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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 25 KB, 240x308, rozenmeido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8090525 No.8090525 [Reply] [Original]

Condense your 2hu threads.

>> No.8090526

You forgot Desu

>> No.8090529


>> No.8090537

We all agree that at least 90% of the Touhou worshiping threads are garbage, right?

>> No.8090539
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>> No.8090540


>> No.8090541


>> No.8090543

So you just want /jp/ to be your shitposting general?
just fucking leave.

>> No.8090544

STFU shitposter, my precious 2hus are no gargage ;___;

>> No.8090546

Yes. Hell, I love Touhou and I've played many of the games but I still have no idea how people can keep talking about the same qualities / jokes of the same character over and over while reposting the same images again and again.

>> No.8090547

Yuuka is the best touhou, you're just hurt in the but that that one spider touhou sucks.

>> No.8090558

No. Why is Touhou the only thing not condensed to a few threads? Figs, kigu, GUST, idolfriends. All these people manage to keep it to a few threads. Is there really a need for an imagedump thread for every Touhou?

>> No.8090562
File: 21 KB, 259x235, okay2vibelive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8090567


>> No.8090573









>> No.8090591

Why are Touhou threads so shitty nowadays? We used to discuss canon and important character traits in the past...

>> No.8090595

If figs, kigu, GUST, and idols tried to hold more than one or two threads the extras would inevitably die off because there's not enough posting to keep them all afloat.

>> No.8090599

New forced meme? Sweeto.

>> No.8090612


>> No.8090639

/jp/ has so many people in love with the touhou universe it's sad they do nothing with it besides make "Sanae is a slut" threads.

>> No.8090640
File: 65 KB, 500x600, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, sweet Tokiko...

>> No.8090662

she is, though.

>> No.8090665

But OP, that's like going to /a/ and asking them to condense their anime threads.

>> No.8090666

Your favorite Touhou is a slut. And I fucked her.

>> No.8090672

If you know so much about /a/ then why don't you go back there?

>> No.8090671

No, It's not.

>> No.8090679

You are literally retarded.

>> No.8090676

/m/ has gundam threads all over the place and it's wrong to have a bunch of touhou threads?

>> No.8090677
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>> No.8090678

What does that God forsaken board has to do with /jp/?

>> No.8090682

U mad bro?

>> No.8090680
File: 121 KB, 800x1000, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god tokiko i want you so badly ;_;

>> No.8090684
File: 74 KB, 480x600, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/m/ used to be as good as /jp/ used to be.

>> No.8090683


>> No.8090689

He is talking about /a/.

>> No.8090685
File: 151 KB, 500x400, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a problem with her?

>> No.8090692

Not canon.

>> No.8090693
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>> No.8090696

What are you talking about dude? Your posts made me happy, I am HAPPY


>> No.8090700

omg why are touhous so cute? ^_^~

>> No.8090705

The recent Touhou threads look like they are copy and pasted directly from poosh...

>> No.8090709
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>> No.8090712

That's because they're being made by the same userbase

>> No.8090711
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>> No.8090714
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If anyone wants me to stop, just say so.

>> No.8090715

Considering how moot said this is the board for Touhou, VNs, figurines and so on I fail to see how it isn't.
If you want to, go make a thread about your favorite VN character as well.As long as it's not stupid "wich vn gona fuk" shit, I doubt you'll be breaking any rules.
And here's another nice example as well. Next time you'll be complaining about too many RPG threads on /tg/ or something like that, if they still play RPGs. Who knows.

>> No.8090719
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>> No.8090721

Unfortunately about Touhou.

>> No.8090722

This is for general Japanese things/images and discussion. This [unfortunately] includes figurines, visual novels, Touhou, etc.

Right off the bat: No fucking hot-glue fetish. Nothing non-worksafe. Don't allow any one thing to dominate this board--condense your fucking threads.

I'm going to axe this board immediately if it doesn't turn out well and becomes a hassle to moderate. You've been given your chance.

I want /a/ to become "ANIME & MANGA" again. Keep the random shit out of it. No more ronery~ threads, no more bullshit.

- moot

>> No.8090723
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>> No.8090726

Using Toku would have been a better example.

And people are bothered by Toku there.

>> No.8090731

>condense your fucking threads.

>condense your fucking threads.

>condense your fucking threads.

>condense your fucking threads.

>condense your fucking threads.

>> No.8090733
File: 38 KB, 480x384, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8090736

What is so nice about your precious 2hus that you need to create a thread for each one of them? Besides trying to fit in

>> No.8090737

It's funny because they think they are "sinking" the shitposts with their glorious threads.

>> No.8090740

Stop using the shitposter card.

>> No.8090741
File: 2.81 MB, 1857x2970, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8090745

There's nothing wrong in having lots of Touhou threads. We all know they are mostly made by women and children, they need a way to express themselves

>> No.8090746
File: 601 KB, 3312x3000, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8090752
File: 16 KB, 225x240, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also note that the bad Touhou threads usually disappear within 48 hours.

