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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 78 KB, 621x480, am I kawaii uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8079358 No.8079358 [Reply] [Original]

Why is anime so shitty nowadays?

>> No.8079366

Not Touhou, reported for spam.

>> No.8079372

It's better actually.

>> No.8079378

I just finished Homu. I honestly don't see what's wrong with it.

Why do you guys keep posting madoka a shit posts? I think Homu is an anime of our time.

>> No.8079386

Because you're going through your REAL DEAL phase, Timmy.

>> No.8079389
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Because you are like me, we have seen many anime and are getting tired of seeing the same shit over and over again. However the target audience, young male, have not seen the same shit already and its fresh to them. So these people can keep shitting out shit and will never have to attempt anything creative.

However, it does make that one gem you get every now and then all the more special.

>> No.8079402

>Implying he's actually an oldfag.
He's just some kid who grew up watching Adult Swim shows and suddenly thinks he's the ANIME EXPERT.

>> No.8079399

Casual way of thinking right here.

>> No.8079414
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Good point. I haven't watched anime in over 10 years, being a purely manga reader, and I watched Madoka last night. I thought it was pretty good with memorable characters and OST.

Why does everybody hate Homu a shit? Is it because of the moeshit art? Yuri/gaia fanbase? How is this anime cliched, and are there better films in the mahou shoujo genre that's 4chan hipster approved?

>> No.8079415

>adult swim
The fact that you even thought of that means you likely got introduced to anime via adult swim and are now trying to blend in with the crowd. Reported.

>> No.8079418

>moeshit art
Oh geez

>> No.8079425


The eyes seem pretty luckystar level moe to me. That didn't keep me from enjoying homuka.

>> No.8079424

Noone hates Homura, Homura is probably the most popular character from the show. She was amazing, but because she was so awesome and is so popular some people cant stop them selves from posting her on /jp/. The responce of their trolling is other trolls from /jp/ being drawn to their thread. What these troll dont understand is that it only makes the Homu posters need to post her more. Its an endless cycle.

>> No.8079434

>Implying I didn't grew up watching ancient shit like Senkan Yamato and Doraemon.
Keep it up, bitch nigga.

>> No.8079435


Okay, I meant why does everybody hate the anime series itself, not the individual character.

>> No.8079446


Everybody grew up with Doraemon you dumbshit. That's like saying my /co/ powerlevel is high because I watched old spiderman when I was young.

>> No.8079450

Because its popular. What you are seeing is the 2 or 3 people that didnt like the show. The other 50,000 posters already watched the show and got tired of posting about it.

>> No.8079452

It's extremely popular and thus attracts a lot of critics.

>> No.8079457
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>not watching 20+ shows per season

>> No.8079465

Wait, you're watching all those shows but not Shana? What the heck?

>> No.8079468

The average American kid doesn't even know about Doraemon unless he's Asian.

>> No.8079469


There must be a fatal flaw to the series to attract so many critics-- something that's bad enough to critically ruin the series.

For example, Naruto/Bleach is legitimately bad and annoying. I just don't see it in Madoka.

The only criticism I generally see is how Majoka is crying bitch throughout the entire film, but I thought it was paced decently enough to not bore me out.

>> No.8079471

14 at the moment. I've been playing games more lately.

>> No.8079474

Shana? Ill watch Shana after the show finishes airing and I find out how Cliche the ending is.

>> No.8079475

What? As much as I like Madoka, it has it's fair share of issues, and I can understand why someone wouldn't like it. Don't be such a blind fanboy.

>> No.8079477

What part of its EXTREMELY POPULAR do you not understand? Do I have to post dictionary.com links to the words or are you just that fucking new to 4chan? Fucking go way, your newfaggotry is getting tiring.

>> No.8079486

You just completely ignored that guy's point, faggot.

>> No.8079487
File: 118 KB, 572x472, 1320383426426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sudo doesn't actually watch the stuff he lists on his mal. he just picks stuff and says he finished it.

>> No.8079481


a) You're an American white kid who grew up with Doraemon. Which makes your parents massive weeaboos.

b) You're an East Asian kid who grew up in Japan/China/Good Korea. In which my comment applies to you, about how watching Doraemon doesn't affect your powerlevel.

>> No.8079482

I'd have to re-watch season 2 of Shana because I dropped it like 3-4 episodes in and don't remember hardly any of it.
I've been playing games a lot lately, too. November is always a busy month.

>> No.8079491

I don't blame you; the first ~8 eps were completely non-canon filler because JC Staff blows. It picks up though.

