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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 300 KB, 750x597, etna rozalin marona castille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8071231 No.8071231 [Reply] [Original]

So besides Touhou and shmups, what other games does /jp/ enjoy?

>> No.8071236

I don't like Touhou or shmups.

>> No.8071241 [DELETED] 

I don't like Touhou or shmups either.

>> No.8071242
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recettear, and The Elder Scrolls.

>> No.8071247
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2D fighters like Arcana Heart and Melty Blood are somewhat enjoyed around here.

>> No.8071245 [DELETED] 

You would know if you were here longer, lurk more.

>> No.8071253

I don't like BF3 but it's a /jp/-approved game when you play on Japanese severs. Everyone else here seems to enjoy it.

>> No.8071249

I like Catherine and Oblivion.

>> No.8071258


>> No.8071260
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I have an undying passion for strategy games.

>> No.8071263

Dark Souls, puzzle games, games I make up and play in my daydreams.

>> No.8071266

Haven and Hearth
Visual Novels

>> No.8071267

This: >>8070263

>> No.8071275

same I've been playin a ton of disgaea 4 and eu3 the past few months
I play a buncha puzzle games (mainly 1v1 ones like puyo and magidrop) I used to play fps games too but all the new ones are really horrible and generic military shit

my favorite stg is battle garegga

>> No.8071269 [DELETED] 

Everyone stop replying to this thread.

OP is just a newtripfaggot trying to raise his popularity with easy threads like 2hu image dumps and casual discussions.

>> No.8071280

That's disappointing. I'll have to report all of his posts from now on.

>> No.8071286 [DELETED] 

Am I supposed to read it from left to right or right to left? Because I don\t find this funny in any of these ways.

Left Right Middle looks like the most correct order

>> No.8071289
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Battle Garegga is my husbando.

>> No.8071294 [DELETED] 

I didn't notice that, thanks for warning me.

>> No.8071295

I've heard of Melty Blood and have been meaning to try it, but problem is, I don't know which one to get. There seem to be many different ones.
Arcana Heart is the all woman fighting series, right?

>> No.8071315 [DELETED] 

And now you're asking for recommendations? Just go kill yourself out off /jp/ already.

>> No.8071322


Save it be for Shota-esque Dorothy, then yes, its all female. But if its fanservice you are looking for, you won't find it here.

>> No.8071323

I think it's supposed to be making fun of those why I am so bald comics, which in turn are making fun of penny arcade.
The why I am so bald edit was only slightly amusing, and this looks like an edit of an edit, producing garbage, much like continually re-encoding lossy audio from one format to the next.

>> No.8071328

>Because I don\t find this funny in any of these ways.

It's based on an old /v/ meme about a terriblly edited Penny Arcade strip, of course it's not funny.

>> No.8071334

Oh, I wasn't asking if there was fan service.
If there really is none in an all female game, that's impressive and worthy of praise on the part of the developers for not taking the easy way out.

>> No.8071337



>> No.8071347

Let's not and say we didn't, okay?

>> No.8071359

I still play Counter-Strike.

I also played WoW from 2004-2008. I was absolutely hardcore; daily raider, class lead officer in top guild on the server etc. Several times I was the best-geared and also my favorite Vanilla past time was demonizing WSG. For a good while I could one-shot most pre-bwl clothies with Death's Sting and the berserker buff. I've never experienced anything that orgasmic again in a video game. I still remember the first time it happened too, it was some troll priest in Devout. I knew I could almost one shot but actually literally 100-0'ing him caught me by surprise and I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Then I went and killed him over and over again for the rest of the match and there was nothing he could do about it.

>> No.8071366 [DELETED] 

That's not how you do it, God you are the worst tripfag out there, I already hate you more than Sudo and his friends.

>> No.8071370

I'm sorry.

>> No.8071371
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I only play autistic games

>> No.8071374 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself, I am not joking, or at least drop that tripcode for 6 months and try again with another one

>> No.8071396

This year, mostly MHTri and Dark Souls.
Some other singleplayer PC games I don't remember.

>> No.8071422

Visual Novels, Monster hunter and some rhythm games

>> No.8072289

Well, how long have you been playing Counter-Strike? A few years, on and off or obsessively, or?

>> No.8072299
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>> No.8072300

True shmup games, like Mushihimesama Futari or Espgaluda 2.

>> No.8072315
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Dota and OSU

>> No.8072323

I like to play all sorts of games, since I'm unemployed and have nothing better to do. I've been playing team fortress 2, killing floor and left for dead 2 lately. Sometimes I play visual novels and rpgs. I can't wait for Skyrim.

>> No.8072327

CAVE shooters
Dragon Quest

I mostly muck about with MAME and other emulators these days, I don't like playing games as much as I used to. I'm still waiting for the translation of Segagaga.

>> No.8072334

Fire Emblem
Dark Souls
AoS type games
Rhythm games

>> No.8072341


Fucking shitposter. Fuck off.

>> No.8072340
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I'm too tired to play games nowadays. I miss prowling the Zone.

I was such a hardcore Stalker once that I actually made my own mods, and finished all of Clear Sky on Master without dying once. If I'd ever died, I would have removed my saves. When playing like this, it was so very, very exciting. Red Forest was terrifying.

But now I don't even have a proper computer anymore.

>> No.8072347
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Fifa and Football Manager

>> No.8072353

Training mode in GG/HnK, usually.

And DOOM whenever I need to fill in the gap with something else, beating on a training dummy can only be fun for so long.

