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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8097128 No.8097128 [Reply] [Original]

Share your NEET experiences. Why are you a NEET? What do you do to entertain yourself? How long has it been since you last left your house? Let's talk about those kinds of things.

I sleep on my floor in front of my computers and I spend all day wrapped up in blankets. My desktop computer doesn't use Windows, so I use my laptop for games that don't work in Wine or VirtualBox. I moved the monitors slightly so you could see them.

>> No.8097135

Why do you live in a dump? I keep my room very tidy seeing as I only leave it for maybe 5 minutes a day.

>> No.8097134
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Even when closed, my curtains let in a lot of light. I got a sheet and pulled that over the frame. It still let in some light, so I got a bunch of printer paper and taped it to the windowpane. A few weeks ago, I saw it from the outside. It's completely white on the other side in the day and no light leaves it at night. I feel more protected from the outside world this way.

>> No.8097143

Seems like the perfect chance to ask a question thats been bugging me for a while. All you hikki shut-in types, how much (if any) sun do you get?

>> No.8097144

I leave my room to get food once a day and once or twice to go to the bathroom and get some water to drink. Every three or four days, I take a shower and do my laundry. Even though I only eat one meal, and it's all unhealthy, I always stay really thin - I have a BMI of 14.

I dropped out of college after I started getting stressed. It felt like people were always staring at me, I felt like I wasn't attractive and I started thinking that I smelled weird and convinced myself that I had a bad voice and bad breath so I stopped talking and hanging around people. When I started looking for jobs seriously after I dropped out, I couldn't find any. I can't move since I don't have any money so I just mooch off my dad.

What about you, /jp/? Any pics or stories? How do you survive? I feel that NEETism is an important aspect of Otaku Culture and there's a lot of us on here, so hopefully we can get a good discussion.

>> No.8097145

>My desktop computer doesn't use Windows, so I use my laptop for games that don't work in Wine or VirtualBox.
Why not just pirate Windows and dual-boot with GRUB as the bootloader?

>> No.8097149

Look up for a moment. Is this board called NEET and Hikkikomori Culture? No, only the archive was once, as a joke.

You know why Eksi set it to that for a while? Because he titled the /jp/ archive basically after whatever he thought was being the most cancerous shitty thing on the board at the time. Hence there were other names like Spam/General, Meido Appreciation Society etc.

If you're one of those people who wants to make a portal, please be my guest and do so so that that's one less shitty poster around here.

/jp/ authentically started to go to shit after the tru neet thing came into vogue a while ago. We weren't LIKE that originally, quit conditioning yourselves into believing that we're all like you. Many of us never were; you're just a vocal minority who desperately wishes to carve out a little rat's nest enclave here. Sorry to burst your guys' bubbles, but it doesn't matter to me. Your lives are less important than the quality of /jp/, which is very much saying something. Stop making blogshit posts. Take it to >>>/r9k/.

>> No.8097151

Are you the gikpoi bro?

>> No.8097148

I only go to the store at night, and I don't leave the house besides then. Ever since I sealed up my window, I'd guess no light at all.

I'm really lazy. I clean it every few months but I'm really, really lazy. Any pics of your room?

>> No.8097156

>You know why Eksi set it to that for a while? Because he titled the /jp/ archive basically after whatever he thought was being the most cancerous shitty thing on the board at the time.
So if he makes a new archive, it should be called Girlfriend Drama/Delete Everything General?

>> No.8097162

> Is this board called NEET and Hikkikomori Culture?
Many otaku are NEET or hikikomori. Have you seen the rules for this board? "All things otaku welcome!" This type of thread is not breaking any rules, explicit or implicit.

> the archive
I could care less about what Eksopl thinks.

> /jp/ authentically started to go to shit after the tru neet thing came into vogue a while ago
You're saying that /jp/ became shitty because 'tru neets' came on it? Interesting perspective.

