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8037789 No.8037789 [Reply] [Original]

If you were able to request anyone company to produce a Touhou VN to be made, who would you choose to make it, which characters would you choose to have routes, and what would the overall story be about?

>> No.8037796


Touhou's getting fucked

All of them

>> No.8037799


So much NTR that Gensokyo would cease to exist

>> No.8037802

I would request that Valve would make it, so it gets stuck in development for years upon years and never gets released.

>> No.8037803


all of them (non-H)

incident resolution

>> No.8037805


Sengoku Gensokyo v2

>> No.8037814

I like the cut of your jib, sir. But I think Alicesoft is higher on my list, maybe.

>> No.8037836

I'd like to see what Ryukishi's VN had been like if ZUN hadn't bitchslapped him and told him to make his own series.

>> No.8037948


It'd be about the destruction of Gensokyo at the hands of one angry shrine maiden.

>> No.8038193
File: 84 KB, 555x444, Welcome to Gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitro+ and 07th Expansion

A cruel and merciless story about how the supposed 'dream world' Gensokyo is actually a harsh dystopia. Kinetic novel, no character routes, bad ends only.

An amnesiac youkai wakes up in the human world and hears about the wonderful world Gensokyo from shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei. Soon after, they enter Gensokyo to find out who the protagonist really is. However, Gensokyo seems completely different from what Reimu is used to, but Reimu still treats it as if it were a wonderland. The protagonist soon finds out that Reimu suffers from severe depression and is abusing drugs to see the world in a much brighter light. The protagonist tries to help Reimu quit drugs, but when she finally makes some progress, Reimu is brutally murdered by a youkai looking for an after-lunch snack. Although the protagonist manages to escape from the murderer, she is now alone in a world where nobody cares for each other, where she can't trust anyone, and where she is constantly fleeing from danger. In the end of the story, it is revealed that she was in the human world because she managed to escape the horrible world of Gensokyo, and she lost her memories in that jump. It is no longer possible for her to ever escape from Gensokyo anymore, and for the rest of her life she is stuck in this cruel world, forever struggling just to survive.

>> No.8038197


>> No.8038208

I don't understand. what's the appeal of grimdark touhou? I mean, as long is just a cosmetic factor is more than welcome, but it really doesn't stick with the rest. just sayin.

>> No.8038216
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>> No.8038232
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Touhou was originally grimdark. The fanbase made it into the happy wonderland it is now. It would be nice to see a serious work smashing those delusions and presenting Gensokyo as it was originally imagined.

>> No.8038246

>Touhou was originally grimdark
prove it please. the presence of supernatural monsters alone doesn't make things grimdark.

>> No.8038248

There's both grimdark and happy fanon.

>> No.8038256

I've always thought Touhou was pretty middle of the road, there are scary monsters but the villains are not really villains as much as people who think screwing with the world to achieve their ends is a good idea.

>> No.8038279

Hmm, I'd pick Key because the derpart while different in style, would keep close to our beloved ZUN derpart. Not to mention since we already know and love our touhous, it'd be easy for them to milk cheap tears out of us and that's kind of fun.

Sakuya route, Yuyuko route, Eirin route, Flandre route, and the final 'true' route that fills in all the plot holes would be Reimu route obviously. As many other touhous as possible (without making the story feel silly and crowded) would appear as major non-route characters.

You play as Marisa because this isn't an H game because there's already too much touhou fapping material for me to ever see all of. The routes are about unusual platonic love instead. The story would be some kind of incident resolution obviously, with each route having it seemingly resolved with a few questions left over until Reimu's ties everything together. I think it'd be okay if the incident were a little more GRIMDARK than usual, given the nature of the whole pieces-of-the-puzzle formula VNs lend to.

It's not creative, but I'd rather have a game that stood to tried and true formulas for both VN and Touhou. Most importantly would be that it needs to deliver quality writing - while actually appearing plausible in the established Gensokyo we know, without any betrayals of the few character traits we know for sure about (no sakuyapad/poorfagreimu jokes either). That last part is where so many other doujin works fail to succeed.

>> No.8038289

If necessary there can be a fandisc where you as Marisa set Kourin up with the girls and then suddenly you play as him for H scenes. Then you can add Yukari and Aya to the fuckables list because fandisc requires you get to nail girls previously denied of routes.

>> No.8038295

I like that idea. Maybe make it a mystery in the human village at the start, and I'd actually like a Rin route, or maybe just have Rin start Marisa off on her investigation. Then as the story progresses, Marisa uncovers a full-blown incident and then Reimu steps in. I'd also like if the Moriya shrine played a role, because let's be honest, they're always up to something. Or make that a red herring.