>> No.8072361

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

I need to win a Troll Stalker. Surprisingly good, if you can find form books soon enough.

>> No.8072357

Stuffs on steam.
Games on my psp.

>> No.8072363

O wow.

>> No.8072368

VH I guess.

>> No.8072378

Yume Nikki.

>> No.8072393

Turn Based Strategy games like Advanced Wars, Fire Emblem, Disgaea, and Phantom Brave.
Action Adventure like Zelda, Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed and Monster Hunter.
RPGs like Morrowind, Persona, Nocturne, Tonelico, Pokemon, and Atelier.
Roguelikes like Dwarf Fortress, Mystery Dungeon, and ZHP.
Puzzle games like Portal, Layton and Catherine.
Adventure "games" like Ace Attorney and various VNs.
The only shooters I give my time to would be Battlefield 3.

>> No.8072401

I've never tried Monster Hunter. How is it?

>> No.8072402

What the fuck? Do yourself a favor and go play that shit.

>> No.8072409

fightan & alicesoft

>> No.8072416
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Which one should I start with?

>> No.8072420

Monster Hunter 1. Or Freedom Unite for the PSP.

>> No.8072431

I play most genres, but I like Rhythm games best.

Oh and I've been thinking of getting into the Atelier series. Is playing the PS2 games first needed, or is it okay to play Rorona and its sequels (Totori, other PS3 games) first?

>> No.8072436

Whatever I can get my hands on, the only things I don't play much at all are sports and FPS games.

>> No.8072448

You can play the PS3 games first if you want.

>> No.8072455

Ah, good. Thanks. Was afraid that I might not understand some parts of Rorona if I didn't play those first.

>> No.8072471

Mostly FPSes like Far Cry, Crysis, System/Bioshock/Deus Ex. Used to play CS 1.6 for like 6 years, only game I can tolerate playing online. Wasted thousands of hours on Morrowind/Diablo/GTA games when I was a kid. Can't stand jrpg/mmo shit- mind-numbingly boring.
I wish I was good enough to play fighting games and shmups or autistic enough for old point n click quests or yuro spreadsheets like >>8072347

>> No.8072618

Besides Touhou and shmups?
I play a game called Real Life

>> No.8075209

Anything with levels that also isn't turn based.
Metroidvanias and shit like that.

Triple points if it lets me place my own stats/skills anywhere. I like to make strange combinations of things and see how well it works.

>> No.8075793

Agility/strength build games?

>> No.8075848

Vindictus and League of Legends

>> No.8075855
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Action RPGs
Turn based RPGs
Strategy RPGs

>> No.8075870
File: 734 KB, 1680x1050, Forest_of_Axe_Anus_Megaplex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Souls
Dungeon Defenders
Dwarf Fortress
Garry's Mod
Killing Floor
Team Fortress 2

Currently working on a megaplex in Dwarf Fortress. This is roughly Year 2 or so. The center unit goes 1 floor up and 8 floors down. A cavern is on the edge of the 8th floor so it's going to a tiny bit of a pain in the ass to work around that and the lower floors.

>> No.8075882

I'm playing:

-Monster Hunter 1. Currently farming earth crystals for the ancient blade, and then finish A Troublesome Pair.
-Arcade games.
-Some eroges.

>> No.8075886

Dwarf Fortress is nice, but lack of the ability to use the mouse for menu selections and the like makes it hard to play.
I made a small underground fortress once but eventually all my dwarves died for some reason while I was following a guide on how to play it.

>> No.8075929
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Key strokes are easier for me to use. And you can use the mouse to designate certain tasks like Mining and Tree-cuttings but you can only do a tile at a time.

The best guide to use is http://df.magmawiki.com/ and trial and error. The hardest feature of DF to learn is the military system.

Lazy Newb Pack is a must for beginners. It comes with several plug-ins that helps with fortress life.

>> No.8075942

I'll take a look into those, thanks.

Remembering which crafting places are what and where they should go is a stumbling block for me.

>> No.8075950

b>w for most crafting stations
b>e for kilns, furnaces
b>k for kennels
b>C for walls/stairs/fortifications/floors

>> No.8075963

I think my first problem was putting all my crafting stations in the main place where the dwarves stood around when idle.
Which is odd, because I thought I had them working on chopping wood and fishing, and no one did anything.

>> No.8075972

If I start an Ultima Online server for /jp/sies will you guys play?

>> No.8075979

Did you tell them to do the jobs?
u>c>p>l then SHIFT+ENTER to disengage entire sections or just ENTER to go in to each section to pick and choose.

For buildings press q to access them and shift through the menus for the task you need the building to do.

I'd give it a shot at the very least.

>> No.8075988
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Mabinogi for some reason, although nexon is getting on my nerves more and more. Probably Lineage 2 since it's becoming free. Also strategy type games.

I like Dwarf Fortress but I can't play it anymore since the military was changed to be stupidly complicated.

Pic related -It's me trying to figure out the new systems.

>> No.8076005

Pretty much anything except for sports, RTS and most music games. I'm playing Skyrim at the moment.

>> No.8076009
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I saw a flowchart for the military in 40d that was similar to this one earlier today but forgot to save it.

>> No.8076024

>Cave wheat
Come to think of it, I don't think I really ever use anything but plump helmets, and even then just to make wine. I tend to take a ton of animals and let them breed and eat them. Dogs mostly because I can make all the females into war dogs and have them breed males to eat.

Well I do use that other thing that makes strands.