>> No.8079492



>Sudo thread
>implying he's not completely full of shit and hates anime I don't know why the fuck he's on /jp/ anyway
>quoting you're cock dude

>> No.8079502

You're right I'm East Asian, but we're in an American board where both of your criteria do not apply.

>> No.8079498

He has no point, hes a fucking newfag. There is no such thing as a perfect show and even if there was, if it was popular it would get trolled, thats how 4chan is, if you dont know this you are a newfag to and should either GTFO or Lurk More.

>> No.8079499

You could probably skip season 2 actually or just read a summary/watch the last half.
Now it all makes sense. How could Sudo possibly be watching 20+ shows, while posting on /jp/ nonstop, while playing games 24/7?

>> No.8079508

I actually do watch everything that's listed on my MAL. If you came to IRC you'd know.
>How could Sudo possibly be watching 20+ shows, while posting on /jp/ nonstop, while playing games 24/7?
I'm a NEET, I have unlimited free time to use as I see fit. I've hardly been posting on /jp/ the last couple days because I've been watching anime and playing games.

>> No.8079515


I UNDERSTAND that it's extremely popular.

My point:

Naruto = EXTREMELY POPULAR, yet it has critical flaws that makes the series genuinely shit. You cannot have a Naruto thread on /a/ that isn't 90% trolling.

Madoka = EXTREMELY POPULAR, but it doesn't have any blatantly critical flaws.

Also, suck my cock dude. Not everything that's popular gets trolled relentlessly. Big 3 example: One Piece is generally accepted by as a good series.

>> No.8079516

With two monitors and my TV across from my desk I can easily play games/watch anime while simultaneously refreshing /jp/.

>> No.8079517

I feel like I am being masterfully trolled.

>> No.8079518
File: 135 KB, 1000x841, 1320255945880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, you don't. i hung out in the irc for a bit, but it's not very good. all that does is prove you have a motive for lying about what you've watched to impress irc friends.

>> No.8079520


Your powerlevel is pretty low if you don't have one screen dedicated to online boards and another for video games/anime.

>> No.8079526


That image almost made me believe 4chan was a well and consistently moderated site that followed it's own rules. Was living the dream for a second.

>> No.8079527


^ this poster is implying that 4chan is an American board.

There are plenty of gaijin on this board. The original American otaku were actually Japanese expats in Hawaii and San Francisco who decided to share their hobbies with Americans.

>> No.8079528


>> No.8079531
File: 443 KB, 2100x1575, Y2Dlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My script announces everything I watch, and I regularly comment on episodes as well.
I do.

>> No.8079549

I thought the Den of Sudo was far more messy. Where are your figures?

>> No.8079544


There was one time where a Cirno post got a x999999 get, and the entire thread stood still because meido was rapidly deleting posts.

>> No.8079552

If the janitor wasn't incompetent he would just delete the thread, not manually delete individual posts like an autist.

>> No.8079553


- electronic gaming monthly sticker
- pokemon
- no mouse


>> No.8079554

More importantly, where is the slop bucket and the dung?

Pigs need to keep their skin muddy.

>> No.8079559

That picture is like six months old. I have a figure display case in front of that window, now, and there's a bookcase next to it with more figures that don't fit in the case.
Those stickers are old as fuck (notice the Pokemon Snap stickers printed out from the Blockbuster kiosk), and my mouse is next to the chair out of view.

>> No.8079562

What a shit setup.

Do you delete after watching?

>> No.8079563


Moot is a pseudo Taoist who believes in minimal intervention.

Example: well moderated boards like 7chan are still shit. Somethingawful has useful content but it's still a big mess of autistic manchildren, nevermind 10bux and its rapidly declining popularity.

>> No.8079565

Cut the janitor some slack, man.

>> No.8079571

Naruto is a Shonen, Madoka is Seinen.

Naruto is endless, Madoka had an end. As Naruto is endless its also convoluted and stupid. Thats what happens when a fictional work goes to long.

Naruto also brings people like you to the board frequently, newfags. Madoka is rather good and undoubtly has created newfag anime fans but not in a constant flow like Naruto.

There are many reasons everyone who visits this board regularly hates Naruto, Bleach and One Piece, you would know this if you LURKED MORE>

>> No.8079567
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>> No.8079570

More like sudo Taoist am I right?

>> No.8079577
File: 2 KB, 42x38, 1271616085341s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not the guy you're replying to, but you're the one using the term newfag on /jp/.

