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8054699 No.8054699 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8054715

What's wrong?

>> No.8054720

The flowers in the background are plastic, such a cheap decoration is not worth our time.

>> No.8054731

Does Yukari even bother to brush her hair?

What a fucking slob.

>> No.8054742

It's japan after WWII, what did you expect?

>> No.8054749


>> No.8054755

Sorry, I was just kidding, Anonymous.

>> No.8054773

Come on, I'm not American and I don't especially love them.
But why is Japan so xenophobic?

>> No.8054778

They had just been nuked and militars in controlled zones tend to do retarded shit because they can just get by without punishment.

>> No.8054781

I wouldn't want my little sister walking by the homes of occupying forces.

>> No.8054782 [SPOILER] 
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Becuz you shoved 2 dicks of the size of Minnesota in their shit shapped country that they got desintegreted.

But don't worry they are not that xenophobic, there's some of them that still like us, pic related

>> No.8054786

How is this xenophobic?
Would you like foreign military living near your home?

Stop being stupid.

>> No.8054805

I didn't find Kara no Shoujo particularly xenophobic or anything.

I believe Muv Luv Alternative is what you're looking for.

>> No.8054823

That's weird, the Germans didn't complain that much during the American occupation after WWII.

That's fucking stupid, that shit happened 70 years ago.

>> No.8054846

>militars in controlled zones tend to do retarded shit
Except WW2 US soldiers were pretty fucking disciplined. Rape was pretty uncommon after the occupation set in, though the brothels the soldiers turned to weren't very happy servicing American soldiers due to lingering sentiments from propaganda. After the US had brothels shut down ('violating the democratic and human rights' of women and being a shadow of the "comfort women"), rape in Japan by US soldiers rose, but even accounting for unreported cases and those of BCOF soldiers, while rape started at average numbers in the first weeks, it declined to almost nothing following that. Much of the view that character is expressing are those of Japanese WW2 propaganda, and echoing that today seems kinda xenophobic and hyper-nationalist.

>> No.8054851

Maybe the writer himself isn't xenophobic, but the character he wrote was, hence the racist remarks?

>> No.8054863
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>> No.8054867

Some of you sure love looking for even the smallest opportunity to complain about xenophobia.

>> No.8054872

They were still invaders you retard.
Nobody like when strangers come to their home, even if these strangers are nice and clean

>> No.8054878


>That's weird, the Germans didn't complain that much during the American occupation after WWII.

But that's wrong, they did mind but I'd say they didnt mind as much as other countires because they were receiving money from the ameircans to rebuild their economy

>> No.8054882

The word you're looking for is military troops, not strangers.

>> No.8054884

Japan doesn't need American soldiers concerning rape.

>> No.8054886 [DELETED] 

>>8054823 That's weird, the Germans didn't complain that much during the American occupation after WWII.
Hard to whine about yourself when you've just gased milions of jews.
Yeah, of course. Civilians being afraid of foreign armed forces is totally the fructs of propaganda.

>> No.8054895
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>> No.8054896

It was for comparison sake you moron.

>> No.8054898

Yeah and you're going to tell me Japan isn't xenophobic, right?

>> No.8054900

That's because it was better than being occupied by the Russians. When the Reds closed in on Berlin, German army units ran west as fast as they possibly could to surrender to the Americans and Brits.

I can't really blame the Russians, though, since Germans killed, tortured, and raped Russians by the droves on the eastern front.

>> No.8054904

Fun fact: being german in 1940 != being a nazi

>> No.8054908 [DELETED] 
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>That's weird, the Germans didn't complain that much during the American occupation after WWII.

With the wall being put up and any sort of resistance killed on sight, you'd better believe there wasn't a single damn complaint from the germans.

>Hard to whine about yourself when you've just gased milions of jews.


>> No.8054914

Japan is pretty xenophobic by itself. You don't need to project anti-Americanism on everything to prove your point.
Especialy with retarded shit like that.

