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8045800 No.8045800 [Reply] [Original]

There's something I don't get about Fate/etc series.
If it's supposed to be about famous historical people, why isn't there a Jesus or Budah ... whatever those avatars are called?

>> No.8045807

There was a Buddha(Vairocana) in Fate/Extra.
Jesus is God, and doesn't count.

>> No.8045836

Because even Nasu won't touch that shit with a 50 foot pole. If you could transfer mana to 15 year old female Jesus, you'd piss off like a bazillion people. Same reason no one uses Allah in their stories.

Also just because Jesus is kind of boring. Does he have an S rank in turning the other cheek?

>> No.8045854

Because none of them existed.

>> No.8045862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8045874


Unlimited Bread Works

>> No.8045893

>Jesus is kind of boring

>Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Sounds like a decent Rider.

>> No.8045895

Damn, that sounds badass.

>> No.8045915
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>and on His thigh a name written: King of Kings
Gilgamesh will be pissed.

>> No.8045949

Fuck Jesus, Gilgamesh is my savior.

>> No.8045972

Jesus conquered death. What about Gilgamesh?

>> No.8045973

Don't servants get stronger based on how famous they are? Jesus would tear Gilgamesh to shreds.

>> No.8045975

From what I know, it is just a small boost and it depends on the region he is summoned.

>> No.8045998

He was summoned in goddamn Japan and he still wrecked Saber's shit, despite being obscure, forgoten, and not in his turf.

>> No.8046005

Who *doesn't* wreck Saber's shit though?

>> No.8047181

Truth is simple, Jesus just didn't exist so he could only be summoned like F/sn's Assasin

>> No.8047186


The who the hell does the church in FSN/Nasuverse worship?

>> No.8047264


Couldnt he be a caster ?

>> No.8047397


because the master would say: "AWWW NO, I ONLY GOT JESUS, I ALREADY HAVE LOST"

>> No.8047420


They worship God. And there is only one Church.

The different Sects in nasu's eyes are like the differences between the army and navy, same shit, different name, might not always completely agree with each other.

>> No.8047432

The Holy Grail can't summon full gods.
Only Half-gods like Hercules.

>> No.8047446

That's wrong, Hercules is a full god.

>> No.8047452

His mother was mortal

>> No.8047453

He became a full god after death, he has a divinity stat of A, learn to read the status screen.

>> No.8047457

He's not summoned as a god, though. He's summoned as he was before his status was elevated. It's the same way that Magical Amber from Extra works.

>> No.8047460


didn't the berserker enhancement boost it up to that value though?

>> No.8047462
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That's not what his status screen say.

>> No.8047463

>He became a full god after death
I'm pretty sure that's just the original legend explanation, like Arturia has Arthur's.
No where it is status Divinity A means full god.

>> No.8047467

Berserker enhancement boosts all stats, not skills.

A rank is not a full god. Gilgamesh would be A rank if he didn't keep flipping off the gods, and he's only 3/4.

>> No.8047466

If that was true the status screen wouldn't talk specifically about him becoming a full god after death.

>> No.8047469

Oh, sorry. Gilgamesh would be A+. He's B rank because he keeps flipping off the gods.

>> No.8047473

It's funny that you'd tell others to learn to read the status screen, since "accepted as a god" and being a full god are two very different things.

>> No.8047482

They aren't.
Especially if you know his story

>> No.8047479

Being elevated to a pantheon after being a mortal is a different divine rank than being a god to begin with. If you elevated someone that was already half-god to the pantheon, then they would have a higher divinity than a mundane mortal.

The rank is reflective of their divinity before death and elevation, though.

>> No.8047487

Well, the heroes summoned tended to be renowned fighters or war heroes, mythological or not. Jesus and Buddha excelled at neither. They just don't really mesh well into the Grail War. I do like Unlimited Bread Works though. He could also do Unlimited Fish Works.. he could ... bury people under piles of fish?

Also if you summoned Jesus it'd be kind of awkward, considering that the Grail's his anyway. Couldn't you just ask him for it?

Although come to think of it, you know who WAS a war leader who led on conquest? Mohammed. I'd think Nasu would know better than to have someone summon Mohammed, though, unless he's cool with getting himself on extremist hit-lists.

>> No.8047497

>They aren't.
You don't change blood, read the description. He's half god.

