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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8031239 No.8031239 [Reply] [Original]

Are you working toward your dream?

>> No.8031243


>> No.8031247


>> No.8031254

As for the question, no.

>> No.8031252

What dream?

>> No.8031258

What is a dream?

>> No.8031290

Are you Poplar yet?

>> No.8031312

Some smaller, but not insignificant ones obtained.
Some others turned out not to hold much worth and were thus dropped.
Currently I have an infinitely grand one on which some others depend upon, which I may or may not get granted in the long run. Turns out that when you think of grand dreams, deciding on the specifics of what the dream is can be quite a lot of mental work, probably would be a third, if not a half of all the work required to grant that dream.

>> No.8031315

dat /jp/ dream

>> No.8031337

Why is Yamada the best?

>> No.8031342
File: 22 KB, 292x292, 1317997818627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never adopt Yamada ;_;

>> No.8031361

yes, every day I am one step closer to dying.

>> No.8031379
File: 214 KB, 600x600, ran looking(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have new methods for portals or even ideas, but I hope soon I will have something toward my dream. Other preparations are progressing.

>> No.8031453

No hope, no life, just pain and fear
No food, no love, just greed is here

>> No.8033826
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>> No.8033835

Dreams are dreams because they are unattainable, mainly because they are almost exclusively goals which other people get in the way of.

I can't call what I'm working toward a dream because I will achieve it inevitably, as long as I am actually working toward it. My goal is not dependent on anyone other than me.

>> No.8033845

Do nips really don't care such amount of brainwashing?
Work hard until you drop dead.

>> No.8033849


Not particularly... I already have everything I dreamed about having when I was young. What can I say... I didn't dream big.

>> No.8033861

Not just /jp/. Americans do too. If you don't work, you're a "worthless" NEET who "loses at life" or "has no life."

>> No.8033866

>Not just /jp/
That should be "Not just Japan," whoops.

>> No.8033878

I had no dreams growing up.

So I guess this was my dream.

Look at it come true before your very eyes

>> No.8033880

My dreams are all impossible. At least in the real world.

>> No.8033882

Off and on.

>> No.8033883

Yes, but society keeps holding me back.

>> No.8033895

I no longer have any dreams or aspirations anymore, really. All I wish is to carry on day by day, in some sort of relative comfort.
I realized early on that due to my background that which I hoped to achieve was all but impossible without a massive amount of good luck of which I have very little, or an upheaval of the way society works, which is just about as unlikely as me achieving those dreams. I still work towards them in some small way as deep down I just can't let them go, but it's ultimately futile.

In a way, one could even argue that having dreams is one of the worst things a person could have, as the world will eventually, without fail, crush each and every one of them. Sure, some people might be strong enough to bear this realization and carry on despite that fact, but I'd wager that the majority of people aren't strong enough to deal with that, and that's one of the reason that contributes to why people are so miserable.

>> No.8033897


This is the first time I've ever wanted to post the 'I know that feel' image, but I won't.

>> No.8033957

I don't know if I am. Five years ago I was definitely a slacker, and not doing very well. Now I am - for what I've chosen to do - quite successful, but for a year or so I've been occasionally stopping and thinking about how ridiculous it is that someone like me has wound up here.

I have pretty lofty goals that an outside observer would say I am well on my way to / very likely to achieve, but I can't believe someone like me would actually make it there.
