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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 285 KB, 850x607, Nekoko Getting Drunk With Some Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8071060 No.8071060 [Reply] [Original]

What's /jp/ drinking, tonight? I can't be the only miserable fuck who drinks away the miseries the 3D world imposes on him every day at work.

>> No.8071068

I don't work but I am a drunk.

Probably cheap vodka later on.

>> No.8071073

That fucking file name.

Joking aside, the cheapest beer I found in the fridge--budweisser. I hate this shit but I'm piss poor right now.

>> No.8071074

Drank 4 beers with a friend from work. Now i'm about to head to a restaurant with some other friends to drink some margaritas.

>> No.8071071

I went out to buy something to drink but then I realize it the fridge was padlocked and I was to shy to ask why and if they could sell me something so I just bough a bottled water.

>> No.8071077

Cough medicine. It gets the job done.

; _ ;

>> No.8071082


Don't forget to save frequently, that eroge is known to crash during bar scenes.

>> No.8071095

I have two cans of Sapporo in the fridge and about a third of a bottle of 12 year old scotch on my desk.

I'm not sure where to start...

>> No.8071096


Huh. Oddly, I've been having issues with the party scenes. No matter how many time I choose an action or vocal option, nothing happens. Kinda shitty. The bar seems to always function fine, though...

>> No.8071098

Guinness Extra Stout at the moment. Had Hercules Double IPA yesterday. One of the best beers I've ever had.

Anyone who drinks lager is a faggot pussy.

>> No.8071103


What about pilsner?

>> No.8071106
File: 35 KB, 411x411, sad okuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant drink tonight because I have work tomorrow.

>> No.8071112

A friend told me sake is pretty good, maybe I should try later...

>> No.8071115

Why is /jp/ full of normal's these days?
Just in general /jp/ seems more like normal people with a job,normal common sense and also doesn't care about /jp/ at all. I was just wondering, why the change?

>> No.8071118


Fuck it, drink anyhow

That's what I do

>> No.8071121
File: 335 KB, 700x700, 1316801551689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take it easy~~

>> No.8071133


I care about /jp/, i just chose to try to turn my life around.

knowing me, i'll be back to my hikki/NEET ways in a few months

>> No.8071135



I don't get the impression that "normals" work shitty jobs and then come home right away and drink/browse /jp/ all night. One of two people here probably do more, but I think /jp/ is full of lonely alcoholics who just drink and post here.

>> No.8071153

would be drinking rum and coke right now but made too many dumb decisions and decided to take a break

>> No.8071160
File: 1.42 MB, 1300x948, bd978bb7fa37bcacabfd77375c507c8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a few beers, now I'm gonna knock myself out with a glass of red wine while listening to a podcast. Gonna feel like total shit in the morning, but I don't really care anymore.

>> No.8071169


Will admit I haven't tried pilsners ever. I was just talking about shit american branded lagers in general.


If you can't handle a few pints on a weeknight you aren't fit for 9-5 work.

>> No.8071180

Some people are just forced to work. You should feel more sorry for them since they have to deal with those normals at work only to rush home and latch on to /jp/ to regain their composure.

I'm unemployed now but I know how shitty it can be to feel forced into such an atmosphere

>> No.8071200

Mountain Dew on the rocks.

>> No.8071211

Not that I disagree that it's hard, but suffering is no excuse for making someone else feel bad for something that's not his fault.

>> No.8071214


Maybe the normal's are just the most vocal people here. I imagine there are plenty of people here we never hear anything from.

>> No.8071219

Cheap White Tequila,

Later Melbourne Bitter.

>> No.8071234

The normalfaggotry aspect lies in the "drinking your problems away" part. At least that's what all the college kids and middle aged married men do anyway. On the other hand, I honestly don't see how one could get by without a job, normal or not.

>> No.8071237

Drinking is a very normal thing to do.

Real hikikomori do not need to drink, at all.

Also to the anon who drinks sapporo: why? Only white men who think drinking sapporo is a Japanese thing to do drinks sapporo.

>> No.8071246

Just half a five hour energy, unfortunately.
Are there any drinks at cons?

>> No.8071250

Next thing, crying at the end of VNs will be normal because normals have emotions.

>> No.8071252

Cheap wine and three day growth
Cheap whine and three day growth
Cheap wine and three day growth
Cheap whine and three day growth

>> No.8071259
File: 29 KB, 226x215, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even have the money for booze.

>> No.8071257

Melbourne bitter? Is that like midstrength VB or something?

Fuck beer here is terrible.

>> No.8071262
File: 364 KB, 1214x2400, 1320164860493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should drop by /diy/ sometime.

>> No.8071279

This one time I was really drunk and my autistic friend made a Molotov cocktail from methylated spirits and turpentine. I accidentally drank some of it. It made me even drunker and I didn't go blind, so you could always give it a go~

>> No.8071298
File: 395 KB, 600x600, 1290040555694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they have any guides on how to make alcohol with tap water and a jar of peanut butter?
Hell i'd probably just drink that grape juice rather than wait.

I don't even know where you'd aquire such things, nor how much that would even cost. Either way too dangerous, and sounds disgusting.

>> No.8071299

MB is a full strength alternative to VB

Kind of like Old and Kent Old Brown

>> No.8071325

Normal, well-adjusted society persons don't need to drink away the misery of working because they don't hate every hour that they work.

The NEET legion is super duper extra vocal, so no. But if your definition of "normal" is everybody who works, then there are quite a fair number of normals here because in order to live, people need to put food in their stomachs, and to do that, sometimes people have to work. So go home and thank whoever it is that makes sure you don't starve and quit bitching about the people who have to work for food.

If you had it your way half of /jp/ would starve to death in their own homes.

>> No.8071361


Not everyone has parents willing to support them all the time, and don't start with the "y dun u get autism moneys xD"

>> No.8071410

I have some Van Gogh espresso vodka. It's amazing by itself or in a latte.

>> No.8071473

>well-adjusted society persons
That number is fewer thank you think.

>> No.8071486

I dunno, most people from my school who aren't me seem well on their way to becoming well-adjusted society persons.

>> No.8071667


I mostly read /jp/. I doubt I post more than once a week, if that. I doubt I'm alone on that.