>> No.8047500

Being a Greek god is different from being monotheistic god.

It is serious business.

>> No.8047504
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wait, what? being grandfathered into godhood because your pappy happens to be one is a skill that can be trained similarly as to riding a bike/vehicle?

>> No.8047509

So new, so summer.

Servants work on a system which divides their abilities into stats, skills, and Noble Phantasms. Anything that is not a Noble Phantasm or a stat is considered a skill.

>> No.8047512

>a skill that can be trained
this is where you jumped too much

>> No.8047516

Class skills are handled differently from personal skills. Skills like Riding are class skills, unless they're a personal skill of a class which shouldn't have it. Other class skills are Territory Creation, Independent Action, Mad Enhancement, and Conceal Presence.

>> No.8047721

How about mahatma gandhi then?

>> No.8047727

Jesus isn't "God", he's the son of.

>> No.8047810

If you're a cathode-licker, Jesus-san is part of a Holy Trinity that comprises God.

It's like a Zen Koan.

>> No.8047814

Who are the other two?

>> No.8047828

The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It's complicated. I don't understand myself. Don't bother.

>> No.8047842

They aren't fighters.

>> No.8047845

One is the holy spirit and the other .... I forgot.

Anyways, >>8047810
What was god, then, before Jesus?

>> No.8047848

A capricious bastard, like all the other old gods.

>> No.8048050

>like all the other old gods.
Which others?
I only know of one, HE the true GOD.

>> No.8048054

"Holy trinity" is so stupid, not even the Muslims deified their favorite prophet.

>> No.8048074

That probably has something to do with Muhammad never claiming he was a god.

>> No.8048785

The old testament did accept other gods as real gods tho.

>> No.8051221

what about chris-chan?

>> No.8051242

Because Muhammad, unlike the other prophets, simply does not exist.

>> No.8051768
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Isn't Tamamo-no-Mae a goddes who downgraded into being just a heroic spirit?

>Because Tamamo-no-Mae turned into a Heroic Spirit in order to realize her wish of "becoming a good wife", she cannot manifest her original power.

Does these mean all gods get a downgrade when they enter the grail war?

>> No.8051796

Yes, they get downgraded just like what happen to Archer Emiya.

>> No.8051838

Because Jesus wasn't real

>> No.8051847

I don't see why he would be any less real than Plato or Muhammad:

>> No.8051853

Archer doesn't get downgraded in terms of his own ability. He loses the backup of the planet, meaning he gets no super-powered counter guardian support.

>> No.8051861

Like Avenger, he can only gain power as a misunderstood hero.

Only instead of being naively made into "all the evil in the world" and actually just being a victim, he would be ignorantly made into the son of a god rather than just being a super-hippy.

He didn't save the world with his death. He just died (possibly thinking that he may be saving the world).

>> No.8051925

>I don't see why he would be any less real than Plato or Muhammad

Plato: yes
Muhammad: maybe

Plato was the student of Socrates and the mentor of Aristotle. All three men created extensive writings and Aristotle in particular was the tutor of Alexander the Great, who was very, very real. All of these men made their mark on society while they lived and this endured long after they died.

Jesus on the other hand had no writings, being as illiterate as most of his disciples (besides John). Record keepers at the time who recorded everything that happened in Israel recorded nothing unusual, least of all the emergence of "the king of kings". Most of the new testament was written long after they were all dead near the end of the first century. The writers of the new testament were greek scribes who recorded the second or third-hand stories of Christ.

No historian disputes that Pluto was real. As for the new testament, even among bible scholars there are suspicions that many of the writings are not authentic, with some considered to be the 1st century equivalent of "Harry Potter fan fiction".

>> No.8053584
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>No historian disputes that Pluto was real.
Is that so?

>> No.8053615

>What was god, then, before Jesus?
There was no "before Jesus":

> In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Word = Jesus. He didn't come into existence when he was incarnated.

>> No.8053626

Who was Jesus praying to when he went to pray alone?
And who was he talking about when he spoke of "his father up in heaven"?

>> No.8053631

The Holy Trinity is so bizarre...

>> No.8053632

God the Father. That's the Trinity for you: three persons in one God.

>> No.8053637

They are three and one.

>> No.8053732

wouldn't they just fall under the SAVER class?
