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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8107078 No.8107078 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread got pushed off by the /b/ spam.

Who else is still alive and willing to play? My fellow /jp/ hermit seems to have quit after being murdered, and the member of the /jp/ splinter group with whom I was speaking yesterday died as I was talking to him. Some luck, huh?

>> No.8107100

What's that game about? Tell me more, and I'll consider playing it with you.

>> No.8107124

It's Ultima Online (minus Trammel) + Harvest Moon. In other words, a complete sandbox.

>> No.8107240

I just started playing again after I died to Russians. Almost got Yeomanry.

>> No.8107548

This looks nice. I might get it. How much does it cost, and what's its name? H & H?

>> No.8108110
File: 88 KB, 551x443, nodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing 75% of your skill levels when you had 80 Exploration hurts quite a bit, and it's pretty hard to get the motivation to grind curios from scratch again.

The crucibles were at 82% and full fuel before the server crashed, so there's probably enough Steel and Wrought Iron for a Brick Wall. The keys to my palisade should be in one of your crates.

Location of the nodes I mentioned in case you're interested.

>> No.8108119

>>80 Exploration

Damn, and I thought it was cool when I got 11 Exploration yesterday.

>> No.8108155

I was one of the guys that quit before dying once. (made it pretty damn far too) of course im still at our original spot, where are you in relation to there?

>> No.8108168

I'm willing to trade some bronze for iron, if anyone wants to.

>> No.8108190

Since the old /jp/ village has been abandoned, a group of us have been building another one a little ways away. Secret is "Oh Desire". You'll spawn at the old village and we'll lead you to the new one.

>> No.8108229

There's a river to the south of the original Lemuria HF.
Travel south along the river till you see a Runestone and a lake to the SE.
There are Russians to the NE of the lake and he's at the south end of it

>> No.8108270

Quick link to where i can DL
I feel like playing something new even if its unfriendly to new comers

>> No.8108286

Not sure if I remember how to get back to the Lemura village.

>> No.8108327

I think I went too far, the river intersected into a bunch of other rivers and now the river leads east.
I also passed a bunch of fields.
Or is it really this far?

>> No.8108342

How many posts will it take before the name of this is revealed ?

>> No.8108356

I have 30 unarmed combat. How much do I need for decent fighting capabilities?


>> No.8108378
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I was going by foot so I went along the side of the river, could that be why im in the wrong place?

>> No.8108395

Sappi here. I've arrived to the place. Will you come out?

>> No.8108431

The river should eventually reach a fork, but the lake should be before that

>> No.8108481

The secret village sure is hilarious, but also clever.

Time to be a NEET in it.

>> No.8108505

Is this anything like Fallout online? What are the penalties for dying?

>> No.8108513

Haven and Hearth
Haven & Hearth

>> No.8108521

Why is /jp/ at war with the Russians?

>> No.8108525

Permanent death.
You can inherit 25% of the originals stats and the claim, but that's about it

>> No.8108527

The Russians are at war with everyone who's not Russian.

>> No.8108530

Well, they seem to be quite unpleasant.

>> No.8108536

Depends on your Change-Tradition setting. Full Change means 3x learning speed and 25% inherited stats. Full Tradition means 1/3x learning speed and 75% inherited stats.

>> No.8108544

how much time would it take me to get the skills to murder /jp/ers? is it possible for one person to take out a /jp/ village

>> No.8108803
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This place seems awfully familiar.

>> No.8108913

How did you die? At first I thought you weren't getting on because of the server being down and/or Skyrim, until I noticed your boat wasn't there either.

>> No.8109160

watch out for russian

>> No.8109183

Who is that guy with the mask?
Should we be worried about being tracked by the enemy?

>> No.8109735


>> No.8110238

So how are the rest of you doing?

>> No.8110250

I saw OP picture and thought it was OpenTTD.

Needless to say, I was extemely dissapointed.

>> No.8110403


>> No.8110431 [DELETED] 

It says: "there is no room by that hearth fire" if I enter "Oh Desire".

How can I take part in your village guys?

>> No.8110433

I moved the hearth fire. It should work now.

