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8093938 No.8093938 [Reply] [Original]

6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil > 10 Mountain of faith > 8 Imperishable Night > 12 Undefined Fantastic Object > 7 Perfect Cherry Blossom > 13 Ten Desires > 9 Phantasmagoria of Flower View > 11 Subterranean Animism

>> No.8093941

shit taste

>> No.8093944

IN > MoF > EoSD > PCB > SA > PoFV > TD > UFO

>> No.8093958


Just my taste

>> No.8093966

Tastes thread!

IN > PCB > EoSD > SA > MoF > PoFV > TD > UFO

>> No.8093977

IN the prettiest
IN the best music
IN my favourite

>> No.8093974

IN confirmed for the best one

>> No.8093989

StB > Fairy Wars > DS > no-gooders

>> No.8093999

ITT people that have opinions about games they can't clear.

>> No.8094000

>IN the best music

no, that's UFO

>> No.8094014

How can you have an opinion on any of the touhou games if you haven't done a full 1cc no-bomb run on lunatic? I'm willing to bet that half of you guys bomb the hell out of everything.

And /jp/ calls themselves good at touhou. Right.

>> No.8094020

UFO was terrible. Everything about the game was off. I don't know ZUN managed to fuck up such a simple formula, but he did.

>> No.8094026

ITT: People having opinions about games they played for 50 hours+ trying to clear

>> No.8094027

TD was terrible. Everything about the game was off. I don't know ZUN managed to fuck up such a simple formula, but he did.

>> No.8094035

50 hours? wow at most I've spent trying to clear normal SA was 5 hours, are you that bad?

>> No.8094036

IaMP was terrible. Everything about the game was off. I don't know ZUN managed to fuck up such a simple formula, but he did.

>> No.8094034

well, I am capable of no-bomb 1cc on Normal.
But does that really matter? It's just a self-imposed challenge.

>> No.8094042

Try lunatic

>> No.8094046

IN > PCB > SA > UFO > MoF > EoSD > TD > PoFV

Did you just choose random places for each game or something?


>> No.8094050

posting high level play to purge your faggotry.


>> No.8094056

I hate that you guys are trying to make me feel bad and it's working.

>> No.8094052

PoFV was terrible. Everything about the game was off. I don't know ZUN managed to fuck up such a simple formula, but he did.

>> No.8094053

You just don't like fighting games or you are bad at them but IaMP, SWR and it's expansions are more than fine.

>> No.8094064

Relax. A joke. I don't think ZUN did the gameplay of them anyways. Hisouten and soku are good games.

>> No.8094066

touhou is not about feeling bad, what did we do wrong?

>> No.8094076

You guys with your `mad skills,' even if you're joking. I've never even 1CC'd any game on normal, and I have been playing Touhou for years.
Perhaps it's just because I never play computer/video games in general.

>> No.8094072
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What we did wrong was probably doing what we always do.

>> No.8094083
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>lost all lifes
>choose 'Continue'
>go back to the stage's beginning

>> No.8094087

>spaghetti gamestop totori reactionimage

>> No.8094089

>Doesn't like having to work at getting through a game instead of just credit feeding

>> No.8094090

if a 1cc is all you're interested in, and your reflexes,eyesight, whatever is utter shit -
then become more strategic. Many moments in touhou games almost enter puzzle territory. I beat SA Lunatic despite not being capable of capturing like 80% of the stuff there.

Where's that clown saying USE A BOMB.

>> No.8094091
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PCB = PCB > TD = SA > EoSD = UFO > IN > PoFV > MoF

>> No.8094099

you don't say

>> No.8094101

I actually like SA

>> No.8094105
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>TD = SA

>> No.8094108

everyone not trolling does.

>> No.8094114
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I aways forgot my bombs

>> No.8094112

>How can you have an opinion on any of the touhou games if you haven't done a full 1cc no-bomb run on lunatic?
I have, in multiple games, more than once, but I haven't posted my opinion in this thread.

>And /jp/ calls themselves good at touhou. Right.
But they don't.

>> No.8094121

Why would you ever even need to continue in a touhou game? Just start over from the beginning. They're piss easy games anyway, even on Lunatic difficulty.

Hell, I needed the ultra patches for them to even be remotely difficult. But I'm guessing that most of /jp/ didn't grow up playing shoot em ups.

>> No.8094123

Best Zun's work overall: UFO

You know this is true.

>> No.8094128

UFO, EoSD and MoF have the best musics

>> No.8094134

Not with these retarded stale backgrounds

>> No.8094136
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>Hell, I needed the ultra patches for them to even be remotely difficult.
Why didn't you just play for score, then.

