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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8058861 No.8058861 [Reply] [Original]

Germany is the most otaku country in the West.

>> No.8058865
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>> No.8058876

Why are western countries so obsessed with calling themselves "otaku" after all the atrocious crimes that Japan has committed against the white population?

>> No.8058878

I think the white population consists of more than Americans.

>> No.8058881

You clearly mean France.

>> No.8058890

Hell, Americans aren't even white.

>> No.8058888

Germanfag here. I saw someone browse TT in a lecture at uni today. I really wanted to talk to him but I'm just way too shy. Why is talking to people so hard?

>> No.8058896


People are fags.

>> No.8058904

I think the white population outside of America (The Unite States of, that is) is going to die out very soon as you keep breeding with pakis, gypsies and sandniggers. I don't even know why you Europoors keep doing it, is it out of an excessive sense of white guilt? I know that some nations are trying to instill in their population the concept that interbreeding is objectively preferable just because Hitler said otherwise. I can't believe, however, that there are so many of you Europoors who are falling for this trick.
Anyway, bottom line is that since you breed with niggers and you give birth to brown babies with low IQ, you can no longer be considered to be white.

>> No.8058903

But I really want friends who share my interests ;_;.
Well, as long as I have you guys I'll probably be fine.

>> No.8058908
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>> No.8058951

Do Yuropoors actually breed with mudslimes? I always thought they stuck to their little communities and isolated themselves.

>> No.8058962

he probally was a ronery weaboo anyways
where exactly in germany do you live?

>> No.8058960
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Guys look, a Murrican talking about racial integrity. Next he's telling us Murricans aren't Euronigger descendants!

>> No.8058974

Karlsruhe. Wanna hook up?

>> No.8058987

Yeah, of course. America (The United States of, obviously) is populated by the descendants of you Europoors. I don't see where in my last post I was denying that. Are you fucking high?
The difference, however, is that those people emigrated from Europoorland when the population was still 100% white, about a hundred of years before you turned into the bunch of limp-wristed faggots that live there today and feel morally obliged to racemix with the first Turk immigrant they come across or else everyone would think they are intolerant neo-Nazi.

>> No.8058988

If an Amerinigger even mentions race-mixing, I guess that makes it okay.

Stay black, niggspic.

>> No.8058989

But Finland is the Japan of Europe.

>> No.8058996


What is this now?

>> No.8058995

sorry i already have a boyfriend and i dont know how close karlsruhe is to dortmund

>> No.8059016


Only thing worse than European racists are American racists, because they're dumber.

quality thread etc.

>> No.8059027

Oh god what's up with the /int/shit on here today.

Lets clear up a few facts:

1) The only people who care about what "dem gooks" done to "my race" are socially deficient immigrants. Most Americans don't even remember the Pearl Harbor anniversary because they're too busy worrying about their more important things.

2) No race has inflicted more damage onto the Chinese civilization than the Chinese. Not to undermine the damage done to China by the Japanese occupation and Western intervention, people complain about WW2 Japanese atrocities because they can't complain about the Cultural Revolution.

3) All nations are guilty of something. The Chinese are the most guilty of oppressing their own people.

>> No.8059047

Dortmund is pretty far. Well, I'm not desperate enough to make friends with a girl anyway.
Fuck off.

>> No.8059063
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Well said, goyim.
You've done a good job, just like we trained you to.
Now keep repaying the debts that our banks created or we'll default your nation.
Oh, and don't forget to support our corporate-sponsored multiracial cause. Don't mind the reports about rising domestic violence and divorces.
They're only racists who don't want you to racemix for the good of this world. Yeah, those damn Nazis. How can you trust them?

>> No.8059077

implying anyone on /jp/ is het

>> No.8059125

>can't complain about the cultural revolution

hahaha, oh wow. You're fucking wrong. You can complain, you just can't gather everyone on the side of the street and protest. If anything people look back to Mao's time and see that at least there was a semblance of social equality, compared with the randian society China is today.

Also, how does it feel to be back in the year 2000? The Chinese today are far more concerned with undoing the decline that started with the Ming dynasty and becoming a global super power once more than sitting around whining about past atrocities. China is far less insecure about its neighbours than it once was.

>> No.8059119

I don't know which is more hilarious:

-What you said.
-Or that you actually believe what you said.

>> No.8059120

You say that like it's something to be proud of. I'll be enjoying my quiet little country in Europe in peace while you get to deal with fat weeaboo women.

>> No.8059134

nigger when did i say im a girl?

>> No.8059136

I say your posts is the best, because you sound like the kind of numbskull sheeple that corporates love to take advantage of.

>> No.8059142



>> No.8059147

30 posts and nobody mentioned yet how OP called Germany a western country?

I knew you were dumb Murrikkkans, but not THAT dumb.

>> No.8059155

Germany turkiye, yourfunny

>> No.8059161


>If anything people look back to Mao's time and see that at least there was a semblance of social equality,

Yeah, sending everybody to live in holes is social equality.

Also fuck you. If you were in the Cultural Revolution you probably would've been among the punks who thought defiling shrines and CHINESE temples was a good idea.

>> No.8059167

Stop replying to him. He doesn't care what you think, he just wants to make this thread reach 300 replies. His stupid will make you reply again. Don't give in, hide it and move on.

>> No.8059187


How does it feel to be a nationalist who thinks that any sane person found any redeemable aspect of the Cultural Revolution.

>> No.8059199
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>defiling shrines

>Still paying respects to some fictional invisible magician that lives high in the sky

Say all you want about those damn ruthless Chinese. How they own the world's industry by the balls making your "Ye Olde Yuropoor Shoppe" that shits out 40 pieces a week uncompetitive, how they own your shitty Europoor nation's debt and you owe them a fuckton of money, how communism is bad because China used to be communist. But they right about repudiating religion and shit upon all those Buddhist monks and other such quacks and scammers. If you had some brain you would give them credit for their actions, but with Allah-worsipping Pakis on one side and Pope-fellating Christians on the other of course you can't. It would be "politically uncorrect" or whatever it is.
What a dumb fucking animal you are, fit for being harnessed and used as a workhorse.

>> No.8059209
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>> No.8059241

What's with this /int/ shit in /jp/? First it's some murrikan being butthurt the entire world doesn't see the US military as the paragon of good and all that is holy, now this?
