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File: 141 KB, 576x576, gotdanmaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8073008 No.8073008 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your recent achievements, difficulties etc.

I've been trying clearing UFO Lunatic, stage 3 just kills me every time though. Are there any specific parts where I want to collect some coloured UFOs, for example Stage 6 for greens and such?

>> No.8073019

Mamizou Tanuki-girl is a whore and I can never be 100% sure that I'll clear any of her spellcards when playing through, which leads to a lot of unnecessary deaths.

>> No.8073143
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Been playing Ten Desires on easy, still manage to lose by stage 4. I'm working on it, day by day though.
I try to capture spellcards too much and end up dying simply because I didn't bomb.

>> No.8073192

Completed IN extra on lunatic with Alice and Marisa while randomly slowing down (apparently controller was half way out of port). Also captured every card.

>> No.8073202

Ignoring that extra stages don't have difficulty levels, how does a controller feel in comparison to a keyboard?
Do you use an analog stick or the directional pad?

>> No.8073225 [DELETED] 

Nobody asked.


>> No.8073242

>extra on lunatic
so much for your charade.

>> No.8073254

For the first time ever that I manage to capture Ichirin's first spellcard, it's a fucking timeout.
I captured the attack with 0 power, on the last second.
I'm pretty mad, as I haven't been even able to capture it with like 50 tries before.

>> No.8073262

You mean with 1.00 power right (the minimum)? And on what difficulty?

>> No.8073265
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>I've been trying clearing UFO Lunatic, stage 3 just kills me every time though. Are there any specific parts where I want to collect some coloured UFOs, for example Stage 6 for greens and such?
As someone who has done picture related, I can tell you that I very rarely end stage 3 with more lives than I began. Honestly, having a large number of lives starting stage 4 will hardly help you. I would set your goal to 4 lives trying to clear it. And yes, there are several moments where rainbow UFO's, blues, and even suicides are the appropriate thing to do. Stage 4 is where the resource-farming comes in. I would say that learning that stage there is quite important. The backbone of your game will be finishing Murasa with a decent number of lives.

If you want to request a replay, just tell me.
I can capture it maybe 2/3 of the time. All that I can tell you is to look far for a squeeze through the bullets. You should move even before the boss does. It's a tough card, and even pros hate it. You should probably just bomb it.

>> No.8073283

I had the minimum amount of power, and once I noticed that I was going to capture it when the clock was ticking I just decided to try and time it out, and then just finished it right before it did.
Lunatic mode of course.

>> No.8073326

I think I lost all my ability to dodge. I can't get past Nue in the TD extra anymore, used to be able to get halfway through Mamizou. For some reason I'm running into everything on Nue's first spellcard when I didn't used to and I don't think I'll ever capture her second one. But I keep forgetting to bomb because I get close to capturing it nowadays.

>> No.8073340

If that is true, then wait for tomorrow to play. Nue midboss is very easy. The only challenge is collecting the spirits you shoot out of her. You also have the ablility to bomb/trance through her. It probably won't affect your run either way.

>> No.8073352

Well then, do you have a replay or a guide for stage 4? I don't really know which UFO's I'm supposed to grab in that stage, would be nice to know the best route, if there is any.

>> No.8073358


Well, I beat her this time, even captured everything. And I got to Mamizou's last card. Strangely enough. I had to bomb like crazy against that survival card though, it's way too hard for someone like me.

>> No.8073383
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I don't know what it is, but I've been having a lot of trouble timing out Lunasa's second noncard on Lunatic.

>> No.8073386

Playing PCB on ultra/easy...without the auto bomb shit. I noticed that I don't have to have full power for item collection. Fuck this shit.

>> No.8073455

Finally a Touhou thread.

I'm playing Imperishable Night right now. I've searched for an answer but I haven't found one.

What does the phantom meter actually do and does it matter which side I'm on? Also, what's the difference between being focuses and unfocused?

>> No.8073459

I'm going to be working on a ND-NB UFO stage 4. In stage 4, you get bombarded with tokens. This allows for a loose interpretation of your path and a higher tolerance for mistakes, compared to the earlier levels.
I think this run features a good stage 4: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=16551
I use a bomb and miss a life piece, but that's negligible. It's usually a good idea to bomb where I did, otherwise a lot of the tokens get away. Bombing in the piece after that is also recommended, since it is difficult to dodge and the tokens are hard to get. You will want to collect greens from the greater fairis near the end, and enter stage 5 with some green tokens.

I tried doing a no-bomb Hard mode 1cc with MarisaB. It's funny how hopping from Lunatic to Hard can mess you up. Still, I haven't been playing this game lately, and it was my very first run of the day, so I guess that I can improve it. Some of this stuff was is embarassing. I should have done some stage practice. Still, I think the first 3 stages are great.
The phantom guage only matters if you are scoring or using continues. Switching characters is just part of your shot type. The youkai generally does more damage.

I'm not the best at IN, but there is also: http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki

>> No.8073462


>> No.8073602 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 640x480, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these danmaku supposed to be? Cone shaped rocks with red liquorice tied to them with a rope?
And why did my screen shot come out so bad.
Wow! There's pickled stones falling from the sky!
>How romantic!
>If the sky's full of those, then I can totally make a sweet >combination platter.

>> No.8073608

For more esoteric mineralogy, play Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.

