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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8047222 No.8047222 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question, how long did it take for you to learn japanese? What tools helped you learn it and would you recommend Rosetta Stone to learn japanese?

>> No.8047224

Is this a repost or all these threads starting to look the same to me?

>> No.8047223


>> No.8047229


We're stuck in a time loop.

>> No.8047227

ok i just typed in boards.4chan.org/lang/ and it 404ed :(

>> No.8047228


>> No.8047232

Uiharu is so cute. Sorry, though, I have no idea. I guess you have to take university-level courses if your goal is to really be fluent, rather than just help translate eroge or whatever.

>> No.8047233

If you can't learn Japanese in 1 month you are clinically retarded.

>> No.8047236
File: 303 KB, 1400x961, 1318534084575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got through Remembering the Kanji 1 in just over a year. I'm still not fluent, though.

>> No.8047237

Fuck Japan

>> No.8047239

wow, that was random

>> No.8047253 [DELETED] 

You're swedish? I'm so gonna kick your ass.


Use the archive on easymodo for further inquiries.

>> No.8047265

what? This more crappychat spam or something?

>> No.8047279

How high should I set my goal?

>> No.8047281

Congratulations you wasted just a lot of time. Welcome to the club. ;_;

>> No.8047298

I'm gonna get a bachelors degree in Japanese language (4 year course). Worth it if you ask me, then I can play all the eroge I want.

>> No.8047303

The way I look at it, the only things that matter to me in life are anime, eroge and idols. Japanese will only enhance my hobbies.

>> No.8047360


>I'm gonna get a bachelors degree in Japanese language (4 year course)

Why would you do that? Self-taught is the only worthwhile approach.

Learning Japanese at your college will take 20x longer than it needed to be and you will be surrounded by loathsome weeaboos.

>> No.8047371
File: 98 KB, 515x478, girlyscream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8047388

It's always hilarious imagining a class full of nerds each and every one thinking the rest of the class is filled with weeaboos totally unlike himself.

>> No.8047395

apart from the weeaboo thing, this is actually uni social life in a nutshell.
