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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8055465 No.8055465 [Reply] [Original]

What keeps you going, /jp/? Why don't you kill yourself?

Afraid of messing up? Afraid of judgement being passed on you in the afterlife, punishing you for suicide? Is the effort of suicide too much?

Or do you actually have something to live for?

>> No.8055468

I'm not ready to die, and if I did die I wouldn't want it to be through suicide.

>> No.8055474

I don't want to miss out on new stuff from my hobbies.

>> No.8055476

Why the fuck would I kill myself, games are so fun.

>> No.8055475

>Or do you actually have something to live for?
Yes. Myself.

>> No.8055479

Because that's my everyday experience.

>> No.8055478

>Afraid of messing up?
>Is the effort of suicide too much?
These two.
>Or do you actually have something to live for?
Maybe. There are one or two things I could realistically do with my life that I think would do a lot of good for this world.

Also, I've noticed that I actually enjoy life; but only when I'm alone. If I can figure out how to stay alive without much social contact, I might stay alive for a few more decades.

>> No.8055481

Killing myself would be harder than living my life in a standstill and never progressing. Killing yourself requires as much action as changing yourself. Fuck that shit, I'll just keep barely existing instead. I mean shit, it requires absolutely no effort to do nothing.

>> No.8055483

Tbh if I get there's something good in the other side I'll kill myself right now in this place, but saddly no one can prove it....

>> No.8055484

>only enjoy life when I'm alone
>want to help the world

>> No.8055487

I'll another day

No, i am not catholic whitey

>> No.8055493

How cute. You want to help others that make the world shitty for you? What a tool.

>> No.8055498

My hobby life keeps me going on a day to day basis.

My family keeps me going also because I'm pretty sure my death would put my mother in her grave and there are people that are going to need me when they get old.

That, and the idea that when I am old I'm going to move to Akiba, rent a shitty little apartment and sit in a frilly dress playing eroge all day erry day, selling high quality American pot to support my otaku lifestyle.

>> No.8055502

I tried when I was younger, and going through a rough time.
My method was pill overdose. I chickened out and was forced to drink a large amount of charcoal at the hospital, which resulted in the worst shits you can possibly imagine, it was literally like shitting a brick.

As for now, I enjoy my life and have no reason to die.

>> No.8055503

For a while it was fear of botching it -- when I was 8 or so I read a Reader's Digest special on people who botched suicide attempts... the stories were really unpleasant.

When I was 10~12, talking to imbecilic "depressed" teens in online chatrooms (it was the late 90's OK) added to my aversion -- I associated it with complete twits.

I had actually started out trying to help those twits, and I later drew upon some of the "advice" I handed out for my own use -- namely the appreciation of small happinesses. Instead of thinking about how shitty a person I was, I would think about how fucking awesome the smell of fresh-cut grass was.

Post-highschool was the worst. I was starting to think that everyone who "cared" about me was just deluding themselves, and if I were gone they'd soon realize that my absence was actually beneficial. Somehow I ended up going overseas at this point, and was effectively "missing" from their lives for close to a year -- their communications to me during this time managed to convince me that I was actually missed (it was more the things they didn't say that made me realize I had a place in their lives).

Still, life was stretching awfully long ahead and I was so very disinterested in it. Now that I felt obligated to stay alive I felt trapped more than relieved. I went back to focusing on small pleasures. Fuck yeah, snow. Fuck yeah, sunsets.

Then I acquired a job (was forced into one, actually), and stopped thinking as much as possible. Hopefully I will be able to continue in this relatively pleasant numbness until I eventually die.

tl;dr: negative associations, luck and the numbing effect of overwork

>> No.8055511

>tl;dr: negative associations, luck and the numbing effect of overwork

I'm pretty sure any realist will tell you this is life's formula.

>> No.8055515

That's not chubby.jpg

>> No.8055528
File: 246 KB, 424x598, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i killed myself then i'll be stuck in HELL and then i can't shitpost cuz they don't have internet in the part of HELL i usually go to

>> No.8055530

> What keeps you going, /jp/? Why don't you kill yourself?
I'm a generally intelligent mammal guided by a non-empty reward system. To put it simpler, there are things which make one 'happy'. That in itself is the simplest reason enough to continue existing. In more abstract terms, I do have a lot of interesting things to do, knowledge to acquire, projects to work on, entertainment to consume.
Secondly, the act of terminating one's existence so would be very selfish and sociopathic, despite being one's inherent right to attempt such a thing. This is from the perspective of all the people that care about you or would feel sad if you suddenly disappeared. It is a very selfish act.
Thirdly, my philosophical beliefs include the anthrophic principle and a certain very general multiverse theory, the consequences of those 2 assumptions are that truly dieing would be a very hard thing to do, almost impossible - it's very likely that some states/branches/possible futures would exist where you keep surviving, maybe even maiming yourself or destroying information that makes you, while in most branches you end up with a lot of sad people missing you (where you succeeded in killing yourself), and a few infinitesimal branches where you continued existing (and will continue...).