>> No.8097180

The NEET thing isn't what made /jp/ shitty. They were just a mix of people joking and loners and hermits. Usually hermits who joked about their situation by taking it overboard and people who don't like society. It really isn't what caused /jp/ to turn to shit.

And really, the NEET general shit has been here for a fairly fucking long time. Or should we go back to 9 GET threads since thats what we did back then too?

>> No.8097188

I haven't done my dishes in weeks. I've been using disposable stuff for a while now, but the dishes from before are just sitting there. I rinse after I finish eating, so they don't smell or anything, but I should probably get to those.

I'm also pretty terrible when it comes to laundry, but it's not like I really need all that much in the way of clean clothing.

>> No.8097185

i am vitamin D deficient and have a prescription for these little green pills that give like 50,000 IU of vitamin D that i am supposed to take, as little light as possible

>> No.8097193

Honestly, I think ZUN!bar and Pygma-chan made a cute couple. But I guess it was never meant to be...

>> No.8097195

I save one clean pair of clothing in case I have to go out. Emergencies happen, and you can't always do laundry quickly.

>> No.8097200


You probably should. Don't want mold growing on your plates. Kind of a bitch to get off.

>> No.8097201

How do you fund yourself? Parents? Government Unemployment Benefit?

>> No.8097221

Parents. I'm going to go try to get government money in the future because I feel bad about mooching off them, but I'm lazy.

When I'm not online, I just sleep. when I'm online, I can kind of get away from life... when I'm asleep, I'm totally away.

>> No.8097222

No, that's precisely the problem, that attitude is the same as the people ironically shitposting today.

You can be as not-serious as you want, but, being not-serious and also being a very fucking bad poster are not, I repeat not, mutually inclusive traits.

>> No.8097243

Where do you live? Like, Small apartment or still with parents? Plus how is income v costs?

>> No.8097250

I live with my parents. Sometimes, if they make food, they'll leave me some in the fridge, but they buy me food or give me some allowance to buy what I want.

>> No.8097334
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>Why are you a NEET?

Because my life isn't getting any better. Course even if I wanted it to, I don't think it'd be a good idea since it'd be bad for my health.

>What do you do to entertain yourself?

Other than wasting most of my life glued to the PC? I'm usually just sitting around playing games when I've got the chance. I like to get round to the games I've previously bought online and trying to complete them from time to time.

>How long has it been since you last left your house?

Can't remember. But all I know is that I left the house because I had to go to a doctor's appointment. Anything other than that and I never go out. period.

>how much (if any) sun do you get?

Unfortenatly as I have no curtain in my room (due to the fact I'm lazy to ask my mum to put it up), I'm getting all the sunlight I need. Even if I were to put one up and block it all from getting in, I'm still going to get at least a "small" bit of sunlight getting in.

And why is your room messy, OP? Don't you know how to keep it nice and clean? I know you are a NEET and all, but jesus fucking christ at least tidy up so it's nice and clean.

>> No.8097358

>Why are you a NEET
Because I cannot find a job, duh. Seriously though I managed to find a little work about a year ago now, but that dried up in April.
>What do you do to entertain yourself.
Watch anime, play video games, write, masturbate. Same things I'd be doing with my free time if I was not NEET.
>How long has it been since you left your house?
Yesterday. Now if you're asking 'how long since you left your house and had to interact with people?' I don't honestly remember. Several months.

>Getting enough sunlight
I'm an unemployed shutin with eccentric interests and poor social skills, but I'm lucky enough to live in the middle of a forest. I can go 'outside' and walk for ages without having to deal with another person, so I go for a run two or three times a week to keep myself from getting depressed.

>> No.8097409
File: 91 KB, 704x796, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you a NEET?
Because I just have no motivation for anything. Even when I try so hard, I just fall back down and end up where I started.

>What do you do to entertain yourself?
I guess... VN, anime, games, coding, dicking around with various programs; a multitude of things. Generally drown myself in fiction.

>How long has it been since you last left your house?
Can't even remember.
