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File: 75 KB, 672x672, Touhou Project moe loli Patchouli Knowledge pictures (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8015616 No.8015616 [Reply] [Original]

>Q. Is Patchouli's clothing pajamas? Or casual wear?
>A. It's like how foreigners sleep in their jeans, and go shopping with them too.

Who the fuck actually sleeps in their jeans? They can't mean westerners, can they?

>> No.8015625

lol white people.

No but seriously. White people. I know at least some that do. It isn't really cool.

>> No.8015626

If the night is not too hot, I usually do.

>> No.8015630

I'm white but I sleep in boxers.

Then again, I live in a really hot humid place.

>> No.8015632

It's fun how most of the time I spent alone I do it wearing only boxers and if it's cold socks and a scarf, but when It comes to sleep I search in the floor the 1º pair of jeans I see and put it to sleep.

Don't ask, I don't know why I do it but I do.

>> No.8015633

I'm western and I sleep in my jeans. I'm just not a pajama person.

>> No.8015635

The last time I wore jeans they hurt my testicles. I don't know why. I wear basketball shorts and sweatpants now.

>> No.8015638

>Q. Is Patchouli's clothing pajamas? Or casual wear?
>A. It's like how foreigners sleep in their jeans

I have never heard of this my entire life i assume its some american shit

>> No.8015640

Wouldn't surprise me, they wear shoes inside the house.

>> No.8015641

Real westerners sleep with their shoes on.

>> No.8015642

That sounds gross and uncomfortable.

>> No.8015644


How barbaric. It blew my mind when I first found that out.

>> No.8015648


I've worn them like once in my life.

Sweatpants everyday

>> No.8015653

I wear slippers in my house.

>> No.8015655

We have the skill to craft good floors unlike the Japanesse, that's why we can walk in shoes in our homes.

>> No.8015656

Because I don't sleep in a personal room and have a strong tendency to throw my sheets off me when I sleep, I wear my jeans to bed out of modesty.

>> No.8015658

Why would anybody sleep with any clothes on? It's so uncomfortable.

>> No.8015659
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I sleep in whatever I wore that day because i'm too lazy to change into clothes just to change into clothes the next morning. Unless its really nice clothes I don't want to get wrinkled up.

That and I feel weird with my legs exposed.

>> No.8015660

Unfortunately that doesn't prevent you from dragging shit all over your carpet.

>> No.8015662

I'm white and sleep in my regular clothes. Sometimes I just find a comfy position on the floor or couch and pass out. I change my clothes after waking up and showering, obviously.

At least I don't wear my outdoor footwear indoors like blacks and mexicans.

>> No.8015664

I sleep nude and recently when I had the window open it was so hot that i kicked all the sheets off. Thankfully I had my blinds shut and none of them fell open, otherwise anyone would have been able to look in and see me sleeping nude in my bed at 3PM.

Really looking forward to the days that I can leave my window open. The best is leaving the top part open while masturbating. If someone came up to my window and looked down they would see me masturbating. It feels better this way.

>> No.8015666

It's dirty, and a waste of a choir, why would you want to make your floors in your house harder to clean?

The home should be a clean place.

>> No.8015667

More comfortable than spiders crawling over your naked body while you sleep.

>> No.8015668

Who the fuck sleeps in jeans?

>> No.8015673

They also say bugs crawl into your mouth when you're sleeping, and I don't think clothes are going to help you there.

>> No.8015675
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Ugh, and this has always bothered me. I grew up with carpet, a clean carpet. Fuzzy.

It was barefoot or nothing. I've been to some friend's houses that had dogs indoors and the floor was all nasty and piss stained, the carpet matted into a hard crust it seemed like. There was no way in fuck I was taking my shoes off in there, and nobody else did. It was horrifying.

I never went over there much after that.

>> No.8015677

When you are drunk

>> No.8015686

I've become desentitized towards spiders. They're only a problem when you're trying to sleep and you feel one crawling on you. There's a whole mess of them in my closet and I occasionally have some crawl across my body while I'm laying in bed on my laptop. I just let them keep walking. If they're bothering me I'll get them into my palm and move them to another part of my room. Daddy longlegs seem to crawl on me the most but occasionally I'll see some crawling across me that I can't identify. There was one a few days ago that was a bit larger with thicker legs and when I moved to turn on the light he had quickly crawled into the space between my bed and the wall, so I just let it be. Atleast the black widows stay in the garage.

