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8030986 No.8030986 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of sleep schedule/disorder do you have, /jp/? I can't imagine it would be normal.


>> No.8030990

General insomnia.

>> No.8030992
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Probably "non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome" due to procrastination and alimentation

>> No.8030997

my body sleeps whenever the fuck it wants. 2 am, exhausted and need to be up at 6? Nope. To bed at 10 PM? Never. 2 PM, been sleeping for 14 hours? Better stay the fuck in bed.

>> No.8030996

Delayed sleep phase syndrome. I can get to sleep fine, it's just that the hours that I sleep tend to get shifted later and later, until I take drastic measures like a handful of sleeping pills with some beer to put myself to sleep at 7PM and wake up at 3AM.

Right now I'm going to sleep at 7-8AM and waking up at 3-4PM.

>> No.8030999

I sleep more than your average person, because it's comfortable and I have fuck all to do. I tend to go to bed at 00:00.

>> No.8031002

I have to be asleep during the day and awake at night. I can't function otherwise.

>> No.8031006

I remember when I was little and my parents forced to go to bed at 10pm, I would stare at the ceiling for 4 or 5 hours before finally falling asleep. Now I'm 21 and I spend that time browsing 4chan, and I only go to bed when I'm genuinely tired

>> No.8031007
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See, I'm not sure what I have. I'll be fine and awake most of the time, but if I haven't slept for a long time I'll fall asleep as soon as I sit down for longer than 5 minutes. I typically determine my sleep schedule by if I have the "passing-out" feeling or not.

>> No.8031010

I've always been unable to sleep. I remember staying up every night and watching adult swim repeat itself before Captain Planet came on.

>> No.8031016

/jp/ - Blog Culture

>> No.8031027

Insomnia here too. Prescribed with 6mg melatonin per night and still can't sleep shit.

>because it's comfortable and I have fuck all to do
I used to do this, but now my body won't just shut down, fuck, fucking, fuckity fuck. And I so wanted to get lucid.

>> No.8031031

I don't even like Star Trek, but I watched the entirety of Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager, because it would rerun at night when I couldn't sleep.

>> No.8031037

Trekkie still in denial, I see.

>> No.8031036

I have this exact same problem, except I've resorted to just letting my sleeping pattern freewheel forwards all the time.

Not gonna be able to keep this up forever though.

>> No.8031038

Do you tear up when you hear those theme songs (if they have them)? I tear up when I hear the Trigun ending theme. I don't really know why.

>> No.8031070


I can only tear up to 2D things. Anything 3D has lost all meaning or something.

>> No.8031084

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-24-hour_sleep-wake_syndrome up in here, i would actually be able to function as a normalfag if not for this shit

>> No.8031085

Insomnia. I've had very bad anxiety since I was probably 6, that triggered when I would be left alone at night. I've never been able to sleep properly since.

The bad part is I spend most of my time in bed. I have a tv just beyond the foot of the bed with a PS3 and j360 hooked up and a laptop. I spend perhaps 20 hours a day in bed (including the 3-5 hours restless sleep).

I've tried to break this cycle, do exercise etc, but I still can't sleep.

>> No.8031094

No, I lack the ability to feel emotional over tv, movies, anime, or video games.

The only thing that's come close is Legend of Black Heaven, because I know I'm going to live a life of wasted potential too, except a hot chick will never ask me to save the world.

>> No.8031131

I get very emotional from things from the past, especially songs.

>> No.8031140

Something like a managable delayed sleep phase syndrome. I'm tired in the morning (before 10 or so) no matter when I fall asleep, and I generally start feeling sleepy a few hours past midnight.

I can, however, force myself into an earlier sleeping rhythm, but it feels very unnatural and I'm liable to slip from it easily.

>> No.8031158

I cry over nothing. I've cried when The Office of all fucking things came on TV one night.

"Sleep has his house" by Current 93 when played live makes me cry every time too.

>> No.8031169

I could get emotional over The Office; it was a series that I once put a lot of my time into at one point, same with Futurama. Nothing really gets me like that Luck of the Fryrish episode.

>> No.8031170

That show was entertaining, but not particularly moving for me. Would've been better had they done more than two songs, of which one was the OP theme. Ouji's wife had some serious housewife moe going, despite being such a bitch most of the time.