>> No.8076032

>he doesnt play sports

>> No.8076035

Wouldn't expect any less of you sudo. Playing shit games and being a piece of shit go hand in hand.

>> No.8076042

>playing sports games
>judging games you haven't played

>> No.8076043

Chickens are a viable way of food now with the amount of eggs that get laid. And with rock pots acting as barrels stills are even easier to create now.

I usually just fish/slaughter for food, then request food from caravans if I don't have my reserves full.

Other than food, most of the caravans carry weapons/armor because one can never have to much of either.

>> No.8076048
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>> No.8076062
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Just a lot of Crash Bandicoot 2.

>> No.8076095
File: 170 KB, 1280x960, S4_20111105_032128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish S4 League didn't suck now.
Hackers almost every game, all everybody plays is the same fucking map over and over. Fuck station-2.
At least the cash shop got toned down a lot.

I just like that even if my team is fucking terrible, you can completely hold off 6 players through your own skill alone.

>> No.8076102
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I nostalgia'd

>> No.8076124
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Well, I just got done speed running through Mario 64. Beat it a little under 2 hours with 50 stars.

Got to love glitching through those endless stairs.

>> No.8076173


i cant believe i played that game for so long with the godawfull community, the incompetent staff and the progressively worse patches.

>> No.8076174

Do people still have invincibility lag in that game?

>> No.8076200
File: 145 KB, 1280x960, S4_20110917_105216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

utorrent armor is significantly less powerful. Melee actually precedes all damage now or something. So no matter what their ping they will die. But you still get a lot of bullshit melee hits that you were way too far from.

The community is.. what you'd get with any f2p game. And yes its actually be outright stated by the admins that they "don't even like the game".
At least they do ban hackers, if you have video and send it in.. and even then it takes a week.. Then they just make a new account.

Legit playing is suffering, truly.
But hey, who gives a shit. I've got a permanent battle maid outfit for free. Fuck yeah!

>> No.8076211

Pretty much. Worse thing is lag hits now. sometimes its so bad you get lag hits while respawning.

Not to mention the game is crawling with egyptians now. those guys make BR's look good.

>> No.8076244

>But hey, who gives a shit

i stopped giving a shit after a run in with a US GM that was screwing up a game with constant 500+ ping on the EU server.
Than after a filing a complaint i get a badly written response claiming its not the GM's fault he lags.

>> No.8076255

I enjoy strategy games like civ 5,rance, other games in which conquest can be a focus.However, I'm complete shit at these types of games so i've been turning to other genres for enjoyment. Currently enjoying myself some kirby wii.

>> No.8076262

the only way to play S4 is too be full caps or AP.
I stopped playing this game for more than a year now or maybe two, i actually played it recently and this is horrifying, more hack than before, shitty weapons with limited damage, shit maps, nobody play the other mode. If i wanted to play a shooter "sport" i'd play the bombing run in Unreal tournament, i can't believe people think TD is an original mode.
The only thing i liked was the Spy dagger.
Even after all this time without playing S4 i was still dominating people in DM match.
It's like they gave this game to CoDfags.

>> No.8076287

what can you do in Mabinogi? I've heard it some sort of virtual life and like tasks like fishing. Is the game centered around combat like every other MMO, or can you do non combat things and still progress in ways?

>> No.8076295
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>the only way to play S4 is too be full caps or AP.
The AP helps, but honestly you can get pretty close to that rolling the fumbi shop. Hell i've opened G-capsules that are only like 8,000 pen and got a permanent +7 shotgun with increased reload speed.

>i actually played it recently and this is horrifying, more hack than before, shitty weapons with limited damage, shit maps, nobody play the other mode.
The hackers are a huge problem, its horrible.
The new weapons actually aren't too bad. The Twin blades are useless spam weapons, Hammer isnt.. too bad. That dagger is some cheap shit though holy fuck so rage inducing.

Also if you were a fan of the SMGs or Semi Rifle you would fucking love the assault rifle. Limited ammo but goddamn that thing is accurate and painful. The "turret" is useless but kind of adorable looking on my character.

It is unfortunate that everybody only fucking plays Station 2 Touchdown. Worse is the huge number of MELEE ONLY versions of that where people just run and hop the gate as fast as they can. They really think this is skill?

The community is really terrible. Nobody even plays in their respective servers, everybody just flocks to the EU 1 server because its at the top of the list and nobody fucking reads.

>> No.8076296

lots of activities really. I didnt play for long (its too hardcore for me), but there is a bunch of systems you dont see in other games
There is an exploring system, where you need to use dowsing rod and sketch the findings. Some kind of shadow world, random dungeons, food affects your figure, rebirth system allows you to stay 11 year old ultra-powerful wizard, fighting system is a bit more complicated rather than bashing skill keys in succession.

Its more of adventure life instead of just plain virtual life. you can just run around towns and to rural job like knitting or cooking. But if im not mistaken most of the stuff is happening in dungeons, which are the most cool in party. Soloing this game is just a horrible pain, I tried.

>> No.8076305

Can't play solo well, huh? What a shame. Games are more enjoyable when you can interact with others if you want, but it's not necessary to play.

>> No.8076307

OSU! My best record - I completed Messiah on normal.

>> No.8076310

Is this game designed for something other than a mouse, I can't get out of easy for fucking ANYTHING, its all so fast and insane.

>> No.8076312
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Man, I remember playing S4 league a couple years ago. I lagged like HELL, but I still managed to kick some ass somehow.Back then there really wasn't much hackers at all, and those dual smgs were everyone's favorite. Do you still play today? Maybe we can get a /jp/ clan going.