>> No.8015687

I used to have carpet, but it was too hard to maintain, and was causing asthma in my sister, so we made it floorboards, but it didn't change the fact that you don't wear shoes indoors, white people are so gross.

>> No.8015687,1 [INTERNAL] 

I still sleep in pajamas

>> No.8015705

Oh my god I would literally die.

>> No.8015709

I sleep in my jeans when I sleep on benches.

>> No.8015711

It's hard to sleep in jeans

>> No.8015712

I don't sleep with my mouth open like a slut.

>> No.8015722

>implying you don't accidentally

>> No.8015726

How do you accidentally open your mouth? Do you accidentally spread your legs while you're sleep too? Do you stick your ass into the air, you little trollop? I bet you do.

>> No.8015728

I usually spend the whole day in pajamas, unless I have to go outside for some reason. It feels good.

>> No.8015734

Wearing shoes indoors is more for poor people, and it's more of a southerner thing I think. Poor people tend to have dogs or other pets more often and let them run all over the place inside. I grew up in Canada as a white person, and I didn't realize people actually wore their shoes indoors until I went down to California to stay at a Korean friend's place for a month, and the Mexicans in the apartment next door were having a party one evening and they were all wearing their shoes inside, you could see through the patio door. I was shocked at first, but then I thought "figures."

>> No.8015746

Who the fuck sleeps in anything at all? Unless you're in an airport or in public or sharing a hotel room with friends, I don't see the point.

I sleep naked, its really the only way to go.

>> No.8015754

I do this. Most of my shirts are so old and faded, but they're the most comfortable in my wardrobe. The elastic in the pants has begun to die though, so I have to tie most of them or hold them up if I stand up.

Do you have a thing for footwear too? I find slippers and socks to be the most important part of pajamas. All of my comfy socks have gotten holes in them though, so I'm going to buy more when the weather gets cooler.

>> No.8015769
File: 44 KB, 639x747, 1292381118909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sleeping naked


>> No.8015771

I fucking hate sleeping in jeans.

I've also never met people that wear their shoes inside all the damn time. Keeping them on if you're in and out a lot was common, but if you intended to be in for more than like 20 minutes, the shoes came off.

And it isn't like its hard to vacuum or mop every so often, it isn't like the ground outside is covered in shit or anything.

>> No.8015782

>Q. Who has the largest bosom in the series? Do you like large bosoms?
>A. Er... in general, maybe...

I always knew that ZUN was a shy closeted lesbian highschool girl at heart.

>> No.8015785

In my country most floors are tiled floor or polished rock/stone/synthetic so we can wear what the fuck we want inside, it's easy and fast to clea, resistant but we get the handicap that we can't sleep in the floor that is prob..... oh wait, we are not beast, we all here sleep in beds and clean properly our places.

TL:DR: the fact that you have to be barefoot in your places is not a advantage but a handicap, here we can stay barefoot or wear any footwear and the floor doesn't degrade.

>> No.8015787
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But won't they get poop in their bed?

>> No.8015800

If you can sleep in your jeans then you must love being uncomfortable. A masochist I guess.

>> No.8015810


Asthma is so moe.

>> No.8015813

I hope you shower often. I would hate to clean your sheets.

>> No.8015815

Amerifag here.

Yeah, I know people that sleep in their jeans, and wear shoes in the house. In general, though, I think it is more common (at least in Colorado) to sleep in underwear and only wear socks in the house.

>> No.8015826

1-2 times a day.

>> No.8015827
File: 765 KB, 651x1201, 1318186440190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure you have.

>> No.8015832


I can't sleep while naked because I am worried that bugs will crawl into my butt when I'm sleeping.

>> No.8015839

I should get her to cosplay as Patchy then.

>> No.8015844

I live in Australia.

>> No.8015846


Australia has the worst insects you can imagine.

>> No.8015847

Is there a point where asthma becomes so bad that it's no longer cute? Mine's pretty bad. I think I might be past the point of it being cute, and more on the verge of it almost being disgusting.

>> No.8015848

No wonder. Aren't there spiders the size of elephants just wondering around naturally over there?

>> No.8015862

They also have health bars.

But to be honest, the snakes are the real worry.

