simply S. Satisfied? Recognizing that there can only be one game in Muramasa tier

Also add Parfait to A, forest to A/S, Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu to A, Saihate no Ima to A, Soshite Ashita no Sekai Yori to B+/A, among others.
