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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8092711 No.8092711 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here own and eat out of a bento box on a regular basis?

>> No.8092716

why would someone who stays at home all the time eat our of a portable box? it's not like playing a handheld gaming system, at least it has exclusives, eating out of a bento is just a pain

>> No.8092714

Too much effort...

>> No.8092718

But /jp/ never leaves its room.

>> No.8092721

The bentos here are all plastic disposable fast-food type.

>> No.8092724

Where is HERE.

>> No.8092728

Obviously there.

>> No.8092730

It's not here?

>> No.8092733

That is retarded, why would i own something like that when eating from a plate is much more simple in all ways?

>> No.8092734

This and fucking expensive.


>> No.8092769

It's fish and rice. It's cheap as hell. Unless you're talking about buying it already made, then you're retarded.

>> No.8092775

You can make your own sushi?

>> No.8092776

Not all fish is so cheap. The good grade stuff is expensive.

Bento's don't need to contain sushi.

>> No.8092781
File: 76 KB, 480x449, BOXXY_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy HELL forgot my pickture

>> No.8092778

i used to as HELL but that was from a lunch box

BOXXY prolly does tho xD

>> No.8093900


Bento having sushi is an exclusively Western thing.

>> No.8093955

I wish to acquire a bento box.

It will make lunch exciting.

I've said this before.

>> No.8094177

Making sushi isn't hard. Finding good ingredients for sushi, now that's a different story.

That is, finding a good clean store that supplies fresh raw fish might be a challenge (but only if you want to make sushi with raw fish). I trust the seafood at my local Hmart, so if you have any of those nearby I would recommend that.

>> No.8094501
File: 18 KB, 128x96, 2009_12_23_1_chicken_rice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noriben for lunch every day. I also have TKG for breakfast and air yakiniku for dinner.

>> No.8094549

Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.8094566

Also, if you live near an Asian supermarket, they'll usually have a few tanks of live fish to sell. Pretty sure they kill it on the spot so you don't have to take home a fish still flopping around. And if you're really lazy, you can just forget about the form and put a bunch of vinegared rice, seaweed and fish together and eat it.

Eating out of a bento box is stupid as hell and people who actually need to use a lunch box (i.e. not most of /jp/) will be better served by getting a simpler and cheaper lunch box. Rice tastes better after getting soaked with juices anyway.

>> No.8094569

That kimochi when you start spelling eigo words as the IME makes you write it because it makes learning nihonngo easier.

>> No.8094579

wish I had someone making a bento box for me every morning

>> No.8094626
File: 66 KB, 525x525, nk201-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone else here own and eat out of a bento box on a regular basis?

A bit over a decade ago (back before the North American anime crash at the turn of the century, when it was considered to be "the next big thing") we had a store in town that catered to hard core Japhanophiles.

This store sold deluxe bento boxes and tea sets, and a bunch of other random Japanese shit along with their anime. Back in the late 90s the Japanophiles were fucking insane and they treated western culture as cancer. They didn't just like anime, they genuinely believed in the cultural supremacy of Japan.

The modern weeaboo is nothing like these sneering arrogant assholes who tried to work honorifics into the English language. They would argue in the store over the pronounciation of the names of various pokemon, insisting that the Japanese name be used at all times. Some even forced themselves to speak in a mock Japanese accent and deliberately fucked up theirs L/Rs.

I genuinely wanted to punch these fucking race traitors in the throat, and I feel the same way about the OP of this thread.

>> No.8096642

I own and eat out of a lunch box on a regular basis.

>> No.8099971

That's terrible!

>> No.8099989

>Race Traitors


>> No.8100123

Can't believe it took 8½ hours before that copypasta showed up. You're losing your grip /jp/sies.

>> No.8100226

Those guys sound hilarious, do they still exist?
I wonder if they came to their senses.