>> No.8015871


In Australia, everything is a worry. How can you sleep at night.

>> No.8015882
File: 146 KB, 500x500, 1289412011398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think it'll get to a disgusting point, but more of a "depressing" point.

Recently my inhaler hasn't been working as well, and I think eventually it will just stop working altogether.. and then I become the asthmatic ghost in gensokyo, with the power to suffocate people.

>> No.8015885

That's mostly a myth; bugs aren't going to hang out in your wet mouth.

It's your ears you have to worry about.

>> No.8015893

I'm always wearing socks (even if it's horribly hot outside), but I don't have any kind of slippers.

>> No.8015899
File: 49 KB, 235x193, Ayaya....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you mean to tell me you'll be leaving people... breathless?

>> No.8015902
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>> No.8015906

I think either I've picked up something else or my asthma has gotten much worse than it ever was. It seems like I'm always wheezing now and I always have a hard time breathing, compared to before when I could occasionally be fine. One thing that concerns me is that while I'm talking my voice will cut out because something blocks my throat. When I cough to clear it out, thick phlegm literally flies out of my mouth. I have to put my hands to my mouth or the phlegm will travel quite a distance. I'm not sure if the cause of this is asthma or something else.

>> No.8015911
File: 621 KB, 1447x1547, 1274747777909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine all the bondage porn they'll draw of me.

>> No.8015910

I put double-sided sticky tape at the legs of my bed.

>> No.8015912

The worst is when I put my mouth under my shirt to cough and a few chunks fly out. I can never really get all of it out and it dries to my chest hair. It's like glue. When it happens in public I can't even pick the pieces off. I just have to walk around with a big wad of phlegm on the inside of my t-shirt.

>> No.8015917
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Thats uh.. pretty gross.
And that does sound like something a lot more serious than just asthma, either bronchitis or something worse.

>> No.8015935

I sleep in just my underwear and socks.

>> No.8015943

Well, when you get there, please don't asphyxiate my Touhous. It would make me sad.

>> No.8015948

I only sleep in my jeans if I get home and black out.

>> No.8015951

i did it a few time, it's not that bad.
Jeans, always clean.

>> No.8015957

Why is Patchy so fat?

>> No.8015971


She's a NEET
What do you expect?

>> No.8015972

She's not that fat, her clothes are just poofy.

>> No.8015980

I'm NEET and I'm not fat. Quite the opposite.

>> No.8015999

Woah, I though rumors about people having shoes on at home and sleeping in jeans were just some trolling. I guess not. Reality is more surprising than fiction. And those excuses for wearing shoes at home are just retarded

For the bugs, we don't have them at home. But when I stay at sea, I don't really mind them walking over me. In fact, it tickles a little and is kind of pleasant, thus I often expose my legs and back for them to crawl over me.

That is true. It happens really sledom, but...

>> No.8016006

I sometimes wear shoes indoors if my feet get cold.
Only sleep in my jeans if I'm an absolute wreck and I'm REALLY tired, and that doesn't happen very much.

>> No.8016024
File: 1.04 MB, 900x736, 933b6080620e357acc3d8f36c634b007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm not fat..."

>> No.8016199

Wear socks if you're cold, wtf... Shoes? Slippers even.

>> No.8016204

i wear pajamas all the time, except when i'm sleeping i sleep nude

>> No.8016211

I sleep in jeans and a dress shirt. I also have my underwear and undershirt on beneathe.

>> No.8016224
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Well, I sleep with my underwear only.

>> No.8016247
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why is patchy so weird

>> No.8016271

I don't like anything on my feet, really. Wouldn't wear socks to sleep if you paid me, and sleep in underwear/t-shirt. Also, who in their right mind sleeps in jeans.

>> No.8016283

What a poor and wrong translation! I am deeply offended.

The failure of context and incomprehensible nature of this piece is both disgusting and strange.

>> No.8016303

I wear jeans to bed. I have a few pajamas, but I'm too lazy to change into them. I do try to wear them on the weekend when I can wear them all day and laze around the house. The only time I sleep without something covering my legs is in the summer, because it's fucking hot.

I also almost never have my shoes on indoors. I just don't like shoes.

>> No.8016321

At first I read this as
>Australia has some of the worst incest you can imagine
But yeah. NO THANK YOU.