>> No.8038298

I don't play many VNs, but do some of them actually do that? Sounds kind of hilarious in a sad fanservice-y way.

>> No.8038334

Nah, ZUN outright said gensokyo was a relatively peaceful place. The man eating youkai tend to be pretty weak and most humans can fight them off, and as long as you stay in the human village you're pretty safe. The stronger, less violent youkai and the humans tend to get along pretty well.
Grimdark gensokyo is more fanon than peaceful gensokyo.

>> No.8038342
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>> No.8038353
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>> No.8038354


April 2nd, 2042. The "Sealing Incident" occurs.

Humanity has discovered a strange world named 'Gensokyo' in an alternate dimension. After many experiments, Eastern Technologies decides to send a human into the new world. However, things don't go as planned, and people on both sides disappear in a suddenly formed new dimension...

Route Alpha -- Lead scientist Reimu Hakurei tries to find out what happened and why another dimension was formed. She also has to figure out how to separate this dimension from her own, as it is growing bigger in size, and will soon swallow our world...

Route Beta -- After a sudden crashing sound and a flash in the sky, youkai started disappearing from all over Gensokyo. The sky is growing darker, plants are slowly dying, and the world seems to grow weaker by the second. Aya Shameimaru, a local newspaper reporter, tries to find as much information as possible on this strange occurence.

Route Gamma -- Humans and youkai wake up together in a strange, new world. The world seems a perfect combination of both at first, but they soon find out that the world seems somehow...lifeless. Moreover, the protagonist cannot remember who he is, what his name is, or even whether he is human or youkai.

As the three parties separately research their sides of the incident, they discover that what happened was not just an accident, and that a much grander event is bound to happen...

Three routes plus one true route, the routes seem mostly separate at first but in the end it turns out that everything in each of the routes influenced what happened in the other routes.

>> No.8038360
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A perfectly good thread ruined by grimdark vs disney gensokyo fantards.

>> No.8038365 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8038385

>A small shrine resting in a country far to the east, the "Hakurei Shrine". Many out-of-the-ordinary events transpire here, causing normal people to almost never draw close to the shrine. On the other hand, there is also a reason that "things that aren't human" never descend to terrorize the Human Village: because shrine maidens, females with the power to channel the gods, have lived at this shrine for many generations, guarding the gates to other realms such as Hell and Makai where those "things that aren't human" reside.
>Long ago, powerful mountaineering ascetics, exorcists, and spiritual leaders from all areas of the country gathered in order seal away youkai, demons, and other creatures from their land. Despite their great success, the recoil from performing the ceremonies was so tremendous that it annihilated everyone gathered there.
>Much time passed after that - so much time that the effectiveness of the seal began to fade. The shrine maiden currently living at this shrine has trained her body and mind intensely in order to fight these unstoppable enemies, these "things that aren't human", and prevent them from reaching the Human Village. Even though she knew it was a futile effort, even though she knew her life would be forfeit, she made her way to one of the gates.

>> No.8038397

I like how you conveniently left out of the rest of it. Namely the VERY NEXT LINE.
>...Actually, it's not really that serious.
>The truth is that this shrine maiden is Reimu Hakurei, who always gets caught up in strange things. One of the "things that isn't human" destroyed her shrine, and she flew into a rage. There is only one thing that will quell her anger: the total annihilation of all "things that aren't human"!!

>...Well, that's half wrong too.

The real truth is that Reimu Hakurei is actually quite the optimist. Acting on her whims as always, she figured she'd go and enter one of the gates. After a while, she realized that only the Hakurei Shrine's greatest treasure, the Yin-Yang Orb, was effective against these non-human creatures.

>Reimu: Well, whatever. Things will turn out just fine as long I use the yin-yang orb!

>What sort of fate awaits this shrine maiden?
>...Actually, it's not really that serious.
>...Actually, it's not really that serious.
>...Actually, it's not really that serious.

>> No.8038419
File: 76 KB, 453x435, chennannoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you tried to use that as evidence for grimdark gensokyo when the very next line says "actually it's not really that serious"
Nice try though.

>> No.8039369

Let's get back on topic.

>> No.8039406

Team Shanghai Alice

Plot: A few typical days in Gensokyo(non H).
Focused more on the setting than on the characters.

Tokiko, Mystia, 3 fairies, Keine, Akyuu, Aya