>> No.8054933

It's like I'm really on /int/.

>> No.8054939

Except this was a case where the stranger was in the house of a criminal who had beaten and raped dozens of neighbors - and his own wife and children. Makes our stranger seem more like a parole officer - which was the role of the US following the occupation.

>Civilians being afraid of foreign armed forces is totally the fructs of propaganda
They were afraid of all Americans. Propaganda displayed westerners as materialistic, moral-devoid, and cowardly.

>> No.8054943

>It's like I'm really on /int/.
I haven't seen anyone argue about being white or not, so no.

>> No.8054952


>> No.8054959
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>implying rape wasn't forbidden and severely punished in the wehrmacht

>> No.8054962

lmao you don't have to be a foreigner to be afraid of us troops, they murder and rape plenty of people near bases right in the usa itself and then the army harasses and intimidates victims to cover it up. sorry your violent racist teens you train to kill aren't well mannered diplomats, amerikkkans

>> No.8054984

German abuses are incredibly well documented. The military itself was complicit. Russians were viewed as sub-human, and treated accordingly. The Russians returned the favor in spades.

>> No.8054985

Rape shame of the US military

A US female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by an enemy. Yet most cases go unreported

those irrational xenophobic foreigners, why can't they just smile and trust their fascist amerikkkan overlords?

>> No.8055000
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>A US female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by an enemy. Yet most cases go unreported

I call bullshit. Ivan as my defense.

>> No.8055005

>Russians were viewed as sub-human

One reason why rape was forbidden.

>The military itself was complicit

By outlawing it? Doesn't make any sense.

Rape was simply a non-issue in the wehrmacht.

>> No.8055020

The butthurt samefaging is strong with this one.
You can't have enough of japanese cocks, can you?

>> No.8055024

Whatever you say, NAZI boy.

>> No.8055034

This thread is retarded.
japan is xenophobic because they are a one race country and are not use to outsiders.
thats why they always seem to get or be awkward when different races are around, they dont know how to deal with them.
Its like a black kid going to a all white school, but the whites feel awkward instead of the onbe black kid.

>> No.8055039

My grandpa who was a Yugoslav partisan himself said that the Russians were nothing but a bunch of degenerates that raped,pillaged and got drunk not matter where they were they did their shit in all of the territories they entered there was a reason why they rushed to liberate everything themselves instead of letting Ivan into anything more then Vojvodina and Belgrade after what they had seen..

He described Germans and well mannered and disciplined soldiers, Italians as fucks who didnt do shit and just tried to fuck women and give chocolate to the kids.

whatever pardon my shit english when it comes to run on sentences.

>> No.8055048
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>Italians as fucks who didnt do shit and just tried to fuck women and give chocolate to the kids.

>> No.8055049

The Germans weren't as bad to Western Europe. They just did it to the Russians, for the most part.

>> No.8055054

Your grandpa is sure a great reference dude.
You should write a book about it.

>> No.8055055

>That's weird, the Germans didn't complain that much during the American occupation after WWII.
It's not widely taught in history classes because that would make it harder to demonize National Socialist Germany while portraying the Allies as liberators in shining armor, but the Americans unnecessarily killed millions of Germans during the occuption, mostly children because they're always the first to go when hypothermia or hunger kicks in. The Americans used military force to prevent the Red Cross and other groups from giving much needed supplies to German families.
In case you want to read up on it:

There were also a few ten thousand cases of rape and such, although that pales in comparison to what the Russians did. But the Japanese didn't have Russian occupiers to compare the Americans to, which I guess explains their perception of the Americans at the time.

>> No.8055061

Well he ended the war as a Major General, I believe more the words of a individual that was actually there then some shitty american movie.

Yes there was also some weird rumor running around that the Italians would eat cats though I dont believe there is much truth in this.

>> No.8055068

It's called "senility" dude.

>> No.8055072

Yeah im sure he just imagined those Russians drunks in the middle of the streets plundering and raping civilians.

