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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8078573 No.8078573 [Reply] [Original]

I dislike /a/ usually, but I agree with this.

>> No.8078578

Good, you can stay there and mate with that poster.

>> No.8078577

polite sage

>> No.8078579

Thanks for the update.

>> No.8078584

I deny not that we'll use sage out of anger like everyone else. I myself rather use nokosage to avoid unnecessary drama

But guess what kid, /jp/ isn't the only board to use "polite sage"

>> No.8078581

People who say polite sage here are looked down upon though, because it's /a/ nonsense.

>> No.8078585

Super duper mega rude sage.

>> No.8078587

I don't see those nowadays.

Maybe I just avoid the threads they're in judging from a quick search on the archive.

>> No.8078589

Polite noko.

>> No.8078588

Hilarious amounts of girls on /jp/ these days. Look at you all bitching.

>> No.8078597

If you're going to post threads about it, please do so back at /a/, we have enough shitposting without this drivel.

This thread deserves zero polite sages.

>> No.8078600

who is stupid enough to sage polite sage the same can be said about saying sage and any other variants as well. there is nos polite sage and rude sage either.

sageing is simply not bumping a thread, end of story

>> No.8078604

Requesting the "I laugh at how 4chan still doesn't understand what sage means" copypasta.

>> No.8078601

Calling people girls on /jp/ is a compliment.

>> No.8078606

fucking butthurt sage

>> No.8078608

look it up on an archive.

>> No.8078614

I'm always polite in my replies when I sage.

>> No.8078616

Then I'd have to find one first. I haven't even removed easymodo from my bookmarks.

>> No.8078619

impolite nokosage

>> No.8078620

Rude sage.

>> No.8078622

What the fuck is polite sage

>> No.8078623


>> No.8078629


fuuka.bwaka.net is being DDoS'd apparently

>> No.8078647
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>athens !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.8078712

jp a shit

>> No.8078718

10/10 OP.

>> No.8078728

ULTRA super duper mega RUDER sage

>> No.8078730

>polite sage
>implying there is a rude sage and a polite sage
>implying the "rude" sage punches you in the face
>implying >2011 >doesn't use nokosage

>> No.8078741

Rude sage, rude report, rudely calling the cops.

>> No.8078744

/jp/ doesn't "polite sage" they just use it the way it was supposed to be used, and it works because the board doesn't move as fast as the other large shitholes on 4chan (implying every hole in 4chan is a shithole).

>> No.8078760

super rude bump

>> No.8078784
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 1313879998390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polite homu

>> No.8078787

I'm going to have to sage you for that shit. Mind your manners.

>> No.8078792
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>> No.8078797

There's nothing polite about reposting shitty memes.

>> No.8078802

Not everything is a meme, /b/ro.

>> No.8078804
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>> No.8078806

You're right, its trash that needs to go back to /a/

>> No.8078807
File: 258 KB, 518x725, 1314625851497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no memes involved - we just love homu

>> No.8078815
File: 200 KB, 625x500, Kaga Ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every sage is a polite sage.

>> No.8078834

What the fuck is a "polite sage"?
I put sage in the e-mail field when I don't feel like bumping the thread, end of story. Fucking fastboarders don't know shit.

>> No.8078832

We were using polite sage like HELL back in summer 2008.

It's just too deep for you OP.

>> No.8078841
File: 68 KB, 576x423, 1b765904c9cc7de6f29d7ea36ae396e9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no point to sage someone to be a dick on /jp/ when the thread is still going to be on the front page an hour later. Oh shit, hyperbole!

>> No.8078858
File: 333 KB, 850x1100, 88001501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking shit thread have some Raiden instead

>> No.8078864

I only see it when there is unpopular discussion quietly going on, and maybe someone was arguing recently (i.e. thread was saged to death). Thus, some next poster sages his offtopic opinion and specifies the intent, not to be mistaken with whoever was shitting in the thread before.

I dont see how using that phrase could annoy anyone ever.

>> No.8078881

What happened to you? Why are yo shitposting and using this /b/ talk?

>> No.8078889

Are you new to ZUN!bar or something? Why do you keep asking this?

>> No.8078895

Because he didn't act like an idiot before he was sent to Iraq.

>> No.8078904

Afghanistan, actually.

>> No.8081458

Oh bwaka is back.

>> No.8081462

some sandnigger killed him and took his trip.

>> No.8081478

I've never read the words 'polite sage' before

>> No.8081482

Thats because no one says that shit here.
Funny thing is /a/ makes up shit about /jp/ and then believes their own bullshit like its fact. Fucking idiots.

>> No.8081488

I've seen it before, mostly used like "polite sage for offtopic"

>> No.8081492

Yeah, /jp/ never does that about other boards.

>> No.8081498

Lurk more.

>> No.8081505

Nobody types "polite sage." They'll type "Reported.", but certainly not to point out their use of sage.

Everybody should die.

>> No.8081507

I sometimes slip and don't do this, but I usually politely sage by nokosaging. That way, the post doesn't look like I'm saging but I'm still not bumping the thread.

If I know I'm shitposting, posting in an off-topic thread or I want to appear as though I am publicly disagreeing with something, I just use a regular sage.
