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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1006 KB, 1163x1141, 1317908396266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8103499 No.8103499 [Reply] [Original]

This board should just be deleted.
Everything that made it special, basically the userbase, is gone.
There is no point in coming here now unless you just want to shitpost for no reason at all to gain fame in your shitty irc/steam group.
There really is no point in shitposting or shitting up the board to begin with because everybody that cared either left or just started to lurk certain threads.

>> No.8103513

...you're right.

>> No.8103521

>Everything that made it special, basically the userbase, is gone.
Check out the archive...not the /jp/ archive, but other boards. It takes forever to see a decent thread, but the archive can speed up the process.

>> No.8103522

But I'm here since the split, OP. I'm still here.

>> No.8103524
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>This board should just be deleted.

>Everything that made it special, basically the userbase, is gone.
lol where the HELL did they go?

There is no point in coming here now unless you just want to shitpost for no reason at all to gain fame in your shitty irc/steam group.
>not wanting to be e-famous

>There really is no point in shitposting or shitting up the board to begin with because everybody that cared either left or just started to lurk certain threads.

>> No.8103538

yeah, all one of you.
I always wondered this, but where the fuck did you even come from. its like you just showed up one day acting like a retard, that liberality guy too, i heard from /m/ that he was a fucking retard though, so i guess he found /jp/ and moved here from /m/.

>> No.8103540

If you can't find a decent thread on another board then you won't ever be finding one here. Why do you kids always try and sound so edgy when you insult other boards?

>> No.8103543
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>> No.8103545

hahahaha /m/ thinks you're retarded.

>> No.8103546

So you just came here because you got your ass beat by /m/?

>> No.8103550
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>> No.8103551
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/jp/ can be deleted after someone will post method and I will open portal and later I will make post from Gensokyo and later it can be deleted.

>> No.8103556

You know how we do the pig thing with sudo? can we please do a retard thing with retard-kun.

>> No.8103558
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>> No.8103559
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i was board hoping, was anon in other boards, mostly an /a/ and /b/ denizen
i checked /jp/ out when the split happened but didn't stay here until recently

/jp/ noticed me most and i became HELL

>> No.8103562

You know sometimes I wonder how shit like OP was as a child?
If you're this big of a bitch now god damn just imagine what it was like for your poor parents when he was a child.

>> No.8103573
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oh no

>> No.8103578

How about you go back to being a retarded shitposter, wasting your life force for no god dam reason. your fucking shitposting on a board that doesn't even care anymore. its like if you went to Rome and made fun of nero for some fucking reason.

>> No.8103584

calm down anon, the only retard here is retard-kun.

>> No.8103597

Apparently he's from /b/. That says enough about him already.

>> No.8103603
File: 19 KB, 478x377, 1320213732716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frig off......

>> No.8103601

Excuse me, may I pass through here?

>> No.8103604
File: 16 KB, 240x251, 1316462446427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop whining, ignore shitpost, take it easy, enjoy 2hu.

>> No.8103605

Woah woah buddy. Almost all original /jp/ users were from /a/ and /b/. I'm new though.

>> No.8103611

/a/ I understand, but /b/? Really?

>> No.8103610

>enjoy 2hu.
Can people please stop that? I thought 1337speek or whatever it's called was belonged on /b/ or /v/.

>> No.8103613

2hu 2hu 2hu 2hu 2hu 2hu 2hu 2hu 2hu 2hu 2hu

take a 2hu and shove it up your ass. that isn't legit speak retard.

>> No.8103614

I bet you also cry when people call them toehoes.

>> No.8103617

unlike you the actual /jp/ers have been on 4chan for 5+ years. /jp/ use to be where the oldest users went. now it's filled with /bun/ faggots from animesuki.

>> No.8103615
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Guys! we've found retard-kun's weakness!

>> No.8103618
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frig off buddy....

>> No.8103622
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>> No.8103625
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geyt ownded punk

>> No.8103627

First, how do you know how long I've been on 4chan? Second, who cares? That's like retards trying to compete over who's more retarded.

>> No.8103631

/jp/ has the most mature posters on all of 4chan. Fact.

>> No.8103634
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>> No.8103635

It's no competition who's the most retarded round here..

>> No.8103636
File: 12 KB, 288x216, kira yamato 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8103654

So yeah, why won't anyone mail moot and explain to him that we need a new maid because the current one doesn't do her job well enough since she allows shitposters and spam on this board 24/7? Or better yet, change the maid to a mod.

>> No.8103656
File: 217 KB, 717x641, 1315761100612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But retard-kun.., I thought you liked attention?

>> No.8103667

When exactly did shitposting become something to be proud of?
I've been on /jp/ since the split, and when exactly did shitposting turn from something that happened when others boards raided us to something the userbase was doing on there own?

>> No.8103669

The day /jp/ died.

>> No.8103676

That's the natural evolution of all boards. Shitposting encourages more shitposters.

>> No.8103679

Other boards don't shitpost themselves like /jp/ does though.

>> No.8103682


>> No.8103687

After we got raided by /b/tards.