>> No.8076313


>> No.8076317

it's okay, many people here are masochistic.

>> No.8076318

it's designed for a tablet.

>> No.8076319


>> No.8076322

Wizard 101

>> No.8076323

Technically, you can. Actually, probably a lot of people are doing that.

But I wasn't able to. Most of enemies knock you out in a single blow, and if they wont, they will leave scars, which wont easily heal, so in the end you will have like 10 hp instead of 90, for instance. Some dungeon rooms might just leave you in the room full off agressive archers.

Items wear off, repairing lowers their durability even more, there is a possibility to drop items after death, death also takes huge portion of exp. I also ate too much wrong food, and got fat really fast.
I was most successful at exploring, you might just dig out something expensive and get huge loads of exp and skill points for running around.

>> No.8076325
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Yeah that first screenshot with my score was actually from a match I just finished. I wouldn't suggest starting a clan, because its really hard for me to recommend playing this game with a straight face. I'd play a match or two with you though.

>> No.8076333

>can you do non combat things and still progress in ways?
Literally everything gives you exp. You can do jobs for NPCs, or make items, or sit around at parties, or make wine, and get shittons of EXP. Killing things is usually faster but you don't have to, no. It's possible to be a complete pacifist character, although some item supplies are gotten in dungeons, although nowadays there are some animals in certain cities that will give you some stuff that may or may not be helpful if you feed them. (you can interact with the NPC animals, and also the NPC people have some kind of relationship system where you can become friend with them and get special access to hidden shops)

>> No.8076335


>what can you do in Mabinogi? I've heard it some sort of virtual life and like tasks like fishing.

It's as much of a virtual life as any other MMORPG. But you can fish and make clothes and any other kind of item, you can fly around in hot air balloons and eat food with people by campfires and joust and participate in fashion contests and a bunch of other stuff.

You have the ability to learn all skills. These skills provide most of your ability, more so than stats, because it's a skill based fighting system. You can run high level dungeons with newbie characters or get killed after years depending on skill (and lag). You get skill points just for having a character under a certain age every week, as well as stats increases, so you don't have to level although you get stats from leveling, be it killing things or "exploring" (finding hidden shit, which has its own levels and doesn't usually involve combat but gives stats and skillpoints)

Your characters start off at age 10, and progress a year every week, stopping at age 25. You can rebirth (free) at age 20, which resets your levels and stats (keeping you skills) so you can level up again and get more skills quicker, or just not play for months and get the skill points. Clothes come in cloth, light armor, and heavy armor. most of these in each group have the same stats, and can be dyed so you can wear whatever. Same with weapons, it's up to your style, the customization is great.

However Nexon is constantly fucking up at everything they try to do and can't even update the game without breaking it to hell for a month after.

>> No.8076338

3-4 stars can be completed with a mouse. Just make sure that sleeve covers your wrist - it greatly improves accuracy as hands get sweaty.

For example, Messiah on normal and Rainbow and Rainbowdash And Fluttershy Go For A Leisurely Glide are nice. Sis puella magica! (Short Ver.) can be completed even on hard.

>> No.8076344

Sounds great. I still have to reinstall it and re-register and all that jazz, So I'll just drop a friend request by when I get around to it. I'll take it that your ID is Park? Nice outfit, too. You said you got it for free right? Was it part of a Game Event?

>> No.8076356
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I was playing jp Dungeon Fighters most of year 2011, before they put up an IP block there.
It was probably the most enjoyable online game for me ever. You can singleplayer most of the content, art style and music are sweet, and classes are varying in so many ways. I havent seen another beat'em up with so much of content.

korea got better version with tweaks this summer, random items and 800x600 resolution, and I can only drool over pictures and videos forever.

Now I only play dungeon defenders by myself. Not a perfect substitute, but whatever.

>> No.8076360

EVE Online, and fighting games.

>> No.8076366

You can solo and it's probably better to. Early on, enemies will only aggro one at a time, so having multiple people means more monsters hitting things and there is an area of effect on long weapons.

Later on, monsters multi-aggro but they can be managed. It's really dependent on your skill.

NOW there are some storyline quests that REQUIRE you to have a party or talk to other people, and thing sliek item making get a bonus when in a party, but it's definitely a game you can solo on.

Wow. You really did kind of suck, but no offense intended.

>Items wear off, repairing lowers their durability even more, there is a possibility to drop items after death
Do church jobs to get holy water to bless items which prevents this. Different repairers also have different success rates. Also dropped items will go to a lost and found and you can just get them back (for half the original price)

>Most of enemies knock you out in a single blow

>they will leave scars, which wont easily heal, so in the end you will have like 10 hp instead of 90, for instance
Bandages, sitting outside, and campfires in dungeons.

>death also takes huge portion of exp
Not true. It's based on your level and where you choose to revive at. Now, your exp can go into -100% if you keep dying, which is bad.

>Some dungeon rooms might just leave you in the room full off aggressive archers.
This is hard, but shields and range. Sometimes you will be fucked unless you can kill the archers quickly though.

Ciar normal dungeon is ridiculous for being harder than basic and intermediate versions.

>> No.8076369

Is the NA version still exclusive to NA? EU Mabinogi is a damned ghost town.

>> No.8076370
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I used to play S4, but I just hate it now. Even thinking about it makes me angry. Most of the reasons have already been said. I know they're getting better, but it's like your drug addled mom trying to make peace after years of abuse. Just too late.

