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File: 59 KB, 671x782, kara_no_shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8074678 No.8074678 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished Kara No Shoujo, and really liked it. Was just wondering if anyone knew of VN that were like it.

-Kara No Shoujo General-

>> No.8074687

Plot: Kara no Shōjo's story revolves around Reiji Tokisaka, a private investigator who is investigating a series of grotesque murders on the request of his former colleague, Kyozo Uozumi of the Tokyo metropolitan police force. The murders are reminiscent of another string of serial murders that occurred six years ago prior to the game where Reiji lost his fiancée which drives him with a strong desire to solve this case. Reiji is also asked by Toko Kuchiki to find her real self, Reiji is initially unsure of what she means but later finds out that Toko is actually an adopted child. While working on the murder cases, Reiji also takes some time out to get to know Toko and to also try and find out where she has been when she was young and who her real parents are.

>> No.8074690
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>> No.8074696

what is it about

>> No.8074700

Kara no Shōjo is an adult visual novel by Innocent Grey for the PC. It was released on July 4, 2008.

>> No.8074710

kinda old. is porn good

>> No.8074711

Like it in what aspect?

Murder mystery?
Post-war Japan?

>> No.8074737
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>> No.8074740

I haven't actually played it but from what I've seen and heard. There is a lot of gore in the game but most of it is actually located in the text rather than the cgi.

>> No.8074744
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>> No.8074752
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Eve Burst Error vs KnS

Eve wins

>> No.8074777

I thought it was fantastic.

Seriously hope for more TLs of Innocent Grey stuff.

>> No.8074771
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>> No.8074790

I thought Kara no Shoujo's mystery was more compelling and satisfying but Eve had better pacing thanks to the humor. Not sure which I liked more overall.

>> No.8074794
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>> No.8074801

not happening

>> No.8074803
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>> No.8074804


>> No.8074808
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>> No.8074813

>In exchange for a small black egg, she recieved a torso, right arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg. However, she still lacked a head. ;_;

>> No.8074817

shit sales

>> No.8074820 [SPOILER] 
File: 644 KB, 801x601, karanoshojo_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8074825

This is definitely the best eroge I've ever played and no, this isn't babby's first eroge.

>> No.8074835
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>> No.8074842

Kara no Shoujo Promotional Movie


>> No.8074844

>>8074825 This is definitely the best eroge I've ever played
The two other ones were that bad?

>> No.8074846

Hearing that song just makes me sad.

>> No.8074851

>Well I am not at the age of 18 yet so I can't play hentai.

>> No.8074854

If you're new to dark bishoujo gaming, I'd start with something lighter, like Tsuki Possession, then work your way up to Rapelay, Prison Battleship, Asagi, etc. then finally Kara no Shoujo.

>> No.8074859 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8074866
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just post the actual CG.

>> No.8074865

What I'd give to be raped by that woman.

>> No.8074872 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8074884
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>> No.8074893
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>> No.8074900
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>> No.8074904

So are there really no goods ends? Is the ending at least some what alright or ends on a decent note? How bad is the guro in the game?

>> No.8074906
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>> No.8074910

the guro is good

>> No.8074920


Kara no Shoujo true ending


>> No.8074930 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8074959
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>> No.8074966 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8074998

An Interview With Innocent Grey:


Innocent Grey stuff:


>> No.8075005

I was skeptical about trying this vn, because the setting didn't strike me as interesting. Luckily, I enjoyed the read, the setting never really drags down the plot.

>> No.8075032

Cartagra is fully translated?

>> No.8075052


>> No.8075061
File: 48 KB, 796x409, esls1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kara no Shoujo 2 FUCKING WHERE?

>> No.8075106

Wait so will Caucasus ever be translated? I will only read this if i can save her in the other game.

>> No.8075137

Anybody? would like to know if manga gamer wants to translate it.

>> No.8075151

Was the ending really just a bad end or did it just have a cliff hanger since there is a sequel coming?

>> No.8075169
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>Cartagra's initial translation has been complete, future is unknown

it is 100% translated, but the project received a C&D, and the thing is sitting in limbo with the people who dutifully follow the law and won't release the translated scripts or beta patches.

Hope the MG + inoGrey thing that is currently under wraps includes both cartagra and KnS2. Sure, it's a long shot, and thinking it will happen before 2014 may be a bit too optimistic, but there's nothing wrong with hoping.

Caucasus is completely unrelated to the other inoGrey works from what I remember hearing about it.

>> No.8075194

Some parts of KnS were brilliant, and the true ends were all really good, but it was kind of a slog getting there, and the pacing of the murders and the motivations behind them were, in the first half at least, really weak. I wish the game had just focused on the final plotline rather than barring the way to it with the lackluster first mystery and a lot of bad ends involving sex with girls we have no reason to care about.

Regardless, Toko has the sexiest voice ever.

>> No.8075198

KNS2 is a prequel.


>> No.8075214

Did they say anything about translating Caucasus?
Is it better than kns?
No, it says kns is a prequel.

>> No.8076076
File: 284 KB, 1024x576, caucasus006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caucasus is a massive pain in the arse to translate and clear with its script structure and interface. It's also significantly weaker than KnS in my opinion, though that's up to the individual playing it. The only really KnS like brainstorming twisty section was right before the true ending, nowhere else. The cast is also lot smaller due to how they are isolated, and I thought they aren't as compelling as KnS heroines (like seriously, I reckoned game could almost pass up as a nukige with how you just meet heroine X few times and then next time you fuck her.) That said, the climax is great (with g-senjou like epilogue), and art is even better, one of the prettiest eroge made in my opinion, but I don't think it's good candidate to translate.

>> No.8076643
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>> No.8076729

why is their hair so black?

>> No.8076867

Isn't it lovely?

>> No.8076868


>> No.8077321

Are you alright? I apologize if I made you cry, it was not my intention.
