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File: 93 KB, 225x350, Fate_Stay_Night_Rin_Tohsaka_wig_ver_01-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8089683 No.8089683 [Reply] [Original]

So, Rin had sex with

>Archer (F/E)
>Angra Mainyu (HF bad ending)

Looks like we have a new queen of sluts, /jp/

>> No.8089691

Come back when Rin starts shoving entire towns into her vagina like Sakura.

>> No.8089694

Fate/Slut Night

>> No.8089700
File: 153 KB, 636x901, rin ends tens of thousands of lives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be right on it

>> No.8089708

I am pretty sure she's one of the biggest sluts in the Type-Moon universe.

>> No.8089719

Rin is old and busted. F/E Caster is new hotness.

>> No.8089725

Sorry, after the mc dies and she's summoned again she'll just find a new husband to devote herself to. She doesn't like you, she likes the idea of being a wife, anyone would have been ok for her.

>> No.8089731

why do sakurafags still try.

>> No.8089733

You forgot the random guy from the HF normal end.

>> No.8089747
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>> No.8089756

MC dismantled the Holy Grail War at the end. She remains faithful.

>> No.8089762
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Fate/Extra is not the same Rin.

For one, she lives about 40 years after F/SN Rin.
For two, she has no magical skill as magic stopped existing in the Extra side. And the Tohsaka family collapsed sometime after 1980.
For three, she's fucking blonde.

>> No.8089771

She only had sex with Shirou. The thing with Saber was just to prepare her for Shirou.

>> No.8089772

>she's fucking blonde.

F/E rin is best rin.

>> No.8089780
File: 171 KB, 686x1000, [animepaper_net]picture-standard-anime-fate-stay-night-fate_extra-tohsaka-rin-201269-nat-preview-7a5d23b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fate/Extra Rin also has awesome thigh-high boots instead of stockings.

>> No.8089783

Parallel worlds dude. Who knows how many husbands she has.

>> No.8089828
File: 182 KB, 550x860, moon_princess_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nero you say.

>> No.8089847


That's Nrvnqsr.

>> No.8089874

OP forgot
>marries random dude (HF Normal)
>sluts it up with random dudeS (HF True)

>> No.8089887

>Sakura fan trying to pass on the slut title to a different character

Now it's just getting sad.

>> No.8089895

what if that random dude is a main character of another show?

and in hf true she just says she hang out with some guys but didn't like any of them (since she's still in love with shirou)
so, i know all the girls are bitches but shirou was already taken by sakura, does she have to live alone forever? die old waiting for someone like sakura in hf normal? i don't know, doesn't seem fun

>> No.8089899

If she's not a slut, yes.

>> No.8089902

Sakura is still a bigger slut. Someone post that pic where she's like "If I was in her position, I would do more than....hehehe..."

>> No.8089908
File: 1.13 MB, 1443x1632, OhGodWhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute..
Rin sleeps with Archer as well in F/E?
God damn it! is nothing sacred!

My poor MC-chan stands no chance to that slut.

>> No.8089906
File: 53 KB, 390x469, 1287809292901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HF Rin is going to become the Second Sorcerer.

For one who is the living incarnation of "eternal wanderer", being tied down simply isn't fitting.

>> No.8089915 [DELETED] 

The whore babylon?! Why the fuck am I not playing this?

>> No.8089930

>>Rin fans trying defend her sluttiness by randomly mentioning Sakura

I'm sure everyone saw this coming.

>> No.8089926

can someone tell me why in f/e rin has sex with your servant?

>> No.8089931

Mana transfer

>> No.8089936

and why doesn't the MC do it?
no hot sex with the servant for him/her but rin gets it?

>> No.8089943
File: 180 KB, 382x520, 51-Sakuraten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sleeps with anything and everything.

>Got raped by one person
>Sleeps with the one person she loves

Sakura is a slut.jpg

>> No.8089948

She never becomes the Second Sorcerer. Even in the best case scenario where nothing holds her down (HF Normal), she never becomes that and still has children because Tohsaka honor.

>> No.8089953


when will you move to the next stage?

>> No.8089952
File: 1.87 MB, 2440x3698, a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For two, she has no magical skill as magic stopped existing in the Extra side. And the Tohsaka family collapsed sometime after 1980.

Well yes and no, wile Extra Rin can't into stuff like Thaumaturgy do to it going extinct she does have some magical skill in the form of New Generation Magecraft.

>New Generation Mages: Those who can act upon the system of the world through manipulation of the electron sea that is the basis of all matter.

Its mostly useful just for hacking and some offensive stuff here and there. She also started learning it pretty late and prefers using guns in real life over it.

>> No.8089951


Because Rin is a slut and can't help but rape everyobne and everything


Don't forget she knew all these people for, like, 6 days?

>> No.8089955


Well no matter what slutty thing Rin does, Sakura is always "Rin +5" on the slut scale.

If Rin is fucking dozens of of people in alternate realities, Sakura is doing the same people plus she is fucking the school janitor for good measure.

>"but, but the worms made her do it..."

In most alternate realities, it was Sakura who raped the worms. She just dove into the worm room, and the poor little fellas tried to get away but they couldn't.

>> No.8089962
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>> No.8089963

>poor little fellas tried to get away but they couldn't

jesus christ i'm imagining the poor worms and i can't stop laughing

>> No.8089972
File: 394 KB, 851x1200, 1317705100962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually in most alternate realities Sakura was never adopted by the Matou's and Shinji was made the successor.

>> No.8089984

Okay, let's get this straight. He never fucking raped Sakura. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He fucked Sakura.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T FUCK SAKURA? You can't even name one fucking character who hasn't plugged her loose cunt! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Shinji knew this, he's a fucking ladies man. He knows what filthy whores like Sakura want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with him. He supposedly stole Rider and used her in the war for his own greed.

