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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 532x800, 1320087313281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8061491 No.8061491 [Reply] [Original]

Why do a lot of "straight men" like traps?

>> No.8061493

jokes on you, only faggots do.

>> No.8061498

Most guys like breasts/ass and the vagina is naturally repulsive to everyone compared to the mighty spear of flesh.

But they/we probably are quite gay~

>> No.8061508

crossposting is worse than shitposting >>>/a/56650847

>> No.8061510

You can't say that you're fully straight then go ahead and enjoy a crossdresser or transgendered person.

And that's fine. There isn't anything wrong with homo.Humanity has a long history of homoness and there isn't anything wrong with it despite what the church wants you to think.

>> No.8061514

                 / l
   r─- 、      _ _,. ィ´  /´ ̄`ヽ _ ノ
    \  `Y´  ̄ ̄   /__/       \
     \         `ヽ        | Disgusting
     /   ・   ・   l        l
      |    /´ ̄`ヽ  /        /
      |     ヽ!!ノ  /        ,.イ/
     ヽ              / 〃
      | \         _/ し'
      ヽ__ノ  ̄|   /´ ̄
           ヽ_ /

>> No.8061519

The whole concept of gay and straight was just invented to keep you from enjoying delicious cocks.

>> No.8061522


I love you <3

>> No.8061524

Hey, back of a little, son. Don't want to get too familiar.

>> No.8061533

Because they hate how women act, so they try to find the thing that most closely resemble a woman, but that doesn't behave like them.

>> No.8061541

You guys are ignoring the delicious cock.

Traps are usually slutty drama queens. Don't pretend they are any better than women.

For "some reason" some people are aroused by a feminine body that has a cock. Who gives a shit reported.

>> No.8061543

That dick is bigger than 90% of /jp/ers.

>> No.8061544

It is certainly bigger than mine.

>> No.8061545

Shemales and feminine men in general tend to have either huge or tiny cocks.

I should know, because I am one and my cock is pretty big.

>> No.8061548

I'm not gay, I just want to be fucked by a huge cock.

>> No.8061550

Can I suck your cock, dude?

>> No.8061552

What if I try and fuck you with my pin dick then you get angry at not being satisfied so you pin me down and cum inside me after a brutal pounding?

>> No.8061554

You have no idea how badly I want it right now, but I'm afraid that we probably live too far from each other.

>> No.8061555

Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
 +   + \\Shitty thread Wasshoi!/+
        ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬  +
   +     人      人      人     +
         (__)    (__)    (__)
  +    (__)   (__)   (__)     +
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      ( ´∀`∩ (´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ (つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ  ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)

>> No.8061556

Where do you live? I'm down.

>> No.8061557

Canada. You?

>> No.8061559

  ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧      ∧_∧
 ( ・∀・)   <丶`∀´>  ( ´∀`)  ( ・ω・)    ( ´ω`)
 (    つ┳∪━━∪━∪━━∪━∪━∪━┳⊂     つ
 | | |  |This thread is fucking terrible. | | | |
 (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)

>> No.8061560



>> No.8061563

              ┼ .(´\            /`/`)    +
             *   (ヽ、\    _    / / ,/)  *
            +  *  (ヽ、   \〃^  `ヽ /   /)   +
               ⊂ニ      i{ |」ハ∧ハi     ニ⊃
             +  ⊂、     ||(i」 ゚ -゚ノ||     ⊃ Fuck off ...
                (/(/(∧∧ノくiTYiI>|i)   、)ヽ)   +
                  (;´w`)ノ丿ノハ∧〉 、)ヽ)  
                 ⊂(   .ノ( `O‐jノ'
           *     +   +     +   +   
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      +              +   *         

>> No.8061567


Please be in London.

>> No.8061570

           /\/ヽ Why you not sage nida!
          |_________┝━─   ,;;;;";;;;""";;;;&
#44;,,,,, I demand apology juice!
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    |lllll|◎丶lllll|   |lll(◎)lll|

>> No.8061571

Jesus christ stop this meetup shit.

