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8107317 No.8107317 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you like Sumika, /jp/?

>> No.8107321

Annoying bitch.
Also a bad character like most of the main cast.

>> No.8107323

because aita

>> No.8107326

I don't?

>> No.8107327

Because she's plain as a plain. The only thing she has is dedication.
That would describe me too.

>> No.8107332

She reminds me of me. Bland looks, bland personality, does little of use and is a burden on everyone else, and is an idiot. Like me.

>> No.8107335

I wonder if I'm the only person who didn't enjoy Muv Luv Alternative.

>> No.8107344

There were big sections of it I didn't enjoy, and most of the characters were terrible. I liked it despite its flaws, but I could definitely understand someone not liking it.

>> No.8107371


Granted, the battle scenes were kinda fun, but the whole "look how awesome it is when we all stick together" was so corny and repulsive, I had the strong mental urge to vomit. And yes, the characters are terrible.

>> No.8107384

> does little of use and is a burden on everyone else,

I don't get how

>> No.8107435

I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as the hype made me think I would.

The pacing is worse than F/SN, there's a huge gender imbalance, which is something I dislike, and only a few characters out of the huge roster are great, and the MC is not one of them.
Plus, there's the fact that you have to go through a borderline kusoge before reading it.

The only truly great things about it were the music and the fuck-huge production values, both of which I consider kinda wasted.

>> No.8107436

Who is she and why should i care?

>> No.8107456
File: 972 KB, 800x600, marimo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you why this game is the best thing ever

1. It took fucking FOREVER. Even though it's a simple, uncomplicated storyline, they manage to drag this shit out for about 50 fucking awesome hours. Only about 20 of those had anything significant happening, the rest was filled with loldeep moral faggotry and the same fucking lectures over and over again on stupid shit. Not to mention EXPLAINING character development. "This is what happened, this is how I felt before, this how it changed me, blah, blah, blah..." FUCK YES KEEP EXPLAINING! I love it when they explain things to me like I'm a little kid, otherwise I wouldn't be able to understand what's going on

2. THE FUCKING MC! Has to be the most unlikeable retarded fuck in the history in VN history. Spends Extra being a stuck up, arrogant, dick. Spends Unlimited being a unless little bitch. Spends 1/3 of Alternative being an arrogant faggot thinking how better he is than the people who actually changed him from a useless little bitch to someone not utterly useless, giving them lectures, and generally talking about how he's right and they're wrong. THEN, at the first sign of trouble he instantly reverts back to whiny little useless bitch literally pissing in his pants. Then basically spends the rest of the game being pretty fucking useless and retarded. 1. MC: I'm so much more grown up now. That last event really changed me. 2. Other character: But that's wrong you fucking retard 3. Oh how foolish I was! I'm still a child 4. Rinse 5. Repeat. This cycle literally went on till the very last second of the game. I love it when I can see myself in the MC and relate to him, that makes him good.

>> No.8107458
File: 848 KB, 800x600, tama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3. The main heroines died in such stupid fucking ways. Meiya and Sumika were really the only ones who had meaningful deaths that weren't completely retarded. "I HAVE TO SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR THE MAN I LOVE! I'M TOO STUPID TO USE THAT THING IN MY HEAD CALLED A BRAIN AND THINK UP A LESS RETARDED WAY!" Not to mention they all died in a span of 20 minutes. It really all seemed like an after thought. Like the writers we're thinking "Guys! Wtf!? The game is about to end! We need to kill these bitches off already!" LOLRANDUM deaths are so awesome!

4. The tentacle rape. Firstly, is it just me or was this the longest sex scene in any of the games? Why was it even there? I don’t know but it was completely necessary. Being torn apart while you're alive is clearly not enough to cause mental trauma. You need to have sex with aliens. It made me love Sumika, being used goods and all. Being torn apart against your will and being torn apart because you enjoy being a fuck toy are pretty different was to go. Shock value? Fap material? I don't know, but it was some great /d/ level hentai.

How can anyone rate this game below masterpiece? Is the VN community seriously full of 18+ idiots? IT HAS HOT GIRLS FIGHTING ALIENS! AND BEING RAPED BY ALIENS! IT’S THE BEST THING EVER!

tl;dr It's a masterpiece. 11/10

>> No.8107461

Sumika = Butterfly
Marimo = Dog
Tama = Cat
Mikoto = Fish
Kasumi = Bunny

Help me complete the chart.

>> No.8107462

>you have to go through a borderline kusoge before reading it.

Heh, the funny thing is I enjoyed Unlimited more than Alternative. The whole pathos of Alternative made it barely bearable for me.

Extra, however, was real crap.

>> No.8107470

Meiya - F-16 Fighting Falcon
Yuuko-sensei - Maddo Scientisto

>> No.8107484

But those are not animals.
But yeah, Meiya is a falcon.

>> No.8107487
File: 207 KB, 1024x768, Alternative_490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what killed Alternative for me was the hype.

Everyone i knew keep saying how it was "Omg best thing ever!!!111" it was ok, and it has many flaws. The characters were especially pretty shitty, with the exception of Sumika, Meiya, Kasumi and Yuuko (the last two weren't particularly deep or anything, but i liked them), for a novel THAT FUCKING LONG i was expecting Higurashi-level of characterization.


I think this copy-pasta actually sums the whole thing pretty well.
