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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 380x528, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8055168 No.8055168 [Reply] [Original]

What's /jp/'s take on the small cosplay groups that create nude videos based on Touhou and VN characters? I know the more popular Touhou cosplayers like Lenfried get plenty of attention and are shared on sites like akiba-online, but what about the obscure stuff that only turns up on getchu?

I ask this because around this time last year, all of the videos that pinkyweb released (webDL019 and webDL024 were the last I've downloaded) would get ripped and shared on english fan sites. Now brand new videos and sets are coming out and not a single one from the last 8 months is shared.

Is it safe to assume these videos are only going to be on Share/PD and that the foreign Touhou fanbase just wants to pretend these sets don't exist or are just privately collected? I've tried ordering through getchu a couple times in the past and it keeps getting refused.

If anyone is interested, the main cosplay thread that used to post all of the sets is at:

>> No.8055175


>> No.8055186


>> No.8055198

I don't care at all what people are up to, especially not those who has given up their pride for money.

>> No.8055194

Logical step to weaning yourself off 2D would be cosplay of 2D. A few of the models might even be attractive! (though 9/10 times they aren't)

>> No.8055221
File: 63 KB, 600x516, 1316927832690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would fuck them.

>> No.8055226

>Logical step to weaning yourself off 2D would be cosplay of 2D.
>weaning yourself off 2D
why would i want to do that

>> No.8055244

webdl31 actually turned up on PD, though it's probaby going to take me forever to load it.
Of the other newer ones, there is no stuff even onPD/Share.

file ピンキーwebDL031.zip (コスプレ) [ピンキーweb] ピンキーwebDL031.zip 1,949,288,986 c3d3ae7a01e1bdc195df51c21fba9e7db240e94062a82c82285e15b50025d61e

>> No.8055281

I want to fuck them all.

>> No.8055287
File: 93 KB, 1107x636, 1306679234897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything was fine until they start removing their clothes... then things get "hairy".


>> No.8055351

that Yuka cosplayer is gorgeous, the rest of them are disgusting

>> No.8055562

fapping to touhou cosplay will be ten time better if you play the theme of the character you are fapping to.
I did this and it was hilarious.

>> No.8055570

Sounds pretty epic. Epic for the win.

>> No.8055579
File: 511 KB, 800x1205, 129237044275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The link for this one is dead. Looked quite gorgeous.

>> No.8055585

Thank you sir, you made my day.

I tried... god my sides hurt so much from laughing.

>> No.8055588

We will never get the videos we want.

>> No.8055590

>Link for this one is dead.
>Looked quite gorgerous

>> No.8055593

please american man

post the video

thank you

>> No.8055597


>> No.8055620

I'm starting to think that some japanese are lurking /jp/ and touhou-proect.com for these cosplay porn video.
i thought Japan had their own website full of H stuff like Hongfire for us.

>> No.8055628

please american fat

do not talk 

you are nothing without japan

just post megaupload

>> No.8055640


>> No.8055642
File: 44 KB, 800x522, 800px-Reichsadler_der_Deutsches_Reich_(1933–1945).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not fat americans we are glorious germanic aryan supermen.

>> No.8055646
File: 29 KB, 156x194, 1278607095063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are nothing without japan

So true it's scary.

Also, hair is half the arousal value. Now Yuyuko video nao.

>> No.8055649

The mods confirmed that most of the shitposts in that thread are from jap IPs.

>> No.8055654

u mad?

>> No.8055657

What thread?

>> No.8055668

The one linked in the OP. Maybe that guy isn't actually a mod, I don't follow the website.

>> No.8055674


>> No.8055680
File: 132 KB, 800x1107, zemljovidww2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do not worry the final victory will be attained.

>> No.8055698

>american weeboo posting with microsoft IME

Oh Hi im so japanese, hurr durr

>> No.8055702

Are people just misspelling this on purpose now?

>> No.8056345

even the japanese don't have these videos, I dont think anyone outside of the diehard fan orders them and you can be damn sure hes not sharing them

>> No.8056500

I couldn't find any that had Yuuka.
Which one was it?

>> No.8056527

as if your life is any better

>> No.8056545

webDL 28, 31, 32, 33

Never going to be uploaded.

>> No.8056605

Too bad.

>> No.8056680
File: 166 KB, 599x532, 1318095792566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to have the Remilia vid webDL016? I believe that's the only one I don't have that has been uploaded and I can't find any working links.

>> No.8056730


so close yet so far away

>> No.8056759


>> No.8056765

no idea hence the so far away

>> No.8057093

Its weeaboos using proxies so they can have full access to nipponese websites that block non-japanese IP's

>> No.8057988
File: 1.57 MB, 1693x2400, pwdl-016-01-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have it, 2 photo sets and 1 video, but i can't upload it in the next 16 hours.

If the thread stills here, I'll upload it.

>> No.8058003
File: 400 KB, 600x800, 1294686055037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main thread for posting releases
Hahahaha. More like a thread for moaning about where they are, with the occasional new release.

Normal cosplay can be nice, picture related. Tasteful nudity can be good, like Lenfried's Sakuya. Funny cosplay like male Kaguyas and Hinas is excellent. The only stuff I don't like is the porn. Too many JAV-isms, too little enjoyable sex.

>> No.8058020

Wow, I want this set.

I didn't even see the dead link in the OP's thread though. Can you give me a circle name or something so I can hunt for this set myself.

>> No.8058038

I have a few cosplay porn videos but aside from the costumes they're not arousing at all.
Fat and hairy ladies being fucked while dressed up...

>> No.8058457



>> No.8058494


Here's the imageset or at least one of them to save you upload time.