>> No.8061574

How come my country has millions more people than yours, and yet like half of the willing guys I meet on 4chan are Australians, and the other half either Brit or American?

>> No.8061575

      -‐‐- 、
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    !  ! 人|,.iノl_ノ)
    i  乂-‐ ?! i
    \ヽ .ゞ - ノノ  へ-ヘ   ∧_∧   ∧_∧
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      / \ノゝ ∧/∧  ∧∧(__)  |  (・?ω・?)
      (  |    |( ´ω`)/(゚ ヮ゚)(__)\∧∧  \
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  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   \/____/ (u ⊃

>> No.8061580


Enjoying your basement environment

>> No.8061581

 DOWNTOWN抉り出そう♪       ;;'';';';;'';;';'';';';;;'';;'';;;
             rっ        vymyvwymyvymyvy、
             ||       mVvvMvyvmVvvmvyvmVvv、
             |/⌒ヽ /^ヽ (^^) /^ヽ (^^) /^ヽ(^^)/^ヽ  DOWNTOWN抉り出そう♪
             (^ω^ )(ω^ )/⌒ヽ(^ω^)/⌒ヽ^ω^)  ( ^ω)-っ
       /⌒ \   |   _二二二つω^ )(\ ( ^ω^ )二⊃ /⌒ヽr
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        ソ  ) \\⊂二二二( ^ω^ )二二二⊃ ⊂_) ( ヽノ
       ( < \  レ’\\   ヽ   /   i ) ノ     ノ>ノ
        \|\|      レ  (⌒) |   /ノ ̄     レレ

>> No.8061582

Please respond

>> No.8061584

I already have. Please pay more attention.

>> No.8061586

            , '´  ̄ ̄ ` 、
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>> No.8061591

As fun as it is to pretend, the thought of some anons actually meeting up to suck each others dicks is disturbing.

>> No.8061593

    ,, - ―- 、
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  (i'"((´  __ 〈    }
  |__ r=_ニニ`ヽfハ  } 
  ヾ|!   ┴’  }|トi  } I still I still I love you!
    |! ,,_      {'  }    I'm waiting waiting forever
   「´r__ァ   ./ 彡ハ、 I still I still I love you!
    ヽ ‐'  /   "'ヽ   とまらないのよ Hi!!
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>> No.8061601

The normalness of it is disturbing.

But meeting up with anon and taking his hot load only to disappear later is awesome.

>> No.8061604

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>> No.8061605

If I had sex with an anon, and I enjoyed it, I would probably try to keep him with me forever. Literally. I'm so lonely.

>> No.8061611

No idea.

I don't think there are many traps here in Australia. There may be but I've not met any.

>> No.8061614

Anon would just take advantage of your loneliness to get what he wants then leave you.

>> No.8061618

You kidding me? Australia is like the trap capital of the world, after Thailand.
I surely hope not. That would devastate me.

>> No.8061619

Yeah I would as well, of course, but the *idea* of anon, cum, disappearing. There is a certain element of dirtiness to it I like when I think about it.

But yeah, if that situation happened I sous probably regret disappearing for a few months then kill myself.

>> No.8061620

                ( ゚ω゚) It's so
                /u u
               / / /
  _  _   彡  shit!
  \\ \\
    \\ \\
     \\ \\
.        \つ \つ

>> No.8061621

Seriously? Where are all these traps? Outside of King's Cross and brothels?

Honestly I've seen a video of one trap from Australia but not heard much else.

>> No.8061623

       | トェェェイ/   What
       | /`ニニ´    
       // | |      
      U  .U   
 _,,..-―'"⌒"~ ̄"~⌒゙゙"'''★           

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>> No.8061625

They're on the internet. Start lurking in thread where actual traps post, and you'll see that I,m right.

>> No.8061628

"Straight men" don't like traps.

Gay/bi men in denial like traps.

