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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 160 KB, 359x640, 403_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
809351 No.809351 [Reply] [Original]

Requesting this trap's blog page. Lost the address because I'm an idiot.

>> No.809353
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>> No.809368
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>> No.809375
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>> No.809384
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>> No.809387
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>> No.809388
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>> No.809390

was "lucifer" in the url?

>> No.809394
File: 185 KB, 457x640, 1213247284855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to have a thing for pantyhose like any good trap.

>> No.809398

It was but can't exactly google that on its own.

>> No.809402

Why do I see boobs if it's a trap D:

>> No.809410


>> No.809412

He's taking hormones.

>> No.809419
File: 141 KB, 480x603, 1213247510874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His older pictures on the blog look a little more boyish since I'm assuming he wasn't that good with the make-up yet, and the hormones hadn't kicked in.

This one looks very different from his recent close-ups for instance.

>> No.809427

then it's a she :C

>> No.809428

Need moar. ;A;

>> No.809433

Oh jesus christ fuck off. Go troll /u/ or something

>> No.809434

Well, Linetrap's been taking hormones for a while, and he's still no less legendary.

>> No.809438

that's one nice trap.

>> No.809441
File: 168 KB, 433x640, 1213247760629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I offer you more. In exchange, please provide me with the address so that I may continue fapping.

>> No.809442
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>> No.809446
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>> No.809448
File: 80 KB, 200x561, 1213247886655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious legs.

>> No.809455
File: 56 KB, 240x320, 1213247961906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He apparently thinks so too, since he had a habit of taking pictures of them.

>> No.809466
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>> No.809467
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>> No.809473

Please help the OP. I want to sleep but I have to keep saving ;A;

>> No.809481
File: 126 KB, 399x556, 1213248151090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even looks passable in jeans.

>> No.809483
File: 228 KB, 480x646, 1213248171280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he ever goes out bare legged.

>> No.809488

I second, I lost it too

>> No.809492

I love how all of these are in department stores. I guess he can't afford his own clothes.

>> No.809495

809473 here,
Googled the filename, now I can sleep. <33

>> No.809499

her face, creeps me out.

>> No.809501


>> No.809502

Fuck yes, there's new material.

Probably because he's layering a ton of make-up on, and it's in that weird transition between kind of male and fully female.

>> No.809505

Poor trap. ;_;

>> No.809515
File: 223 KB, 430x640, 1213248596272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brief mention of youtube in one of the entries. Wonder if we can expect some moving fappage at some point.

>> No.809531


>> No.809552

thats fukken hawt

>> No.809556

He looks like a vapid whore and that just makes me want to fuck him harder.

>> No.809746

Are you a bad enough dude to give him a BJ?

>> No.810116

frankly i prefer to stick it in his pooper

>> No.810122

You could fuck this guy and it would count as being heterosexual.

>> No.810124

He doesn't want a blowjob, he wants to get fucked till he cries.

>> No.810135

I would fuck him in the ass while rubbing his delicious thighs.

>> No.810153

.......greatest trap

>> No.810164


...Remember that scene from tokyo godfathers, with the huge guy and the skinny bishonen and the rape and the death?

I can deliver, only with cuddling instead of death.

>> No.810187

I do not remember this.

>> No.810197

I'd suck his cock while fingering his ass.

>> No.810271

Is he really a trap and not some woman pretending to be one to get attention?

>> No.810337
File: 45 KB, 379x200, 1213261074068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little more obvious in some of the close-up photos.

>> No.810339

pics are taken in dep stores because he's still a guy and going home with a bunch of women's clothing isn't where he wants to be

>> No.810347
File: 39 KB, 240x200, 1213261134768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still delicious but you can sort of see a couple masculine features remaining.

>> No.810371
File: 110 KB, 360x399, 1213261401545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many girls do you know who take pictures of their legs and have a serious stocking fetish anyway?

>> No.810409

my eyes are tricking me....arghaasdflkadj!!!

>> No.810415

Face it, you're already gay.

>> No.810417

He looked much worse before.

>> No.810425

Yeah, it's very obvious in his earliest photos before he got on the hormones and learned how to doll himself up.

>> No.810438

Hormones are such a sweet stuff.

>> No.810439

why the hell is his legs open like that?

>> No.810442


It's only there because you're looking for it

If the picture is just randomly shoved in your face you wouldn't notice at all

>> No.810612

So he doesn't crush his balls

>> No.810630

So he has boobs and balls? does he count as futa now?

>> No.810651

There is some dispute about definitions, but most people only consider it a futa if there are both:

-a penis

>> No.810652

Most people think you need both a penis AND a vagina to be futa.

>> No.810662


Vagina required. Also balls are not required.

Unfortunately without balls a penis doesn't work.

So there will never be a true futa.

>> No.810669

>>810662 Without balls a penis doesn't work.
False. Just because you don't have sperm doesn't mean your penis won't work.

>> No.810666

No, penis/balls/vagina is also an acceptable futa-form.

>> No.810679


But it won't work. Means you won't be able to get a hardon and by a big chance it might shrink a bit as well.

>> No.810688

No, you can definitely get a hard-on without balls. That said, it is more difficult and you probably will suffer shrinkage.

>> No.810689

you guyz seem truly knowledgeable about this. Ever tried a trap in real life?

>> No.810692

Eunuchs motherfucker, heard of them?

>> No.810693

Are you a trap? Are you propositioning?

>> No.810696

Eunuchs are not futanari, because they have no vaginas.

That said, supposedly if you are castrated after puberty it is possible to get it up; slaves that were made eunuchs late in life were popular with women for some reason.

>> No.810703

Means this guy only has to get rid of his balls and get some makeshift vagoo and all's ready to go.

>> No.810705

They can last a lot longer?

