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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 303 KB, 1485x1200, 18415751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8060948 No.8060948 [Reply] [Original]

Shit, shit, shit, I started thinking again and can feel one of my dark moods coming on now.

What do you guys do when you're feeling bad? I don't want to go to Gensokyo just yet, so that's not an option

>> No.8060952

Play games. It always passes after a week.

>> No.8060967


>> No.8060985
File: 344 KB, 737x585, 480f8c38093572ab7a9f0e21bc50a2f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come here~
*pulls your head onto my lap*
You are a good person~♥
*gently strokes your hair*
Please feel happy, you deserve to feel good~♥♥

>> No.8060999

I go for a walk outside.

>> No.8061018

Lately I feel like everyone hates me.. Every time I join a community I start to suspect everyone of hating me, so I try to act super nice, but it always seems to make them ACTUALLY hate me.. This happens to everyone I want to make friends with, I become annoying and they never want to talk to me...

I'm the kind of person who starts random steam conversations with people even when I have nothing to say, just because I want to know that you're safe, or not unhappy or anything, but I always feel this way; that people hate me or don't want me to be around... Is it my paranoia? Am I actually detestable in my eagerness to please? People are so complicated sometimes....

>> No.8061046

Whatever it is, I'm doing it now.

>> No.8061049

It's mainly paranoia. Just give space when people ask for it and if they feel like talking continue to just chew the shit.

Most people on Steam don't care that you talk to them unless you are interrupting a game.

>> No.8061055

But no one asks that... They just... I don't know I can't explain it.. I guess they just grow distant or seem like they don't want me around..

>> No.8061065

That's common. A lot of people don't talk to each other outside of the initial meet-up unless they play together/know each other.

Nothing to worry about.

>> No.8061077

b..but i want a friend..

>> No.8061089

I listen to ambient music.

>> No.8061090

Lots of ways to make friends.

>> No.8061093

I'm going to bed soon, but if you want to add me you can.


>> No.8061096


>> No.8061099

Ok. I just did.. Have a nice sleep.

>> No.8061112

But none of them easy.

>> No.8061116
File: 443 KB, 1024x1024, Sanae with serious face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know solution OP! There is no escape from this!
captcha: omportal friendly

>> No.8061134


This calms me down. Maybe it will help you too.

>> No.8061518

just remember OP that we're all true tomodachi here. We ride isshoni, we die isshoni.

>> No.8061532

I drink some beer

It usually helps

>> No.8061549

Get drunk. But not too drunk.
Just get drunk and it'll all fall into perspective. Or atleast, you'll think it is.

>> No.8061568

Have fun.

>> No.8061585
File: 839 KB, 1920x1080, black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the background OP.

>> No.8061595

centered image, not so good

>> No.8061596

I just sort of.... gravitate in it. I can't really explain it.

I can't change when I'm depressed, so I just sort of exist.

>> No.8061597

Yeah but if you put it on the side your icons cover the focal point of the picture. I dont plan to move my icons.

>> No.8061603
File: 368 KB, 850x1189, lets positive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's stay positive for another day!

>> No.8061612
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Perhaps Im wrong.

>> No.8061617
File: 138 KB, 1400x1050, cute rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portal is only solution OP!

>> No.8061622

Gaming, sleeping, cooking, or attempting to learn something.

Or stalking discussion boards until I get immersed in reading something.

>> No.8061656

Be in the present moment and don't identify with your mind, thoughts, or emotions. Observe your mood and let it pass by itself.

>> No.8061674

How much darkness do you guys have? I tried to build a dark aura but it's not working

>> No.8062427


I pulled my blinds tighter than they normally go, and I realized it stays that way if I pull it hard enough.

So now I have extra darkness even during the day.

>> No.8062432

That's small time. I put three blinds on my window and taped the borders shut.

>> No.8062485

Honestly, I try to do the most pointless thing I can find at the moment. If you have friends, go talk to them and let them go on and on about unrelated stuff. If you don't, indulge yourself in pointless arguments on /jp/ for hours. Both will do wonders.

>> No.8063293


How does this help?