>> No.8073618 [DELETED] 

What are these danmaku supposed to be? Cone shaped rocks with red liquorice tied to them with a rope?
And why did my screen shot come out so bad.
>Wow! There's pickled stones falling from the sky!
>How romantic!
>If the sky's full of those, then I can totally make a sweet
>combination platter.
I messed up, I'm reposting this.
>For more esoteric mineralogy, play Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
These are SWR characters. I suppose that I could find answers there.

>> No.8073635
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I made a post, messed it up, then I messed it up again by forgetting my screenshot, then I accidently made a new thread on the board. Now I'm thoroughly disappointed.

>> No.8073649

I played IN for the first time yesterday. It was my first Touhou game.

I had to turn it down to easy and I still didn't complete it.

I guess I'm not worthy.

>> No.8073658


Don't worry about it. First time I played, I absolutely sucked. I started with UFO, didn't know focus movement or bombing and couldn't even beat stage 1 on Normal, nowadays I can clear Normal mode on most of the games. It just takes a bit of playing to get better. I'd probably be better than I am now if I played more actually.

>> No.8073661

It took me two weeks to beat my first easy mode, and I ended up doing this: >>8073265

Just keep practicing. If you practice, you can be as good as you want to be.

>> No.8073665

First, play Normal. I usually play Hard when learning and drilling stages even when I am aiming to complete Normal, just to get more out of it and have it easier in the actual playthrough.

Second, while IN is easy to learn -read the game rules, that should help a LOT-, it teaches bad habits and is generally a bad one to start with. PCB is equally easy on Normal and doesn't hurt you at all in the other games.

>> No.8073689

I think this post and its would be an adequate explanation: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/7938337#p7942608

I was playing lunatic just before I beat hard, and I think it does help, but not for Easy mode. To beat Easy mode, all you need to do is learn the game mechanics and controls. Dodging skill always comes later by itself.

>> No.8073691

>I think this post and its would be an adequate explanation
Oh my, why am I making so many mistakes today. Maybe all that programming fried my brain.

>> No.8073694

I'm going to try PCB. Hopefully this one doesn't have an obscene high score already in the game file that discourages me from continuing.

>> No.8073701

Delete your score.dat. Do it in every game, especially IN, because there is a lot of stuff to unlock in that.

>> No.8073702

Where did you download the game from? If you want to clear the scores, just delete the score.dat file. The game will create a new one if it can't find it. Every level has a 1,000,000 hiscore by default.

>> No.8073704


I didn't want to bother you guys by making a thread.

>> No.8073708

Maybe you guys can guide me a little here. I've done everything that I can easily do (kind of) and I'm not sure where I should focus my efforts next. Here's what I need to do still:
EoSD Lunatic (hit Remilia on a random run but haven't practiced since)
MoF Lunatic (haven't made it past Aya, no good at this game)
SA Lunatic (haven't even attempted it, I only cleared Hard last month)
UFO Hard (made it to Byakuren a few times, but I'm shit at every pattern in this game)
TD Hard (really need to knock this out, just haven't tried much)
And then UFO/TD Lunatic obviously, but one step at a time. Everything else I've cleared on Lunatic or can't play (PC98 doesn't agree with my gamepad.) Of the stuff I have left, what do you think I should go for next? I have no real preference.

>> No.8073712


A basic mechanic that you will need to perfect over your time playing touhou is a deathbomb-pressing bomb as you are hit, saving yourself from death by obliterating the projectile. In IN, you have a lot of time after your bullet touches your hitbox. In PCB, it is not so much at all, so don't be afraid to just bomb everything. I myself die on Chen even in 1cc playthroughs, it's my curse.
Also, the propably best way to 1cc any of the games is what you might find yourself doing in the end: learn to consistently do the first three stages without loss of life(harder to do in the later games), then Stage Practice fourth, then fifth, then just bomb through the final boss. That's what most people do. You only need to try the playthrough a lot of times and get to know the two stages, their bosses and their gimmicks and if not how to beat what, then even just when to bomb what.

Also, in PCB, it is very important to learn how to pick as much point items as possible, since extra lives are always good, and by being a pussy in stage 4, you can easily lose even two whole lives.

>> No.8073719

pick one you like and shoot for an arbitrary high score that you think is reachable

>> No.8073726


I've already gotten the scores I wanted in the games I enjoy scoring in (PCB and IN.) I'm only after new clears at this point.

>> No.8073837

Does anybody else see bullet patterns when you close your eyes after playing a session?

>> No.8073844

I've played this game for over 30 hours straight before, so yes. It's a norm for me. Damn low frequency CRT's.

>> No.8073871

Please don't use that archive.

>> No.8073935
File: 76 KB, 383x448, ichirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ichirin... why.

120fps UFO Normal. It's harder than Lunatic for sure.

Why wouldn't we use it? I prefer it over the other one.

>> No.8073956 [DELETED] 

>I prefer it over the other one.
There's really no reason to prefer it over the ones without ads.
Well, search isn't working in dyndns, but warosu at the very least.

>> No.8073962

>I prefer it over the other one.
There's really no reason to prefer it over the ones without ads.
Well, search is pretty slow in dyndns, but warosu at the very least.

>> No.8073966

Oh god, what possessed me to link to my own deleted post.