>> No.8055531

>Why don't you kill yourself?
Because dying is permanent and is literally the most retarded thing you could do to yourself, ever. I'd rather browse /jp/, fap to eroges, eat and sleep.

>> No.8055532

> continued
Obviously this would be a cruel thing to do to people that care for you, and you probably wouldn't even realize it. However, such assumptions also tell you that if you know what you're doing (not that hard), you could easily "edit" reality in ways that suit you (a cheap way would be to make yourself win the lottery and get very rich, but this is one of the least interesting things you could do by antrophic "algorithms" like this), but then, would you really trade suffering of other people for power/money? I'm no sociopath, but if any of you actually plan on doing something so cruel and wasteful, at least do it right and put yourself into a future which you'll like, instead of just hurting yourself.
> Afraid of messing up?
I've heard of some efficient, painless and clean ways of doing it, but I don't think they're that accessible to everyone.
> Afraid of judgement being passed on you in the afterlife, punishing you for suicide?
Haha, no. You can obviously guess that given those 2 principles, that easily makes gods impossible or superflous. Some beings with powers akin to gods are still possible, but humans can also reach such states as well given sufficient technological advancement, so there is no reason to give them such titles. The costs of suicide are very clear - you are removing certain possible futures, you might also make a lot of people sad in those possible futures. There are also some less obvious costs, but I don't want to go into a 3 page long post here. I kind of doubt you could completely die in all possible futures (for a more detailed explanation, I'd have to go into another longpost, which is outside the scope of /jp/ and more /sci/), but if you could, your existence would cease!

>> No.8055534

> continued
> Is the effort of suicide too much?
To do it properly and cleanly? Not sure, it depends on available resources. Maybe, a bit.
> Or do you actually have something to live for?
I enjoy my day-to-day life. I have many things which I'm looking for in the short-term and long-term future. There are many intellectual questions that I want answered, and there are many silly things which I also want to try for fun. This is more than enough for me.

I tend to consider most people that suicide either too stupid, having some mental problems (such as depression), or too smart (very rare, I don't know of any, but as I explained earlier, it could be used to test some scientific/philosophical theories).

>> No.8055540
File: 97 KB, 374x318, 1298156414234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends on /jp/ would miss me if I was gone, OP.
You are my friends, right?

>> No.8055553

I'm your best friend.

Unless you're a shitposter.

>> No.8055556
File: 4 KB, 123x125, 129653532356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me in a nutshell.

>> No.8055571

>it was more the things they didn't say that made me realize I had a place in their lives

That is an incredibly stupid and naive way of thinking. Just because they're not actively calling you useless and a nobody doesn't mean the opposite.

>> No.8055572
File: 504 KB, 2000x1125, 1314621198380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say shitposter.

I post in offtopic threads like this sometimes but I don't post in Homuhomu/Anime screencap threads.

Is this going to drive us apart?

>> No.8055574
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>> No.8055586
File: 63 KB, 720x720, currybuttbelievesinyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone's projecting pretty bad right now.

I love you, Anonymous. It's gonna be... OK.

>> No.8055594

Me dead would cause way more problems than me alive.
Also parents and many people did so much things for me, I don't want to disappoint anyone or waste their effort. Well now I'm happy, I just want to become a good person.

>> No.8055595

Optimism is always naive.
But as long as it helps someone get through the day, then it doesn't really matter.

>> No.8055605

It's not that I have nothing to live for, it's that I have nothing to die for.

>> No.8055611


>> No.8055635

Haven't done it only because it would upset my parents.
I wonder how I can make them completely hate me so I can kill myself and no one would care.

>> No.8055639

be me, that should be sufficient

>> No.8055647

There are some things I want to do with my life. But after I'm 30 I'll probably just kill myself. There's no point in living the 'work every day, come home and hate your life' thing.

>> No.8055714
File: 96 KB, 128x128, smiling chinese Touhou ripoff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will kill myself when I will have chance to do it and still there are few things to do before to improve my life in Gensokyo (I hope that they won't take too long). If there wasn't these two things I would already post from Gensokyo. And still no method for portal.

>> No.8055725

Why would I kill myself when there's slurpees?

>> No.8055753

Well, I could go and see SNSD in November. But I might just kill myself before then.

I'm too tired.

>> No.8055775

Right now, I'm living only to search for a glorious death, and nothing will stop me until I find it.

>> No.8055780

I'm too much of a coward to kill myself. I'm hoping every day an accident happens that will kill me. A car crash, a leaking gas nuzzle when I'm asleep, a sudden brain aneurysm. That way, it won't be anyone's fault when I die.

>> No.8055793

Suicide would be very selfish right now.

I plan on earning enough money to pay back my mom and sister and everyone else who has helped me and supported me and sacrificed for me. Then I'm going to seclude myself for a year studying up on various religions until I have a sense of assurance on where I'll go if anywhere when I die. After that I'll drink a large cup of hard liquor and blow my brains out with the red ruger redhawk my dad got me. It's kind of satisfying knowing I just have to stick it out for a few years.

>> No.8055798

>car crash
>not anyone's fault

>> No.8055807

No, not at all.

