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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 126 KB, 450x450, Folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8080115 No.8080115 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have a lossless rip of Touhou Clubtronic from WhiTECHNO [WHTC-0005] that they're willing to share?

>> No.8080121

It's in the torrent.

>> No.8080125

I know, but I can't use torrents through my uni internet.

>> No.8080135


A hahahaha.

Pay $5 to use an internet cafe for 1 hour.

>> No.8080139

>internet cafe
I don't even think these exist in Vancouver.

>> No.8080147


Are you a hikikomori or something?

There are hundreds of internet cafes in Vancouver

>> No.8080159

>Are you a hikikomori or something?
Other than for commute to and from classes, pretty much, yes.

I really just thought someone would probably have a lossless copy of this I could grab off of them without having to go through all the hassle of doing something like going to an internet cafe.

>> No.8080164

>Other than for commute to and from classes, pretty much, yes.
Oh boy.

>> No.8080173


Very unlikely, you're better off finding a torrent.

>> No.8080177

I'll download it from the torrent for you and upload it somewhere, OP.

Just kidding, though.

>> No.8080179

Alrighty then. It was worth a shot.

>> No.8080181
File: 24 KB, 304x358, autism4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya dud im su anntisocal n hikmori 2 i didtn gt lady dis wekend Xd

>> No.8080183

Post a pic of your dorm, find a torrent, and I'll download it for you and email or something.

>> No.8080184

yes they do, you are retarded. also every starbucks has free internet

>> No.8080188

I don't have a camera, other than my phone and I can't take pictures off of my phone cause it's a piece of shit.

>also every starbucks has free internet
I didn't even think of this. I guess I'll just have to hang out at a starbucks for a few minutes tomorrow.

>> No.8080196

You prefer hanging out at Starbucks than at an internet cafe? Are you mental?

>> No.8080195
File: 8 KB, 152x224, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a complete dumbass.

Suck my ass, dude.

>> No.8080199

I know where there are Starbucks, but not internet cafes.

>> No.8080209


If you live in a dorm I guarantee you that there is an internet cafe within 5 blocks, especially if you live in the Greater Vancouver area.

>> No.8080211

You're not a hikikomori if you go to classes. Tips:

- Get really, really thick curtains. A must. This is for blocking out the external world. It also makes it easier to sleep in the day.

- Get a small lamp near your bed. Put in an energy efficient bulb and leave it on all the time. This is your light source. You probably won't need it, but if your room is as messy as mine is, it'll make it easier to walk around when you have to or get bored.

- After you've showered, shove your towel underneath your door. This will also block out light.

- If you live with others, make your food / shower / do laundry when they're gone for the day. Wash your dishes after use.

- Keep one clean set of clothing ready at all times. Other laundry can be dirty for a long time, but in case of emergency, you don't want to smell awful.

- When you cut your hair, put a plastic bag in your bathroom sink. You can easily use your mirror and cut your hair without worry.

>> No.8080212

- Invest in a good pair of headphones and play light music when you're not watching anime or playing games or whatever. This will give your mind focused on something to stave off total boredom and will help you become more immersed in the internal world.

- Outside of 4chan, use a different username for each site you visit and consider investing in a good shell or VPN. Talk about your personal life as little as possible. This isn't necessarily hikki but I feel it really ties in with being one.

- If you run out of things to do, try being creative. I've had a lot of fun doing creative writing and art and I can really dedicate myself to it.

- Keep packaged food and drink in your room. If you have the money, consider investing in a microwave and possibly a minifridge. Make sure to have good nutrition - drink lots of water (NOT soda) and have a lot of fiber.

- Always keep your cell phone plugged in and turned to vibrate. You never know when you'll need to use it.

- If you must chat with people online, avoid women. The only women that will accept your alternative lifestyle are the ones that not only won't understand it but are likely insane.

Hope that helps.

>> No.8080215


[obligatory normalfag shock response to absurd suggestions]

Anyway, it doesn't apply to OP because he's going to school.

>> No.8080225

What are you majoring and minoring in, OP?

>> No.8080230

Major in physics with a minor in nuclear science.

>> No.8080231

How can you even stand that much work?

>> No.8080237

I don't really do much else, and growing up both of my parents were teachers so I'm used to having a pretty heavy workload I guess.

