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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8063046 No.8063046 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ feel about wind turbines?

>> No.8063049

white, long... so lascivious.

>> No.8063051

I like them. They give that feeling of both technological advancement and hope for mankind.

>> No.8063057

They kill too many bats

>> No.8063082

They slice too many molecules of oxygen.

>> No.8063094

Only the Corean ones.

>> No.8063109
File: 104 KB, 320x471, sayacopter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8063110

What happened to her game?

>> No.8063118

Best wind turbines ever in Haibane Renmei.

>> No.8063125
File: 470 KB, 2000x1250, 1294993119865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara ara...

>> No.8063138

Awesome. Stick one on my backyard for all I care. Too bad this country's full of faggot NIMBYs.

>> No.8063157

Expensive, inefficient source of power. Nuclear power is safer, cheaper, better alternative. If it has to be renewable, hydroelectricity and solar > wind

>> No.8063167

what irritates me is how they are built in the worst places. A coast? Why not. But in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.8063179

Because they're a fucking eyesore and the middle-of-nowhere is the only place where land is cheap enough to make them profitable, since they're so damn inefficient.

>> No.8063181

They make a lot of noise, it's better if there's nothing around.

>> No.8063189

but they are even more inefficient in places where there is no damn wind.

>> No.8063194

>Wind turbines are ugly and inefficient
Your opinion doesn't matter, and they're actually pretty efficient. In fact, due to economy of scale they can only become more efficient.

>> No.8063197
File: 545 KB, 992x600, screenshot0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're nice.

>> No.8063225

What is this from?

>> No.8063237

Mugen's extra shitty visual novel. It sucks harder than industrial strength vacuum machine.

>> No.8063238

If you weren't new here you would know.

Just to say it isn't real, its just from a series of drawings that will never exist as a VN.

>> No.8063263

Poor source of alternative energy due to unpredictability of wind, disrupts migratory patterns, can cause harmful effects with regards to climate. Solar would be better if not for the fact that solar panels would occupy enormous areas of land and are difficult to maintain. Until "cold" fusion is possible, we'll be relying on fossil fuels.

>> No.8063268

Do tell, how exactly is nuclear power safer. And no, i'm not a anti-nuclear power hippie, heck i work in the field.

>> No.8063283

Wind turbines fall on people and kill them all the time.

>> No.8063297


We can contain fission reactions well enough for practical matters, it's the waste products that are dangerous.

>> No.8063298

They are awesome aslong as Saten is near them.

>> No.8063301

I don't mind them as long as the shadow of the wings hit buildings.

There's a brand new hotel a bit south of the city in the new development area with nice architecture and such, and it's hit by the landmark windmill's shadow during the entire afternoon.

If I got a room on the sunny side (south) I'd be so pissed at the flickering shadow that I'd have the staff move me to another room or pay me back.

>> No.8063300

I love nuclear waste, we can't just get rid of it because it decays slow, so we have to just stuff it deep underground. Wonder how long we can keep that up.

>> No.8063311

>solar > wind
Your brain is obviously made out of fecal matter.
Solar power is the shittiest of shit when it comes to power generation. Solar cells is the most expensive and inefficient shit you could possibly find.

>> No.8063321

till we build a space elevator and start throwing shit on sun