>> No.8103692

Oh wow, look at >>8103561. We really need a mod in here to wipe /jp/'s ass from all the shit that's going on.

>> No.8103703
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>> No.8103716

nope, they eventually devolve into periodic shitposting themselves too. You haven't been on 4chan very long have you?

>> No.8103723

Well, meido* was throwing a tantrum and deleting shitposts and good posts, so some good posters left, and the shitposters turned it up to eleven, then /jp/ decided that we should give them attention, so they stayed, and eventually became cool.

*That is, AoC. This happened a long time ago. Just make the best of it.

>> No.8103729

Why does he need to? Why can't you people just keep yourselves under control? This isn't a daycare center.
Why do you people need a babysitter that cleans up after your messes?

>> No.8103736

Ever since he became weak and resigned /jp/ entered the point of no return. I liked him as a meido, he knew how to take care of the board. He shouldn't have quit.

>> No.8103743

they come from shitty forum like sa and want to have their diapers changed, eye protected, and all things which they disagree with disappear.

these kind of people are so stupid they can't even comprehend what they think is a "shit post" is actually just some light humor to chuckle at and move along to another thread of interest.

>> No.8103750

/jp/ is like Chris-chan, and without constant parental supervision, she does stupid shit and be a nuisance for everyone.

Making scripts to delete shit hardly qualifies as taking care of the board. I bet you are a fan of Suigin too.

>> No.8103755

AoC was a terrible meido and was the start of /jp/'s decline and inability to ignore shitposting. All he did was make them more aggressive.

I do feel bad for him, because he did have our best interests at heart and moot did fuck him over.

>> No.8103764

It was a way better moderation in order to keep the board clean and keep shitposter like you who are now projecting hatred towards him at bay than what we have now with all the Homu, Saten and pig shit every day.

>> No.8103772

aoc actually fucking cared, fuck you guys we will never have a janitor like him again.
Also im sad because Christmas on /jp/ is gonna be nothing but shitposts and retards. I thought if we got better, the old userbase and good tripfags would come back.

>> No.8103779

There isn't a day goes by that I don't see Chris mentioned on 4chan by the same two or three people on /jp/. Don't you have anything better to do than obsess over some autistic from the internet?

>> No.8103785

When /jp/s userbase was small, it was like a family to me. As it got bigger and became more know, things just feel like every other board now. There is just no point of caring for this place any more.

>> No.8103786

I haven't mentioned him in months. The last time I did I was accusing wtH of being him, half-jokingly.

Yes, I am a shitposter for disagreeing with you. What wonderful logic. Let us all rejoice that you are not a janitor.

>> No.8103799

You don't get better by making metathreads or complaining. /jp/ will only get better when people start making better posts. And no, a janitor won't help. That's akin to covering the dog shit up on your carpet and pretending it isn't there.

>> No.8103800

you won't around /jp/ before that time. don't act like you know shit. there was a few anime screenshot threads posted which got no replies and disappeared to later pages. big deal, kid. aoc was deleting tons of on-topic threads you autistic shitface.

original content threads, /jp/ radio, ar tonelico(gust), touhou image dumps, comic comiket link dumps, doujinshi release threads(without nudity).

those are just some of what he was deleting, fucker. let's see what this piece of shit was leaving up.

tentacle porn, what touhou fuck, anything his buddies posted, hotglue mmo games, and umineko roleplaying

what a fantastic fucking job he did! thanks to him allowing hotglue mmo games /jp/ was flooded fucking children from those such wonderful communities are cosmic break. you probably hail from such a website yourself.

>> No.8103804

you weren't around /jp/ before that time. don't act like you know shit. there was a few anime screenshot threads posted which got no replies and disappeared to later pages. big deal, kid. aoc was deleting tons of on-topic threads you autistic shitface.

original content threads, /jp/ radio, ar tonelico(gust), touhou image dumps, comic comiket link dumps, doujinshi release threads(without nudity).

those are just some of what he was deleting, fucker. let's see what this piece of shit was leaving up: tentacle porn, what touhou fuck, anything his buddies posted, hotglue mmo games, and umineko roleplaying

what a fantastic fucking job he did! thanks to him allowing hotglue mmo games /jp/ was flooded fucking children from those such wonderful communities are cosmic break. you probably hail from such a website yourself.

>> No.8103818

Can I say that I've been here since The Split™ if I had already grown out of /a/ and no longer visited it by then?

I want to fit in with the cool kids like

>> No.8103823 [DELETED] 

Your arguments are so full of ad hominem that you've really destroyed all of your credibility. Not that you had any to begin with all that solid proof you've given in that post to back up your words.

>> No.8103824

Your arguments are so full of ad hominem that you've really destroyed all of your credibility. Not that you had any to begin with all that solid proof you've given in that post to back up your words.

>> No.8103826

You guys are so bored that you have to discuss the board instead of fun topics.

>> No.8103828

But Christmas like other holidays is usually prone to spam, epic raids, and other crap. At best there are a handful of threads to enjoy. The whole waifu Christmas collage is more of an /a/ thing too. Last time either for x-mas o valentines the collage anon didn't get the response he wanted.
These two posts seem most reasonable. The mods never really seemed to help much. It's easier to make shitposts than to make decent threads so when decent threads get deleted it might be a while before anyone bothers again. Shitposts only require one randomly selected anime image or copypasta.