>> No.8080245
File: 111 KB, 600x600, gerochan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thinking about physics makes me

- Oh your pendulum experiment didn't go quite as well as you hoped? Lets blame it on friction and equipment faultiness.

First year was fucking hell.

>> No.8080249

I know that feel.

I'm really only going to school to make my parents happy, and I thought physics would be interesting. I'm only actually in my first semester, I'm thinking I might switch out for CS or something.

>> No.8080279

You should keep going for Physics, it's a great field. I am majoring in physics now too, unfortunately I've hit a little snag. My elementary/middle/high school education was too easy and I never had to work for a grade so I have very little motivation. Now I am finding it's hard to get by without doing any work in college. I want the degree but I also just want to take it easy. Guess I can't have both. Teaching myself quantum mechanics while I try to succeed in college. It's slow going but I make a little progress each day.

>> No.8080291


Physics will rape you if you don't have motivation, or worse, if you don't actually like physics.

>> No.8080295

I love the subject fortunately. I do try harder in my physics and math classes because I like the subject and am more motivated to do the work. It's all the other random shit I have to do for college that is bogging me down.

>> No.8080297

I'd love physics if it wasn't for the fucking math.

>> No.8080299


Say goodbye to your 2hu's.


If you like physics but not math, I suggest you go into philosophy and study for the LSAT if you have time.

>> No.8080300

I fucking hate math

Mostly because i don't understand the most simple goddamn operation

i don't know how anyone shoves that shit down their gullet and gets to take it easy.

>> No.8080303


You get over it like elementary school children get over the multiplication table.

>> No.8080306 [DELETED] 

>mfw I don't know my multiplication tables at all
>and yet still somehow managed to get some of the highest grades in my high school class
>which really makes you wonder just how fucktarded everyone else is
>and then you feel disappointed in humanity
>and realize within the next hundred years we will probably die out if we continue at this reate

>> No.8080308

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8080307

>mfw spaghetti totori gamestop

>> No.8080311

This is one of the worst memes to come out of recent 4chan.

>> No.8080322

It's not as bad as greentext, because it's merely a single stupid line and not a complete dimension of posts, all shitty beyond belief.

>> No.8080323 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 419x600, jewsimage42gg0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody likes, die, trash

>> No.8080324

nobody likes you, die, trash

>> No.8080328

>deleting your post
>and then forgetting to re-post the image
Oh wow.

>> No.8080333

more like not wanting to find it again. your discovery was epic you needed to bump the thread? you don't have any friends, your disliked everyone you know, and your family wishes you weren't born.

you're definitely one of the /jp/ users who is hated by everyone around them

>> No.8080334

I prefer downloading via Browser, too.
btw I think I found the right thing, OP.


>> No.8080341

That's a lossy rip. OP asked for a lossless rip.

>> No.8080367

Does lossless of Hisoutensoku's OST exist?

>> No.8080370

OP I'm fervently taking notes

>> No.8080373


>> No.8080383

Thought not. It wasn't in the lossless collection. How bothersome.

>> No.8080390

Most of the other's OSTs came encoded in wav, Hisoutensoku's is Vorbis though, so unless ZUN releases one there won't be an official lossless OST for it.

>> No.8080458

What? Hisoutensoku has an official OST on CD. There is no reason why that can't be ripped into a lossless format like the IaMP and SWR OSTs.

>> No.8080514

the blogging came completely out of nowhere

>> No.8080533


It came from my dick when it should be in your mouth, dude.

>> No.8080646

>If you must chat with people online, avoid women. The only women that will accept your alternative lifestyle are the ones that not only won't understand it but are likely insane.
If only it would be possible to find one of those rich cougar-types who just want to like adopt a manchild to take care of.. Except without the gross old lady sex.

As for that, i've only got the lossy link to mediafire.
But theres always this.
seriously this was the first result in google

Technically the rip from the cd would be "lossless" as there isn't any loss from the original as is. but as >>8080390 said, the originals themselves aren't in a lossless format to begin with. So you really can't pull better quality out of thin air.

>> No.8080717

Did they use the same files as came with the games as a base. Even so, at least with a lossless rip the quality won't be degraded even more.
