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8005468 No.8005468 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou 14 is going to be themed pirate.

>> No.8005496

I would be okay with this.

>> No.8005505
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>> No.8005510

I am more than okay with this.
I am more than okay with this in my pants.

>> No.8005514

What? Again?

We already have a pirate themed Touhou.

>> No.8005516

This is going to be the ocean one. I ken feel t'in me bones.

>> No.8005517

We had a buddhist themed Touhou, not a pirate one.

>> No.8005523
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We will do what all pirates do best. Fight to run away.

>> No.8005521

A Touhou where there would be air and water parts would be a pretty interesting twist if compared to what ZUN did before.

>> No.8005524
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Pirates are cool

>> No.8005532

Set sail.

>> No.8005552

Slutty pirate touhou bonus

>> No.8005556

But there's no ocean in Gensokyo.

>> No.8005561

Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae are the pirates.

>> No.8005565
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I just want beach scenes.

>> No.8005566

EoSD Stage 2.

>> No.8005569

Also MS stage 4.

>> No.8005571
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>> No.8005579

I think Anon meant underwater

>> No.8005596

>Oh, ho, ho, ho!
>The frog in the well knows not the sea, as they say.
>If you truly believe yourself to be strong...
>It won't do to be afraid
>of plumbing into the depths of the open sea!

I would like to see some underwater Touhou.

>> No.8005618

I hope they go outside to see the ocean.

>> No.8005621

I think they prefer Remilia's pool.

>> No.8005624

And obviously Koakuma will be drafted to be the pirate.

>> No.8005623

If there are pirates, perhaps the insurers would need MARINE BENEFIT?

>> No.8005679

But where is the ocean in Gensokyo?

There is one on the moon though. But that would mean that the moon mary sues will return once again or atleast be somehow involved.

No pirates please. 12 was already about a ship sailing somewhere.

>> No.8005685

no Touhou 14 is going to be themed jew

>> No.8005695
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The incident could be a flood caused by youkai that wanted to live in Gensokyo, sea-dwelling youkai. Since ZUN catters so much to tales and other things, the sea-dwellers could be the people from the Dragon Temple of Urashimako's tale. The last boss would be the dragon princess. They would all be pirates and the sea water would be coming from their dragon temple ship.

>> No.8005699

Meshugganah Sign: Goyim Destruction Laser

>> No.8005732
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That sounds similar.

>> No.8005737

Goddamn Aya is fat.

>> No.8005838

Nitori creates a super AI BOT which takes control of gensokyo by creating bots. The youkai and humans are infected with a virus, which slowly turns them into cyborgs and the player has to get hooked up to a matrix like system and enter the cyber-dimension to save them. When the stage 6 boss, is defeated, the cyberdim collapses, and all the data gets downloaded into gensokyo. However, an error occurs during the data translation process and cyber-world turns into a WMD 3 times the size of gensokyo, piloted by the bot's half sister. You must defeat the sister before timeout or she explodes.