>> No.8110438 [DELETED] 

I got disconnected after I went down the stairs to the village.

I tried it again with new characters a few times and I am always stuck in a forever loading screen or I get disconnected again...

Other characters not bound to /jp/ village work just fine. ;_;

any ideas?

>> No.8110476

Sinon, I'd like to talk to you. Could you get on your alt sometime?

>> No.8110505

I will play tomorrow. Keep this thread bumped I got the game installed an account made already. I'll work out the rest tomorrow.

>> No.8110907

I kept getting knocked out by leeches.

>> No.8111000

After seeing these threads I knew it was only a matter of time before I signed up, went to this "Oh Desire" place dont really get where Im meant to be going..

>> No.8111044

so how do I get to this new village?

>> No.8111205

Watch to see if Sakuya Izayoi is online. She's our welcome committee alt. We try to check her for new players every hour or two.

>> No.8111206

Momoka, are you and your nameless maids still out there somewhere?

>> No.8111217

Russians are. War is simply what they do, when they aren't killing each other.

Why do you think the Klingons are modeled on the Russians?

>> No.8111224

When I was Oh desire I saw the name Sakuya Izayoi in the ruined village but no avatar/person there.

>> No.8111288

Is anyone online right now?

>> No.8111290

no but I would come online if someone could like lead me to the new village

>> No.8111301

Meguka, Will, guys, tell me if you are still alive and kicking.

>> No.8111362

That's probably their fire.

>> No.8111430

We're all online right now so feel free to join in.

>> No.8111511

so what do you guys do? just bro it out together and make a village?

>> No.8111530


You must be lost.

>> No.8111539

so you just act anti-socially to each other? thats what im asking

>> No.8111699

We gather things.

>> No.8111808

bump for interest

>> No.8111841


>> No.8113201

Don't want to make another thread.

>> No.8113371

why are there so many baors

>> No.8113442

Why do people still play this game?

>> No.8113458

True masochism.

>> No.8113579

Is anyone from Mayohiga or the meido village still out there somewhere?

>> No.8113799

Why do you ask?

>> No.8113830

I wish you could have multiple hearthfires or travel destinations.

>> No.8114242

There's about 10 of us (15 if you include semi-actives) who are about to found our village. However, if there would happen to be any other /jp/ villages out there already established, we'd prefer to just move there instead.

>> No.8114285

>Previous thread got pushed off
And you're all doing a wonderful job of keeping this one alive.

>> No.8114311

Also, we've found what we believe to be Momoka's abandoned village, so if he's still around and would invite us in it would be really nice.

>> No.8115522

So, does /jp/ have a village that is actually secure yet?

>> No.8115524

Has /jp/ had anything as organized as Aokigahara?

>> No.8115528

I spent two days waiting for Sakuya and got nowhere.

>> No.8115539
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madoka is a shit

>> No.8115785

I have a very well-established operation, and I would be willing to help you guys. In fact, I've already spoken with some of your group about the possibility of joining forces.

>> No.8115815

Do you actually run the place, or do you just have an understanding with the people who do?

>> No.8115824

I own it, and I have both plans and the preparations for said plans already in place.

>> No.8115826

What's the name of your character? From which village do you hail?

>> No.8115836

I'll talk to you in-game about it. My HS is "Ishtar".

>> No.8119373

wtf is up with all that hops?

>> No.8120820
File: 1.23 MB, 1906x979, Village locations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time has come to establish a true village, and, as such, several of us were considering possible locations.

The purple circle has a nearly unlimited amount of space to work with and is near a moor and heath.

The red circle is closer to water, closer to a mine, and has slightly better soil.

My suggestion: Build the village itself deep underground and supply it by maintaining an inconspicuous hermitage on the surface.

Do any of you have an opinion on the matter, or do you not particularly care one way or another?

>> No.8120825

Which place has better water quality?

>> No.8120843


That's going to take a lot of mining. Not to mention it'd be easy to grief by knocking mine supports down. Otherwise it does seem like a good idea, make sure to hide the mine hole somewhat by something like a house.