>> No.8073999

Unlike the Wikia X Touhouwiki debate, I don't really see any glaring flaws in the foolz archive, compared to the warosu one. Ads don't mean anything, by the way, as the ones in foolz don't get in the way at all and you can just AdBlock them away if you so desire.
Anyway, let's not start more archive wars, okay. Things are already silly enough as they are.

>> No.8074151

Almost made my first ever 1cc on IN on Hard a few weeks ago (game over at one of Kaguya's earlier spells). Haven't gotten close ever since. Oh well, maybe 2012 will be a better year for Touhou than the past two years.

>> No.8074179


>> No.8074191

gaymoo is gay

>> No.8074192 [DELETED] 


>> No.8074195

I only have a laptop right now, and the ghosting is killing me. It's fine having to tap direction keys rather than holding them, but when I can't deathbomb because I haven't released a key, that's where I draw the line. I can still almost 1cc a few of the games on normal, but I feel like I could do so much better if I didn't have this. Yet, at the same time, it seems like so much of a hassle to buy a USB keyboard for this one thing.

>> No.8074197
File: 84 KB, 690x509, FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a pad

>> No.8074212

i just have done th13 with marisa then meet a new character in extra stage
im so sad because it's not mima

>> No.8074218

Or remap your keys.

>> No.8074279

Fuck my life, almost perfect stage 6 EoSD on lunatic, died on the last wave at Gensokyo.

>> No.8074331

I'm thinking I'm getting some lag between when I push buttons and when my character moves. It seems to be most apparant while playing Imperishable Night.

Is there any possible truth in this statement, or am I just imagining things?

>> No.8074336

Use the vsync patch.

>> No.8075231
File: 387 KB, 1273x951, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot play Touhou while talking on Skype. I'm too dependant on the music. I wonder what would happen if I play Touhou with different music. Either setting my 3 month long library to shuffle, or picking a nice playlist and playing it whenever I start a game. I wonder if changing the music would affect my gameplay.

>> No.8076058

You'd be distracted by certain songs you like, as well as trying to think "What is this song?" in addition to songs changing also distracting you.
You also likely associate certain parts of stages with certain parts of the music, so changing it would hurt your advantage.

>> No.8076100

There's also how most stages are synced to the music that plays on them (unless you're not at constant 60 FPS), so turning it off or changing it would only hinder you.

>> No.8076129

doesn't the music unsync during the midboss of the stage due to different card times?

>> No.8076303

Icc PCB on Normal with Reimu and Sakuya... Tomorrow I try Marisa

>> No.8076789

It depends on the stage. In general (but definitely not always), stage 1 and 3 will desync, and the rest of the game will extend the stage portion if you kill a midboss early. This fact becomes important in UFO, for example, since bombing through Nazrin in Stage 5 is beneficial to score because of the extra fairies you get to kill.

>> No.8076843

Does anyone else here play IN with starting lives other than 3? I've 1cc'ed IN on normal just now but I started with six lives, doesn't feel like an achievement at all.

>> No.8076848

you do get like 5-7 extends, plus the 2 default lives should be really enough to clear the game. Just don't burn away everything until you reach the stage 4 bosses. After them it's just downhill.

>> No.8076877

I'm grinding in SA Lunatic, Now I can make it to Orin without dying/bombing... I don't think it's a great achievement, as she rapes me everytime.

>120fps UFO Normal.

I hope you are doing this on purpose, if not you should use the vsync patch...

Or use a USB keyboard.

>You'd be distracted by certain songs.

I get the opposite effect, some songs activate my Jedi mode.

Give it a try, fight PCB Yukari while listening to this:


>> No.8077324

I've been told to try to beat the extras before the Hard modes, but I've been struggling on the extras more than Hard mode, with the exception of UFO Hard and how completely ridiculous it is.

>> No.8077340

gives you a great idea how retarded LUNATIC is.

>> No.8077348


Yeah. Perhaps the problem is that I'm playing Sanae A, but I can't abandon her.

>> No.8078244

Not so retarded anymore

>> No.8078256

For some reason, talking with other people on Skype/Mumble while being drunk makes my gameplay better.

>> No.8078257

Usually on a clear you want to start with the default amount of lives.

>> No.8078268
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Tried lunatic EosD today, fuck Sakuya, knifes behind knifes behind knifes behind knifes behind knifes
and each one pointing in a different direction.

I should stick to normal and avoid those headaches.

>> No.8078278

Today I completed Ten Desires on hard without continues (It was just my 3rd try overall with this game) and I noticed its considerably easier than any other Touhou I've played before.
If you were to compare it to, say, EoSD in hard, finishing Ten Desires is the equivalent to getting to what stage?

>> No.8078287

I agree with you 100%. Lost 4 lives on a Lunatic clear attempt today on her, and I've managed to perfect the stage before. First and second nonspells and Killing Doll are the worst.

>> No.8078290

Difficult to say, but around stage 4.

>> No.8078761

By frist nonspell you're referring to her first boss-nonspell, right?

>> No.8078860

well yeah, when you play it to death, you can fuck around in any touhou game.
For the mortal, normal touhou player, this is still retarded, say what you want.

>> No.8078873

Yes. The stage is not difficult at all.

>> No.8078892

So whats with SA's normal difficulty?
why is it so hard?

>> No.8078907

once I got past the "stuff you need to see and feel once/twice in order to understand" and knew where to place my bombs, it was not difficult at all. Same goes for other difficulties.

>> No.8078902

SA is abnormally difficult overall.