Objection! He was worried about his one and only precious sister. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal war so wrong? When Shirou does the same thing to Saber it's like 'oh he's so manly', but when Shinji does it it's wrong? He just wanted to protect Sakura. He probably was going to use his Holy Grail wish to tighten her cunt back up or cure her syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Shirou look good. Objectively, Shinji is a far better character than Shirou. At least he has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Shirou, and if he weren't stuck with the weak ass servant Rider and no plothax he probably would have won the war.

>> No.8089980

That slut Rin's new Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDJu7r6OUvk

>> No.8089982


People always forget that the worms are trapped in that room as well.

>> No.8089987
File: 151 KB, 480x1904, 1320639394421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A slut in all dimensions.

>> No.8089989

Sakura's sex list

>Worm #1
>Worm #2
>Worm #3
>Worm #4
>Worm #5
>Worm #6
>Worm #7
>Worm #8
>Worm #9
>Worm #3425

>> No.8089995

So, number of partners is exactly how much more important than number of times having sex? Is there a hard and fast equation for this?

>> No.8090004

> Is there a hard and fast equation for this?
Girl I don't like = Slut
Girl I like = Not Slut
Girl more popular than the girl I like = Slut

>> No.8090010
File: 474 KB, 1241x926, Rinextra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are sluts deal with it.

Sakura is wiling to do more slutty things with less individuals and Rin is willing to do more individuals.

>> No.8090035

Does anyone else feel like crying?

>> No.8090047


>> No.8090041
File: 757 KB, 1600x1200, 31c732ef6a180f732804d52c6fca5ee9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's hot so why should I care? You moms had sex too, probably not only with your fathers, so what? They're sluts too?

>> No.8090045


>> No.8090050

ITT Whore/Madonna complex

>> No.8090053

Yeah, that's how it works.

>> No.8090087


>> No.8090089

I have no doubts.
Just like every 3D pig out there. A slut.

>> No.8090109
File: 147 KB, 495x511, 1275256915763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8090140
File: 175 KB, 596x600, hipsterslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8090152

At least she's STD free, whore.

>> No.8091686

Rin is so horny that she'll sleep with anything that has a pulse. Ilya is obviously superior since she's pure.

>> No.8091693


That's the problem when you try to be a fan of a female character in an H-game who takes a penis at any time in any continuity.

Should have just taken the lesbian route Rin.

>> No.8091698

>Archer (F/E)
>Angra Mainyu (HF bad ending)
>marries random dude (HF Normal)
>sluts it up with random dudeS (HF True)

Anyone else to add to the list?

>> No.8091707
File: 301 KB, 668x980, Sudo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sudo alart

>> No.8091728

Raped by Shinji.

>> No.8091931
File: 113 KB, 500x530, 1285170871071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else to add to the list?

Luvia probably. But OJOU-SAMA is denying her so Rin is mad because of that.

>> No.8091935

Why is there so much greentexting in this thread?

>> No.8091964

Because we're quoting stuff nerd.

Also remember to always use two carrots when quoting.

>>like this

>> No.8091975
File: 74 KB, 288x499, 1288564679109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also remember to always use two carrots when quoting.

>> No.8091978

The real ZUN!bar died in Afghanistan. I'm sure of it now.

>> No.8091984
File: 94 KB, 415x427, 1260777154457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8091986

They are all using a gimmick to feel unique and recognizable. Zun!BAR's just happens to be that retarded.

>> No.8091992

You guys act like I just started doing it or something.

Been using two carrots since 2005 bro.

>> No.8091995

Did you see time references in my post? Then shut up nerd.

>> No.8091996
File: 122 KB, 800x800, 1259432453744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always forgetting to add an additional carrot, clumsy moe Zunbarko.

>> No.8091998

Oh, it's not just using double carrots. It's constantly pointing them out, and your incessant use of 'HELL'.

It's like you're trying to say "I'm ZUN!bar!!" And then doing something completely unlike him.

If you are real, reflect and repent.

>> No.8091997

But why did you stop using your two cerebral hemispheres?

>> No.8092018

>>your incessant use of 'HELL'.

I can't see why people keep mentioning this as if it matters. It's just a minor thing.

To be honest I seriously think wtH is moe as heck when he does it. I just copy him because I think he's a cool guy. Nothing more.

Also I only point out the double carrots when Anon brings up green text. However lately Anon only brings up green text and "who are you quoting" to derail threads, so I probably stop falling for that like in >>8091935

>> No.8092052

Wanna go out with me??

>> No.8092232
File: 371 KB, 1138x1136, 05572f74c2a964120e971c8fbcc929ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Caster

eh? When?

>> No.8092246
File: 289 KB, 724x1024, 22742040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8092303


>> No.8092416

In HF normal Sakura chose to stay forever alone for the rest of her life out of her devotion to Shirou. Rin on the other hand just went and found other dude(s) to fuck her. How is Sakura a slut when she's so devoted?

Don't want to be NTRed by Rin?

>> No.8092431


I haven't watched F/Z but...isn't she supposed to be a kid?

>> No.8092445

Rin was stuffing herself with cocks since she was in the womb. (Or it could be referring to Tamamo-no-Mae.)

>> No.8092485

> Don't want to be NTRed by Rin?

Have you SEEN F/Z Caster?

>> No.8092496

I too take anonymous troll posts as fact.

>> No.8092499

>Rin on the other hand just went and found other dude(s) to fuck her
On a route where she and Shirou weren't romantically involved, and in a setting where continued family lineage is incredibly important for magi.
Saying either character is a slut is retarded and you all should stop trying to defend your favorite by accusing the other of being sluttier.

>> No.8095700

Antiflood antisage.
