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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8106430 No.8106430 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think about Herman Cain? He's an American presidential candidate, but appears to be a complete /jp/tard. Here's a couple news articles about him I thought /jp/ might find interesting:

Herman Cain Reveals Inspiration for 999 Plan; Spoiler: It's Anime
>Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has revealed in an interview on ABC's The View the inspiration for his famous "9-9-9" tax plan.
>"Around this time last year, I bought a game for my grand-nephew for his Gameboy," Cain began. "He'd be playing it every time I saw him, so I figured, why not see what's so great about it?"
>"I fell in love with it right away. It was the most amazing game I'd ever seen, and I'm not much a fan of video games."

>The game in question? A Japanese adventure game titled '999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors'.
>"The number nine is a key theme in the game, everything happens in nines," Cain explained. "So when I began to think about running for president and tax reforms I'd have to bring, I said to myself, well what about the game? Use 999!"
>"And that's how this whole thing got started. I talked to a team of economists and accountants, headed by Richard Lowrie, and they devised a system around that."

>Over the course of the interview, Cain also revealed his favorite iPhone app (Angry Birds), favorite theme park (Six Flags), and favorite browser (Google Chrome). Watch the full interview only at abc.go.com.


>> No.8106434
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>It's not everyday you see a would-be Republican nominee for the highest office in the land find inspiration in the music from a children's cartoon and tell America about it. Ok, well Herman Cain didn't exactly do that, saying instead he was quoting "a poet". No Matter. I was so impressed I had to have a little fun with this surreal image. Via NYMag:

>One of the weirdest moments of last night's Republican debate probably slipped completely under the radar for most viewers. This moment occurred in Herman Cain's closing statement, when the former pizza-chain CEO recited a favorite inspirational quote:
>"A poet once said, 'life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it's never easy when there's so much on the line.'"
>Nothing strange about that on the surface, until you Google the quote and you realize that these words of wisdom were uttered not by a poet, but by disco queen Donna Summer in her song "The Power of One." Even more bizarre, this isn't even one of Summer's classic hits — she recorded it just over a decade ago as the theme song for Pokémon: The Movie 2000.


>> No.8106438

He also doesn't believe in government hand-outs and expects people to work their ass off and rise above their standards. That's about as far from /jp/ as you can get, I prefer getting autism checks.

>> No.8106442
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What does /jp/ think about Herman "Sugar" Cain?

>> No.8106444

Another black president won't improve America. I don't really care about politics, though.

>> No.8106446

This was less about the politics and more about him playing Japanese vidya and watching anime.

>> No.8106447

Black people always love /jp/ stuff.

>> No.8106448

>He's an American presidential candidate
Why is anyone else even running? The Republican candidates don't seem have any plan to actually bail us out either. Obama will most likely win.

>> No.8106450

Whoever wins the election should be executed by firing squad. Whoever loses, burned at the stake.

>> No.8106456

>The Republican candidates don't seem have any plan to actually bail us out either.
Ron Paul.

>> No.8106455

Ron Paul seems to have it together. He's already released a plan to cut $1 trillion in spending, pay down the deficit, end all wars (a typically Democratic ideal), cut taxes for everyone, and even lower his own presidential salary. His plan is far more comprehensive than what anyone else has.

>> No.8106459

Jesus Christ go the fuck away, Ron Paul cultists.

>> No.8106463

Posts like >>8106450 make me think that what >>8106438 said about /jp/ getting autism checks is true.

>> No.8106467

>Make stupid, uninformed claim
>Proven wrong
Stay classy, /jp/.

>> No.8106469

You should come with us on /pol/, sometime. I'm sure you'll be enlightened and change your mind about Ron Paul.

>> No.8106472
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>cutting spending in a recession

>> No.8106474

I have a strange fascination with Paul ever since I saw that image of him sitting in his chair looking really lonely and sad.

>> No.8106479

The recession is been over for almost 2 years now.

>> No.8106480

>Cutting taxes in a recession

>> No.8106483
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I've had the fascination since I realized he looked like Magneto.

>> No.8106485
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That's what you get for supporting capitalism.

>> No.8106490

>Millions of deaths by famine

That's what you get for supporting communism.

>> No.8106493

I really want to vote for Cain now. Finally, a world leader other than Putin who is an anime fan!

>> No.8106495

As opposed to millions of war victims? Sure!

>> No.8106496

I would like to see this image.

>> No.8106498

To be fair, capitalism just shifts the famine to less-developed nations.

>> No.8106499

>as opposed to millions of war victims? Sure!
There's no implied "opposed" in that statement at all. That's in ADDITION.

>> No.8106500
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>> No.8106501

They were going to starve no matter what. You can't blame capitalism.

>> No.8106502

Cain will stop moot from deleting /jp/.

>> No.8106503

>Lee Teng-hui (born 15 January 1923) is a politician of the Republic of China (commonly known as Taiwan). He was the 7th, 8th, and 9th-term President of the Republic of China and Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) from 1988 to 2000.