>> No.8016323

I don't really wear jeans, but I very often sleep in the shorts I wore during the day, and then wake up and put back on the shirt I tossed onto my desk chair, and go about my day, for about a week or so until I finally get around to wearing different clothes.

>> No.8016334

I once feel asleep in deep winter gear. I was wearing a scarf, an insulated coat, hat and gloves under the blanket. When I woke up I was sweating so much that I actually couldn't move.

>> No.8016333

I never understood why Europeans complained about Americans wearing shoes indoors. Until I visited Germany on vacation that is. Dirty roads, filthy sidewalks. In America, our streets are so clean, there is not a spec of dust that is dragged inside the house when wearing shoes.

The error that non-Americans make when thinking of wearing shoes indoors, is believing that America is just as filthy as their third world Europoor country.

>> No.8016338

Are they really so clean, though? I mean, I walk out to the grocery store sometimes to get food, and I remember about a week ago I saw a dead squirrel, and it kind of startled me because I almost stepped on it. Anyway, today I walked over again, and I saw the same squirrel, only it was rotting and fucking stank. It made me wonder, why nobody gets rid of things like that...

>> No.8016339

I sometimes sleep in my jeans. I sometimes sleep in boxers. I sometimes sleep naked.

Is Yuyuko's outfit a pajamas?

>> No.8016342

There should be people being paid to clean up road kill. Even holds true in the poorer sections of the world, like Europe.

>> No.8016343

Yeah, I don't know why it wasn't cleaned up... It was a really busy street, too, so there's no way I'm the only one that saw it.

>> No.8016356

I had no idea people in this country did this. It must be some dumb, savage, inland hick cultural habit. Over here in civilization no one's ever heard of it.


>> No.8016360

I used to sleep naked until a mosquito bit my balls.

>> No.8016363

>They don't do things the same way we do, they must be a bunch of filthy hicks!

Also what the fuck I can hear a cat SCREAMING its head off like it's being flayed alive or something... Should I go out and see what's the matter?

>> No.8016382 [DELETED] 


Explain to me how how not bringing the clothes you've been outside walking about in all day into your bed isn't unclean and disgusting.

>In America, our streets are so clean, there is not a spec of dust that is dragged inside the house when wearing shoes.

The streets here are disgusting, and mud/dirt isn't special to the world outside North America. That said, wearing shoes inside just depends on how often you feel like cleaning. I don't understand why anyone would want to but it's their decision. Sleeping fully clothed is just awful, though.

>> No.8016386


Explain to me how how bringing the clothes you've been outside walking about in all day into your bed isn't unclean and disgusting.

>In America, our streets are so clean, there is not a spec of dust that is dragged inside the house when wearing shoes.

The streets here are disgusting, and mud/dirt isn't special to the world outside North America. That said, wearing shoes inside just depends on how often you feel like cleaning. I don't understand why anyone would want to but it's their decision. Sleeping fully clothed is just awful, though.

>> No.8016391

What the hell is so wrong with the clothes? It's not like I'm wallowing around in mud and shit all day long.

>> No.8016394

My mother cleans the house every couple of days, it's so annoying but keeps all the shit clean. Also, who the fuck sleeps in their day clothes, it's so uncomfortable, I always sleep in my pajamas (they are just a plain shirt and a short)

>> No.8016398

Wow, I leave /jp/ for a year and I come back to find it's full of normals.

>> No.8016399

My mom hires some mexican lady to do it once a week.

And it kind of depends on your day clothes. For example, I never sleep in a shirt, but I always just wear basketball type shorts with no underwear anyway, so there's no reason not to sleep in them. I wouldn't sleep in jeans or whatever.

>> No.8016406

>In America, our streets are so clean, there is not a spec of dust that is dragged inside the house when wearing shoes.

Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.8016436 [DELETED] 
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>Not sleeping in a bear suit

>> No.8016440

You do know that the bear suit was a metaphor, right?

>> No.8016452

As much as I enjoyed the show, I've thrown all attempts at deriving any meaning from Serial Experiments Lain out the window.

>> No.8016454
File: 9 KB, 298x379, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got something meta phor you. *grabs dick*

>> No.8016456

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8016460


>> No.8016484
File: 112 KB, 645x773, 1318135494003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who am i quoting

>> No.8016488

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8016495
File: 136 KB, 419x600, jewsimage42gg0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who the jew quoting
