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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8048687 No.8048687 [Reply] [Original]

Hey weeaboos. I just came to your weeaboo board because I wanted to inform you that Japanese culture isn't amazing.

It's oppressive, stifling and depressing. That's why Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. It's certainly nothing to aspire or wish for.

Most young people who actually are Japanese do their best to appear as western as possible. They're consuming western goods, are dressing western, listening to western music and living a western livestyle is THEIR dream while you try to reach for a delusion of a better life in another culture because you have been rejected in your own.

Fun fact: Even characters in anime look as if they're portraying Caucasians.

>> No.8048691

Op must have been told his anime collection was sub par.

>> No.8048696

I'm so glad you bumped my thread, anon! I knew you loved me the most! I saw you posting in those other threads and I started wondering why you were doing that when I was always right here, but of course anon loves me the most! And you won't browse those other threads any more, will you? Why would you need to when you have me? And I have you. Forever and ever! We don't need any other threads, do we? Do we? Tell me that you don't need them! Tell me that I'm the only one for you! Well, you don't even have to say it, because I know. I've always known, since the moment you first started lurking here that we were made for each other. So now we can be together forever and ever! I love you anon! And I know you love me, don't you? Say that you love me, anon. I want to hear you say it. Hey, why won't you say it? Anon? Can you hear me? Hey, are you there? Anon? Are you OK? You're not looking at those other threads again are you? Those threads are bad. They keep trying to take anon away from me. Well I won't let them. Anon should stay here with me so we can be together forever. Even if anon gets hurt. Even if I have to make sure that anon can't see those other bad threads ever again. Don't worry, anon, I would never hurt you, you know that! I just have to protect anon from those bad threads! Can't you see this is so we can be together forever! I love you anon! Now, hold still...

>> No.8048698


Nobody here cares about Japan, this board is not about Japan.

>> No.8048700

The original advicedog just, sort of, disappeared.

>> No.8048714

But /jp/ isn't about Japan, or anime.

I wish moot or a mod made a sticky already like every other board has.

>> No.8048730

/jp/ - responding seriously to kopipe culture
