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8088883 No.8088883 [Reply] [Original]

Which Touhou could you beat in a fistfight?

>> No.8088895

Do you guys think that Suika is as powerful as people claim? Would you stand a chance against her if you'd try some dirty tactics like throwing sand in her eyes for instance?

>> No.8088897

i just delete the files and i'm already won

>> No.8088899

All I have to do is "grabs dick" they all loose to cock.

>> No.8088908


>> No.8088911
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The oni-chans, assuming I've reinforced my fist with beans.

>> No.8088917

Which Touhou would you spam "which Touhou would you X" threads in /jp/ with?

>> No.8088921
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I think most of them.
If they look scared, it would feel pretty good to beat one of them up. Crying bruised touhous would look very cute. I used to think it'd be horrible, but madoka does the beat up little girl look pretty well.
I want her to think she's pretty hot shit at first, but then my manly muscles would overpower her. The fear in her eyes would be very arousing, just like your picture OP. I'm hoping by this point, she is either cowering and shivering, or trying to run away.
A low parabola arcing uppercut delivered to center mass, or possibly her sides, would send her up in the air a few feet as she shrieks.
Then she goes into hysterical crying, like kids always do when they are injured. I wouldn't want to go any further than that though. I'd probably try to calm her down at this point and cuddle in the grass under some shade. Maybe share a root bear float, or whatever kind of novelty drink they have in gensokyo. I do not drink alcohol, and I don't believe a little girl should either, so that is out of the question.

If there are any touhous that look like this under their dresses though (Yuugi maybe), then I'd love to get it on in a full contact fight.
Just the thought of getting the breath knocked out of me or loosing a tooth is very nice. Maybe she would pull my hair or give me an underhanded ballbusting.

>> No.8088925

How are you going to comfort someone if you just beat the shit out of them?

>> No.8088927

mate you cruising for a bruisin

>> No.8088929


>> No.8088935


>> No.8088943

I don't think the Touhou would care much about that if she's as terrified as >>8088921 describes.

>> No.8088944

You know, it's funny, because comforting someone after assaulting and overpowering him only serves to scare him more. It's like you're toying with him and that idea is terrifying.

>> No.8088946



She's the only one with a computer and internet.

>> No.8088948

Well, I didn't mean it like that. I had sincere intentions in my fantasy.

>> No.8088979

Your intentions don't matter. Hell is paved with good intentions. The more you will try to comfort her, the more terrified she will be.

>> No.8088983

Well, it's not like she can decline my spooning session, she should be half conscious by then.
Just something she has to deal with for losing the fight.

>> No.8088991

You just hit her once. She wouldn't go unconscious from that.

>> No.8088993

A grown man hitting a little girl could easily knock her out in 1 blow

>> No.8088995

I said just half conscious. If you got knocked a several feet in the air from a single punch delivered at her small body, I doubt even you could sustain yourself past the overbearing pain.

>> No.8088996

I dunno, man. Most Touhous are youkai, and youkai are durable.

>> No.8089010

Well then, that defeats the whole thing about them cowering.
Maybe if we were fighting on concrete or some other solid ground rather than dirt, an angled downwards at the temporal lobe, could knock her straight to the ground with such force that her skull bounces on impact with the floor. Supposing I did this, she would no doubt lose consciousnesses, and possibly fall comatose. Of course, this would devoid me of her cute tear soaked face, so it would not be beneficial.

and as I had already said, a fight with a strong youkai girl would be very nice as well. I can appreciate a mutual beating.

>> No.8089018

I can't think of that many I could beat. Although I'd like to have a fun fight with them, beating each other up and fighting passionately, then after it's over relaxing and having a good laugh about it.

>> No.8089024

None of them. They don't exist.

>> No.8089029

You can kill more than half of all Touhous in a fight armed only with a Deagle

>> No.8089031
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>> No.8089032

which touhou's feet would you lick

>> No.8089036

Deagle brand Deagle is a conceptual weapon.
Anyone could kill all the touhous with a single magazine without needing to restock, or use moonclips.

>> No.8089035

Besides, we're talking about fistfights here.

>> No.8089041
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All of them .As if a woman can beat me. lol.

>> No.8089084

None. I wouldn't punch a woman, especially when it's a touhou girl.

>> No.8089095

But she likes it.

>> No.8089144

Fact: Most Youkai are stronger than the average human, and most Gensokyo humans are stronger than youkai. Therefore, you're doomed.

>> No.8089156

If humans are stronger than youkai, but youkai are stronger than humans, I am not sure what you mean.

Doesn't matter what hocus pocus hoodlum craft the pull out their tiny asses, my mussels could take them out with ease.

>> No.8089207


>> No.8089296

She would kick your ass. The physically strongest two who. Oni are pushovers.

>> No.8089748

I could beat up Marisa, easily.
She's a human isn't she?
Lucky there are spell card rules, or she'd get beat up by youkai.
