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File: 30 KB, 620x457, Jack-Daniels-Tennessee-Honey[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8083289 No.8083289 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you start drinking, /jp/? It'll help you forget about your crippling depression, and might even fix your anxiety problems!

>> No.8083294

I would if my state didn't have restrictions on buying alcohol online.

>> No.8083292

I havent been doing that in a long time. Mainly because it just makes me feel worse most of the time. At least if taken in high amounts.

>> No.8083297

But i dont have crippling depression, or anxiety.

Tea tastes better too.

>> No.8083303

Addictive substances are by-products of capitalism, so no.

Fuck off back to /a/, OP.

>> No.8083310

Why the hell do I see the brand Jack Daniel's everywhere. Is it the best whiskey there is?
PS: I don't drink shit

>> No.8083312


Nah, just Tennessee Honey.

>> No.8083338

You can't say that when there's people here who pay hundreds for a few dollars worth of plastic.

>> No.8083435
File: 364 KB, 1214x2400, 1320164860493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you can drink up even on an autism money budget!

>> No.8083445


I don't know shit about chemistry, someone explain what is happening here.

>> No.8083451
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Use the same filtration as the previous for this one.

>> No.8083452

I can only presume it's someones attempt at fermenting their own alcoholic beverage, though I can't imagine it would be any good.

>> No.8083458
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>> No.8083459


>> No.8083461

Tastes like ass runoff but it gets you drunk, I hear.

>> No.8083465

I want to try this just to see how horrible it tastes

>> No.8083466

I think I'll stick to being poor and drowning myself in fiction.

>> No.8083474

$15 can already get you drunk as shit if you buy a bottle of liquor instead of beer

>> No.8083479

Yeah, but you have to go outside for that.

>> No.8083490
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Fuck you straight-edged faggots.

The only reason to not get drunk every so often is that it's somewhat expensive.

There's nothing like trying to find the keys of your keyboard and make sense of the letters on your screen because you're too hammered to read or coordinate your body.

Or not giving half a fuck about any of your problems because of the pleasant, warm dizziness after a few shots or cocktails.

Or relaxing after a shit day, and feeling your muscles relax, and your aches and pains fade away and be replaced with a sense of comfort.

Oh god, I want some gin right now.

>> No.8083499

It works with bottled grape juice? Wouldn't it be better to squeeze grapes?

>> No.8083501

I hear enemas get you drunk faster with less

Good way to maximize your bottle

>> No.8083503


Just go your local liquor stock wearing an overcoat, large hat and sunglasses. And make sure you haven't shaved in a few days so you got a beard (tohoho, like you ever shaved it). You would then have nothing to fear except fear itself as they say
........plus you would need to go to a supermarket to get those ingredients to make your own shit

>> No.8083508

Oh look, another alcoholic trying to justify his addiction because he's too scared to admit he's an addict.

>> No.8083513

>There's nothing like trying to find the keys of your keyboard and make sense of the letters on your screen because you're too hammered to read or coordinate your body.

Being that drunk is never fun in my experience.

>> No.8083516
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Except I drink maybe every couple of weeks, opposed to everyday, like an actual addict.

Perhaps you should stop being such a little pussy and try some. You might like it.

>> No.8083518

That's why you're supposed to add a ton of sugar to the mix. Squeezing all those grapes requires a fuck ton of time and effort and a fuck ton of grapes.

>> No.8083519

Do people not like 40 oz.?
4$ for a decent buzz is worth it.

>> No.8083525


Well, it's not fun if it's instant, but once you've worked your way there, I find it quite novel and entertaining.

I haven't been that drunk in a very long time.

>> No.8083527


They taste horrible, but the buzz they give is pretty good.

And most beer tastes like cold, bitter piss anyhow, so.

>> No.8083539

All of the reasons you give to drink are good ones but there's plenty of reasons not to, bro.

Shit makes me self-destruct hard.

>> No.8083542

Tried it once.

It didn't make me louder, wilder and more interesting or even touchy feely.


>> No.8083548

You didn't drink enough.

>> No.8083550

You shouldn't get that drunk anyway when you're at home and by yourself because that is a guarantee bad time

>> No.8083555

I wish I had money to become an alcoholic,
sucks that the little dispensable income I have goes out to my nicotine addiction.

>> No.8083564

Back when I had a job as an auto mechanic, I used to drink everyday after work.
Didn't really notice it then but I wonder if I would have become an alcoholic had I stayed working there.

>> No.8083584

I don't drink or smoke because they trigger severe migraines more often than not for me.

>> No.8083581

>not sterilizing your containers
>thinking napkins are enough to create an anaerobic environment for yeast to ferment all that sugar
>not sealing it with a god damn pressure release valve to make a proper environment without building up too much gas

I seriously hope you fuckers don't think this will work. I've home brewed plenty and its SERIOUSLY FUCKING EASY to CONTAMINATE your batch.

Also be a classy fucker and make some mead to drink to Odin with.

>> No.8083593

We're always alone and by ourselves.

>> No.8083591

>There's nothing like trying to find the keys of your keyboard and make sense of the letters on your screen because you're too hammered to read or coordinate your body.

I remember waking up to find that I'd typed a load of jibberish at my friend. It was amusing.

Then again, I also remember vomiting all over, having to sit in a barely warm bath trying to get vomit out of my hair, having to cut bits of hair off and having my room smell like sick for days.

Not having had a haircut in 7+ years I thought it wouldn't make a difference, it was noticeable.