You should just get out.

>> No.8079575

All of you shut up.

>> No.8079582

Madoka is for tasteless otaku. It's also convoluted and most definitely stupid. The pacing is god awful too.

>> No.8079584


*slurp slurp*

I'm this guy>>8079571 as you can clearly see from having excessive cock.

>> No.8079578

Why don't you come over here and suck my cock?

>> No.8079585


Let me guess, you're the original madoka a shit, right?

>> No.8079586
File: 97 KB, 445x629, sdfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thats what happens when a fictional work goes too long.

>> No.8079591

No. But it's silly to pretend Madoka does not have its flaws.

>> No.8079593


>Thats what happens when a fictional work goes to long.

Haha ultimate newbie detected.

How does it feel watching Pokemon in your childhood.

>> No.8079595

All I know is if more mahou shoujo was like Madoka, I'd probably watch more of them.

Also Steins;Gate wasn't too bad. Some of the science bits bugged me enough to put a bad taste in my mouth but the rest was okay.

I've only watched two anime shows this year.

>> No.8079601

Umm... dare I ask what anime that is? No real results for "Homu"...

>> No.8079602
File: 288 KB, 612x750, Crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true, I do have excessive cock. Its the reason I could never rape a 12 year old with out getting caught. Its a blessing and a curse. Man, someone who finally understands my pain. Thank you so much.

>> No.8079600

Quality thread here folks, GTFI.


Pacing is fine. Only somebody who has ADD would say that.

There are other, more important flaws which I'm not going to list.

>> No.8079605

I didnt watch pokemon.

>> No.8079608


I meant the excessive taking of cock, which is evident in your posting style.

Real otaku don't care how big their dick is because caring about penises is what normals do.

>> No.8079611

The OP? Kamichama Karin.

>> No.8079613

The size of your penis is is rather important when you are a pedo though. Also, spoken like a guy with a small penis.

>> No.8079619


He said no results for homu, so he probably meant

Puella Magica Madoka Magica

>> No.8079618

I am actually thinking of watching the first 50 eps or so of Naruto, then giving it a rest when I got bored. I used to watch Bleach, and honestly, before it turned into a typical Shounen with the Soul Society arc, it was a pretty fucking cool anime that could have gone somewhere. I'm wondering if I find a decent drop off point for Naruto & One Piece, if I'll actually have an impression of them as fun anime. I have friends who are into them too, in spite of being into real anime, so it kind of makes me want to at least understand what they're talking about.

I actually still follow Fairy Tail, I don't want to get into it now but it's set up a lot better as an ongoing thing than most other Shounen. While I am obviously agreeing that the ongoing factor can be a problem, I don't think it necessarily has to be either. Dragonball went on for ages, and IMO was good as far as the Android/Early Cell Saga.

>> No.8079621

Both bleach and Naruto went to shit at the same time, after the first season. Thats when the endless kicks and and everything goes to shit. The first season of Naruto was pretty good though, I suggest it.

>> No.8079625

Okay, shut up. For a board that tries to distance itself from /a/ and anime /jp/ is acting pretty autistic right now.

Curry Butt autistic.

>> No.8079628


Sorry, I was confused. I thought it was Madoka at first but then I thought people were referencing the OP as Homu sounds like shorthand for some new moe~ anime to me.

>> No.8079629


>For a board that tries to distance itself from /a/ and anime /jp/ is acting pretty autistic right now.

Lets have another 2hu dump thread because we can't browse danbooru for ourselves.

>> No.8079630

Watch the stuff with Haku.

>> No.8079631

>Curry Butt autistic.
Thank you, I've always aspired to such heights.

>> No.8079637

Naruto stops being good after the Chuun Exam arc.
Bleach stops being good after the Soul Society arc.
One Piece stopped being good after the timeskip.

>> No.8079641

>watched naruto, onepice and bleach after the first season.


>> No.8079638

So THATS where the kawaii uguuu 4coma came from

>> No.8079642

I used to watch Naruto and Bleach too, I dropped them quite a while ago, though. I just read the manga now since it only takes a minute per week or so.

>> No.8079645


>One Piece stopped being good after the timeskip.

The arc isn't even finished what are you complaining about

>> No.8079647

>since it only takes a minute per week or so.
It sounds like it's only a chore.

>> No.8079649


No, that's Kanon. That's where Uguu~ comes from anyway.

>> No.8079662

Actually I haven't "watched" a single episode of them. I read the manga.