>> No.8061634

                    .    ∧_∧
                ∧_∧/ //.___|^∧_∧
               (´・ω・`) /||    |口|(´・ω・`)
              ./(^(^//|| ||   |口|⊂ _)
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   ∧_∧    (´・ω・`)/  ...|| ||   |口| ||  (´・ω・`)
  (´・ω・`) /(^(^/ /      .|| ||    |口| ||    ゚し-J゚
 "" ゚し-J゚:::'' |/  |/ '' " :: ":::::⌒  :: ⌒⌒⌒ :: ""  `
 :: ,, ::::: ,, " ̄ ̄  "、 :::: " ,, , :::   " :: " ::::

>> No.8061638

          ∧_∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        /( ´Д`;)  < フオオオオオオオオオオオオオォォォン
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     /  //
      V ノ

>> No.8061641

Actually, gay men dislike traps because they are too feminine.

>> No.8061642

Meh, I live in the UK and get confused for a girl all the time with my tiny body. I just dream of having a nice man come down and dominated me like a woman... But i'm too scared

>> No.8061646

Would a proper homosexual be attracted by the feminine beauty of a crossdresser?

According to me, a homosexual is a man who is sexually attracted to masculinity. Maybe other people have different definitions, but this is the definition that I go by because it makes the most sense to me.

>> No.8061648

>I'm gonna talk about a theory about sexual desires
It's a long video, but it's quite related, and very interesting.

tl;dw "shemale porn is one of the most popular type of erotica for heterosexual men"

>> No.8061649

        / |
   ∧ ∧,/   / / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   (,゚Д゚/   /< Die!
 _/ つ/ テ /  \______
 ~て ) / ポ /
  /∪ ド /
  \/ ン./|
   \__/, |
  /// \_|

>> No.8061658


No. If you like dick, you're gay.

Gay men have different preferences just as straight men do. You can't say someone who likes tomboys isn't straight just because they're "unfeminine".

>> No.8061664

I'd say that if you like women who look more like guys than like girls, then you're a closeted homosexual.

>> No.8061666

still in the closet?

>> No.8061673

              -''"´     `'
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          ヘ  ,ノレ' u rr=-,    r=;ァ  ir /! ノ
         (   ノ ! ///        /// ! ヘ(
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          ,_)__'! ト.、   ,_ | ||__,  u.イ  i .ノ
        r'"ヽ   t、 Y`⌒ヽ.-|||l--‐´レヘ ノ(  ) . ズズー
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       {         ノ \ ____ /,) i    .|
       ゝ-,,,_   /  `└‐─‐‐ と" ノ    イ

>> No.8061680

I would say anyone who is openly homophobic in anyway is far more gay than I am, and I love traps.

That just seems to be the way it is. If you like girls who actually look like guys rather than guys who look like girls... than that's your prerogative bro, just don't be calling other people gay because they like the latter, you don't come off so good.

>> No.8061682

N O  T H A N K  Y O U !

/ /    ヽ ::: \
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      nf|||    | | |^!n
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      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: :|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

>> No.8061689


No one is being homophobic.

This is the problem with why people dont like to admit they're gay by liking traps. People like you who think "gay" is some kind of derogatory word. It isn't. Stop being defensive about the word and accept it for what it is.

>> No.8061694

Making a DICK the be-all-end-all for homosexuality is very naive and simplistic. Genitalia is most definitely important in determining gender. But in terms of sexual identity, it is a lot more complex. The accusation of "you're denial" because we have differing views on the matter is immature and evasive.

>> No.8061695

Except "gay" would be the wrong term for the use of describing most of the people who like traps. Gay assumes one prefers males exclusively over females which is probably not the case here. People use gay because they think it is a derogatory word instead of being accurate by using something like bi-sexual.

>> No.8061697

Straight men like Buck Angel. Right.

>> No.8061700

She has a vagina, so obviously you're gay if you dislike her. Because sexuality is TOTALLY 100% determined by the genitals you like.