Good thing we broke with them in 1947 good riddance to bad scum i say.

Also the man is still alive and is in splendid condition for his age.

>> No.8055075
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I'm not the guy you're responding to, but why is it so hard for you to accept that your average German soldier was not actually the kind of evil comic book villain as which they are portrayed in Hollywood movies?

>> No.8055093

Yeah. Most non-Germans consider "Nazi" to have been the Wehrmacht, and the Wehr was not especially happy with Nazis.

>> No.8055096

Why is it so hard for you to accept Germans raping and torturing Russians was a common occurrence that every historian (except you) knows about?


>> No.8055104

Why are you being such an obvious troll?

>> No.8055107
File: 51 KB, 560x420, anti-german_propaganda_movieИди_и_смотри.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't claim there were no Germans who committed war crimes like those, I merely pointed out that your perception of them appears to be mostly based on Allied propaganda.

I wouldn't exactly call Yugoslavia part of Western Europe though.

>> No.8055133

>using nazi as a counter argument

How old are you?

>> No.8055141


And I'd like to see your sources for the rape cases.

No one argues that the wehrmacht did some uncool things in Russia, but raping wasn't one of them.

>> No.8055148

Pretty much every historian will agree that the Germans raped women on the Eastern Front. Everybody in WWII had a grand old time raping all the women they could get their hands on besides the Americans and the British who toned it down a tiny bit.

>> No.8055154

Not that guy.
But there were instances of rape obviously by the wehrmacht its fucking war but it was mostly some random dumbass not quite on the scale of the Soviet red army where an entire division would go on a rape pillage fest.

>> No.8055160

Hasn't invading soldiers raping women been a part of war since pretty much the beginning of human civilization? Hell, you hear about it nowadays too, with American soldiers getting in trouble for getting caught raping. Admittedly it's much more frowned upon than it used to be, and the women aren't considered spoils of war anymore or anything like that, but still. It's deeply ingrained into us or something.

>> No.8055164 [DELETED] 

"Raped less women than the Red Army" is an achievement like "murdered less Jews than the Nazis." It doesn't say very much.

>> No.8055169

Which is why trying to call any single country out for it is hypocritical and plain retarded

>> No.8055176

True enough. Though claiming it didn't happen at all, pretty much no matter the war or army, is also extremely naive.

>> No.8055179


Still no sources. And I've never heard of a historian who claim that. So, where are the sources?


Well, individual cases of rape do of course occur in every war. Point is, they punished you when they caught you.

>> No.8055180

But isn't rape okay?

>> No.8055182

Some nations rape more, some nations rape less.

The tier list is something like Soviets > Japanese > Germans > French > Americans > British.

>> No.8055183

Go to this post, this was the idiot that started it all.

No one is saying calling out Germany on raping, it's pretty done by any country involved in war. It's just his adamant refusal and reality filter to acknowledge the rape that everyone is up in arms about.
He's probably a nazi or something.

>> No.8055200

Atleast the nazis didnt murder what they considered their own

Meanwhile in Soviet Ukraine...

>> No.8055202

>And I've never heard of a historian who claim that.
That's because you're an idiot.

Victims, Heroes, Survivors: Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front during World War II, Gertjejanssen.
Rape: The Military Trials of Sexual Crimes Committed by Soldiers in the Wehrmacht, 1939-1944, Beck.
Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941-1944.

>> No.8055214 [DELETED] 

Not gonna claim the Germans were angels, but I don't trust Russian reports about what the Nazis did. It's pretty well-documented that the Soviets tried to blame a lot of their own shenanigans on the Germans. Katyn (where they massacred a bunch of Poles) is a good example, and every few years it's discovered that some photo which was claimed to depict German atrocities actually shows soldiers in Soviet uniforms.