But yeah, the Ultra patches are so good. What did you think of the UFO Ultra patch?

>> No.8094142

Are you guys serious? This makes me pumped up to go some weeks with playing Touhou only to achieve this

>> No.8094146

Not only music, UFO has the best gameplay, graphics and it has a lot of innovation. Also the most intense Stage 5 of the entire series, and a Stage 6 pretty well executed.
It's a deconstruction of the Touhou genre.

>> No.8094151

PCB/IN > UFO > SA > EoSD > PoFV Netplay > MoF > TD > PoFV Singleplayer

Mostly ranking the danmaku here. PoFV netplay is the exception, it's not like the patterns are fun, but it's interesting anyways.

>> No.8094155



>> No.8094165

I played once against my friend
in my house

It's pretty cool, too bad that's the only multiplayer touhou (shootup)

>> No.8094176

SA last? I like your taste.
But ranking PoFV lower than UFO, IN and EoSD is still inexcuseable.

>> No.8094180


>> No.8094179

Good luck, anon. Don't go in expecting it to be super easy like default touhou difficulty, though. You will not be able to blind run Ultra difficulty, as it really puts your skill to the test.

>> No.8094199

UFO > SA > PCB > MoF > IN > TD > EoSD

PCB > UFO > IN > MoF > SA > EoSD > TD

UFO > PCB > SA > IN > MoF > EoSD > TD

>> No.8094213
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why everyone hate TD so much?

>> No.8094223

The scoring system revolves around a No Dodging Required™ style of gameplay. I guess it's alright on Extra.

>> No.8094224

I agree with your overall, only that I would exchange the places of EoSD and MoF.
Really, MoF was terrible, not fun at all, mid tier music, bad gameplay. The only good thing about it were the chars.

>> No.8094225

Scoring is dull. Too many resources.

>> No.8094273


The danmaku isn't good and you skip half the game by becoming invincible (and there's no reason not to do this from a survival/scoring perspective)
Music and characters aren't that good either. Pretty forgettable.

>> No.8094295
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GFW = R52M = CoSD >
MoF = DS = PoFV >
MA = PCB = SWR = IamP OST >
StB = UFMJ = SaBND 2 = BAiJR >
IN = GFC = SA = UFO = OSP 2 = SaBND 1 >
SaBND 3 = TD >
SSiB >
DiPP = EoSD = IamP = OSP 1 = EaLND >
Hisoutensoku OST >
TGoM = Hisoutensoku

Not ranking PC-98 and Akyu's Untouched Score.

>> No.8094298

Piss easy, even with ultra patch, and uninspired characters.

Utter gash, if you ask me.

>> No.8094301


I thought the music was good, but yeah, I didn't like any of the boss attacks. Kanako's final spell is excellent but it's not worth playing the rest of the game for. A shame, since the scoring system requires the least amount of dumb bullshit in the series.

>> No.8094305
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>Magical Astronomy and StB up high

>> No.8094319
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I particullary think that MoF music was excellent, the only bad thing could be the new gameplay and bomb system that was plain, being all the bomb's retarded bullet cleaning circumferences compared to the fabulous spell cards from other games.

>> No.8094348

So who are these players saying the games on Lunatic/Ultra are piss easy, etc? Surely you've got some replays around showing us your awesome skills. Let's see 'em.

Overall enjoyability:
UFO >>> MoF >= SA > Everything else

>> No.8094421

I wonder if touhou 14 will be wrost than TD

>> No.8094463

That would be hard to achieve.

>> No.8094474

UFO already managed that before ZUN even thought about TD.

>> No.8094497

I wonder if it's just a coincidence that the hardest Windows Touhou game is the one people on /jp/ seem to dislike the most.

>> No.8094498

Opinions. Opinions.

IN = MoF = UFO > PoFV = SA = PCB > EoSD = TD = FW > StB = DS

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.8094543


People who make a big deal about difficulty levels and skill are trolling 100% of the time. Don't take it seriously.

>> No.8094571

IN for best!

tbh I've never even completed any of the games! I just grabbed other people's good playthroughs and admire them when stupidly drunk sometimes.

It's nice watching someone play a game well, and with Touhou, doubly so.

It's the characters, crazy stories and spin off manga that does it for me!

>> No.8094584

Are you me? This post sounds like I just wrote it.

>> No.8094634


I'm sorry you only enjoy the bad parts of the series, but if you're happy with that, then keep on keepin' on!

>> No.8094645


your opinions != fact, stop trying to cause arguments.

>> No.8094659

fuck off back to >>>/a/

/jp/ is for TRUNEET primary scorefags...who also take it easy.

>> No.8094682


No argument was asked for! If you like something and it makes you happy I think that's good, even if it sucks. You have my blessing, go in peace.