>> No.8063312

Listen to Linkin Park xD they are fukin sick bro

>> No.8063349

I recommend crying your hardest. Watch sad films, read a sad visual novel, listen to classical music which is full of despair etc.
You'll feel great in the morning.
If you're one of those guys who can't cry or cries all the time anyway, I have no idea.

>> No.8063361

If you want I could be your friend :3.

I add random hikkis I find on 4chan and I take care of them. I added a bunch but only 3 keep talking to me.

I am a computer programmer so I teach them how to program, so they have a productive hobby and I try to make them help me with my work. Every now and then I pay them some money for the work they do.

MSN on email field, and don't be shy. I am a hikki too with lots of problems so I don't care if you are inferior/fat/pathetic.

>> No.8063365 [SPOILER] 
File: 297 KB, 538x312, ARENT_I_COOL2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i feel bad i just shitpost on /jp/ as HELL

>> No.8063373

I work out at home and self study some subject (Japanese, for example) so at the end of the day I can pat myself on the head, whisper "good job, man" and feel a bit productive.

>> No.8063387

Hey. Not OP, but do you mind if I toss you an email? I could use somebody to talk to.

>> No.8063391

please fuck off back to /soc/.

>> No.8063403


You can add me if you want.

Usually I don't play that much or just log in at night (4chan hour) since I'm busy with work but I got a few holidays.

Also that /v/ groups. well, I get free video games.

>> No.8063402

Sorry for bothering you. It wasn't my intention.

Yes, please.

>> No.8063401

if it has not been suggested yet gurren lagann
is stronger then any antidepressant i have ever had and its
almost side effect free.

>> No.8063410


I remember the greatest I ever felt in the last 4 years was the day after I had an emotional breakdown and just cried violently for hours.

The "happy feeling" didn't dissipate until like a week later. I definitely believe the study about there being toxins in your tears that when let out make you feel better (i usually felt better after crying anyway and i assume most people do too but i don't cry that much). And I had a lot of pent up anger/sadness/etc that all just got let out.

of course It's only a temporary cure, but after that I could clearly see the issue with not letting out your troubles by somehow exerting yourself or your emotions. Crying, Laughing, and otherwise Exercising your body or mind are all great ways to do that.

>> No.8063646


Why would you cry for hours?

>> No.8063655

I drown myself in fiction, unfortunately, half the time this just results in me hating how poor reality is in comparison. Unfortunately I'm too cowardly to kill myself yet.

>> No.8063664

> antidepressant- gurren lagann
In what way? I personally couldn't stand any of the characters.

>> No.8063725

the over 9000 metric fuck tones of gar
but your mileage may very.

it worked for me and I've been on most main stream
antidepressants and to be honest they just made
everything worse for me.

>> No.8063733

Read a comedy manga
It's the best cure for depression. 95% effective. just keep bombarding yourself with jokes, you'll eventually crack up.

>> No.8063734

Maybe it's so bad it makes reality look better in comparison?

Getter robo is a much better manly-mecha series by far, and if you want an amusing parody, Gekiganger III played it far better than TTGL ever did.

>> No.8063743
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>the over 9000 metric fuck tones of gar

>> No.8064136
File: 122 KB, 800x1156, oyasumi-punpun-2126713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A complete stranger yelled at me today. Other strangers were there when it happened, I don't know how many but there were a lot. I do not know what I did, I was minding my own business, but everyone clearly thought I was at fault since the person yelling at me was a pretty girl.

I just stood there and took it. It's not like it hasn't happened before.

The only part that really bothered me was when she questioned my sanity. "What's wrong with you? Are you crazy or something?"

I am a lot of things, but crazy is not one of them. Fucking bitch.

>> No.8064153

I would have popped her in the mouth and ran for my car.

>> No.8064161

I don't have a car. This actually took place on a bus, so I couldn't have left even if I wanted to.

>> No.8064171

Should have pretended to be crazy and stated banging your head against the window while screaming incoherently.

>> No.8064216

No, no, he should have yelled something embarrassing to her like, "Yeah, well, your pussy really stunk last night and that's why I walked out!"

>> No.8064329


God I love you /jp/. Please don't change.
