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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8070232 No.8070232 [Reply] [Original]

why are you all so sexually repressed? Can this board go for 2 minutes without something overtly sexual being said?

am I just supposed to browse /jp/ when I'm horny or something?

>> No.8070241
File: 1.19 MB, 1167x2100, 17046239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got all sorts of people, don't worry too much about it. I myself am doing my best to be less perverted.

>> No.8070239

back to >>>/okuu-culture/ ``please''

>> No.8070247

Quite the other way around, you need to be asexual in order to safely browse /jp/.

>> No.8070250

I'd like to start browsing /jp/ but it is just crazy hypersexual, it's really offputting. I'd like to go one day without seeing anon talk about him anally stimulating himself with a toothbrush

You can be non-attracted to anyone/anything but still do weird things to your body sexually, and talk about it all the time on /jp/ for whatever reason. Not you specifically I mean, but I've seen people do it.

>> No.8070267


Yeah, the sexual nature of /jp/ can be annoying, I think it's affecting me negatively too. Not sure what to do about it.

>> No.8070277

we should leave /jp/ together, and live on the moon

we can play checkers and learn dance moves together

>> No.8070289


That could be interesting except for the fact that living on the moon wouldn't work at this stage.

>> No.8070302

Then we can die on the moon together! Wouldn't that be romantic?

>> No.8070311


Romantic? What? I'm completely lost right now.

>> No.8070336

Men think about sex on average every 2 seconds. Takes 10 seconds to make the average post.

Looks like the sexual comments are pretty light.

>> No.8070339

No OP, because I want to be the little girl and /jp/ is the only place I cant express that desire.

>> No.8070347

you want to be the little girl because you're a sexually repressed gay and that's not right

>> No.8070355 [SPOILER] 
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sex sex sex

>> No.8070363

It is just that in this place civilized values such as manners don't apply. Those that we all sort of were raised into. Now when you are free of those you can throw humanity out of window. and talk how much you want to rape your mother and so on...

>> No.8070362

No, thats not right.

I want to be the little girl so I can wear cute clothes and cute shoes and masturbate in front of a mirror and love my self both physically and mentally.

>> No.8070365

Actually, those guys wish they were girls so they could have plenty of sex with no responsibilities.

They are lazy, and want to have everything while doing no work at all.

Also, they think that people will accept their shy, reserved personality more if they are a girl.

>> No.8070369


>> No.8070381

Since when does sexually repressed equals hypersexual?
Hi, /jp/ is not for "normals", please kindly leave. In all seriousness, if you think human sexuality fits in 2 binary categories, you haven't the slightest idea about how it works and what's out there in the world. If you really need a classification, I hear the term "autogynephilia" is partially fitting for what you want to describe, despite still being too generic to fit here, and it's fairly different from homosexuality. I could write a long post about all the components that make up one's sexuality, how gender identity can be deconstructed and how various physical, mental, environmental components interact, but since you're only here for trolling, I won't bother wasting my time.

>> No.8070379


Maybe he just wants to be pretty and doesn't care about the sexual part?

>> No.8070388
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>> No.8070394

I know that there is such a thing as gender dysphoria and "I want to suck dicks but I don't want to be gay!!!" isn't it

>> No.8070403

You are so far from the truth, you have left the hemisphere.

>> No.8070400

/jp/ - Rejection of the gender binary culture

>> No.8070407

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

>> No.8070411

stay out of the touhou threads
"hey guys i would fuck the shit out of [character]"
"would you let yukari shit on your chest"

>> No.8070416

I think being wrong hurts more.

>> No.8070419

I'll trust you on that. You're better placed than me to know.

>> No.8070430

Glad we came to an agreement, just dont feel to bad about it, everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.8070454

> "I want to suck dicks but I don't want to be gay!!!"
So you call that gay too?
Time for a counterexample. Heterosexuality for a genetically male, mentally male person is being attracted to feminine features, while homosexuality would be attraction to masculine features. Imagine a few scenarios:
- A female that has a penis magically attached to her. Having sex with her would still not be gay as most of her features would be feminine and the partner would treat the penis would be either: indifference, dislike or like, but regardless of how he would treat it, it would still be straight sex as he was mostly interested in her general feminine features.
- A ripped, very masculine male who had his penis cut off and magically replaced with a vagina. Being attracted or having sex with such a person would be fairly homosexual
- A male trap or TG which looks indistinguishable from a female (may or may not have a penis, for this example, let's say that there's none) in all aspects, but the DNA. If you want this to be even more difficult, imagine someone who had their hormones replaced from birth and developed a female body and psyche despite having male DNA. Being attracted or having sex with such a person would most certainly not be gay. Yet, it's not uncommon in normal society to confound genetics with high-level features that make up one's appearance and high-level thought patterns that make up one mind.
In conclusion, "sucking dicks" is only gay if it's done to a masculine male who is most obviously male.
Not that the term gay even means that much when you deconstruct it far enough.

>> No.8070462

shut up, fag

>> No.8070463

My sexual fantasies are my greatest passion.

>> No.8070484

I dont know about that. I think that works until the pants come off, when you see a penis and you continue to move on to sucking, thats gay.

Nothing wrong with that though, being a little gay is ok. Im sure I would fuck a few shota dicks if I became the little girl, but thats not why I want to be the little girl. Loli yuri, loli clothes and the good sensation that I became the thing I love most.