>> No.8061707

People who like futa/traps aren't gay, but they're not straight either. Sexuality isn't black and white, everyone is bisexual in varying degrees. You don't have to adamantly insist you're straight or that you're gay. Just be into whatever it is you're into, and be happy ♥

>> No.8061717


If you would have sex with both a man and a women, you're bi.

If you would have sex only with a man and/or a women then you're gay/straight respectively.

It really is that simple. I don't understand why putting a dress over a penis makes it any less of a penis. You are sexually attracted to traps because of the penis. Don't kid yourself. You are welcome to call yourself bi, but please do not say you are straight and like traps. That is my main point and the question OP was asking.

>> No.8061716
File: 188 KB, 664x687, 0ed7e94c591656dd628e333a7082c27bd510c3ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/'s fantasy.

>> No.8061745

You don't seem to understand.

Just because a person has a cock doesn't mean that it can't be a girl. If you only like girls and traps, then you're straight. If you like girls and guys, then you're bi.

>> No.8061749

Even term bi can be wrong for some people.


>> No.8061755

at the end of the day its not all so clear cut, so it really comes down to what you like the trap for. If its for the effeminate features, then straight, if you like them for the penis, then gay or bi.

>> No.8061761

If you like both, you're still straight, especially if it's a particularly feminine cock.

>> No.8061770

If a hermaphrodite is born and parents decide to make them female, does /jp/ gay if fuck it?

>> No.8061771

>particularly feminine cock.

>> No.8061772

i don't like this thread. i think i would rather just suck a normal guys dick instead of a "traps"

>> No.8061780


A "trap" by definition is a male (90% a young boy) who dresses and acts feminine.

If you want to get into transsexuals or hermaphrodites who dress and act feminine then you're not talking about traps anymore. In that case you can call yourself whatever the fuck you want for enjoying penis.

The end question is, do you fantasize about personally sucking/stroking/any sexual related act to said penis.

This isn't a question of what you like to look at but more of a what you fantasize yourself doing to what you're looking at.

>> No.8061783
File: 737 KB, 1761x634, No homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, that would be far more honest.

>> No.8061796

I don't care if it's a cock or vagina. As long as the person is feminine and attractive, I won't mind touching/sucking/licking, etc... Yes, I'd suck a trap's cock, but not a regular guy's, because I'm not attracted to guys, which makes me straight.

>> No.8061808

Is admitting being bi so wrong or abhorrent?

>> No.8061810

Don't link that shit.

It's shit.
It's false.
It's unscientific to the core.
It's famous for being a horrible study.

>> No.8061816

Bi guys are attracted to men, and I'm not, so I'll never admit to such a thing.

>> No.8061824

You sound confused or frustrated.

Did it(the truth) hurt you?

>> No.8061820


A trap is a regular guy. He's just wearing a dress.

What the fuck is a "regular" guy? Physiologically they're exactly the same.

Why do people find it hard to understand a penis is a penis. It doesn't change depending on what the person attached to it is wearing.

You can not, CAN NOT call yourself straight and fantasize about sucking dick. For fucks sakes just admit you're bi.

>> No.8061834

If you pay attention you can see him trying to weakly defend what is nothing more than a word.

>> No.8061854
File: 54 KB, 415x266, 166084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree totally, but whatever. I need to take a shower really badly right now, and I don't feel like fighting anymore, so I'll just go.

>> No.8061858

Arguing about straight/gay is what normals do.

The premise that humans must, in some convoluted either/or scenario, have homosexuality or heterosexuality as an inherent attribute is false anyway.

And keep in mind that I hate the trap phenomena.

>> No.8061859

Use SCIENCE to attach dick to a woman.
What now?

>> No.8061862

The four subconscious erotical turn ons for men are: big breasts, wide hips, small feet, and a big penis. The more of those are in the view the better.
Women and gay men don't actually care that much for dicks, they're secondary turn ons at best.