Generally my favorites are free MMOs like DFO, Vindi, and DN. A friend got me into La Tale, which is pretty cool. That game has like 7 different drill hair styles.

I started playing LoL recently though. It's kind of fun, though it gets annoying when you know what you're doing and playing careful, and a teammate is feeding the carries. I'm really new so I can't promise I won't feed, but my summoner name is Skirt if anyone wants to play a few matches sometime. I'm mostly playing Annie until I unlock Leona or a higher champion.

>> No.8076372

>only 8000 pen

g/icaps have a droprate of 2%ish for force packs and 8k pen is painful farm. got 8k? whoops. you need 15k to be allowed to even buy one.
by some insane stroke of luck i got a battle maid set and some force packs but its not all that uncommon to open 500 caps and get nothing.

i suppose this game would get better if you know some lag free bro's to play with. but yeah, its hard to recommend this game to anyone in its current state.

>> No.8076373

This is Nexon we're talking about, I don't even have to play to know that they're inevitably still separate.

>> No.8076375
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Drifting around the tracks in Forza 4. You really appreciate it when you realize how hard it is to actually acquire those exotic JDM cars. Why you do this Subaru 22b STi.

>> No.8076376

Recently, I've been jumping all over the place with several games that just get boring quick since I've played most them for at least 100 hours each:

Hearts of Iron 3
Company of Heroes
World of Tanks
Cosmic Break
Acceleration of Suguri 2
Diadra Empty
Grief Syndrome
+Other doujin games, I managed to scrape off of the occasional Comiket theads

As you can probably tell, my machine can only handle these low tier games, so I'm a bit stuck with it.

>> No.8076379

>I know they're getting better
Actually they've just been getting worse. It was in its prime before alaplaya licensed it.
They're almost as bad as Nexon.

It was some event, everybody got a Battle Maid/Butler capsule and a friend of mine who doesn't play anymore got a permanent one. So he gave me his account. But yes, Park is my IGN.

>> No.8076380

I know what has to be done, its just I wasnt able to do that properly.
Like knowing counter, but not being able to fight even wolves without getting shit slapped.
I was dying so often, that I just didnt get enough exp before the next death.

Eventually I stuck in a situation where I couldnt do anything but spider dungeon and delivery quests. Any aspiring move ended with exp loss. Like I said, It was too hard for me personally.

>> No.8076386

Trying to run Dolphin. LLE Audio fucks up my CPU so bad...

>> No.8076393

I can't play because DwarfFortress it gots boring fast. Game starts too slow. If I had 40+ dwarves at start and invasion every winter, it'd be much funnier game.

>> No.8076401

>Like knowing counter, but not being able to fight even wolves without getting shit slapped.
I know that feel. It's a shame newbies won't really the true pain of fighting gray wolves and black wolves and white wolves and black dire wolves and white dire wolves and being raped eternally for months until you really learn how to play because of getting all the help they get nowadays.

To top it off, I primarily use archery, which back then was so fucking painful.

The game just takes a while to be good at, learning the patterns and stances of the enemies. You eventually just go on instinct and memorization rather than even looking at the thing above their heads. You'd have gotten it if you kept trying though.

For example, after a while, you learn normal wolves won't attack you if you're sitting and don't aggro as fast if you're not in combat mode. You also learn they usually walk while defending and typically only have smash, counter, and defend so you can deal with them
easily by using the proper skills.

Until that point though, they will keep their knots firmly embedded in your ass.

Don't even get me started on rats. Those fuckers are fast enough to actually hit archers before they could reload another shot and then I learned there were rats that could hit you hard enough to kill you in one hit.

>> No.8076403

>If I had 40+ dwarves at start
Start in a dangerous area, get you stuff inside, abandon the fort.
Start a new game and choose to reclaim the old fortress. Now you have like 40 dwarfs and all you have to do is piss off everything around you.

>> No.8076416

Or start in a Terrifying area with the only embark points spent on making all 7 dwarves comedians.

>> No.8076418

World of tanks, Company of heroes, Men of war, Mount&blade warbands, Osu, heaven&hearth. also I play RoTK XI, AoE III and some Gundam nextplus multiplayer to kill some time.

>> No.8076421

I've been playing shin megami tensei : imagine
some cosmic break

Does Anyone on /jp/ play imagine?

>> No.8076422

>shin megami tensei : imagine

That game sucks ass after the storyline at the beginning.

>> No.8076423

Isn't that the MMO you walk very slowly in?

>> No.8076424
File: 29 KB, 250x291, 1289324045016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, that mental image. This is amazing.

>> No.8076425
File: 295 KB, 640x474, BMD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a good metroidvania type game.

Pic related, Bunny Must Die.

>> No.8076426

I used to a year ago or so, level 46 mage with a nice Cait Sidhe on the JP server but my EN server character sucks. How's the game those days?

>> No.8076430
File: 88 KB, 300x300, Crimrose 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosmic break
Aw yeah. Who do you play as? I find myself enjoy Destructor Girl very much.

>> No.8076432

actually I'm having fun killing everything with my counter build
lots of new updates lots of new game braking glitches with current patch
you can get a mount once you hit 20 by talking to an npc but you to ride a giant Cerberus

>> No.8076433

I saw jackals the other day.
Terrible creatures.

>> No.8076434


>> No.8076441

I sometimes just get on used to play alot when /jp/ had a boner for this

my commandos are
ouka/vanguardfencer/crimrose seraph
beezle/beezle/beezle their stupidly cheap
crossraptor xx/Frau adone/winbryrl vesca

>> No.8076444

Only the wood jackals. The first enemies that could multi aggro me through a door. From half a room away.