>Russians were viewed as sub-human
Can you actually show me the book or transcript where Hitler said that? I tried searching Mein Kampf and Hitler's Political Testament, but all I can find is Hitler praising the Japanese and British, ridiculing the Latins, and of course cursing the Jews and saying that he hates no other race except them. Russians/Slavs seem to be mentioned neutrally for the most part, only in passing, as merely another race that is competing with the Germanics for soil and resources.

>> No.8055227

>Still no sources. And I've never heard of a historian who claim that. So, where are the sources?
Normally, I support spoonfeeding sources since it may be difficult to acquire them for VNs or obscure /jp/ related things, but...

Seriously? Literally just Google any combination of:

>Sexual Abuse
>Sexual Crimes

>> No.8055231

>But isn't rape okay?
Only if it's directed exclusively at the maids.

>> No.8055232

Most of hitlers policies on subhuman etc cant be taken too seriously

Most of the time it was if you are allied with me? Then you son are aryan

Fine example

Independent State of Croatia where the Croats and Bosnian slav muslims were considered to be of gothic stock.

>> No.8055243

>That's because you're an idiot.

No need for insults, dude.

I've seriously never heard of it. But I'll check this books. I'm not too stubborn to admit my mistakes. But we'll see.

>> No.8055245

Yeah, because AMERICAN soldiers are MEN OF HONOR who respect the local population and are DISCIPLINED.


>> No.8055252

I dunno, not knowing that the Wehrmacht conducted rape is something that I find sort of weird. Then again I read over thirty books on WWII when I was in middle school, so it's probably more likely that I'm the weird one here.

>> No.8055259

It's true that the German Wehrmacht highcommand saw rape,torture etc as degeneracy as they were pretty much all Prussian Monarchists.

>> No.8055260
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>Bosnian slav muslims were considered to be of gothic stock
lol why did they even deem that necessary? Hitler really liked Muslims.

>> No.8055266

Well the Croats were also "gothic" as they were the same as , the fascist croatians also saw " Islam as the religion that keeps the Croatian blood pure"

>> No.8055271

Honestly, it's such common knowledge that you not knowing of it is unbelievable.
Hell, it's not even common knowledge, it's just common sense if you have read up on a few wars in history.

We all know you're not going to read those books, don't kid yourself.

>> No.8055279

>We all know you're not going to read those books, don't kid yourself.

Like I care what you think. Be angry somewhere else.

>> No.8055424

It's been a while I've seen such a terrible thread.

>> No.8055905

Positive: It some informative and historically accurate information that educates the reader.
Negative: It has quite a few "opinion versus opinion" posts.

>> No.8056106

>start playing
>cute girl at shop
>used to be a whore

>> No.8056113

Hatsune is pure.

>> No.8056118

no, shes a whore

>> No.8056126

You should probably read past her introduction scene.

>> No.8056160

No, they're all whores and lesbians and like to prostitute themselves.

>> No.8056283
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Yeah that explains why we performed a logistical miracle to keep the Soviets from starving every man, woman and child in West Berlin to death.

Fuck you, asshole. I've got a .45 bullet with your name on it, and a few magazines more for all your skinhead friends.

>> No.8056321

>"You're so nice.. Or is it just that you'd rather rape me here on the bed?"

Why is she constantly thinking about rape?

>> No.8056343

She wants to fuck.

>> No.8057279

She actually isn't. She didn't work in the whorehouse as whore, only helped out with cleaning/cooking and the alike.

>> No.8057831

being even near the building makes her unclean

>> No.8057841

Well then, I have bad news for you, Anon. It's about your mother...
About the whole population, actually...

>> No.8057858

I would drop it too. Stupid writer doesn't know the difference between hooligan enlistees and gentlemen officers.

>> No.8057999

My mother is a whore too.

>> No.8058006

The russians and G.I.s were some of the worst soldiers in history. The stuff they did would make for some good material in a guro VN.

>> No.8058017

Care to give examples?

>> No.8058026

And we all know how innocent and civil the Japanese were during times of war. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes

You can make a case for just about every nation's soldiers throughout history in relation to how they acted towards their enemies.

