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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 171 KB, 400x300, nissindonbeikitsuneudon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8044560 No.8044560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the chances the Asian market near my work sells bento or at least donbei?

Also, is donbei any good? It looks cheap and filling for a low cost.

>> No.8044563


>> No.8044564

Stay away from Asian markets. You have been warned anon.

>> No.8044565

I assume /jp/ would be the place to ask...

>> No.8044570


They HATE, HATE, HATE white people.

>> No.8044572

All Japanese cappuramen that don't have a multinational exporter are expensive as fuck.

To answer your question, donbei is good.

If you want to eat bento, you should order take out from a Japanese restaurant.

And don't google "Asian supermarket." Chinese supermarkets only sell meat, vegetables and condiments from China and south-east Asia. Good Korean supermarkets carry Japanese goods.

>> No.8044574

What is the name of the board? Is it Japan general? Is this the place for discussion of all things Japanese related? No. It's fucking not. Just because a food you want to eat happens to be Japanese does not mean it belongs here.

>> No.8044578

Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. What sports do you play?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. What car do you drive?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. Who's your favourite sexy beautiful woman?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. What's your favourite distribution of linux?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. Who's your favourite cosplay artist?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. What's your desktop wallpaper?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. What's your favourite scientific theorem (geusses)?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. What's your favourite toy?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. Do you like the paranormal?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. What's your favourite music?
Hey, /jp/ - Otaku culture. I'm so randum xD

>> No.8044579

Uh... It says it on the door... Otaku culture... You know...

>> No.8044577


>> No.8044583


Complete bullshit. I go to Korean stores all the time and they're completely indifferent to you.


If you don't like a thread don't answer to it. Otaku people in the West generally like Japanese stuff, which includes Japanese cuisine. We are familiar with where you can get Japanese goods so there's literally no problem asking stuff like that here.

>> No.8044584


You guys are being deliberately obtuse.

>> No.8044585

Thanks alot, and thank you for being kind.

The Asian markey near work is pretty big and they carry alot of fish, and veggies. But each aisle is it's own country I think. China, Korea, Thai, Japanese. I guess I'll check it out. I also have a Japanese restaurant near work so I'll ask them about bento.

>> No.8044587

Proof that /jp/ was overrun by weeaboos recently.

Please don't make these threads, go to /ck/ instead.

>> No.8044590

Shut the fuck up idiots. /jp/ isn't /b/ where you can talk about whatever the fuck. I also like how OP deleted his first thread with the anime screencap to hide he is from /a/.

>> No.8044595

Wow, this thread is fillled with faggots. Are you all new to /jp/? We've ALWAYS talked about "weeaboo" shit.

>Otaku Culture

If you don't like the thread don't reply.

>> No.8044598


Don't "ask" if they serve bento. Just look at their goddamn menu.

And buying bento is stupid. Make it yourself.

- steamed rice
- grilled fish
- pickled something
- soup


Proof that /jp/ was overrun by newfags who think this board is some secret club for people with very high powerlevels.

Take it easy, don't be mad. If you don't like a thread, or if you think it has rule breaking content, report and hide.

>> No.8044600

The fact that you're using the term ''newfag'' proves that you came here recently thinking /jp/ was about Japan.

Goddammit moot, look what you've done.

>> No.8044601

get out weeb

>> No.8044602


Do you know how stupid you sound?

Onnaholes = okay
Japanese food = not okay

They are both Japan-related, and have nothing to do with neither Touhou nor doujin culture.

>> No.8044606

Email moot about the janitor's shitposting and encouraging /b/ level shit. Be short, polite and specific.

>> No.8044611

"You have to wait a while before reporting another post."

>> No.8044607

If this thread is still here it means the janitor is gone. Bah.

>> No.8044608


/jp/ is about Touhou, VN, and all Japanese things not related to /a/.

This is a perfectly legitimate thread. All you are doing is arguing and raging like a newfag.

>> No.8044609

God forbid we don't have a touhou thread....TAKE THIS THREAD ELSEWHERE HURRR

>> No.8044612

It's 'onahole' idiot. And what the fuck is your point? Do you even know why /jp/ was created? It was for stuff like onaholes, hotglue threads, touhou, doujinshi, VNs, etc. Not fucking Japanese food. Or any other random Japanese shit you can think of.

>> No.8044615

Onaholes are part of the NEET/Hikki lifestyle, which is what /jp/ is also about.

>> No.8044626

Thank you OP, at least you delete your thread unlike other foreigners. And please know that /jp/ isn't about Japan.

>> No.8044622
File: 9 KB, 239x254, 1304632630528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'm just going to delete the thread.

Thanks again to those who helped in this thread, at least you know /jp/ is about Japan Culture.

>> No.8044633


You guys are pretending to be from /jp/ using words like these? Seriously?

>> No.8044634

Why shouldn't I? I got my answer and this thread is quickly turning into a shit show.

>> No.8044627

>/jp/ is about Japan Culture

>> No.8044628


Like I said in this post>>8044538

The fact that you think NEET and hikki are the same thing means that you have no idea what either of those terms mean in Japanese society.


don't delete this thread

>> No.8044630


Do you know how stupid you sound?

Onaholes = used by otaku, but not the general population of Japan
Japanese food = eaten by the general population of Japan

Only one of them is otaku-related, and have nothing to do with neither [sic] Touhou nor doujin culture.

>> No.8044631

To be fair, they'll receive the same treatment at /ck/, except they'll get a redirect to here. This is coming from someone who frequents both boards.

Anyway, OP, results will vary by your location. My local Korean market has a wide variety of Korean goods, of course, but some Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thai as well. I wouldn't know if they carry what you're looking for or if it's common, though, since I generally don't pick up prepared foods when I go shopping. What I can recommend is checking their produce and getting things you wouldn't normally find at the supermarket, like fish sauce, mirin, and dark soy sauce. If you're a certified TRUNEET, then cooking is a fulfilling hobby to take up to fill the usual boredom void.

>> No.8044639


Not all otaku use onahole you dumbfuck. Not all otaku even like ero content.

There are plenty of "otaku" in Japan who enjoy non-adult content.

>> No.8044644


Taking it easy is more important than letting others know that you dislike something.

You are no better than the OP of this thread.

>> No.8044645
File: 71 KB, 383x600, Cirno - Ojou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese food makes me feel like [HELL] ... Their cuisine relies too much on vegetables...

>> No.8044641

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.

>> No.8044648

I never said they were the same you moron, I was including both of them.

The fact that you don't want OP to delete this thread proves you just want to force people into thinking /jp/ is about Japan.

>> No.8044648,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where has the Janitor been lately? Too many retarded threads like this...

>> No.8044648,2 [INTERNAL] 

>>> Sakura !RAILgUnr8s Thu Oct 27 18:22:43 2011 No.8043998,4 [INTERNAL] [View]
> I emailed moot a week or two ago asking him to allow anime on /jp/.