Just going in there would be rape before it even finished getting me in there.

>> No.8076446

Momodora 2 is quite literally a Cave Story clone, super short, will probably keep you busy for an hour at most.

Theres also Nitroid, which gets stupid fucking hard later on, though its more puzzle solving than having to deal with enemies as you dont actually get any attacks. I still haven't beaten the EX stage.

Could also get Fortune Summoners, the derps that localized Recettear picked it up and should be releasing it eventually on steam. But they decided to get their own voice actors and replace the dialogue so.. yeah, just download the original and get a guide if you cant navigate japanese.

I'm actually replaying the Dracula X chronicles on PSP, mainly just to unlock SotN and the original Rondo of Blood.

>> No.8076449

cosmic break was great for the moebots, but the gameplay was just too laggy and nothing ever hit.

>> No.8076457

Aside from Touhou and STG (specifically dodonpachi and doj, as well as batrider, gradius and a few others),

3rd Strike. I main Urien, as well as Ryu and Makoto. I'm decent, I can do most Urien unblockable setups and charge partition fairly well, but I'm not good enough to compete with the high-end players.

WoW. Main has a few gladiator drakes and 178k HKs. Almost 300k total kills on characters collectively. It's pretty depressing when I think about it, but I enjoyed most of it, so no regrets, I suppose.

MH3. Only HR31, though I've put enough time into single player to collect a set of every armor, and have every single-player available weapon. Now working on high-rank stuffs!

That's pretty much it for games I play a lot. I occasionally play JRPGs and platformers.

>> No.8076470

They fixed the lag recently. Now it goes the other way around for laggers finally.

>> No.8076472

People still play this? I haven't touched it in months after it became dead. All because of shitty management.

>> No.8076486

I was playing only during 4chan hype. It was more than a year ago.

holy shit, time goes really fast.

>> No.8076492

it was a year ago? I thought it was only a few months. Didn't they only take it out of open beta a few months back?

>> No.8076499

Tons of fighting games- Mostly SF4 at the moment but I'm looking forward to Marvel.

I like MMOs. I play WoW some. I've played pretty much all of them in the past to some degree, some more then others.

I've been playing the hell out of Dark Souls recently, but I'm cooling on that too until the patch.

I played all of Power Quest yesterday, that was a really good time.

I've also played through all of Costume Quest two days ago.

Actually, come to think of it, in every single game I'm playing, I'm waiting for some kind of update. No wonder I've felt so bored recently... 4.3, AE 2012, Ultimate Marvel,

>> No.8076500

If you call January a few months back, then yeah.

>> No.8076508

It was January?
When was the hype about that other MMO, the one with user run cities?

>> No.8076511

How many times has the Dark Souls patch been delayed? Twice?

>> No.8076512

during the endish of the summer in /jp/ though I've seen it around 4chan before.

>> No.8076517

User run citys was Eden eternal maybe?

>> No.8076526

Western VN's aka Bioware RPG's, Splinter Cell, Deus EX, Dark Souls & Demon's Souls.

That's about all I play.

>> No.8076528

After seeing a post in this thread mentioning Elona it reminded me to check on how the Elona continuation project is going.

The English community's going slow as shit since they're still trying to port it to a better coding language, but apparently there are already several Japanese variants which simply stuck with what it was already built with.


Anybody want to play these?

>> No.8076530 [DELETED] 

When were Ar Tonelico threads finally allowed and stopped being deleted then?

>> No.8076532

Wait that one? I thought he meant the one people just stopped playing where you had to eat and build towns out of trees or whatever too autistic for me stuff you had to do.

>> No.8076572

Wyrm? Heaven&hearth?
last one is still running I guess.

>> No.8076576

I have no idea at this point. I kinda expect we may never see it.

What should I play in the meantime?

>> No.8076612

I'm currently trying to make a Momiji build for DaS which I'm using Dexterity, Endurance, and Vitality as the 3 stats and binoculars as the gift. Katanas/Small shields only as well and nothing more than cloth-like armor.

>> No.8076618

Dark Souls
WoW private server
Blazblue (the GG:AC arcade emulator didn't take off because the netcode wasn't very good, and the game itself was laggy by a couple frames which really fucking sucks)
Killing Floor

Disgaea 2 is the best Disgaea.

>> No.8076649

What's /a/'s favorite gun?
What does /r9k/ like better, dickgirls or lactation?
How much can /m/ bench?
Which Touhou would /k/ fuck?
Chubby girls of /t/, post ITT!
What does /gif/ think of these chinos?

>> No.8076662
File: 203 KB, 1024x640, zulu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victoria 2, aka /jp/'s favourite strategy game.

>> No.8076668

I mostly play emulators...

I enjoy FPS, STGs and platformers the most.

>> No.8076673

A ton of people in Hotglue have been playing League of Legends for lack of any mmo's worth playing, otherwise a number are still playing Cosmic Break.

Also, quite a few of us playing Battlefield 3, Dark Souls, and Victoria II.

>> No.8076677
File: 361 KB, 806x628, I'mSlowlyDying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to try one of the Elona variants. Picked AA and went to a couple of cities on a new continent. Activated a quest for an NPC that didn't have proper dialogue since I was playing in English. Strangely my response was in English. It seems the same as Loyter's there.

