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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8096461 No.8096461 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is not the same anymore.

I am not even kidding, /jp/ has changed completely.
And if you are part of the assburgers crew blaming /jp/'s state on the "shitposters" and their "shitty threads".

Then pick the 10 best threads on the board right now and compare them to the 10 best threads made before 2010.

There's no comparison, /jp/ is dead.
Even /a/ has higher standards than you guys now,

>> No.8096466

Is making shitty meta-threads with Railgun images your gimmick?

>> No.8096465

Blame meido

>> No.8096471

It's not our fault we have a shitty cockblocking janitor.

>> No.8096480

Stop calling the new janitor "meido".

>> No.8096483

>"/jp/ is so shitty right now!"
>"I'll fix it by making another shitty thread!"

>> No.8096490

>Even /a/ has higher standards than you guys now,

That was always true. That's why you ended up in this ghetto.

Polite sage.

>> No.8096488

Even /a/ knows /jp/ better than our janitor do.


>> No.8096491

That's not how it works Jimmy.

>> No.8096494

just report and move on

>> No.8096497

Yes it is, Billy.

>> No.8096507
File: 1 KB, 21x23, colbert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss 08 /jp/

But you're still a faggot OP

>> No.8096515

>saging with a picture
What am I doing.

>> No.8096516

Yeah, makes wonder why I wake up anymore. Maybe it's time to open up that portal and meet up with some sugoi titty bitches desu

>> No.8096520

/a/ is considerably more hostile lately. Only Bleach and Naruto threads should be met with open hostility. I think maybe it's the result of the big three fans retaliating.

>> No.8096521

Wow, you're an idiot.

>> No.8096523

Signs of new /jp/ denizens:

-Appears constantly irritated, sometimes even enraged
-Never posts without using sage
-Feels the need to police the board
-Will spam board redirects to anyone who disagrees with or irritates them
-Complains about greentext, image macros, and other standard image board fare
-Tends to overuse the terms "summer", "shitpost(er)", "newfag", and "samefag"
-On that note, they will almost invariably call two people who disagree with them "samefag"
-All in all, treats /jp/ as if it's a secret club that only they belong to

>> No.8096531

And they think they are the true /jp/sies on the holy crusade to save /jp/.

>> No.8096532

Ignore, report, and move on. If you post in shit-threads (no matter the content) you are no better than people like OP.

>> No.8096534

You meet almost all the criteria at >>8096523

>> No.8096537

I'd like to see you try not to post that colbert.gif, when you've only slept for one hour.

>> No.8096541

Sorry, but /jp/ is not your personal gallery for 2hu imagedumps.

We are going to have fun, and we are going to bring the old /jp/ back.

>> No.8096545


It's rather hard to post pictures when 75% of the time you are greeted with the "connection interupted" screen when trying to upload a picture.

>> No.8096548

>-Never posts without using sage
But saging is a polite thing to do when carrying on off-topic conversations or posting in off-topic threads, like this one. I always nokosage.

>> No.8096554 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 1600x1200, 2hi0d3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this thread is bad and you should feel bad


yeah, well, you meet almost all the criteria in my picture.

>> No.8096557


>> No.8096564

It really has. Its really only gone down hill this year though for some reason. Last November it was still pretty much the same as when it opened.

I kinda miss old /jp/

>> No.8096565

You missed the point.

>> No.8096570

Never taking sage off is stupid.

>> No.8096576

/jp/ hasn't been better than /a/ for a long time. in /a/ they discuss new material constantly. there is a few bad apples, but there is even worse in /jp/.

back in 2008 there was tons of spammers on /a/. there was less on /jp/ so it was moderately better. that, combined with the fact 2hu "new" to the english community helped. now it's old and busted without anything new.

i'm so tired of fags from sa, /g/, and other boards coming to /jp/ and talking shit about /a/. the only good /jp/ users that ever existed came from /a/ during the creation.

>> No.8096579

What could we do to bring the good old days back, seriously?

And all the advices like

>durrr report off-topic threads like this and move on

can fuck off already

Who am I quoting?
I don't give a fuck.

I've been here long enough to no longer give a fuck.

>> No.8096584

I sometimes get the feeling that some kids got together to try and shit /jp/ up so bad that Moot deletes it, of course for the eternal "epic lulz" that newfags know nothing about any longer

>> No.8096587

My posts are never relevant anyway, it's better that I'm not bumping any of the threads I shitpost in.

>> No.8096591

That would be the best solution for /jp/.

>> No.8096602

Probably won't happen.

>> No.8096607

>What could we do to bring the good old days back, seriously?

Post to the same quality that the old days had?

>> No.8096611

Remember boys and girls; shit threads tend to be self-contained and as such, easily hidden and reported. Do your part by not responding and moving on with discussion with an on-topic thread.

>> No.8096613

A man can dream

>> No.8096608


This my friends, this. These are the children who try police the board. They're so immature they post pictures of feces on /jp/. They're hypocritical brats from some forum. they proudly brag about how they found /jp/ on youtube and how bad /a/ is.

I wish I could hate you to death. You're a piece of trash. No real /jp/sie would ever post feces on the board. Everyone who reads this thread and your post knows you're human garbage who isn't fit for /jp/, yet you'll continue to delude yourself believing you belong here, or you're welcome.

>> No.8096617

Epic for the win officer.