>> No.8078905
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When playing UFO extra, do you have a pattern or specific order of picking up the UFOs? I just improvise every time and it isn't going very well. Overall I would say the stage is pretty hard, but Nue herself is pretty easy compared to the other EX bosses.

>> No.8078923
File: 266 KB, 638x363, 1319654398867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the extend system in SA is mean, also fucking Rin and Yuugi, while the game itself is not as hard as UFO, but at least in UFO you can get shittons of lives exploiting his broken system while SA every time you die you lose 1 life and 1/6.

>> No.8078999

Which shot type are you using?

>> No.8079009

ReimuB (homing)

>> No.8079029


Satori having some spellcards that are tougher than the stage they came from, even when the cards she took are from an Extra stage, Orin being annoying to hit, Utsuho and her annoying final spellcard. But it's a bit more lenient in some ways since you can bomb as long as you have power. Don't get me started on SA Extra. I'm not going to touch that for a long time, it wrecked me and not in the fun way.

>> No.8079035

SA Extra wrecked you? Not in the fun way? Well you should wreck SA Extra, and it should be definitely fun. Try harder.

>> No.8079042

I'll do a ReimuB run next, and I'll try to make it better. This run shows a good path.

My screen started to glitch during Kogasa's second spellcard, so finishing it was anightmare.

>> No.8079047


I did my best and I still only got to Koishi's first card. I'd have better luck with UFO Hard.

>> No.8079060

I've played all the extras except UFO and SA was definitely the hardest of them. It was just so extremely frustrating, especially the last card.

>> No.8079087

Thanks! I'm going to watch it tomorrow, it's getting late here.

>> No.8079139


Well, I've been playing all day today, so I'm not very good at the moment. Maybe I'll go for some ND/NB extra stages tomorrow.

>> No.8079989

NBNM that mode Riz.

>> No.8080047

Excuses. You too could become like that with practice. Anybody could. Stop dismissing things as impossible or immortal and you'll get better much quicker.

>> No.8080073

I finally unlocked Hatate on Double Spoiler, after failling a thousand times the 3 required EX spells, I beat them on my first try today....wich is kinda weird..

I love Hatate, now I can pretty much clear any spellcard without any effort. I'll try to beat Shoot the Bullet now, I'm stuck at LVL 10.

>> No.8080083

I beat Touhou 6 on Normal! The gamepad made it a lot easier.

>> No.8080093

Two months ago my last achievement was reaching level 4 of UFO on easy.

Then network management class happened, there was no time to lay my hands on Touhou when I had to lay them on Oracle VM VirtualShit, Vyatta Linux, Cacti and syslog-ng, and only now that I'm all sick like shit did I finally had any time to play Touhou.

Dear fuck, I've become rust as hell. Two months ago I could clear level 3 of Imperishable on normal without losing a life. Now I lost like three due to extremely fucking stupid mistakes and I ended up Master Sparking my way through Keine...

>> No.8080096
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I had a lot of bogus deaths in this run, since this is my first time playing in forever. I'm just about to go to bed, and I decided to take this as my one last run of the day. I'll get this tomorrow.

>> No.8080133
File: 91 KB, 430x641, 1304626424956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will get your skill back quite soon, faster than you did the first time. It may seem like you are poor, but once you pull that next wonderdodge you will feel as good as ever.

As usual, feel free to ask us for help.

>> No.8080163
File: 120 KB, 640x960, uuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty Buddhist Diamond go die in fire.

>> No.8080168

I can now officially say I've met someone who considers themselves an avid Touhou fan yet has never played a single game. I then realized I'd convinced myself that such people didn't really exist, and all my illusions came crashing down around me.
But oh well.

>> No.8080170

Touhou 6's normal was easy enough for me, but Touhou 11's easy difficulty is too much for me. I keep dying on the first level. Is it one of the harder games in the series? Or is 6 just the easiest?

>> No.8080248

Generally 6 is moderate difficulty wise, and 11 is quite hard. Although I have no idea in Easy mode survival

>> No.8080316

6: Advanced
7: Intermediate
8: Easy
10: Intermediate
11: Advanced
12: Hard (I swear UFO's Easy is equivalent to Imperishable's Normal).
13: Intermediate

>> No.8080343


After getting my act together and like 4 retries due to incredibly fucking stupid bogus deaths here's my replay of IN stage 3 on normal.

Actually, the reason why I only lost one life to Keine was because deathbombing on IN is easy and I deathbombed like 3 times IIRC. D:


>> No.8080371

It must have been incredibly hard to maintain that fantasy

>> No.8080385

the difference is that not everyone is autistic.

>> No.8080439

I think Ten Desires is much like Embodiment in difficulty. Ten Desires has more difficult patterns, but Embodiment has the most bare-bones gameplay of the series and thus there's very little you can do to save yourself apart from bombing.

>> No.8080479

TD would be a pretty cool game without trance mode. Someone should patch it out.

>> No.8080480

The replay, in my case, sadly desynchs at Keine's penultimate card - having you dying to it - and - the final card several times in a row. However, I assume that did not happen on your actual run, so I'll skip that.

But, first things first.

You're aiming for your first 1CC of the game on normal, right? Given that, you should not play on Magic team. I know they have cool laser beams, klepthomanic witches n' fun bits of dialogue. But the gameplay on MAlice team isn't easy, due to the fact that Alice deals medicore damage to a ridiculously small area and her bombs don't really do damage when compared to, well, any other bomb in IN. Not to mention her speed being fast - fast even on when you're focused. So yeah - it's harder to dodge stuff with her.