Said yes once then yes again to teleport into a version of the town full of monsters. It seems like it's made for somebody better equipped and skilled than I. I could possibly manage it if I don't burden myself purposely, remembered to switch my palmia pride+6 with my aurora ring, and brought more healing items.

>> No.8076679

I fucking love vidya games, as do a bunch of other /jp/ members. However, this is clearly not the place for this discussion. I will have to redirect your cheeks upon the appropriate forum for your discussions, and that would be >>>/v/

Please continue this vigorous over there in all haste. Godspeed.

>> No.8076686

Which 2hu wud u fuk
Shiki can kill servants. Discuss.
Why is Sanae such a slut?
Why are you still here? We are all waiting for you at /bun/.
How do I learn Japanese?
Rika's rikaness is a rikakle of the rikaverse.

>> No.8076696

OP's question was directed to /jp/sies, not some faggots from other boards.

>> No.8076709

Ragnarok Online, too bad there are too many trash to interact with, so I dropped.

>> No.8076722
File: 284 KB, 640x480, screen00003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i think im the only guy left on this planet to play DDR on a pad.

>> No.8076740

What does /jp/ think of FSN? It's shit right?
Isn't it sad, Sacchin?
Aya is a slut
Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti

>> No.8076747

DJ max Trilogy.
Korean game, any problem /jp/ ?

>> No.8076748
File: 339 KB, 806x628, FuckingIronGiant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out my goal was to kill this thing. A boss titled <Iron Giant>.

It wasn't fucking easy. Thing had thousands of HP and near the very end it kept running away. Also it could dim and paralyze me. The paralyze was confusing since I'm immune to it due to my equipment.

In the end I went through 3 rods of healing hands and 15 potions all of the named variety. Took a while, but I did it.

>> No.8076750
File: 278 KB, 806x628, Reward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this was what I got for completing the quest. The ring was an aurora ring, however I already have an artifact one that is better than it.

>> No.8076811

I use to play S4League and I loved it. I praised as being GUNZ but good then the community went downhill and the mods did absolutely nothing about it.

>> No.8076818

Almsot all kinds of games. Even shitty ones. I can play prettymuch any game and enjoy it. Unless its a lame driving game. Very few of those are enjoyable.

>> No.8077099

Weird. I also stop playing these online games when my chara is around lvl 40 ~ 50

>> No.8077130
File: 3 KB, 870x590, nh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just me?

>> No.8077148

League of Legends. I play Vindictus every couple months as well when new content is released. Other than those two, I just play whatever doujin games come out during Comiket. And visual novels, of course.

>> No.8077177

Holy fuck that's an awful font

>> No.8077206

Used to play WoW way too much (180 days across multiple characters), quit for good when I decided that I just would never be able to stick it out with one guild. I pretty much always ended up hating myself for raiding 3-4 days a week and taking "breaks" for a couple weeks at a time, and guild hopping besides. Was fun. I kind of hate where they're taking the game now, but I really don't care at all any more.

Addicted as fuck to League of Legends now, though. Only been playing for two weeks and I already have like 110 games played. It's awfully satisfying to kill some idiot who doesn't know how to play defensively. It's also really frustrating to get killed when you're stupid and overextend, though...

I play ITG at the local arcade 3-4 days a week. I'm not particularly good at FA, but I'm better than most people who use the machine (not saying much)

>> No.8077219

I want to see a Roguelike in Comic Sans now.

>> No.8077243

World of Tanks (does /jp/ still play this?),

Dark Souls and Tactics Ogre.

>> No.8077282

I used to play S4 with /v/ when it first came out, but it filled up with BRs pretty fast. It was pretty fun.

>> No.8077287
File: 685 KB, 871x686, 1319333828157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play games sometimes, but mostly, I've been playing Dark Souls.

>> No.8077361
File: 1 KB, 312x144, cow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Terminus. Everyone likes Terminus.
Though it *does* get worse at larger sizes. I only use it at 24px for NetHack, otherwise it only takes up about an eighth of my screen.

>> No.8077423
File: 723 KB, 1920x1080, TERA_ScreenShot_20111026_131847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? There are mouse players even in the top 100. There are certainly a lot more tablet players but, if you can pull it off, mouse is just as effective as tablet.

That said, I also obviously play Osu, but use a tablet. I'm pretty good, I think. In the top 5000 and can A and S a fair few of the more difficult beatmaps in the game.

I also played Tera Online up until a week ago. My time ran out after 2 months. I rerolled on a new server after the beta and there was a period of about 3 weeks where I couldn't play at all thanks to having to get a new computer, so unfortunately I never made it to max level. I enjoyed it though, even after my english speaking partner quit and I could only advance through instanced dungeons with other japanese players. And Elin are too cute; image related.

I've been looking for other games since my Tera time ended, but seemingly nothing can keep my attention for more than 5 minutes. I blame my tiny attention span on Osu's hyper pace.

>> No.8077434

Spess Mehrine (I Lascannon you in the face with no scope), Bastion (has good ambience and style, if way too easy), and waiting for Ass Creed Revelations for multiplayer.

I'm really hoping they fixed the bad things with the multiplayer, but I secretly know that they won't have fixed a damn thing, and will probably have made it worse.

I also hope that they fixed/removed matchmaking for the PC, but secretly know that it's going to be just as shitty and probably even worse.

>> No.8077765

holy shit, someone actually plays nethack on /jp/
thought i was the only one

>> No.8077780

I had played a ton of nethack in college, but I really only play crawl now

I used to be all, "fuck tiles" but crawls look really nice

>> No.8077783

Praise the sun!
I tried nethack once or twice, couldn't get into it. Maybe I'm just not a fan of ASCII games.

