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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 192x224, Failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
802122 No.802122 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/,

I've failed you. I'm so terrible at Touhou I can't even beat Perfect Cherry Blossom on Easy using all 5 continues. Should I an hero? Pic related, it's the spell card I lost my last life to.

>> No.802129


No one is that bad, right?

>> No.802138
File: 39 KB, 227x469, 1213155654949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.802144
File: 56 KB, 455x520, 1213155686479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.802148

You will keep failing at Touhou if you play easy modo.
Try playing on normal, or on hard and then on normal, it will make all more easy.
Also, if you want some good training start with EoSD.

>> No.802151


your danmaku is full of openings!

>> No.802160

It's okay, there are always doujins

>> No.802169
File: 177 KB, 836x1200, 1213155942230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dear /jp/,

I've failed you. I'm so terrible at Touhou I can't even read doujins that are already translated into English. Should I an hero? Pic related, it's the page I couldn't get past.

>> No.802175



>> No.802170

It's okay, there are always figs

>> No.802179 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 240x320, 1213156083586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /jp/,

You've failed me. I'm so good at Touhou that I can beat Shoot the bullet on hard modo using one continue. Should you become an hero for saying this shit was hard? Pic related.

>> No.802187

>Shoot the bullet on hard modo

>> No.802204



also why hard and not lunatic for your non-existent difficulty setting?

>> No.802244

Hard modo == Lunatic modo.

>> No.802255


Man, Dog Sakuya sucks so much.

Sakuya exists purely to look hot, act arrogantly stoic and throw knives. Dog Sakuya accomplishes none of these things. Get its ass out of SDM.

>> No.802261

>one continue

>> No.802268


haha oh wow

>> No.802271


Needs more stopping time though.

>> No.802295


That too. Failure on four levels, then.

>> No.802319


>> No.802325

I fail that bad.

>> No.802344

Failure of an OP here,

It's Stage 4 /jp/, fucking Stage 4. Just went at it again on Normal this time. Got all the way there without using a continue and then all hell breaks loose, I'm forced to use every single one of them, and still I don't manage to clear the level. AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

>> No.802371


The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Dog Sakuya has no redeemable qualities that regular Sakuya doesn't already have (or could easily acquire with a dog-ear headband and the like). She perpetuates the "pad" myth by making that sound effect while running around. She only abuses Meiling verbally. She doesn't have a rapist's smile. She doesn't use knives or stop time. She's even borderline ugly.

I'm not a fan of Sakuya, but fuck me if she doesn't have a whole bunch of appealing facets, like tits and legs and quiet assholery and stabbing and shifting and being able to survive opening a window in outer space. Dog Sakuya kills all of these things and then some, leaving the Izayoi idea a festering pile of shit on the floor.

>> No.802377

General tips for danmaku

-Learn to know where your character is without directly looking at the sprite. Watching the bullets ahead and knowing how fast your girl moves in and out of focus is a vital skill
-Learn which bullets are on a fixed path, and which home in on you. Don't let the bullets manipulate you, YOU manipulate the bullets.
-Learn when to stay put, when to nudge yourself over a little bit, and when to dive across the fucking screen.
-You should be dying with ZERO bombs left. Bombing is always preferable to losing a life. Learn to use the X key as a panic button, not a reflex test.

>> No.802385


i had quoted some of what you said with not so much rebuttals but comments on how FUCKING RETARDED you are but forget it

just wow

>> No.802406

It's fucking Kilgamayan, by now everyone should know hes a professional idiot. What did you expect?

>> No.802403


If you're really getting that bent out of shape over meaningless opinions - some of which are obvious jokes, no less - then methinks you need to Alt-F4 more.

>> No.802414


Clearly your jokes are horrible. You post things that are neither true nor funny, so just stop posting.


Why the fuck must every new tripfag be a such a moron? You'd think they'd become less retarded with time but I seriously doubt that. I don't even need to mention any examples since we all know who I'm talking about.

>> No.802425


I post things that are not true? So Sakuya no longer has tits or nice legs? She does not use knives or fuck with time? That open window scene in SSiB never happened? Dog Sakuya actually does/has all these things? Stop me if I get to it.

>> No.802426

>new tripfag
No anon, you are the newfag.

>> No.802433


Any tripfag less than 3 years old is new to me.

>> No.802438


>> No.802442


I was posting on /c/ in 2004.

>> No.802446
File: 67 KB, 266x273, 1213158495895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is that thing in her right sleeve? That can't be a hand, can it?

>> No.802450


Stage Practice. I found focusing on where I had the most difficulty helped a lot quicker than playing the whole game, messing up in stupid spots, getting pissed off at myself, and letting that rage trip me up at the end of the game, forcing me to start all the way back at the beginning.

Also, yes, Stage 4 sucks.

>> No.802454

>Why the fuck must every new tripfag be a such a moron?

Most people who would choose to name themselves in an anonymous community are attention whores, faggots, trolls, or some combination thereof.

>> No.802456



>> No.802463


I guess one of her impossible requests was to rebound against Michael Jordan or something.

>> No.802471


It just looks like one of the patterns on her shirt to me.


I am self-admittedly the first one, with intermittent sprinkles of the third.

>> No.802517


Ah, you're right, it's part of the sleeve, judging by its length compared to its partner. I figured ZUN did another Remilia.

>> No.802562

Just bomb your way through

>> No.802589

gotta admit, easy modes are retardedly easy to deal with. a few continues may be used, it isnt bad.

>> No.802617

I can usually go perfect up to stage 4 in PCB.

I waste every life and bomb I gather up within a few spells of the primsrivers

>> No.802636

>an hero

>> No.802645


I suck this much too, but I eventually got bettwer through practise, now I can get through easy using all of the continues and get the shitty ending.


That's why I like touhou, considering I am shit at danmaku and fighting games.


Fuck you.