Apart from that, I find the route you use during the stage being somewhat useful, and even a bit safe. You do, first of all, nuke down the familiars on Keine's noncards to lessen the spam - good.

And you handle stuff rather well in the stage, not getting cornered - or walled - more than one time. So I assume that you have the streaming basics of IN stage 3 in your mind.

For the stage gameplay or specific spell cards, I don't have much else to say. (I missed the final 2, sadly) If you want some specific help with some specific card, you can try to look a replay up from the uploader, or I can give some advice, if you ask.

>> No.8080578
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It's 3:40 AM already and I gotta go to sleep. I'm done with Touhou for today... and until December, for this purpose, because tomorrow I have school work again, and it will be an uninterrupted, continuous barrage of assignment after assignment that will only stop once vacations finally begin. Farewell, my dear Marisa... it was so fun to play with you... ;_;

Up until now I felt like Marisa/Alice was the team that suited me best because Marisa's shots lose little firepower as they travel upwards. If I can sneak a few minutes of Touhou tomorrow I'll see how it works out with Sakuya/Remilia since I think they're the closest equivalents, though I honestly don't feel comfortable with how much Sakuya's knives spread out...

>> No.8080789


>> No.8080804
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>> No.8080807

Any tips for Foggy London Dolls in PCB?
Also tips for those fucking musicians when playing as Marisa. Why does Marisa get it so hard ;_;

>> No.8080809
File: 34 KB, 280x280, Touhou_PCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like IN right now, but because when I did drugs I played much better (lol yes), I'm "starting again" with PCB playing with Marisa (always Normal difficulty).
I used to beat PCB with Reimu on Normal. I want that back, with Marisa now.
And then move on to IN.

And BTW, Adderall and Lyrica improves my skills like 150%, for real.

>> No.8080818


>> No.8080851

Does deleting the scores.dat files work in all Touhou games too?

>> No.8080855

yeah, it won't break anything, it just erases all high scores, spellcard histories, unlocks, etc.

It's good to start fresh

>> No.8080868

EoSD Lunatic, 90fps or No bomb clear more difficult?

>> No.8080869

It's funny, I can beat the first two levels of PCB on Lunatic yet I can't get past stage 3 on easy.

>> No.8080872

sounds like you are just bombing until you run out of lives in both cases

>> No.8080875

Nah, wasn't really that bad. I just had to avoid reading any Youtube comments ever and more or less restrict myself to the gameplay topics of discussion boards and whatnot. Plus there's a certain plausible deniability, where if they don't go out and say that they've never played ever or even cared to, then I can sorta convince myself they maybe have.
Unfortunately though, I met this person offline and made the mistake of asking them directly if they'd played any...

Uh, I guess just move slowly with precision, and read as far up into the card vertically as you can, to let you position yourself more favorably with as much advance warning as possible. It's more or less straightforward though, so I'm not sure what else to say.

But Lyrica is Sakuya's Prismriver, not Marisa's, right?

>> No.8080877
File: 189 KB, 506x494, Th075reimu01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was finally able to get past Reimu on IN on normal without having to continue.
Yeah i had to continue at Reisen but the point stands.

>> No.8080885
File: 58 KB, 800x536, 800px-Lyrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, trust me, you're not the first person to misundertand it.

This is what I meant with Lyrica improving your gaming skills.

>> No.8080912

Managed to clear PCB using ReimuB on all difficulties, plus Extra/Phantasm. I've cut down on my mistakes and improved reflexes, as well as getting used to unfocused movement.

Sometimes these runs can take hours to get to a good standard, since I get annoyed having to restart after early mistakes. I still can't supergraze Letty's first spell properly on Lunatic. Every time I try it, my border gets cancelled and I can't follow the expert replays properly.

>> No.8080926

I don't get it. Why is TD stage 4 so much harder compared to stage 5? Hell, I even felt at times like it's harder than stage 6, barring some spells... Is it just me?

>> No.8080947

Feels to me that the game starts off difficult, while the pressure dies down a lot on the later stages. Stages 3 and 4 however really put me to the test and feel similar to some of the harder games in the series.

>> No.8080962


TD stage 4 is harder if you use any character but Youmu. For some reason the game seems designed around her, otherwise the difficulties seem all mixed around.

>> No.8080977

Yeah, I thought it was something like that. I had a real easy time going through the stages with her... until stage 6 fucks me over sideways. I can't seem to get high enough to get those slashes in, and Miko seems to just love hugging the top of the screen.

Also, does anyone seriously use Sanae here? She used to be so good in UFO, but now I feel she's just meh.

>> No.8081027

I died on Yuyuko in PCB. Got farther ahead than I did last time.

>> No.8081049

Question /jp/ : should I bother configuring an USB PS2-like joystick to play Touhou, or keyboard it's the way to go?

>> No.8081066

stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

This is a genre MADE for sticks after all.

>> No.8081073


Well, you should at least try it out. I personally can't go back from using a keyboard, but it's a good idea to at least try it out and see if you prefer it.

>> No.8081075

stick all the way

>> No.8081111
File: 400 KB, 640x480, anotherdaywithcharmingshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Lyrica is Sakuya's Prismriver, not Marisa's, right?