>> No.8070493

You're free to insult me if it makes you feel better, but your insult has no effect on me. I'm fairly certain of my sexuality, which closest fits to heterosexuality, but is not exactly described by that term as sexuality hardly fits in those 2 binary categories, but I do wonder if you're as sure of your sexuality as I am of mine. You probably don't even bother introspecting your own mind and thinking about what makes you tick or doing any research on that topic. Enjoy your ignorance and feeling awkward when your socially enforced model breaks down.

>> No.8070499

I was just kidding around, man. I'm not gonna go into details, but suffice to say the word 'gay' means almost nothing to me.

>> No.8070503

You expect a board that caters to people who read eroge and jack off to touhou doujins every day to not have a large number of horny posters?

>> No.8070520 [SPOILER] 
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i would let yukari shit on my chest
and lick her ass clean.

>> No.8070531

If I were to become a little girl and keep my current mind, I'd probably be quite interested in loli yuri as well. I also imagine having such a body would feel quite nice as well. Sort of in a "grass is always greener on the other side". I have trouble imagining why some females would love to have a male body. I think in practice both would have their downsides/upsides. I took one of those GID tests and it said that my mind is androgynous; I myself don't assign it any gender, despite being biologically male and sexually male (attracted to female features). I hope to live one day when "mind uploading" is possible and just switch various virtual bodies at will and see which one will be the one I like the most, I think a loli body would be the most comfortable one, but I have no idea if it would really be and it's not just a "grass is greener on the other side" type of ideas.

>> No.8070526

Why is there anything sexual about it at all? I have gender dysphoria and have no sexual feelings either way and consider myself asexual...

Why does this all become so... sexual? It's so weird to me. I guess it's because my problem's not legit and it's a social disease because my parents never told me "no, that's silly, little boys don't do that" and I ended up growing up feeling more secure in a female gender role.

If I don't have weird sexual desires can I really say my problems are real and not just make-believe..?

>> No.8070532

itt ronery faggots

>> No.8070546


First of all it's pretty normal to think about sexual activity on a regular basis. Secondly, it's not surprising that /jp/ is sexually repressed.
Personally, I've been horribly deprived since my school days more than 15 years ago, which is why I'm mentally stuck finding those girls sexually attractive. I suppose you could say I never grew up sexually and emotionally.

>> No.8070567
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I don't even want to be a little girl.
I want to be the little cyborg.
Machines can't feel pain.

>> No.8070584

>Machines can't feel pain.
Actually, in order to have a proper reward/reflex/motivation system, it's quite arguable that a system would be made that makes robots feel pain, or at least analogous in comparison to our own intelligence.

>> No.8070608

I dont think its a that sort of situation. There are some females that would rather be men but not as many as men that would rather be female. Its just a matter of taste. Never forget though that the key word here is "little". I sure as hell dont want to be a teenage girl or an adult girl. Whatever power was able to turn me in to a little girl would surly also have an answer to aging. Mankind is about as far from developing brain transplants as he is from biological immortality afterall, or even true VR.

Theres is hardly any point to wishing for it if you could not keep your own mind. Becoming a different person is no the idea, you may as well just wish for something more simple like, I wish I was born a girl or wish I was never born at all. Wishing to become the little girl carries with it that assumption that you are the same person.

Also the attraction to being men is the stronger, faster body. Some may think they would have better social status as a man but thats not true. Thats the same logic as the bigots in this thread that think I want to be the little girl so my personality would be more socially accepted. Just having a different appearance wont make up for being a mentally weak person.

>> No.8070622
File: 11 KB, 274x297, im_hungry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you're supposed to browse /jp/ when your hungry as HELL for SEX *__*

>> No.8070625


>> No.8070641



>> No.8070644

Depends on how one designs that particular mind.
Pain for humans is something that places itself into one's attention and stays there until the pain is gone, it cannot be filtered or toned down. By placing it into one's attention it also forces you to take any immediate action, regardless of how right or wrong that action is.
It's hardly the ideal choice, but it must have contributed a lot to survival and that's why we have it today (thank evolution).
A better approach for generally intelligent beings would be an appropriate warning that only initially captures one's attention and can be modulated/ignored if the need arises, so that it would allow a person to function more normally and rationally.

>> No.8070657

>A better approach for generally intelligent beings would be an appropriate warning that only initially captures one's attention and can be modulated/ignored if the need arises, so that it would allow a person to function more normally and rationally.

Sounds like something corporations would research so they can drive their workers literally to death.

>> No.8070663

>so they can drive their workers literally to death.
Perfect for making robot slaves, then. Fund it.

>> No.8070667

They'd just have AGI slaves then, why bother with humans?
Not that I think it's that good of an idea. If you have AGI, you can get to MNT much faster. Intellectual work is better suited for a gneral intelligence than mindless work that can be done by unthinking drones.

>> No.8070687

>why are you all so sexually repressed? Can this board go for 2 minutes without something overtly sexual being said?

Brotip: "sexually repressed" means the very opposite of what you think it means.

You are sexually repressed when you think sex is something that shouldn't come up in polite conversation. Pretty much what you're doing right now.

>> No.8071714

Sexual desires have nothing to do with gender dysphoria, in fact if you just had sexual desires to be the little girl, it's probably the WRONG reason to become one.

>> No.8071889

>Also the attraction to being men is the stronger, faster body.

This so much. It's one thing I would miss were I to turn into a girl. It's just so useful, even my untrained one.

I guess that's why I don't particularly enjoy the idea of turning into a human girl. Fairy or some similar magical being, though, is what I'll always fantasize about (fuck you Japan).