You and me, we're cool.

>> No.8055811
File: 26 KB, 248x248, yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the OP of this thread

can we be friends?

>> No.8055817

>Messing up

I only want to shoot a bullet through my head and cause myself to fall off a high building.

>> No.8055829

Either one will suffice. Why both?

>> No.8055838

Maybe we should all meet up in Japan, dress up as girls and mass suicide into a train holding hands. Like in that movie.

>> No.8055842

The way the world works always screws me over. Some people haven't died from bullets to the head. Some people have died from forty foot drops.

So I'll do both.

But in actuality I'll just shoot myself because I'm too lazy to find such a high building.

>> No.8055839

I feel bad about even considering suicide before my childhood's mental condition started acting up on me again a few months ago.

Now every time I think about the space or the infinite I am struck by an inexplicable irrational fear, and at all other times I am in fear of getting that fear. It's awful.

I was happy and I didn't knew.

>> No.8055837


I went through it too, although all the charcoal didn't really change my shits at all.

And I would've tried again, if SHE didn't have to be the first person I saw when I woke up. If SHE didn't have to make me promise I'd not try again. If I weren't some kind of idiot that keeps his promises.

I was a fool. I allowed myself to get attached. I allowed her to matter.

This only makes me want to do it again even more. In a way that can't fail.

>> No.8055847

Don't make your death messy, at the very least be considerate to the poor bastard who has to scrub your brain off the cement.

>> No.8055865

I don't disbelieve you, but I find it almost inconceivable that a bullet to the head would fail to kill somebody. I suppose it depends on the gun.

>> No.8055866


It is common courtesy that if you decide for whatever reason to kill yourself with a shotgun, you should at least leave a note and apologize for discharging it indoors and promise - quite certainly - that you'll never do it again.

>> No.8055869

Jump from the building already in the corpse-bag?

>> No.8055871

I wish I knew an anon so we could kill eachother in a manly duel.

>> No.8055878
File: 63 KB, 300x443, m3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thy challenge arth accepted, knave!

>> No.8055882

I heard a story that someone ended up lobotomized in a suicide attempt.

>> No.8055888

I remember hearing of a man who missed any vital point in the brain three times.

>> No.8055898

What about drinking poison and jumping off a ten story building onto a large tarp? Would that be a clean way to kill myself?

>> No.8055899

> Afraid of judgement being passed on you in the afterlife, punishing you for suicide?
This basically. I'd rather live my boring but decent life rather than kill myself just to find out, yes there is a hell. And yes I am going to it for suicide.

And cause I'm a pussy, afraid of ending my own life.

>> No.8055902


May be an apocryphal story, but supposedly the idea for lobotomy came from a failed suicide by gunshot.
Apparently the guy was "cured" of his depression. If you call complete removal of creative thinking by obliteration of the massa intermedia (or whatever that big beam in the middle is called) a cure.

>> No.8055903

There were billions of years where I never lived, then there's this 80 years (if I'm lucky) of living, then an infinite amount of not living after. I might as well do SOMETHING (even if I haven't figured it out yet) with this tiny sliver of life.

>> No.8055907


>> No.8055913

My life isn't that bad, but I may kill myself if I encounter a problem difficult enough.

Also, I want to see the new developments of SCIENCE.

And I don't know where to get cyanide...

>> No.8055914

I would recommend going into the woods and getting mauled by a bear. At the very least you're feeding a few things.
Then again, people may hunt said bear if they find your body.
Maybe tie a few bricks around your legs and drown in a lake.

>> No.8055937


Suicide by wrestling a bear has to be the best method of suicide possible.
First, it's probably relatively quick and painless. If a fully grown brown bear swats your head, you pretty much die instantly.
Second, even bears that aren't normally considered problem bears would eat people if they killed them in self defense, and bears are usually followed by scavengers. So in either case, you won't go to waste.
Third, if it fails miserably and you somehow beat the bear and get out alive, you have every reason to go on living. You've wrestled a bear and won. You are awesome.

>> No.8055950

I suppose the statement about "things they didn't say" was a bit misleading. I meant that without attributing me as the direct cause, they would mention things that were different - or they would describe their activities and I would note some difference or other. Of course it could still have been an elaborate ruse to make me feel wanted -- but my family is far too frank and honest for that. Since I was more worried about them fooling themselves than attempting to fool me, when I was provided with the surprising evidence that I contributed something to their daily lives (as opposed to them saying "we miss you"), that was enough for me.

>> No.8056042

There are people I know who would be sad if I did.

>> No.8056080

Hello, OP. You eat shit.

Just like a shit-eating dog eats shit.

You eat shit, and we'll MAKE YOU lick and eat shit like a shit-eating dog eats shit.

Just like a dog. Like a dog.

>> No.8056104

Using a suicide bag is completely painless. Google it.

>> No.8056117

I won't die as long as I have fun stuff to do that lets me ignore life.

>> No.8056604



how the OP failed to consider this option I can only guess.

>> No.8056965

This. Though I wonder how many people here would actually go through with it.
