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8044805 No.8044805 [Reply] [Original]

How would one go about creating a portal to Gensokyo? Is a simple suicide enough does it have to happen in a specific way?

>> No.8044813
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Some say you see a blinding flash, others say a dark void, but perhaps the easiest way to see a portal to there is to look through a simple circle.

>> No.8044818

I'm going to prepare some tea and an exit bag for myself, drinking the tea very slowly before setting up the exit bag to commit suicide. Once the tea is completely gone, I will slip the bag on my head while playing touhou, falling asleep painlessly taking it easy.

>> No.8044827

Suicide will probably land you a one way ticket to Remilia or Flan's dinner plate.

>> No.8044830

You're just making silly rituals and games because you're too weak to get it over with.

>> No.8044842

Where the hell are you supposed to tie the other end of the rope? I don't have any hooks on my ceiling.

>> No.8044850

Don't be such a pussy, my uncle hanged himself on a door handle.

>> No.8044877

The grandmother of an old ex-friend of mine killed herself by simply walking for days, and when she was real exhausted she laid down on a blanket she carried with her, and died.

>> No.8044883

I'm interested in this too OP, but I have no idea myself.

>> No.8044889

I wish somebody would draw a manga with this premise.

1. An otaku suicides
2. Wakes up in Gensokyo
3. Must live in the Human Village to make some money to donate to Hakurei Shrine before Reimu appears
4. MC learns danmaku and spell cards

>> No.8044893


you forgot

5. Discovers that Reimu doesn't wear deodorant and therefore has a natural musk, has periods, is pretty bitchy in general, and is essentially 3DPD

>> No.8044895



>> No.8044899

Go away hater who doesn't ever capitalize, your overinterpreted premises will not break the power of love.

>> No.8044903

He's absolutely right, though.

>> No.8044904

They tell you how in Curiosities of Lotus Asia, has no one read it?

>> No.8044905


But if you ever do go to Gensokyo, all of your Touhou's ARE 3DPD.

>> No.8044910

Nope, that's an interpretation.

>> No.8044911


We're talking about actual ways to go to Gensokyo, not fictional ones.

>> No.8044914


ZUN is an artist who makes things up.

>> No.8044912

Everything else Zun has told you about Touhou is correct, why would he lie then?

>> No.8044923
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Where do you think Gensokyo gets its food supply? All those hopeless Otaku losers opening portals.

They drop into the depths of Hell, one by one. Orin gathers them up and voila. Gensokyo is famous for its yakiniku.

Unlimited protein.

>> No.8044926

You have to find the shrine in the middle of a mountain range in Japan for the non suicide way to get into Gensokyo.

If you kill yourself, you will pretty much be fucked even if you make it to Gensokyo.

>> No.8044938

the way i see it, if you can dream of a gensokyo with you in it, and assuming the multi-verse does exist and time is essentially infinite, then you should be able to end up there eventually (it might take you being able to somehow rediscover 2hu and killing yourself over and over again to reach the right timeline/world, but i believe in you!)

>> No.8044937

Wrong place.

>> No.8044944

It feels you'd survive if you used even the tiniest bit of subterfuge. Of course you'd get eaten if you stand around like a fool and gawk at the flowers, but if you go all Rambo by wearing a ghillie suit and covering yourself in mud you could easily reach the village in a day without becoming dinner.

>> No.8044963

It is strongly implied in all of ZUN's works that suicide is the way to go to Gensokyo.

>> No.8044967 [DELETED] 

>Muenzuka is a graveyard for those without relatives and those who committed suicide in the outside world, a place where many end up after wandering aimlessly.

From that very link.

>> No.8044971

>Muenzuka is a graveyard for those without relatives and those who committed suicide in the outside world
Does that meant I have to kill my parents before I commit suicide?

>> No.8044969

My mistake, I thought you started off in the graveyard and wandered out from it, not to.

>> No.8044973

Where would you go if you committed suicide there as well?

>> No.8044979
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>> No.8044984

Or wait until they die then kill yourself.

>> No.8044989

But that's gonna take decades.

>> No.8044995

Quite a dilemma. You could always find the old shrine in the mountains.

>> No.8045113

There is "and" in between
>>Muenzuka is a graveyard for those without relatives _and_ those who committed suicide in the outside world

So that means these are 2 different groups

>> No.8045137

It's actually the second "those" that clears it up.

>> No.8045643
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I did wonder about this for like really time too and it might be really important thing to think about before opening portal OP, because it's like even if I discover method it might be not enough, right?

>> No.8046562

That's good news

>> No.8046575
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Don't even try, you'll get eaten.

>The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo.

>It's said they are outside humans whose deaths are of no consequence (suicides, etc.)


>> No.8046677

Oh I spotted Alice in that picture. Nice.

>> No.8046835

W-w-w-what is going on there?