Anyway, as already said, it could simply be that the author was trying to realistically represent the mindset of a Japanese woman at that time. There's no reason to start jumping to conclusions and get offended.

>> No.8058047

Occupation forces are basically young men with lots of spare time, alcohol and guns.
Add a fascist, xenophobic population and there you go.

>> No.8058097

>Don't vote Hitler in power, but Hindenburg
>Hindenburg dies, Hitler can get into power because the allies failed to install a working republic.
>Blame Germans for Hitler.

>Germany attacks Poland gets one half and 2 declarations of war
>Russia attacks Poland gets one half and no declarations of war but the other half of Poland after 1945.
If they were going to give Poland away anyway?
Why did they give poland freedom in the first place?
They didn't even fight for it in ww1.

>> No.8058102

Also Himmler was the man behind the holocaust.
He even visited camps.
Hitler never did, Hitler never signed anything.
He was probably acting omnipotent and lying to himself it was happening (very easy to lie to yourself)
Gas is the only thing that might have been an idea from Hitler.
But Madagascar was his first plan anyway, not the chambers.(if that was his idea to begin with)

The British used the yellow gas whose effect was unknown to us, at least from personal experience. I was destined to experience it that very night.

Towards morning I also began to feel pain. It increased with every quarter of an hour; and about seven o’clock my eyes were scorching as I staggered back and delivered the last dispatch I was destined to carry in this war. A few hours later my eyes were like glowing coals and all was darkness around me.

During the last few days I had begun to feel somewhat better. The burning pain in the eye-sockets had become less severe. Gradually I was able to distinguish the general outlines of my immediate surroundings. And it was permissible to hope that at least I would recover my sight sufficiently to be able to take up some profession later on. That I would ever be able to draw or design once again was naturally out of the question.

And, finally, almost in the last few days of that titanic struggle, when the waves of poison gas enveloped me and began to penetrate my eyes, the thought of becoming permanently blind unnerved me; but the voice of conscience cried out immediately: Poor miserable fellow, will you start howling when there are thousands of others whose lot is a hundred times worse than yours? And so I accepted my misfortune in silence, realizing that this was the only thing to be done and that personal suffering was nothing when compared with the misfortune of one’s country.
Attributed by Hitler to 1918:
Mein Kampf, excerpts: pp. 118-121

>> No.8058180 [DELETED] 

It was a pawn of the Jews to force Germany's hand.

>> No.8058194


ZOG, is that you?

>> No.8058203

i'm okay with brutish american soldiers raping demure nipponese maidens

>> No.8058204 [DELETED] 

You can't fool me, ZOGbot nigger.

>> No.8058734

and the moral of the game is religion is a whole bunch of bullshit

>> No.8058910 [DELETED] 
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>love Tojiko dearly
>mfw her being cut up

>> No.8058956 [DELETED] 




>> No.8058963
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>> No.8059052
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Anyone recall the chapter in G Senjou no Maou where Looseboy goes on his soliloquy about how foolishly westerners reacted to the muslim terrorist threats (including the 7/11 London bombings) and how in Japan they would handle things far better?

Jesus Christ I'd like to throttle that cunt.

>> No.8059059

I just finished Toko bad end. WHAT THE FUCK. This is some weird shit

>> No.8059060

He's probably right.

>> No.8059123

You should get back to your thread OP.

>> No.8059138

>I just finished Toko bad end

All the ends are varyingly bad. You'll have to be more specific.

There's a sequel coming out too.

>> No.8059156

>There's a sequel coming out too.
Touko's Adventures in Limblessland?

>> No.8059183


>> No.8059206

Seems to be about mannequin dolls instead of eggs.

>> No.8059250


new MC is Shinji, actually.

>> No.8059302

You must be shitting me.

>> No.8059372

Lets face it, western governments tend to handle a crisis in the worst possible method every time, causing the media to snowball it into some sensational ham-fisted response.

>> No.8059385
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>sensational ham-fisted response