>> No.8031174

My sleep schedule is fucked and I can't seem to fix it. I woke up at 8 pm today, and went to sleep at 10 am last night.
My problem is that I don't seem to get tired until I've been up for a very long period of time.

>> No.8031175

I don't really get emotional at works of fiction unless they remind me of some aspect of my life.

>> No.8031177

Music reminds me of my life from the time when I was listening to that song. I think that's a normal reaction for hearing an old song for the first time in a while. I don't really know why I get emotional when I hear certain songs.

>> No.8031178

I get moved by stuff that hits too close to home.

>> No.8031179

Nostalgia hits some people harder. I am the same way.

>> No.8031185

If you don't mind me asking, what songs make you feel that way?

>> No.8031200

It's a personal thing. I can identify with him as a guy who will never live his dreams and be regulated to a life of normal faggotry probably with a bitchy wife. All the guy wanted to do was have a shot at his dream, and her nearly lost what little he had left doing so. It hurt when they were cleaning out his old stuff early on, and it hurt when you thought his wife was going to leave him too at the end. If I ever get married and my wife tries to throw my old shit out, I'll end myself then and there.

Also yeah it needed more songs.

>> No.8031209

Stuff I haven't listened to in a while or I have some sort of an emotional attachment or some other association to. Genesis, Fiona Apple, Bach, I dunno. It's nothing specific.

>> No.8031223

Non-24, but I don't think it's exactly what is described in the wikipedia page. I can just stay up for extended periods of time (20-40 hours) and tend to sleep around half the time I was awake. I can sleep less or longer. I can also have a normal 24-hour sleep schedule, but I don't prefer it. Don't think it's a disorder, because I can function with the average sleep schedule most people have, but I just use the one that I find more comfortable.
tl;dr: I adjust my schedule as I want/need. I tend to get enough sleep.

>> No.8031300
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>> No.8031325

I'm a night owl. I find that I am most active and alert at night (around midnight to 3am). But I generally have no trouble sleeping.

>> No.8031328

I go to sleep at 7am, wake up at 11am. I hate sleeping as I have so many things I want to do, so little time. I'm actually forcing myself to even go to sleep at all.

It really fucks me up too, I need to start sleeping more.

Speaking of which, have a good night /jp/

>> No.8031332

I woke up at 5 am today because my nose was stuffed up.

>> No.8031344

I used to have a really messed-up sleep cycle, I usually went to bed somewhere between 4:00 and 10:00 and woke up between 13:00 and 19:00. But some time ago I started sleeping in a room with an eastward window without curtains, and I also try not to use artificial light sources (apart from computer monitors and a small LED lamp that lights my bathroom). Now I always wake up around sunrise and start getting tired around sunset. I wish I had done this earlier in my life, school and university would've been a lot less bothersome.

>> No.8031347

Does anyone else get bad allergies if they wake up earlier than normal? Every time I'm woken up 3 or 4 hours into an 8 or 9 hour slumber my nose is running and stuffy all day.

I also get red, teary eyes which lead people to believe I was always smoking marijuana in school. It was terrible.

>> No.8031378

06:00 to 15:00 or thereabouts.

Definitely the first, maybe the second. It's not often I need to wake up earlier than normal thankfully, but, ugh. I usually feel rotten.

>> No.8031381
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I hate to sleep

>> No.8033627

I have 4chan sleep disorder.
I go to sleep at somewhere around ~4AM and wake up somewhere around 1PM.
It's always the same no matter which timezone I'm at.

>> No.8033655

Sleep at midnight to wake at 9A.M. Really, shitty sleep schedules are a major contributor to depression.

>> No.8033657


>> No.8033660

I sleep at really irregural times. Sometimes it might be normal but for the most part I go to sleep at 6-11am and wake up in the evening. I feel more awake at night for some reason. Daytime is tiring.

>> No.8033684

Pretty much everyday I sleep at 3 AM and wake up at 10-12 AM

>> No.8033707

I have a lot of trouble falling asleep, it usually takes me 1 hour+. I don't even know how long it would take normally.

>> No.8033715

> 3 AM and wake up at 10-12 AM

You're only up for 3 hours a day?

>> No.8033800
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I have narcolepsy and ADD so I'm pretty much perpetually sleeping or daydreaming. On the other hand, I rarely have any trouble falling asleep unless taking adderall in which case I can't sleep at all.