>> No.8096624

>This my friends, this. These are the children who try police the board. They're so immature they post pictures of feces on /jp/. They're hypocritical brats from some forum. they proudly brag about how they found /jp/ on youtube and how bad /a/ is.

These kids are probably from /poosh/ or shrinemaiden

>> No.8096622 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 406x480, 6543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8096628

This may be unlikely if the current trend of quarantining non-desirable elements continues.

Given the structure of the board, good staffing along with a self-policing user base would be the situation in which I believe would result in higher quality. I am skeptical that this will happen, though.

>> No.8096629

Look at this rude person, look at him.
You are rude.

>> No.8096637

/jp/ has always been like this. OP and his meta threads are the cancer killing /jp/

>> No.8096635
File: 19 KB, 282x253, BurgerKing-Stacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ died as soon as AoC quit.

>> No.8096633
File: 25 KB, 320x359, 1320782583621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll help you guys out.

Cheer the fuck up and eat a noodle sandwich. Fuck yeah, now you are cruisin' Japanese style , motherfucker.

>> No.8096641

Oh you

>> No.8096646

Anyone who thinks /jp/ was better in '08 obviously wasn't around back then.

A couple of bored shitposters attacking the front page every couple hours is much better than the board being full of people making and responding to threads about post numbers, IOSYS memes, and horrible CYOA fanfiction shit, which is exactly what '08 /jp/ was. It looked almost exactly like fucking /a/. That's how horrible it was.

>> No.8096651

iosys memes? are you kidding me? just leave. you weren't around in /a/ during that time or even /jp/. let me guess, you only read visual novels since they're for mature individuals like yourself, you think anime is all moe shit, and you're 18?

>> No.8096653

You just outed yourself.

>> No.8096656

/jp/ will never die. There will forever be an influx of NEETs, hikkomori and Touhou fans.

Yes, /jp/ will change, and that change will make people uncomfortable. Especially the kind of people who post on /jp/.

Change happens; that's just the way it goes. Go post in Notepad if you can't deal with it.

>> No.8096661

Agreed, I actually quite like some of the off-topic discussion here. It reminds me a lot of old /b/, which makes sense because if any users from back then are still around they're probably all posting on this board.

>> No.8096660

Ok you fuckheads, if you know what kind of thread made /jp/ good go and MAKE FUCKING THREADS AND POST LIKE THE OLD TIMES instead of baw about how much you miss the old board, but you won't, do you know why?.
Because you don't know what is quality posting because you never witnessed it, I can't avoid to see everywhere people crying: Old /jp/ was good, probably I see it a hundred times every day in /jp/, so let me ask, if theres such a high amount of old good posters why fuck theres no QUALITY POSTS.

Ok now we are advancing.
Quality post requires work, short quality post doesn't exist, but that's your problem, you come here specting the great amount of good content while you only want to slack around tiping reactions and answering questions instead of making good things and new topics, of course we all can recognize shitpost, but most of you haven't typed something worth all the time here.

For me? I'm relatively new but even I can understand this concept, and you, you are the cancer, yes, that word from /b/ doesn't aply better for any place than /jp/.

You just want to receive and even /v/ retarded troll post have more work on them than 99% of the ones of you that claim to be the old dogs, this board may not be the best but used to have some work and thinking in the posts, fuck your shit, 4chan is always the same doesn't matter what board, every post is a repost of a repost, when was the last time you posted any OC, even a fucking reaction imagem tell me, for most of you the only thing that you can offer is the space of your disk for already over stacked and saved images and doujin, nothing is wrong with /jp/ more than themselves, but regarding the board is made for the same people that browse it you should stip bitching about it or GO MAKE IT BETTER TROUGHT CONTENT and not metathreads you fucking mongrels, words are free and easy to give, actions are not.

>> No.8096657

I blame it on Touhou.

>> No.8096658

Maybe I liked 08 /jp/ because I didn't read Touhou threads (and still don't).

>> No.8096662
File: 26 KB, 320x320, autistic-child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like change...

>> No.8096664

*grabs dick*

>> No.8096670

Some boards used to call /jp/ 'Oldfag Island'

>> No.8096671

Do you speak English as a second language or are you just very mad?

>> No.8096672

Are you seriously defending people who watch the watered-down Japanese cartoon adaptations of VNs because they're too ADD to read the actual source material? No one who deserves to call himself NEET should like that shit.

>> No.8096668

>>/jp/ is not the same anymore.

Guaranteed 300 post thread every time.

>> No.8096680

.Looks like /jp/ got rooked.

>> No.8096684

And here is a fine example of "trying too hard".

>> No.8096690

you were right, until aoc decided to delete every besides 2hu and introduce the new shit generation of /jp/ers. you think most of the users who came from 2004 /b/ would stick around with some 12 year old janitor deciding what they're allowed to read? the posters who ever produced anything besides an image dump left for green pastures except for a few.

go to /pol/a/r9k/ for old school style /b/ threads.

>> No.8096688


>> No.8096698

Oldfag island, newbie island?

Get it guys, GET IT??

>> No.8096704


That's not even me cherry picking, either. '08 /jp/ sucked hard.

>> No.8096708
File: 92 KB, 511x511, 1320911211355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to say that I don't mind your touhous but you guys get shit on a lot.

Moot being a hipster doesn't help.