>> No.810709
File: 434 KB, 894x837, 1213271545460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better than Mono?

>> No.810715

From what I've seen, vagina construction techniques have not been perfected enough yet for that to work well, especially because most of the surgeons have experience with constructing the vagina from the patient's penis. There are other methods, though. A bigger problem is the issue of space; ideally you would like to be able to keep as much of the erectile tissue and prostate as possible. (The prostate should be kept so that the patient can still ejaculate, as well as serving as the 'g-spot'.)

>> No.810723

ITT: trans and transgender op education

>> No.810730

As usual, don't trust anything said authoritatively on the internet.

>> No.810739

i was being sarcastic

>> No.810848

i wonder if there's shops just for traps. cosmates even sells special mens sizes for girls underwear, lolita dresses etc.

>> No.810856

I'd g there just to ogle them

>> No.810860

my god it's a trap?

>> No.810865

This thread reminds me of a horrifying documentary I saw on HBO once where some guy snipped his balls off with bolt cutters.

Fuck you guys.

>> No.810878

So was he a trap, or was this BME Pain Olympics shit?

>> No.810881

uh, you guys do know that the japanese use futanari as their word for transexual, right? Most of them don't have vaginas..

>> No.810886


Not a trap, a eunuch. Some crazy shit where these gay guys decided that removing their balls would improve their lives. Some of them went to the one doctor crazy enough to do it, some just went to the shed and got out the bolt cutters. I also remember at least one guy using this absolutely horrifying device that is apparently used to castrate horses. Until today these memories were repressed. Fucking HBO.

>> No.810891

Has he had the surgery yet?

>> No.810895

Not all trannies get surgery.

Really? I thought futanari meant hermaphrodite, while shemales were newhalfs and transvestites were okamas?

>> No.810896

So who do they have sex with, males or females?

>> No.810900

Who do YOU have sex with, males or females? Geez, it varies by person.

>> No.810902

>Who do YOU have sex with

You're in the wrong place.

>> No.810908

I imagine that there are plenty of traps that don't have anyone but themselves, too. ;_;

>> No.810922

i'm kinda a trap. got nice collection of dresses and stuff but i rarely take any pics and just wear those for my own enjoyment. i kinda feel more comfortable in a dress. anyways i'd love to have sex with another trap, female is fine too but i doubt i ever find someone who would accept me as i am

>> No.810935

>>810922 but i rarely take any pics
First time for everything, post 'em!

>> No.810946

photos! We DEMAND photos!!

>> No.810984
File: 12 KB, 290x478, 1213277166287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, here's one i've taken ages ago.

>> No.811005

garsh you got cute body. Mind if I fap over you?

>> No.811016
File: 11 KB, 264x480, 1213277763060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.811038

actually the only reason i took the few pics i have was that i could fap to myself

>> No.811103

Such is life~

>> No.811145

I'm gonna print them and pour some hot glue over them. Whatta great thread~

>> No.811147

Do you shave your legs honey? Gash you are hawt

>> No.811163


>female is fine too but i doubt i ever find someone who would accept me as i am

This is probably true since you're here, but girls love faggy guys. Seriously you have no idea how many girls would be absolutely delighted with a guy who'll wear a dress. It's not just a Japanese/weeaboo thing either. Women are fucking insane.

>> No.811173

/r/ sauce and/or moar.

>> No.811179


camwhore fo plz.

>> No.811209
File: 192 KB, 681x665, 1213281223012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name is Mono. I shall upload what I got on Rapid. Do a search on http://rs.4chan.org

>> No.811216

Mono's site is at: http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/music/21967/

>> No.811221

Wow, summer really is here.

Sage, report/hide, ignore.

>> No.811227

Very funny.

>> No.811235

Sure is /touhou/ in here today.

>> No.811245

here is the mono stuff:

>> No.811260

Thanks noble Anon.

>> No.811300

Isn't he taking hormones and shit and aiming to become a woman, anyway?


Awesome trap is awesome.

>> No.811388


>> No.811665

you are already gay

>> No.812128


>> No.812148

do we have pictures of how he used to look? He musy have looked quite girly even before he started taking hormones, right?

>> No.812185

Yes, but hormones really do a lot.

>> No.812238
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>> No.812251
File: 9 KB, 190x210, 1213293873110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Srsly STOP IT :(

>> No.812289

id pooper this guy SO HARD

>> No.812298

Stop it.

Please, get back to /b/ or whichever shithole you came from.

>> No.812334

id shithole this guy SO HARD

>> No.812574
File: 218 KB, 480x640, 1213297680463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be careful what you call them though. A lot of the terms the public uses are very offensive to actual traps.

>> No.812589

I would put my penis in this guys ass, if you know what I mean...

>> No.812592


>> No.812594

Well yeah, that is true in both English and Japanese.

>> No.812627

You can tell he's a guy because he doesn't do the ridiculous peace sign that Japanese girls do IN EVERY FUCKING PICTURE EVER

>> No.812643

In one of the post he said he was ready for summer.

I wonder if he'll post a bikini picture...

>> No.812693
File: 136 KB, 376x574, 1213299432383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's unusually thin even for a girl. Wonder if he's eating properly.

>> No.812708
File: 11 KB, 200x303, 1213299558381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't look anorexic as such, though.

>> No.812718

Is the term bitch offensive? That's what I call women.

>> No.812722

Only if you aren't talking about dogs.

>> No.812723

You're right. Someone should tell him about this.

>> No.812729

If you're black, I'm sure they'll understand. Otherwise, be prepared for odd looks.

>> No.812739
File: 16 KB, 450x358, 1213299862818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY! That is OUR word!

>> No.812748

Of course it is, why do you think they rejected you in the past? This is how you became a bitter misogynist anon!