>> No.8058953

No clue, there's just this one picture with a dead megaupload link. I would have looked for it myself if I had any additional information.

>> No.8059068

I hate these threads. They remind me that not everybody on /jp/ hates the same stuff I do.

>> No.8059100 [DELETED] 

Her name is Arai Yomi

if you find the set please do upload it

>> No.8059114

These threads used to be filled with people bitching and endless 3DPD spam. I guess they just gave up.

I honestly think it's better this way though even if it invites more unwanted folk.

>> No.8059639




>> No.8059653

I don't approve of this thread, but I figure it's fine as long as you condense like the idollers, kigs, and the rest do.

>> No.8059668

I hate cosplay porn for one reason. The women are always getting fucked by fuck ugly Japanese men. That's precisely why I don't watch JAVs unless it's lesbian or trap.

>> No.8059676

it's the opposite actually.

>> No.8059688

Well they guys doing the fucking are basement dwellers and NEETs, not professional pornstars. It is much easier to self-insert that way, which is the whole point of these kinds of videos.

>> No.8059692

>It is much easier to self-insert that way
No it's not.

>> No.8059697

>I've tried ordering through getchu a couple times in the past and it keeps getting refused.
Try ordering through a proxy service then.

>> No.8059740

it's on g.e-hentai, took me 2 seconds to find it

there's also a working link in that thread

>> No.8060467

I find it ridiculous that Touhou has doujin, cosplayporn, a shitload amount of explicit artworks, H flashgames but still NO H anime

>> No.8060503

but cosupurei belongs in >>>/cgl/

>> No.8061246

But 2hu belongs in /jp/.

No matter. Plenty of H manga compensates for that.

>> No.8061449

>Plenty of H manga compensates for that.

b-b-but manga and anime are 2 different things

without a proper H anime, Touhou is incomplete

>> No.8061455

>cosplay thread

Reported with all of my might and fury. You disgusting pieces of shit should all die.

>> No.8061459

Fuck you, eat shit and die you stupid motherfucker.

>> No.8061472

No, you die. Scum that would defend a disgusting cow dressed up, provocatively, as a beautiful and pure 2d girl deserves not but scorn and ridicule. That you have somehow tricked yourself into believing /jp/ accepts or encourages such wanton acts of lewdity is a sure sign that you are a worthless piece of shit.

How comical! How comical! Get this piece of refuse out of my sight right this minuteness.

>> No.8061475

Get out of /jp/, faggot.

>> No.8061476

Judging by the replies to this thread you are clearly wrong.
I disagree with your opinion but I will tolerate your continued existence.

>> No.8061479

>weaning yourself off 2D
/jp/ confirmed for normalfags

>> No.8061482

How about you take these faggots and fuck off to /cgl/ with them then?
This shit is fucking disgusting and just another excuse for 3D to get fucked in every single hole.
I mean, take that OP pic for example.
She doesn't even looks like Yukari.
WOW nice she wears Yukaris dress but that's pretty much all.
Don't you dare to compare the perfection of 2D with such shit ever again

>> No.8061488

>1. All things otaku welcome!

>> No.8061492

Don't be a fucking idiot, if everything "otaku" was welcome we could make threads about anything.

>> No.8061497

So I'm supposed to listen to your version of the rules instead of the official ones?

>> No.8061502

But this rule is a lie, and only a obvious newfag like you would take it serious.
In fact we decide what we want here and what not and anyone who tolerates this wasn't a /jp/er to begin with

>> No.8061504

>the rules

What a retarded piece of shit you are. Those aren't the rules of /jp/, and have never been. Those are merely farts in the wind made by a normalfag who has no idea of the true purpose of /jp/.

>> No.8061515

You're the truly delusional one here.
If the rules truly are defined by it's users as you say it is, then this thread has every right to be here.

>> No.8061517
File: 1.20 MB, 2400x1594, pwdl-016-01-070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




The girl is ugly and the "action" boring, but it worth a fap if you are a pervert.

>> No.8061521

The people that made that rule don't know the meaning of the word otaku.
There are otaku of everything but that doesn't mean you can just post anything you want on /jp/.

>> No.8061523

Wrong! If you would carefully examine this thread in meticulous detail, you would notice a wide majority of the posts are various expressions of distaste. There are only a few of you pig-liking trash propagating this disgusting drivel.

To you I say; away! away!

Take your horrendous fleshbeasts back into the depravity of your own minds. /jp/ is only for pure 2d girls.

>> No.8061536

Very rarely is anything black and white like you seem to think it is. /jp/ is no exception. It's completely possible to enjoy these videos while retaining your love for 2D.

>> No.8061539

To truly understand the appeal of 2d and being the little girl, you must first shun all of 3d.

Clearly, you have not done this. Therefore, you are completely incorrectoly right this instantness. Such garbage cheeks as have never been seen before! Get out of my peripheral right this minuteness before I report your ass to Crashhelper's dad.

>> No.8061542

I don't subscribe to commie bullshit like "being the little girl". Kindly fuck off to /bun/ or wherever you came from.

>> No.8061546

>I don't subscribe to commie bullshit like "being the little girl".

Appeal to faggotry. Therefore, you are instantly wrong. I have reported your ass to Crashhelper's dad. He's coming to rape your anus at 99999999999 times the speed of light.

>> No.8061906
File: 1.42 MB, 2400x1734, pwdl-016-01-102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mediafire mirrors.



>> No.8062025 [DELETED] 


Here's the link if anyone else is still looking for it.

>> No.8062028


Here's the link if anyone else is still looking for it.

>> No.8065211

pump to make this thread alive...

cuz i feel like it

>> No.8066390