Nope, that's Merlin.

>> No.8081219


Joypad: struggling made it to third level in PCB
Keyboard: feeling like I had absolute control again, made it to Youmu in PCB

It's a shame I can't make use of the Joypad, but after years of playing Touhou on a keyboard, well, keyboard it's the way to go.

Arrows+shift feels just perfect.

>> No.8081223

made it to Youmu in PCB? Playing touhou for years?
what have you been doing the entire time?

I for one feel really stiff without my pad.

>> No.8081344

Trying to 1cc Mystic Square, no luck so far. Alice always manages to surprise me at least once and there goes 4 bombs and a life down the toilet as well as my chance to 1cc. I'm getting tired of her.

>> No.8081372

If you haven't been doing this already, Alice is made much easier by not firing at all when the two dolls are holding that mirrorplate thing.

>> No.8081376


Yeah, I already do that. The big thing is there's these tiny white bullets. Sometimes they appear out of nowhere and I think, what the hell just hit me? I'm getting sick of it.

>> No.8081632
File: 521 KB, 639x478, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was very fun. VoWG is one of my favorite spellcards. I even had some very nice dodges. You have to love the amulet's hitbox.
What if UFO had VoWG.
I'm not sure if I should use Piercing Reimu instead of Homing Reimu, but I'm planning beating the game with every shot, so it hardly matters.

>> No.8081657

>What if UFO had VoWG.
One less spellcard to worry about in UFO.

>> No.8082077
File: 355 KB, 639x479, kn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's a MoF Lunatic clear as Homing Reimu. It was a bit messy at times, but I'm still happy. It's my first Lunatic clear outside of UFO. I'm going to beat it with a few more shots.

>> No.8082087

Just recently 1CC'd SA Normal. Tried Koishi but I need a break in difficulty, I'm not God. I'm now in UFO and I find it pretty easy compared to SA, but how the fuck do I curvy lazers? Also Untzan is a bitch with his eye lazors.

>> No.8082136
File: 414 KB, 1209x929, kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that SA has the hardest Easy/Normal, while UFO hast the hardest Hard/Lunatic.

This run beats all three of Shou's nonspells: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=16551

In terms of difficulty, from easiest to hardest, I would rank them as 3,1,2. I would give them an attempt, but be very ready to bomb as soon as something goes wrong. As for Unzan, he is hard. I wrote about him here: >>8073265

>> No.8082514
File: 114 KB, 640x480, cant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just can't do it. I might as well give up and do it with Marisa instead.

>> No.8082525

Get on irc.

>> No.8082532
File: 634 KB, 992x1056, eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, what's that

>> No.8082546
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>> No.8082557



>> No.8082560

a hole

>> No.8082590

Looks like an eye more than anything.

>> No.8082961

It's a knot in the wood.

>> No.8084693
File: 452 KB, 640x480, Japanese Kitsune cooking maidens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ey, Anonymizer, how do ya go around with this noncard?

Also, ya want to chat about PCB extra scorin' some day?

>> No.8084698

That's like the easiest noncard, just stream it.

>> No.8084706

Yes, it's easy survivalwise. However, I'm talking about scoring, here. :V

>> No.8084770

Just move on to the next, unless you can move along the circles unfocused.

stop that.

>> No.8085053

Server and #channel?

>> No.8085093

Just watched it, awesome job on the green and rainbows UFO invasion spellcards, some great dodges there. But I was most impressed with how you managed to get to Nue with so many lives and bombs... In my best run I only managed to reach Nue with 3 lives and 1 bomb - the stage section after Kogasa always kills me.
Oh well, good to know I have so much room for improvement!

>> No.8085180
File: 260 KB, 640x960, wasteofresources.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, I'm talking about scoring, here.
>Shooting focused during that noncard

And you'd be able to find Anonymizer in the IRC channel mentioned below.

#PoFV on Rizon

>But I was most impressed with how you managed to get to Nue with so many lives and bombs...
Pic related.

>> No.8085265
File: 433 KB, 640x480, TGM369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard way. Stay a short distance above the bottom then tap over every other waves. Or move up so you can tap over every wave (and graze a little more).

>Yes, it's easy survivalwise. However, I'm talking about scoring, here.

So you mean that thing where you treat it as a circular pattern and move down from the side to graze the edge. I've been too lazy to attempt that, but that should be all there is to it.

>Also, ya want to chat about PCB extra scorin' some day?

Like what. We're all replay-watching faggots.

I had an image somewhere where I died to that noncard, but it's probably in the external hard drive that I don't want to look for.

>> No.8085305

>what if UFO had vowg
then the game would be perfect

>> No.8087857
File: 432 KB, 640x480, rannoncard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I pointed out, that specific run sucks balls. Most likely since it was my first ever 1CC of Ran, and my only replay I had saved off her. And I wasn't in the mood to throw a run with some actual playin'.. Ohwell. And yeah, I really did shoot focused and die on a lot of stuff on that run.

Also, my webchat's somewhat lagging with that specific channel, so I wasn't able to join and chat there yesterday. And, the exactly same thing happened today. This means that I'll most likely install mIRC to my school's computars.

Yeah, well, I've only watched one of HS's replays off Ran and some other player's ones. But I've wondered if there's a way to do some supergrazin'. (I may be too fond of graze being a matter of score. I blame EoSD.) So, look at the pic.