>> No.8103829

worst year of /jp/.
I've been hiding everything related to shitpost and in the end there's nothing in the front page.

>> No.8103832

You guys are so board that you have to discuss the bored instead of fun topics.

>> No.8103840
File: 26 KB, 268x265, 1283539367907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is a fun thread.

>> No.8103843

I've been here since the split and while it's completely clear that /jp/ has gotten worse every minute since then, I'm at a loss as to what's the reason of it. It's not a clear-cut case like how Hitler-like moderation killed /tg/. In /jp/ there were no major paradigm shifts that I noticed, it just kind of... started sucking on its own.

The main weird thing , unique to /jp/ as far as I can tell, is that a portion of the userbase get really aggressively upset if somebody posts something _other_ than shit. They view /jp/ as Shit/General. Talk about a fascinating Japan-related thing you found out, you get cries of gb2/int/.

>> No.8103844

If you begin your argument with,
> I've been here since the split
then everyone can tell it's going to be a shitty argument.

>> No.8103845
File: 12 KB, 298x384, obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ could be saved by creating Touhou General threads that actually follow the rules. While it would only be a matter of time before it looks like /d/, at least the generals would help identify the threads.

>> No.8103846

> a portion of the userbase get really aggressively upset if somebody posts something _other_ than shit
So the mean people saged your /b/ random thread?

>> No.8103849

How does it feel to be illiterate?

>> No.8103848

How would that get rid of anime screencap threads and such?

>> No.8103850

I swear I would browse /jp/ by my fucking self if it meant all the faggots in this thread fucked right off the board.

>> No.8103851

They usually keep their shit in one thread.

>> No.8103858

Are we seriously going to have this thread everyday?

>> No.8103861


>> No.8103864

Every day until /jp/ will change for the better. Or until YOU like it.

>> No.8103865

if you don't know he was deleting those threads then anyone who i need "credibility" with already knows you're some shitface liar pretending to have been around. you're a nobody who wasn't even in /jp/ when this was happening otherwise you would know he was deleting those threads. it doesn't matter how i structure my sentences or what proof i give because you're just going to feign ignorance and live in denial.

i forgot my favorite part. he was deleting original content threads, but allowing any original fan art threads where they posted/dumped images of the meido. before he came around there was nobody called a "meido". he was a spammer who still makes daily dose threads, and he would make threads about himself as janitor too.


look at these quality /jp/ thread from the meido aoc! this definitely doesn't shit post himself since daily dose like flan fly are epic xD

>> No.8103868


Hi Chie spammer.

>> No.8103870

Cool story bro.

>> No.8103876

never played a persona game in my life. how does it feel to be a complete dipshit calling everyone who disagrees with you the same person?

>> No.8103885


That was my second post in this thread and the first one responding to you.

>> No.8103887

How did you know that Chie was from Persona?

>> No.8103899

>Sup Chie spammer
look up that phrase on the archive, idiot. you call anyone who you disagree with chie spammer. he didn't even spam that much on /jp/. he stuck around for like 3 weeks or something? you're probably just aoc posting as anonymous. you're just so pathetic. get a life beyond spamming /jp/ with praise for your "meido".

>> No.8103900

/jp/ is just a positive reinforcement cycle of shit.
This shittiness can be modeled naively by the mathematical equation:

S(n) = S(n-1) * P(S(n-1))
P(x) = (a*x)^b + c
where S(n) measures shittyness at time n and P(x) measures the gain in shit relative to the shittiness at time n-1. Presumably, the gain would be greater for larger values of shittiness, thus leading to a runaway shit process.

it's making a lot of assumptions though about the system dynamics. the real work is in rigorously defining P(n): if P(n) > 1 as n -> infinity, then shittyness will increase exponentially over time, and /jp/ eventually reaches a shit singularity, or shitularity. but if lim(P(n)) = 1 as n -> infinity, then shittyness will eventually plateau.

>> No.8103906


You dense motherfucker.

>> No.8103910


>> No.8103917

how do you know yukari is a touhou if you haven't gotten to the extra stage genius? i don't give a shit about persona. it was never posted on /jp/ to begin with. that doesn't change anything i said.

i'm wrong because you try and associate me with a spammer who barely spammed /jp/ by comparison to others. great logic, guys. you're definitely still in school.

>> No.8103933


You need help man.

>> No.8103959

Christmas on /jp/ is fun, its about the feel of it.
But the /jp/ feeling is long gone from this place.
I havent really got that, "man,this is the only place where i belong and i love these guys" since 2009-2010(before puddi shit and aoc left us). 2011 changed /jp/ in such a fucking drastic way that i just cant understand it.

>> No.8103963

you need psychological help yourself. this is a forum for discussion, not your daycare center where everything you dislike should be removed.

>> No.8103967

Where will you make all of your shitty whining threads if /jp/ is deleted?