>> No.8061883

>A trap is a regular guy. He's just wearing a dress.
To be a trap you have to look like a girl.
Many traps use female hormones to look like a girl.

>What the fuck is a "regular" guy? Physiologically they're exactly the same.
Not at all.

>Why do people find it hard to understand a penis is a penis. It doesn't change depending on what the person attached to it is wearing.
Penises can look feminine.

>> No.8061891


>What the fuck is a "regular" guy? Physiologically they're exactly the same.
>Not at all.

I don't think you understand what that word means.

>> No.8061892

Complete gobbledygook. It's from that study, that is well known to be shit.

Have the trap community really taken that awful "science" to heart?

>> No.8061896

I don't think you understand what the word "regular" means.

Traps are far and away "regular guys"

>> No.8061897
File: 859 KB, 1200x1687, SaHa_Boy_Meets_Rape_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to suck a cock for a while now but as an anti-social shut in that hasn't talked to another person in 4 years how do you got about finding one safely?

>> No.8061901

/jp/ meet ups.

>> No.8061905
File: 77 KB, 386x362, 1302675990770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8061908

>Penises can look feminine

You still don't have me, how the fuck can an exclusively male feature look feminine?

>> No.8061911


Physiologically they're exactly the same.

If you're gonna argue semantics then you're just grasping for straws and giving trap lovers a bad name.

>> No.8061912
File: 80 KB, 456x386, 3175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8061913

The word you are looking for is 'asocial'.

>> No.8061920

Nigga who can't handle the truth.
If you don't like dicks on females, you're gay. Just come out of the closet already.

>> No.8061922

there are sooooo many bullshit "researches" out there.
and guess what, that is one of them

>> No.8061923

So actually, every human being is the same then.

>> No.8061924
File: 692 KB, 1126x1600, _030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But everyone on /jp/ only wants to suck cocks, not have theirs sucked.

Thank you.

>> No.8061927

If you redefine:
Male heterosexuality: Attraction to feminity.
Male homosexuality: Attraction to masculinity.

Traps are attractive to heterosexual males, just kinda kinky because of the cock.
Traps are unattractive to homosexual males, because they look like fucking chicks.

It's pretty simple.

>> No.8061928

im not gay, faggot.


>> No.8061929

You know, concrete terms and classical categories kind of are out the window when you deal with something outside of natural phenomena, ie futa/traps

>> No.8061934


Again, I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.8061933

No it's not.

>> No.8061936

It's also true.
Real homosexuals don't actually like traps/shemales.

>> No.8061939

... wow. You are even worse than futa fans.

Faggots. All of you.

>> No.8061941

Yes, yes it is.

It is famous for being so, and it sparked a massive controversy over almost every single part of the entire study. So much so that their old colleagues themselves actually wrote a large text about how shit it was. It's dysfunctional science to the core.

There's a reason why the comments are disabled, faggot.

>> No.8061944

Link to text or you're pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.8061946

go to some university, study, learn about scientific method, and then come back and talk.


>> No.8061948

Oh wait, don't bother, it still won't be a proof. It will just be their old colleagues opinion.

>> No.8061955

Don't waste your time, he want his "dildos for the brain".

>> No.8061954

I find it funny that you guys get so mad over it. and that you insult others by questioning their heterosexuality, like homophobes.
Closet much?

>> No.8061962

oh yeah, cuz if you don't like gay people then you are a closet homo. Same that if you hate murderers is because you are secretly a murderer, and so on. Oh wow, you people are so funny.

>> No.8061965

Heterosexuality doesn't exist.
Do you like dudes? Your gay
Do you not like dudes? Your closet gay.
Do you like manly dudes? Your like double gay.
Do you like feminine dudes? Not so much but your still gay.

>> No.8061971

You're comparing homosexuals to murderers. That sounds homophobic to me.

>> No.8061976

Are you fucking retarded? didn't you get to the point?

>> No.8061979

He might be something worse. He might be murderphobic.