Since the bullets Ran shoots are aimed at ya, I wonder if ya could do it really near to the boss, circlin' around and gathering some grazes.

The green circle shows the area, where most of the people graze this. At least with Sakuya's grazebox. However, I've been wondering if you could do it around the red - or even the orange - circles. And gain almost every single graze you could off this noncard.

However.. uhh.. I dunno if that actually works.

Anyway, I'm really rusty with PCB extra. As you can see from the image, I didn't really focus on grazin' or scoring (lolihaz5bombs), just went to take the pic'. I quess I'll do some run's just to get the gist of the spell cards again. And then to look more into the scoring.

>> No.8087888
File: 18 KB, 517x17, isuck the vacuum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is how the run ended.

I didn't actually beat Ran, since I died to stuff like, her final noncard, three times. I'm.. rusty?

>> No.8088609
File: 907 KB, 640x960, TGM371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think Kagamin does it more than HS, but not to the extent shown in that picture (doesn't the first of the two rings fire out pretty fast?). I don't care so much for PCB scoring that I'm going to be anal about something like that. Not even that, is it? It should be simple to carry out once you know the proper distance, but I just don't care that much.

>> No.8088749

>I don't care so much for PCB scoring that I'm going to be anal about something like that.
It doesn't look like that from my point of view.

>> No.8088947
File: 550 KB, 640x480, TGM372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how lazy I am. I won't even try to make Hourglass work so I can practice stuff deep in the stage. So if I make it to that noncard I'm not going to bother testing it. With Marisa a little, but no one else. If I made a critical error earlier I probably wouldn't go through with the run to practice the later bits because I'd rather be restarting instead of evaluating myself.

I don't have the qualities you'd want in a scorerunner. I hate challenging myself and I take things extremely slowly. Hell, until two weeks ago I never bothered milking Princess Tenko (incidentally, this is the first time I've failed it because of greed and tapping over too little, eating the bubble). However, thanks to your post I did sit higher during the noncard in this failed Reimu-A run.

I dabble a tiny bit in theoretical number games. I probably won't go through with most of those ideas, and I'm not crazy about trying to get others to apply skewed risk/reward methods (not yours).

"Hey Utsuho's opener has this safespot in the middle why don't the WRs do that."

"Because the risk is too high for something so late in the game that would only yield a few million."

"But it would still be cool if they did that."

>> No.8089112
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x480, TGM373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup blog.

>> No.8089332
File: 397 KB, 640x480, TGM374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, how's it going. Okay I guess. The noncard before Princess Tenko ended in a bad spot so I had to shoot at Ran for a while before the border would pop up. That pushed everything back until I couldn't summon a border as the first red phase started during Ultimate Buddhist. I overestimated the cherry rate for Reimu-A so I also didn't summon a border during the survival like I expected to.

>> No.8090823

UFO is terrible.

>> No.8090833
File: 120 KB, 550x550, nuefo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you need a quick guide to the UFO system.

God tier: Blue UFO (if you reject powerups and go straight for the score record, you are one of the few players who knows exactly what Touhou shmups are all about)
High tier: Green UFO (a real Touhou player needs to worm out of a tight spot with his own skills and wits, bombs are the only acceptable game modifier)
Low tier: Rainbow UFO (save your "free gifts for everyone" pinatas for the Cinco de Mayo or other made-up spic holidays, Touhou players don't have to be spoonfed powerups every five minutes)
Shit tier: Red UFO (not only does it reward the lowest points, but stocking up on lives is a sign of weakness)

>> No.8090846

I rather just not play UFO and concentrate on the other, better games.

>> No.8090873


UFO has pretty much the best stage 6 in the series, at least I think so.

>> No.8090887

If best means kick in the balls then maybe you're right.
Stop it.

>> No.8090890

>High tier: Green UFO
>Low tier: Rainbow UFO
You know absolutely nothing about UFO's scoring system. Stop pretending and get the fuck out.

>> No.8090903

>Low tier: Rainbow UFO
>go straight for the score record

Confirmed for not knowing jack shit about scorefagging.

>> No.8091098

There's nothing above #1

>> No.8091217
File: 4 KB, 79x108, balanced for lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any general tips for Tenshi? Or specific ones, for that matter.

>> No.8091246

In Double Spoiler? Watch replays.

In Hisoutensoku? Spectate matches. Also 6B.

>> No.8091288

> Finally got around to playing FSN
> Been playing for 30+ hours
> Still haven't gotten past first route.

I know I'm a slow reader, but what the fuck?

>> No.8091370
File: 518 KB, 1280x1440, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong thread bro.

>> No.8091613
File: 60 KB, 800x1200, 1315284469660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO Lunatic MarisaA 1cc. Before you get your hopes up, yes, it is by Riz.

It's a poor run because it is very sudden, I did not practice at all for this. I just did it to say that I have the replay. I intend to impove it. This is still my proudest one: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=16551

I'm still trying to beat most of the other games on Lunatic. I just can't get myself to play them like I can UFO. I can make crappy UFO Lunatic replays 24/7, but I still feel like I'm not good at anything right now. At least not until I settle down. Of course, the final goal is to beat every game on every difficulty on every shot-type, with logical exceptions.

>> No.8091631


There's something so wrong about that picture.

>> No.8091660
File: 289 KB, 800x3498, 1315282125924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's something so wrong about that picture.