>> No.8094698

Fine by me, enjoy your bitter colorless world

>> No.8094728

The games are nothing but frustrating and depressing, even when trying to clear Normal/Hard. I can't even imagine of getting past stage 1 on Lunatic. I'll just rate them in the order of most play time, since I dislike all of the games equally.
IN > PCB > MoF > EoSD > SA > UFO > TD > PoFV

>> No.8094845


The most important thing when you're starting out is to learn from your mistakes and adjust your play accordingly. It's really easy to ram your head against the game over and over again but if you're doing the same thing every time you'll get nowhere. Also, watch replays and copy what they do, a lot of stages and boss attacks can be trivialized so you don't have to do any dodging. Watch your own replays too, to see what you're doing wrong. It's often really obvious in hindsight.
Or just give up and despair, whatever works best for you.

>> No.8094865

SA? Last? Sounds like someone is butthurt about not being able to 1 cc normal.
Okuu has some really fun spell cards, so long as you can get past the bullshit that Orin throws at you.

>> No.8094951

I couldn't 1cc SA normal to save my life, but it's still my first or second favorite of the series.

>> No.8095012

Yeah, been doing that for almost 3 years. Watching other players' replays only made me worse because I always try to mimic what I see in the replays, which doesn't improve skill and only makes me die on easy bullets/patterns more. I keep telling myself to forget what they did and end up messing up because I can't dodge on my own. It's gotten me so shitty that I have not even 1cc'd TD on Normal, while everyone else was smashing it on Lunatic. Sadly, I'm years ahead of just "starting out" so I can't unfuck my mistakes anymore. I've accepted being shit and just stepped down to being a full secondary about a few months ago. Even now, when I boot up the games like once every two weeks, I'm just as horrible as when I was starting out. I wish taking breaks helped me like it does to everyone else.

>> No.8095129

It's too bad about UFO. The level design is easily my favorite in the series, but those damn UFOs kind of ruin the experience.

>> No.8095134

> 11 Subterranean Animism

Stopped reading there.

>> No.8095138

you've already read all of it

>> No.8095141

Anyone who doesn't put TD dead last on gameplay should give up playing shooters forever.

>> No.8095142

Sounds like you have the wrong mindset, that's all. You should approach the games only when you feel like playing and playing on a level where it is fun for you. It's not like beating a touhou game on lunatic is braggable feat anyway.

>> No.8095163


I don't put it last because Youmu shot type is the most beautiful thing I've experienced. I'll easily admit it has the worst scoring of the series, although I'm still a novice at these types of games. I probably don't play enough, but I don't get the urge to play very often. I should though, since a 1cc always feels so wonderful.

>> No.8095180

>a 1cc always feels so wonderful
I miss the time when I could still relate to this.

>> No.8095190
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Not even little Youmu can raise it for me. I actually think it's more fun to play than a few of them, but I just have to put it last on principle.

>> No.8095199


Yeah, I'm starting to lose it now, although UFO revived it somewhat. Gave me the motivation to play beyond Normal mode.


I guess I understand what you're saying I suppose. SA is one of my least favorite Touhou games but I know it's not one of the worst.

>> No.8095205

Imperishable Night sucks a fucking cock.
This game is shit, plain and simple.

Oh, let's all beat the fourth stage boss and go to "Eientei"! Too bad Eientei isn't fucking fun, like the rest of this game. The entire thing is designed to anger and frustrate you. Oh, you get to play as a team! Wow, pardon me while I make the universal motion for a handjob. Playing as a team fucking sucked. What did it do, exactly? It let you SHOOT FAIRIES, something you were able to do the entire fucking game. Oh, also you looked gay.

There are some interesting shot types in the game, such as Marisa, Sakuya, and Youmu. But guess what? You can use them on like 2 levels total, and if you later on you unfocus and get hit ONCE, you never use them AGAIN since you are afraid of dying again. Wow, that's fun! I love games that demand I play perfectly or have no fun, because I'm a fucking jap who strives for absolute perfection in gaming otherwise I kill myself.

Imperishable Night may have been interesting or fun at one time, but the game is a worthless piece of shit in today's day and age. It's horribly flawed and full of punch-in-the-dick moments, much more so than it has moments that are just fun to play.

>> No.8095221

I could write a long post explaining every one of your wrong points, but I'll make aTL;DR directly.
You Are Dumb As A Brick.

Even if trolling.

>> No.8095239


This man knows what he's talking about. Carry that torch, brother.

>> No.8095241
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>> No.8095256

I didn't have a real awesome 1CC for a while until I finally beat UFO Hard. That felt good.