>> No.8061991

cuz i'm secretly a serial killer

And i don't like chinese people, cuz i'm secretly chinese

anyway im off. have fun homos

>> No.8061998

Homosexuals are a blight upon society. Name me one civilization that didn't have them in large amounts and didn't go nose first into decadence.

The greek, you say? Homosexuality became more prevalent in its later days, thus its decline. Coincidence? I don't think so.

>> No.8062004

Jew has three letters, 911 has three numbers. Coincidence? I don't think so.

>> No.8062015

Whatever you say goyim.

>> No.8062035

you're a closet jew!!!

>> No.8062040

What a bunch of liberals.

>> No.8062043

nothing wrong with liking traps as long as they're 2D, unlike you cocksuckers.

/jp/ - /a/ with homos and more shitposters

>> No.8062045

Heterosexuality is the only correct way to go.

Jesus agreed, don't bother.

>> No.8062068

Jesus was against people being together at all.
He died a pure virgin.

>> No.8062092
File: 53 KB, 300x300, 1312003460160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, traps, girls, whats the difference.
I like both, so what. I don't really care whether I'm gay or not I enjoy it and thats all that matter. Anyone who worries about their sexuality that much is clearly insecure and/or gay himself.

I think it has something to do with the domination aspect actually, raping a trap is just so much more satisfying. Plus you don't feel as bad nor do you have to put up with the shitty personality because its a guy. (in 2D anyway)

I mean come on, you have to admit they can be incredibly cute >>8061924

>> No.8062095
File: 309 KB, 460x351, 1319245536173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 penisu OP i would gladly suck on it.

>> No.8062108
File: 59 KB, 300x367, 1276909056935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason i like traps must be due to my strange femdom fetish.
The cock in my opinion is just a really powerful tool for controlling someone.
..Or that is atleast what my fetish tells me.

That said i still cringe at the sight of anything masculine.
I guess this makes me some sort of odd bi-sexual.

>> No.8062110
File: 21 KB, 520x390, 1290550415134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel?

>> No.8062114

Not cute at all.

>> No.8062118

Not feminine enough, also is that..Bodyhair?
No thanks.

Maybe with the right clothes and some work.

>> No.8062129

>must be due to my strange femdom fetish.
Lucky you. I ended up taking the scat route...

>> No.8062130

Coolidge effect being stronger thanks to internet porn.
I know a thing or two.

>> No.8062138

You guys are difficult.

Just by curiosity, what do you think of young boys? Like, age 10-14. I'd post pictures as example, but I would probably get banned again, because a young boy in swimsuit is CP and MUST BE STOPPED.

>> No.8062142

You have my sincerest condolences. I would kill myself if I could only get off to shit smearing.

>> No.8062148

Hi investment banker. 10+ is ok as long as they're very feminine.

>> No.8062150

too old

>> No.8062153

Young boys is a big NOPE.

>> No.8062157
File: 107 KB, 1122x1503, 129879604379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not investment banker. I'm pretty sure he only likes loli, which I dislike.

>> No.8062160
File: 73 KB, 600x338, 1312123699461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh 3D traps are disgusting.
You might as well get a hooker, they won't bitch as much.

>> No.8062167

Not girly enough, would not fuck.

>> No.8062168

Both IBs were into girls.

>> No.8062169

> femdom fetish.
>The cock in my opinion is just a really powerful tool for controlling someone.
how does that work?

>> No.8062174

Being raped by a female isn't exactly as traumatizing, unless its with a strap on or something.

>> No.8062176
File: 408 KB, 750x1000, 22711944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dickgirls because of my femdom fetish. Being dominated by a dickgirl would be the best. But as for traps, 99% of the time, they hardly seem capable of being dominant.

To demonstrate, I picked the first decent worksafe trap picture I could find on pixiv. Could you really imagine yourself getting dominated by him? Sure, it would be quite moe if he tried, but it wouldn't exactly be an amazing experience of utter submission or anything like that.