>> No.8091738

The "I fucking love brooms" always makes me smile

>> No.8091766

Got the other one?

>> No.8091821
File: 194 KB, 800x2000, 1315346447771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he ever do any more?

>> No.8092031


>> No.8093092


>> No.8093791
File: 195 KB, 720x1120, COqkU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads used to be a lot more active, but then everyone complains when the current one goes 404.

>> No.8093817

just 1cc'd mystic square on hard

now trying lunatic ;_;

>> No.8093828

Nice SA hitboxes. Have some UFO ones.

>> No.8093843
File: 336 KB, 624x256, clippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8093962

Today I discoverd that Seiga's cards involving curvy lasers are way easier unfocused.
I just keep practising, hope to 1cc TD before christmas.

>> No.8093970
File: 1.28 MB, 1440x1440, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some tate

>> No.8095766

Let's play some danmaku!

>> No.8095821

I finally 1cc'd UFO normal recently.

...And then proceeded to die to EX Kogasa's third spell...

>> No.8096666

Recently attempted the TH11 Extra as ReimuA. Left it alone for weeks and I actually came down to reaching the last spell. Those giant flame clouds freaked me out and caused me to lose concentration. I was alright most of the time, despite some annoying parts of the level.

>> No.8098185

what is the post limit on /jp/?

>> No.8099469

I have just died 4 times in a row on midboss Sanae's SA. I keep running into the back of a laser on her first spellcard. As much as I love Touhou, running into the back of lasers is the worst thing ever. It brings my bodily fluids boil, and then consequently makes steam come out of my ears. Ichirins last spell also gets me with this. There is nothing worse than dying to an undefined hitbox. Getting the hitboxes right is one of the most important things to making a good shump, if not the very most important thing.

>> No.8099684

>Those giant flame clouds
They're roses, man. It's not called Subterranean Rose just 'cause ZUN liked the name.

Well, it sorta is, but that's not the point.

Same as any other blue board.

>> No.8102233

You are going up

>> No.8102260

There's a post limit? Image limit is 152, the thread can be bumped until what..250 posts? 300?

>> No.8102758

Back from my break, and I'm having lots of difficulty with the Fairy Wars extra stage portion. I suppose I have gotten a bit worse.

>> No.8102768

>playing TD
>normal mode
>eating everything in my path
>fuck up on stage 5, lose all my lives
>start stage 6, have about 15/18 a life
>holy shit...I did it...

Uploading the replay.

>> No.8102782

Alright, so there was a bit of lag. I think I was dropping 5 fps.

>> No.8102780

At least you can take solace in the fact that its opening segment's music is absolutely amazing. Perfect for how the stage builds up more and more.

>> No.8102796


Well, that is nice, but the later sections wreck me. The parts with the yellow fireballs. I usually only get to Marisa with one or two lives and then I can't enjoy Magus Night enough because I don't get far enough against Marisa.

>> No.8102800

I cleared Extra IN with Reimu team and Normal with 3 teams. The only team left is Marisa, which i tried 3 times. I didn't do badly but Alice's shot is so hard to use effectively, and Marisa unfocus is too fast to control. I lost 5 lifes to Kaguya because i spent the whole time dodging and died, couldn't get directly below her to shoot.

>> No.8102808

I found the yellow sections are generally easier if you move very strategically. The parts where the fairies come from left and right just above midscreen needs U-movement almost like you'd see in stage 5 DoDonPachi, and the part right after that you need to swing back and forth killing the fairies as they spawn in between icings.

>> No.8102816

The best part is when the mood lightens in the refrain coinciding with Lily and Daiyousei

>> No.8102822


I know how to do the last part, I usually do a sort of figure eight movement which usually works, but I've been messing up a lot more lately and just clumsily running into stuff. Then there's the part right after the knife fairies where they just shoot the fireballs at you and the green bullets just in your general direction making it very difficult to escape. I've managed to survive it before, but I can't now.

>> No.8102855

Yeah, a big part of the fireballs and knives part right after Lily and Dai is killing fairies as they spawn while you're still regaining ice. I forget to do that sometimes, which almost always means a bomb.

>> No.8103146

I've just started tackling Koishi and i have to say her heart projectile shit just fucks me up because i have no idea what the hitbox really is.

Does anybody have an image that would show it?

>> No.8103358


Right in this thread.

>> No.8103560

I decided to give SA Extra one last go before I entirely give up on it, but I still really dislike it. It feels dumb, and not dumb in the exciting way, it's just depressing to play.

>> No.8103694

Trying to 1CC TD on hard
I've got all the spellcards up to 4.4 down, so it's only a matter of time.
I'm having so much fun though, I started playing touhou a lot a couple of weeks ago and I can see why the fandom is so huge. I love the music in EoSD through to UFO.

>> No.8104101

Bought a joystick for $20. Analog made me cum buckets.

>> No.8104513

But shmups don't register analog.

>> No.8104517
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>> No.8104552
File: 94 KB, 448x408, no-words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They convert it into digital inputs. Surely you know this.

>> No.8104683

The use of an analog joystick with precise mechanical components. For sensitive pleasure.

>> No.8104690

You have a new joystick? Let's see it in action. Post a replay.

>> No.8106151

To be honest, its worst than when I'm playing with the keyboard. That's to be expected I guess. So no, no replays.Yet.
