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8082398 No.8082398 [Reply] [Original]

You are unquestionably an enemy of the two billion members of the Roman Catholic Church. It is their policy to use any means necessary to eliminate those who they have come to see as a threat to themselves, or to Christianity as a whole.

Do you find this at all worrisome?

>> No.8082403

I'm not a young boy so I feel pretty safe.

>> No.8082407

I'll break their illusions.

>> No.8082414

Not particularly. Before, the pope used to be more powerful than kings and was able to wage wars on other countries. Now all he can do is shuffle around pedophile priests and tell Africans not to use condoms.

It's kind of pathetic, actually.

>> No.8082417

I find it weird that we're getting this new wave of raildex spam right as i'm about to finish watching season 2 because i've been putting it off nearly a year.

>> No.8082421
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Investiga rapidamente sul seguente individuo e nel caso si riveli come un nemico del signore uccidilo.

>> No.8082426

My best friend is Roman Catholic and literally would not hurt a fly, so I'm not very worried.


>> No.8082462

Even now people are starting to not accept the Pope simply because the wind knocked his hat off.

There's a video where a bunch of priests refuse to shake his hand, it's quite hilarious.

>> No.8082463

>two billion members
Wait, that can't be right. If that was true, a third of the world would be catholic. Yet I've never even met a catholic in my whole life.

Are they all hiding in South America or something?

>> No.8082496


South America, Africa and certain Asian nations have extraordinary numbers of Catholics.

>> No.8082502


>> No.8082515

The fact that religions still exist even with how much we've advanced in technology and science just shows humanity's inability to understand any of it, except for a fraction of the population.

>> No.8082537

No, because Catholicism is a sick twisted version of Christianity.
There are so many things they do that contradict the very words of the book they claim to follow, I'm actually surprised there are any Catholics left. If you're a catholic, you've never read a single word of the bible.

>> No.8082562


Protip: you can more or less ignore the old testament, commandments aside. That takes care of the lion's share of contradictions right out of the gate.

>> No.8082580
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I came angels.

>> No.8082871

"boo hoo hoos Catholics are not really Christians because bible"

They've had centuries of priests studying that shit far more obsessively than the most autistic otaku on /jp/. They don't require their peons to do the same, because those fuckers obsess over "scripture" enough for everyone.

They're easily the worst types of Chris-chans, but not because they don't fap over the bible 24/7. Oh no. It's because they're the biggest and most successful cult of Christians, and Christians need to never succeed at anything.

Christians, especially Catholics, need to be exterminated, in the most efficient ways possible, until the survivors fuck off into some desert neckbeard country over in the middle east.

>> No.8082884

I find it worrisome you lack the mental ability to post in the right board OP.

>> No.8082914

It's all inconsistent, however you can't expect someone to reject a belief using reason when they didn't use reason to acquire it in the first place.
Your reasoning is faulty too. All that is required is for people to think about their beliefs and examine them critically instead of emotionally (although there are also emotional ways to get there). No need to infringe upon other people's freedoms when what you want could be obtained much more easier and more effectively through non-destructive means.

>> No.8082917

bumping for the faggots saging the thread

inb4 "durr, saging is correct thing to do"

>> No.8082936


Even if you don't 'need' to 'infringe upon freedumz' it's still very fucking satisfying, especially if you do it to a Christian. As for easy and effective: wrong. It's VERY easy and VERY satisfying to kill Christians.

>> No.8082992

But I'm a Roman Catholic. A non-observant one that is.

>> No.8082996

Do...do....does this mean I can kill them without any repercussions?

If so, well then bunker down and wait for the storm/mob/lynch crowd. Granted I don't have nearly enough ammunition to even kill a notable fraction, it'd still be nice.

Unless of course, some retards in the army decided to just precision bomb my house. In which case.... fuck.

>> No.8083438


Sure, Catholics havent read their own book but neither has any Christian either. Honestly, both groups looks equally retarded to me.

>> No.8083496
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>> No.8083509
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>accepting any religion for any reason as a substitute for reason and empirical evidence

>> No.8083510

Such as? I'm not really into religion but this interests me.