>> No.8062178

But even if he's more boyish than girly, don't you find him at least a bit sexy?

>> No.8062183

Dont like them that young, not to sound like a moralfag or anything but it just does not float my boat.

That said i am not sure where to put my sexuality on the scale from straight-bi-gay but a 100% male does not work for me.

Tl:dr, It must look very feminine and be older.

>> No.8062188

>Want source.
>see image name
thank you.

>> No.8062192

I think he's adorable but not in a way that I would want to abuse as a more feminine figure.

>> No.8062204
File: 220 KB, 1024x768, 1319602635428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one?

>> No.8062207

Real traps cannot be dominant, but if you around looking at 3D traps then 99% of them can be dominant. It's actually quite disgusting.

>> No.8062208

I mean, if you think cock = control why do you get off to the opposite situation that basically contradicts the aforementioned concept?

>> No.8062215

I like girly girls, girly boys, boyish girls, but not boyish boys. I wonder if it's just homophobia keeping me back from enjoying the last one, since I technically enjoy both boyishness and boys. It's just... hard to appreciate unless there's a little bit of femininity involved.

>> No.8062222
File: 77 KB, 800x800, zzadadc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup ugly boy.
/jp/ really needs to watch Death in Venice.
Good movie with the best 15 year old (gay) boy ever.

>> No.8062225

If he was wearing a frilly dress then yes, certainly.

>> No.8062227
File: 503 KB, 1126x1600, 375661-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you would have to be gay not to like them.
How could you not find this moe?~
Don't you want to just hold him down and fuck him silly?

>> No.8062230

great movie

>> No.8062231

That doesn't even look like a boy. It's quite revolting.
Why just with a dress? Wouldn't he still be pretty with normal clothes?

>> No.8062234

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I thought real and 3D were the same. Are you implying that only 2D traps can be real traps? If that's how you mean it, I still don't get it, because 2D dominant traps seem to be a little more common than 3D dominant traps, though both are very uncommon overall.

>> No.8062241
File: 62 KB, 413x244, Koishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most traps would probably not do the domination job all that well, but then again i tend to picture myself as the trap getting dominated by my onee-sama.

Strap-ons and futa just works great to humiliate and dominate someone imo.
I guess i like humiliation/femdom/crossdressing in general.

>> No.8062243
File: 14 KB, 208x270, 4114118_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the trapmaster.

>> No.8062248

Frilly dresses reassert femininity.

>> No.8062249

I watched the movie and read the novel, loved both.
it helped me understand that I'm etero

>> No.8062253

I did word that rather badly, sorry, I am a bit tired. I am just saying most 3D traps look more manly and not as cute/moe so they seem like they could dominate you as opposed to 2D traps.

>> No.8062306

That logic only works if you assume that masculinity is inherently dominant and femininity is inherently submissive. Perhaps the real world works like that, but don't apply real world logic to 2D. Many 2D tomboys are very submissive, and the sadistic ojousama archetype is typically very feminine.

>> No.8062314

> but don't apply real world logic to 2D
I was not doing that at all.

>> No.8062340
File: 607 KB, 920x1000, 0efd12eb42f490e0237b92a083db3db6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like cocks on my females.
Gay, straight, bi i dont really care.
That is just how i roll.

>> No.8062358

I'm like you, except I really don't want people to think I'm gay.

>> No.8062375

You really need to stop letting that bother you. People will call you gay for anything these days.

>> No.8062382
File: 22 KB, 251x231, sadlain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.

I live in the south where everything is still stuck in 20th century so if my family were to find out I would have to kill myself.

>> No.8062388

Except there's a difference between "gay" and "gay". One is just a common insult, and the other one is another word for "homosexual". It's the latter that I don't want people to call me.

>> No.8062455

As a trap myself I don't ever see myself dominating anyone. I just want someone to hold me and make me feel safe.

>> No.8062663

You are gay.