>> No.8079666

I don't like any of the resdesigns (especially Franky), I don't like the current villians, I don't like that the power gap between Luffy and his crew has widened.

>> No.8079668

It kind of is, really. I've been following them for so many years now that I don't want to just drop them and not see how they end. Bleach had a perfect place to stop but had to keep on going. Naruto seems like it could end soon, but I'm sure it won't. I still like One Piece, though.

>> No.8079677
File: 79 KB, 430x311, et_computer_kid_happy_surprised2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when /jp/ is full of all the shonen fags that chased out of /a/.

>> No.8079674 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 379x300, 1319177198460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You nigras talkin but anymais?
Please bitcses, I'be veen seeeing nime's bfre ur's was borned, dats rite i's the timeng Naruto guas gud and blich has no filas, One Piece sux cus lurks lik Bugsbunniess and spdridermn, Gocu z an Guko GT were beter tahn nimais lik it or cod gias, wire coboup bibup waz col por muzk lik ord forks bluiz ey noz az krool az ouright stal yet beztes nimais is Das kepper!!! lik undrwer and stuf ses,u knwo madka a shiz and pokmn stil wel, rike u kno.

Japanese meat eating spaghetti

>> No.8079679


I think you forgot CHECK MY DUBZ you shitposter

>> No.8079682

Everybody secretly loves shounen and powerlevels. Don't let them fool you.

>> No.8079688
File: 16 KB, 380x300, how its done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you check out those dubs?

>> No.8079691

I stuck with Battlestar Galactica even when it obviously was turning into shit, and after watching the ending I wished I had just pretended that it all ended at season 2, and that I never followed up the later seasons.

Huge franchises like Naruto or One Piece only stop when people stop liking it, and so the last volumes always become a horrible downward spiral of handwaving and forced drama to cover all the loose threads. I'm certain whatever closure you're waiting for will disappoint you, because, boy, that ending is going to be such an asspull.

>> No.8079698

I don't doubt that the endings will disappoint. Berserk has been dragging on for quite a while, too, but at least it still has great artwork and is generally entertaining.

>> No.8079701


Not with One Piece.

The treasure is probably the final glyph.

>> No.8079709

It's friendship and nakama.

>> No.8079713

I'm rooting for the idea that the treasure is a spaceship so that they can go to space and be space pirates. It's sufficiently goofy to be in One Piece.

>> No.8079717


That would be pretty cool and out there. I totally would support this half ass pull.

>> No.8079723

>Anime thread
>96 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
What the fuck is going on?

>> No.8079732

>/jp/ - Otaku Culture

All things otaku welcome!

>> No.8079733

We're having a pleasant discussion here.

>> No.8079734


It all makes sense now.

>> No.8079743

We are discussing a large variety of topics. Have a seat.

>> No.8079765

You are a disgrace to the Faildex fanbase.

>> No.8079772

I haven't had a job in years and I can't find the time to do all of that shit. I need a planner or something so I can waste time more efficiently

>> No.8079777

Try setting a schedule for activities in advance.

>> No.8079787

Madoka appears to be hated because stupid idiots from /v/ think that trolling is so funny.

>> No.8079802

Perhaps it is not anime that has gotten shitty, but you.

>> No.8079800


>> No.8079817

madoka is hated because it is genuinely very bad, and because the subhumans that like it are very vocal about liking bad things.

>> No.8079822
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This is my face when reacting to your post

>> No.8079830

The only thing in that post that I agree with is the horrible fanbase.

I actually really liked it but have never participated in the community.

>> No.8079840
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>> No.8079844


Critics are even more vocal than the fanbase.

Which means that you're implying that people who dislike madoka are subhumans.

>> No.8079878

Disliking bad things is about having good taste. Making fun of subhumans is about putting them in their place.

You untermenschen.

>> No.8079876
File: 48 KB, 184x184, 1317441936470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm.....does anyone know the source of that?

>> No.8079884

I cant speak for all fans, there are those that are just to green to know better but I have no reaction when someone says that Madoka is shit. I mean why should I care? Their opinion doesnt make it the best magical girl show of all time any less. Just means they are dead inside and cant comprehend good anime. I feel sorry for them.

>> No.8079885

sauce is onis=fags Yuugi=pig

>> No.8079888


>best magical girl show of all time

The feeling of being subtly trolled surpasses the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.8079923

Everything is shitty nowadays. But that's because I'm cynical bastard.

>> No.8079976

You should see a therapist.

>> No.8079981


Majority of /jp/ probably have mental illness.