>> No.8083594


I'm always at home when I drink, and it's almost always a good time.

The only time it's not is when I fall asleep before I can masturbate.

>> No.8083598

I'd drink if alcohol didn't taste that bad.

>> No.8083603

Used to. Can't say it did my health any good either, but was a fun activity to do with friends.
>It'll help you forget about your crippling depression, and might even fix your anxiety problems!
I don't think I have depression, let's see what the definition says:
>Severe despondency and dejection, accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.
> A condition of mental disturbance, typically with lack of energy and difficulty in maintaining concentration or interest in life.
There are many things I've lost interest in and many things that anger me about the general state of intelligent life on this planet, but I still have interest in many things and I don't have feelings of hopelessness either. I have enough (compatibilist) "free will" in the sense that I can see many choices of what I can do an if I so choose, exercise my directly open options.
Either way, I'm not sure what I have can be called depression, it's just the usual analytical mindset I've had since forever, but it's also one I can turn off at any time if I so wish.
>anxiety problems!
While alcohol does indeed help 'losen' one up, I can't say I have anxiety problems.

Nowadays, I wouldn't ever think about drinking alone for 3 reasons: I like having a clear mind and being able to think rationally; drinking alone isn't as much fun; hangovers tend to suck, even if they can be managed and they mess with my already messed up sleep schedule.

>> No.8083600

Drinking alone is different now because of the internet. If you are interacting with other people, you aren't alone. You are a social drinker, you are just doing it at home.

>> No.8083605

I feel sick when I'm drunk, it feels awful. I can't imagine why anyone would enjoy that feeling.

>> No.8083615

Weed is such a better method of intoxication. That is if you can get your hands on some seeds and grow your own. Messing with dealers isn't worth it imo. I do hear buying off of Tor sites works though.

>> No.8083614


How can I find alcohol that doesn't make me want to vomit?

>> No.8083617

Drink chardonnay, faggot. I don't like wine but I could down that shit like water (I'd still get drunk on my 2nd glass).

>> No.8083618

You have to pay more.

>> No.8083619


Look for a variety that isn't made out of rotting plants of some kind.

>> No.8083628

Go to a tavern/pub and get the $10-20 beers. I recommend Guinness.

>> No.8083630

Amarula or Bailey's

>> No.8083681
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>> No.8083689

It would probably be expensive.

That's money that I could use to buy food or comics.

>> No.8083698

> Why don't you start drinking, /jp/? It'll help you forget about your crippling depression, and might even fix your anxiety problems!

My stomach is awfully weak.

>> No.8083704
File: 610 KB, 716x2345, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That didn't stop her.

>> No.8083705

Because my father was an alcoholic and I don't want to be like him.

>> No.8083718

I didn't know you had such a troubled past, Sudo.

>> No.8083728

As a home brewer; the suggestions in this thread for homebrewing are fucking disgusting.

They're a recipe for undistilled grape flavoured rum.

Even doing dextrose / malt would be better.

Also you need to use brewers yeast, for either wine or beer. And at the right temperature and alcohol content target. And measure your densities.

And if you're making beer (ie: any malt based) use hops, use lots of hops... towards the end (ie: in primary but not breeding fermentation). And Bittering Agent during the boil.

And FOR FUCKS SAKE: CLEAN, STERILE, CLEAN. Brewing takes at least 10 times the water volume in cleaning than the final alcohol output.

>> No.8083732

> Because my father was an alcoholic and I don't want to be like him.

And now you're just an autistic manchild without any education, job or any future perspectives. You'll just die like a bum after abandoning by US government caused by economical problems.

>> No.8083733

My mother was an an alcoholic, but that's never been a consideration at all for me. She was a pretty pleasant drunk.
I don't drink much because my Achilles heel is nausea, I guess. I like the feel of drunkenness, but it's a real effort to achieve it. Punishing, too.

>> No.8083745

He was never abusive or anything, we just never really talked to each other as I got older.
>You'll just die like a bum after abandoning by US government caused by economical problems.
You really think they'll just cut off millions of disabled people and veterans? There would be rioting.
I just don't really feel the need to drink. I already have no emotions thanks to my Prozac and Xanax.

>> No.8083748
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>> No.8083768
File: 74 KB, 594x436, sudo's father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a child like you ...

>> No.8083776

I salute the arcane practitioners of zymurgy. Keep on keepin' on.

>> No.8083777
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>> No.8083778


>> No.8083780
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>> No.8083782

sudo thred

>> No.8083785

The ideal homebrewer can replicate an exact brew. That means ultimate control, replication. Once you can replicate, you can get anything right.

But seriously: bitters, hops flavour (strong), high gravities, and high end gravities. Triple bitter ales with so much hops you can feel your sinus clear. "Small" ales that are so tasty you'll swear off soft drinks forever.

And I haven't even touched wine.

or home distilling.

>> No.8083881

I was with you... right up to "high end gravities." I'll buy those awful, awful fucking drinks from the stop'n'rob when I'm looking for the cheapest possible buzz, but if I'm going to take weeks to make something, I'll want to enjoy drinking it.

>> No.8083886

I want to try homebrewing once, but ultimately I think it's much more useful to be able to create delicious baked goods in life.

>> No.8083896

I come from Australia. We value "thick" mouthfeel beyond merely bulking, and into actual retained sugars. Bittering ought to make the resultant brew slightly to highly bitter. It is more about getting a pint meal in than girl-pop.

Also, a 40 is technically a tripel... but the taste difference is as astounding as the difference between light "beer" and small ale.