>> No.8120870

Red circle is near a water node. Purple circle hasn't been tested yet. The river running southeast of both sites has q50 water source marked somewhere along its banks.

>> No.8120889

Are you currently playing? I seem to recall you saying in one of the previous threads that you were going to give W6 a pass.

Also, there's no need for a mine hole on the surface per my suggestion because I already own a mine on my suitably prosperous hermitage. What all of us would be doing is building and palisading off a series of mine holes down to the lowest layer of the world and then setting up the village down there. Our hearthfires would remain inside a house of the hermitage on the surface for the purpose of fast travel back and forth.

>> No.8120893

I said I would had they reverted back to the old LP system.

That's a pretty good idea actually. That's what pardon me, Sigma did I believe, only they did it on a mountain. Just look out for other cave entrances.

>> No.8120915
File: 71 KB, 300x300, ika shock&blush_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jeez. One of my friends started getting me to play this game with a small batch of our other friends just a short while ago, and now I find out /jp/ plays. I feel so torn

We've already made our own village. I'm the lawspeaker. O-oh well.. but if you guys ever find Tir na Nog, maybe we can trade someday!

>> No.8120920

Where have you BEEN?

>> No.8120926


Not paying attention to H&H threads on /jp/, apparently!

>> No.8120944

What's wrong with the current system, exactly? Manufacturing a steady stream of decent curios is easy as long as you're not completely retarded.

If you'd like, we could trade signs sometime or something like that.

>> No.8120952

Still waiting in the town. Fucking can't punch anthills for some reason.

>> No.8121022

It can be slow at first.

I'm also not really interested right now. Establishing and proceeding to lose Aokigahara and getting my character killed kind of burnt me out. Unless there's some interesting new feature in it, I'm probably not likely to try again.

>> No.8121215


What? You don't punch anthills, you raid them, silly. It's the ants that you punch!

>> No.8121274

>If you'd like, we could trade signs sometime or something like that.

That'd be neat, I just don't know how I'd find you guys, or how you'd find us ;_;

>> No.8121306

Waiting warmly in town for someone to lead me to the new village

>> No.8121321

This goes for me also,
but didnt get killed... just ran away.

>> No.8121695
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Girls do their best and are now preparing. Please wait warmly.

>> No.8122500

You guys should probably reconsider your current course of action before it's too late. You set up a village idol with no protection and few, if any, people who are capable of fighting, and as a result someone has already been murdered at the new site.

>> No.8122518
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W-Where do I go? What do I do?
Where is everybody?!

>> No.8122616

What? Is this true?
Am I too late for joining?

>> No.8122647

Thats all they ever do. We were in the same place one month ago. We always pick a dangerous place and neglect defenses. Not bothering to play until we can get a plot and people who can contribute to protecting it.

>> No.8122659



>> No.8122801

I'm at the Oh Desire hearth fire now, someone guide me to the village please?

>> No.8122960

Being 3 screens away from the Russians doesn't exactly help either

>> No.8123337

I have a large plot near where your village idol was put down. Why some of you thought it would be a good idea to set up as fast as possible instead of taking up residence in my place and fully relocating first is beyond me. It's not like I didn't extend the offer.

>> No.8123466

I'm going to start playing tomorrow. If someone will see guy named Zanbaru, come without fear. I will gladly pair with someone and explore a bit.

>> No.8123472

Why can't you just take this shit to IRC or something?

>> No.8123487

/jp/ers tend to hate IRC

>> No.8123507

If you had any idea what happens to every group of /jp/ers that heads to IRC, their continued presence here shouldn't be surprising in the least.

>> No.8124608
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Just finished the palisade around our new village.

>> No.8126670

So what's the goal of this game?

>> No.8126685

Building stuff. Surviving.

It's a sandbox.

>> No.8126842

So what's the plan for the new village?

>> No.8128012
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1058, SS_2011-11-20 17.24.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The village has been founded.

>> No.8129644

So far, what is it,

>Russians - 4
>/jp/ Village - 0


>> No.8131288

Why do you people assume that all aggressive players are Russian? Honestly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if people don't just put up random runestones in Russian just to scare others off with how rampant this misunderstanding is.
