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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8019604 No.8019604 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ I am pissed off.
for whatever reason everyone that i have ever made friends with picks on me. the only thing they pick on me for is never having a girl friend/ not having sex. every time i hang out with these people i think "alright today will be different because they were cool when i hung out with them individually". NOPE. they fuck with me when we all get high or do whatever drug they force me to do. then, they'll txt people about how much of a light weight i am. how do i know? example: i go to work and the hottest girl working is working with me. my friend got her number and when i went drinking with my friends, he was txting her about me. me: "yeah i had a lot of fun last night" her:"hahaha he told me you only had like 5 beers" i must have some sort of sign over my head saying "THIS KID IS A FUCKING LOSER" because i dont have any true friends. idk what to do. ive tried making new friends, but the old ones keep coming back and ruining it for me by telling them im a virgin and that ive never had a girl friend. they tell them im a light weight when i drink, then my new friends start making fun of me for it. for fucks sake my old manager added me on facebook just so she could make fun of me. WHAT. THE. FUCK. DID. I. EVER. DO. TO. THESE. PEOPLE? ideas on what to do with my life?
>inb4 get a girlfriend
>inb4 have sex with a girl, pussy
>inb4 your a faggot
>inb4 you dont know how to take a joke, loser

>> No.8019612

Maybe you're like one of those cute 2D girls who are just begging to be bullied.

>> No.8019611

ur gay

>> No.8019620
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>> No.8019622

>Misuse of greentext

Good thing we at /jp/ are baller as fuck and ignore plebs like you along with any 3D slut/jackass also who are you quoting lightweight 5-beer-drinking weak ass pibsqueak?

>> No.8019625

Start lifting weights like HELL? They are probably just judging you by your physical appearance. Also, find better friends. They sound like babbies.

Also I know this is probably kopipe but I always gotta stay on topic to the thread.

>> No.8019635

this is why I became a shut in

>> No.8019633

Ah the times when I got really drunk from just 4 beers.
Good, cheap times.

>> No.8019673

Kill yourself.

>> No.8019672

You perhaps are easy to be picked on, my adivce is:

stop being a sheep and have some balls.

>> No.8019691

Gain STR and INT. Be a respectable person. Don your serious face and let them know full well you're not amused, before proceeding to give them the middle finger and stay the fuck away from them. And by that I mean you should hang out with educated people, not losers who goof off, laugh at others' expense and think college is a scam.
Uneducated people don't observe basic etiquette, this is no news.

>> No.8019735

only if they're working on a masters degree, otherwise they're just the same children from high school.

>> No.8019796

>equating manliness with how many beers you can drink
...OP friends confirmed for underaged. Mentally.

>> No.8019801

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8019804

got owned so bad with your whom comment decided to go back to the original, kikeboy?

>> No.8019817

We don't give a shit, ask /adv/.
Alternatively, join the club and swear off socializing altogether.

>> No.8019821

Stop being so frustrated, dude.

>> No.8019825

Who are you quoting?