>> No.8077805
File: 113 KB, 700x525, xracow3elise_ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retro-gaming. Mostly.
I also have a love-hate relationship with the Tales series.

>> No.8077813

I've liked almost every Tales series game I've come across.

>> No.8077816
File: 852 KB, 1600x900, snapshot_20111105_045500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still on Eden Eternal ... alone. Takes forever to complete quests, takes forever to find groups for dungeons, once waited 2 hours just to start a dungeon only for everyone to quit before the boss. Had to run a dungeon once 5 times before I got to finish it because people kept quitting.

So yeah, 3 months to get to level 40 but such is the way of a person in a guild of 1 person who never groups with anyone except for dungeons then ends up in groups of flaming morons.

Wish /jp/ still played but oh well.

>> No.8077817

I need to get around to playing Xillia.

>> No.8077818
File: 274 KB, 480x640, 8ba2268e3cf0f01bffc6a6acdcf7bba30902ba09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Rhapsody and La Pucelle Tactics? Those are good precursors to Disgaea.

>> No.8077821

It must be suffering to be the admin for a game hotglue gets excited about. You have to upgrade a lot of servers, prepare for lots of moderation, bans, and bad behavior due to the massive influx of players, then the game becomes deserted after a month or two.

>> No.8077822
File: 126 KB, 640x890, Contra Hard Corps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat em ups,Run and guns,GrandStrategy,hack and slash,action rpgs,råg some FPS like RO1

>> No.8077828


Not hard to guess where I am from now either.

>> No.8077833
File: 202 KB, 1000x708, rhapsody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty fun.

>> No.8077839

I wasnt excited about run and guns until Ive found Hard Cops. Too bad I cant find now anything on a similar scale.

>> No.8077854
File: 801 KB, 1600x900, snapshot_20111105_050310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah plus I never got to play with Hotglue because my graphic's card was failing and I had to wait till I could afford a new one. By the time I started Hotglue had quit.

Picture is my mouse which was released just after I started, they've also released the Frog, next I think is Orc but I don't know.

Notice my guild of 1 and the half finished dungeon quest I obviously failed because, yup, the party I found quit early.

Happy happy joy joy.

I still have fun.

>> No.8077866

Once I noticed that procedure for every map is exactly same as for previous ones, including number of quests and areas, game lost any sense to me.
Waiting for Lime story now. I hope it wont be as lazy as Eden

>> No.8078593

The one thing I miss about SMT: Imagine in other MMOs that I've played, is how the creatures would be all over. You'd have those dog things wafting through the air and floating starfish bosses and all sorts of things around you. Most other games, the creatures are all on the ground, even if they're flying birds, but in SMT, I remember looking up and this giant flat version of those green things from princess monoke was floating above me.

Basically the game had good height balance.

>> No.8078739

Was there any standard way to fight enemies above you or were they flying turrets that rained down on you?

>> No.8078805

I'm pretty sure you could just swing and hit them. I don't know for sure though because I used a gun and magic.

>> No.8078828

is Tera populated on any server by english-speakers?

>> No.8078836

Are there any mounts to deal with the movement speed problem?

>> No.8078861

Playing through Deadly Premonition right now for the third time. I fucking hate the gameplay and can't stand playing it. I have like 30 other games that I haven't finished yet that are miles better than Deadly Premonition but, I can't seem to play them. Every time I turn them on I play them for about 20 minutes and end up turning them off.

>> No.8078886
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, TERA_ScreenShot_20111024_212709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly certain I was the last person on 4chan to quit on the JP servers. I think some people (on 4chan) are still playing on KR servers though. I make a Tera thread every sunday at 2:00 am 4chan time on /a/ and the KR players usually show up if you have any interest.

Otherwise, I was in some Russian guild called Crystal on the カイア server, a lot of the members of which spoke english or broken english or what have you. I think only a couple of them still play though and they're already max level. I don't know about english speakers on any servers.

>> No.8078888

I play HoN/Valkyria Chronicles/Disgaea 1/2/3/Bloodline champions...

I don't know, I have about 1293812098309128308120983 games in my backlog. It's worse than anime for me.

>> No.8078890

Oh god don't talk about the mount system in SMT: Imagine.

>> No.8078891

*I don't know about english speakers on any other servers.

>> No.8079148

Allods Online since i quit(/got banned in) SMT: Imagine, which has been about 1,5 years by now.

Still enjoying it very much. Playerbase could be higher, though. Damn Nezeb server...

>> No.8079170

How can you play that game? The name sounds way too much like Altoids to take it seriously.

>> No.8079261

I finished Tales of Legendia a while ago, it being the second Tales I played and finished.
I liked Abyss much more. The battles in Legendia were just mashing X, the skills were virtually useless, and the dungeons were criminally linear. At least it had one top-tier character, Chloe. I'll let the series rest for a while.

Currently going through the Growlanser series, mostly for Urushihara art. To my surprise, I found Hoshino Ruri's seiyuu voicing a party character in III.

I've been lusting after Valkyrie Profile for more than 6 years(!!), but I never get down to play it because of the abysmal 'missable coefficient'. Characters, items, time limit, etc.

I also enjoy some western games, but only if I find the overall design very appealing and 'seamless'. Currently waiting warmly for Assassin's Creed, L.A. Noire, and Skyrim (probably will play this one for 20 minutes before deleting it).