>> No.8090751

Honestly, image dumps should go either on /poosh/ or /c/.

There's plenty of Touhou content to discuss besides which 2hu wud u fk

>> No.8090747

/jp/ really is becoming /c/ 2.0

>> No.8090750

>In Curiosities of Lotus Asia Tokiko was beaten and robbed by Reimu, who then sold the books she stole to Rinnosuke. After showing at Kourindou to reclaim her books, she was presumably beaten up once again, this time by Marisa.
If Rinnosuke is canon, then she is as well. Not her name, though.
Who gives a shit, at least they're on-topic content unlike those circlejerks that have been plaguing this board so much recently. They might not really have much content other than pictures you can easily find on a *booru, but at least they're part of the board.

Also, given the usage of "2hu" by the OP, I'm quite sure he's part of the shitposting crew as well. Who'd have known that they hate on topic content!
>Don't allow any one thing to dominate this board
Clearly that one part is related about not netting one thing be 100% of /jp/'s content, not about how people should make Touhou picture general threads. In comparison with /a/, once again, that would be like asking people to not let Madoka threads dominate the board.

Anyway, if you're not content with the Touhou threads, just leave, or hide them if you so wish. This is a board about, among other things, Touhou, so Touhou is expected to be posted here. Dealw/. You're welcome to make good threads about things that aren't Touhou as well, in fact you're encouraged to do that. Why are you posting in this meta-thread if you care so much about the board god damn it

>> No.8090753

Fuck you guys!
the sooner moot realizes /jp/ is /touhuo/ the sooner we get to the deletion of /jp/ and out sweet release from this shithole.

>> No.8090755

Just because the shitposters are shitty that means its ok for you guys to be moderately shitty? oh wow

>> No.8090758

I hope all these normalfags and shitposters leave before Christmas.. I want christmas to be just /jp/ers, just like the good old days. Its like mostly everybody here is a 13 year old now. Remember when we actually had 30 and 40 year olds on /jp/?

>> No.8090759

>Also, given the usage of "2hu" by the OP, I'm quite sure he's part of the shitposting crew as well. Who'd have known that they hate on topic content!




>> No.8090761

And this guy is right as well, if people want to post pictures about their favorite Touhou character, they should at least fucking try to talk about something while doing that, even if it's just about how lewd Reimu's armpits are. Image dumps for the sake of image dumps are horrible and have about as much content as a Sudo worship thread.

>> No.8090762

They probably post about how cute their Touhou w/a/ifus are on their facebook pages

>> No.8090764
File: 175 KB, 500x345, escalade spinnaz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'

>> No.8090768
File: 671 KB, 2000x1236, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with posting pictures of Touhou characters in a Touhou thread. A /c/ thread is one that focuses on posting images of a certain character or a theme. But this thread is focused on general Touhou discussion. This thread's topic is certainly /jp/-related.

>> No.8090766


Look at the level of the image dumpers, resorting to /a/b/v/ memes.

>> No.8090769

Hahahahahaha, now that you mention it, Sudo and his friends are exactly like the imagedumpers.

>> No.8090771
File: 71 KB, 240x180, spinnaz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnas, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'

>> No.8090774
File: 37 KB, 640x426, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ is also pretty awful, too. >ISHYGDDT ring any bells?

>> No.8090775

There's not much discussion going on in the current threads besides.

>>Dawww look how cute her bunny ears are
>>Her fluffly tail looks so comfy ^__^
>>Damn, I would fuck her senseless

>> No.8090776

>which 2hu wud u fk
That would be too broad and I would fuck most touhous.
A better thread would be, "Which touhou would you NOT fuck?".

Anyways, METATHREAD, sage, reported, minimized, hacked your'e computer.

>> No.8090778
File: 77 KB, 264x250, spinnarz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinnaz, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'

>> No.8090779 [DELETED] 

What should I care about what /g/ does?

>> No.8090783

Why should I care about what /g/ does?

>> No.8090783,1 [INTERNAL] 

The shittyness of these threads is inversely proportional to how much you like Touhou.
Then again, read >>8090761 for my stance on things like this Tokiko guy not saying anything on 80% of his posts.
Sorry about that, but you can't blame me for expecting everyone to be part of the *~<ELITE SHITPOSTER GROUP OF SECRETS>~* given the state of /jp/ these past months.
...Oops. At least I didn't use any /b/-tier meme or posted reaction pictures yet!
You're right about that as well. This Tokikoguy, even though he's just spamming pictures most of the time, is doing things the right way when he's not, by discussing the content of the thread while posting his bird. I doubt people are ever going to do that in Sanae is a slut threads, though.

I wonder how bored I am to be bothering with this thread so much.
Oh thank you janitor.