>In his retirement Lee became the first former president of a country known to participate in cosplay. The cosplay was centered on Heihachi Edajima (江田島平八 Edajima Heihachi), a hawkish principal of a boarding school in the Japanese manga Sakigake!! Otokojuku (魁!!男塾) (Weekly Shōnen Jump). His cosplay interest and eponymous "school" called "輝!李塾" was mentioned on his personal website, beginning in late 2004. This manga comic was a comedy centered on a fictitious reform school for contemporary boys, modelled under the Imperial Japanese Army.

>> No.8106505

I think you are confused, friend. Famine happens anyway.

>> No.8106506

If you're using Stalinist USSR as an example, that was state capitalism, of course there was famine and war.

>> No.8106510

Not entirely true, but whatever.

>> No.8106511

>Thread about /jp/-loving presidential candidate turns into communism vs. capitalism trollfest
That's why we have /new/.

>> No.8106515

So the only examples that counts are the ones that never existed? Wonderful. And I'm sure the Cultural Revolution was capitalist as well. As was the Khmer Rouge. And Juche is a fundamentally capitalist concept. Uh huh.

How many times must an attempt at to implement something fail before we accept that it is a bad idea?

>> No.8106522

So you're saying if we took away capitalism, everyone would be happy with full bellies and the world would be a better place?

>> No.8106524

Yes. It's capitalism that causes starvation by definition.

>> No.8106527

Only if you replaced it with REAL communism.

>> No.8106528

Which we obviously can't, and not for lack of trying.
Maybe it's just a pretty concept that doesn't work in reality. Ever consider that?

>> No.8106532

We could all have full bellies under capitalism if some form of guaranteed income was implemented.

>> No.8106533

You'd have to replace every country in the world's government with real communism.

>> No.8106535

>How many times must an attempt at to implement something fail before we accept that it is a bad idea?
I'm glad the world wasn't always full of faggots like you, otherwise democracies and republics would've been scrapped centuries ago.

>> No.8106537

You mean like welfare?
We already have that. They spend it on booze and drugs.

>> No.8106539

Not at all. I'm merely stating that capitalism isn't free from sin either.

>> No.8106540

We all know that. It's the worst system, except for all the others.

>> No.8106546

No. It hasn't worked only because of the circumstances. All the socialist countries have been invaded, which forced them to adopt planned economy, to fuel the war engine, and waste money there.
Exactly. That's why it's so important that we invade everybody. If we don't, people will never live in peace.

>> No.8106544

No human creation will ever be perfect. But some creations fail more than others, like communism.

>> No.8106547

No, welfare has a means test attached. When I say guaranteed income, I mean guaranteed income. I don't care what they spend it on, as long as they have it. If they want to starve, that's their business.

>> No.8106548

Secondary faggot.

>> No.8106552

An old black presidential candidate that enjoyed a visual novel? That's unusual.

>> No.8106555

Keep in mind I'm not talking about what would happen in the country getting rid of capitalism, I'm talking about the countries in poverty, which would supposedly be affected according to ロリアキ.

>> No.8106553

Problem is, we're already being bankrupted by the system we have. And giving people free shit doesn't encourage them to actually earn any of it.

>> No.8106556

Personally, I don't really hold any system to be worse than others in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.8106559

I don't know, as many times as when capitalism ended up in recessions like this one.

>> No.8106563

Stop trying to sound philosophical to compensate for your ignorance.

>> No.8106569

Recession =/= total breakdown of supply chain, like what happens during "recessionary" periods in communist nations. We aren't even in a recession (at least not in the United States. Europe most definitely is in a recession), we are just in a period of slow growth. It happens, and happens under any system. That isn't to say that the current set-up doesn't need some tweaks. For one, commodity trading needs to be more heavily regulated. Secondly, governments should not be allowed to wantonly spend more than they make. Thirdly, banking institutions and investment funds should be legally partitioned, like they used to be. By the very nature of an investment fund, they could lose everything overnight. You don't want that kind of possibility with a bank, so the amount of leverage they can put on should be heavily regulated.

>> No.8106571

Stop trying to interpret my posts as attacking capitalism when all I'm doing is playing devil's advocate.

>> No.8106576

Raise taxes. Problem solved.

People want money, they get jobs. It's less barbaric than the current "people want to live, they get jobs" system.

>> No.8106575

If you are going to play devils advocate, at least go all the way. There's no point if you are going to backtrack. Also, he does have a point about your last post. That really was a silly and patently false thing to claim.

>> No.8106572
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Skimming the video they never say any of that, googling the article title he gave brings up an article asking if the name is rooted in a tax plan from Sim City 4, he says he didn't get it from a video game and thought it up himself. I'm probably the only one who didn't discard it right away as a lie, but the quote is made up. Sorry if this is stating the obvious.

>> No.8106577
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Eh, he's kind of right.

>> No.8106578

No, he isn't. Are you really going to tell me the american system is no better than that of North Korea? By all possible standards of comparison this is patently false.

>> No.8106584
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loud annoying political discussion

>> No.8106586

there's a board for this stuff, you know.

>> No.8106590

Funny thing about opinions, that. Yet I still believe it.

Every system has its points, even one as psychotic as North Korea. It encourages serving in the army, for instance, which is important when the whole world hates you.

>> No.8107007

He's a flip-flopper and doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time

>> No.8107873

So that's why Arc is gone! He's running for president! It's funny because Arc is black.

>> No.8107898

I miss Arc.
