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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8004155 No.8004155 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been in a relationship, /jp/? How far?

>> No.8004170


>> No.8004179
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I sucked my best friends cock.
That kinda counts..

>> No.8004175

Happily married to Misaka for a couple years now.

>> No.8004181

bakemonogatari is for bnakas true intellucats watch anime like penguindrum and ben-to

>> No.8004180
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Do you mean like in miles or kilometers?

>> No.8004193

30 years old and nothing. Some days, I feel rather misanthropic.

>> No.8004213

I knew a stalking landwhale that wanted to fuck. I kind of felt sorry for her for choosing me.

>> No.8004210

Nope, and I've only been on a handful of dates in my 31 years. ;_;

>> No.8004229

I hate people in general. Not them by themselves, but I hate anyone if I get the chance to be actually intimate with them. For some or another reason, I have had four girls during the last years showing interest in me, but I just shunned upon them like any other person.

>> No.8004243

I once internet dated a girl from an mmo years ago when I was younger and hornier. We had phonesex a couple of times.

>> No.8004254

I did the same thing. What the fuck was I thinking?

>> No.8004260

If you men something like master-pet, then yes. Between me and my cat.

>> No.8004266

Oh yeah, enough to last a lifetime.

No shit. I'm done. It's been six of the most peaceful years of my entire existence and there's no way I'm ever gonna go out for that horseshit ever again.

>> No.8004271

I have had 2 girlfriends and had sex with one of them a few times. Both relationships were very short lived and about 4 years ago for the most recent one. Basically when I used to be semi-normal and not a complete hikikomori.

>> No.8004281

I had an online lesbian girlfriend and boyfriend, back when I was pretending to be a girl. The guy is still my best friend to this day, but the dyke dumped me. Bitches and whores...

>> No.8004278
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Forced hand holding in gym class back in high school (2 years ago, I'm 18 now) is the closest I've been to a girl

I'm not even ugly. Wish I'd been more assertive and outgoing back then.

That's life, I guess

>> No.8004292

I think back and wonder that too. Maybe it was the socialization aspect having a questing buddy and someone to talk to.

>> No.8004304
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Not really. Years ago I technically had a girlfriend for a few days, but really it was just a one-night stand that took a while to peter out. She was a slut and I didn't like her much anyway.

I'm fitter and more confident these days, not unattractive if I do say so myself, but I just don't feel any drive to enter a relationship or even care about sex. I guess I'm used to single life, plus I'm old enough that I'm not ruled by my hormones anymore.

>> No.8004319

Anybody here who alredy liked someone and found out that person simultaneously liked you but only after it was too akward to engage in something or am I the only one?

>> No.8004334
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I'm sure this is common in the world of normal people who have relationships regularly, but given that we are mostly permavirgins you have a sample bias problem.

>> No.8004336

I had a stalker in middleschool that would yell across the hall that she wanted asian babies with me.

It creeped me the fuck out so I tried to fend her off, but she was persistent until one day she just quit and hated me suddenly. (gave me her number and I didn't call over the summer)

She was kinda cute at the time for 3DPD in hindsight, but she turned into an acne monster in high school so I have no regrets.

Now I'm a wizard.

>> No.8004340

Nope, because I never found out someone simultaneously liked me. If it seemed like they did I just assumed it was me being delusional.

>> No.8004351

No. The other night a bunch of girls were cuddling in my bed, more or less ontop of me, and one was purposefully rubbing my dick through my jeans, but then they left "because I had a midterm to write that morning"- even though they had already kept me up to the point of having less than five hours to sleep.

I hate what I've become.

>> No.8004354

I met my current girlfriend thanks to /jp/, as a matter of fact.

Best relationship both of us have ever been in.

>> No.8004356

They sound like a pack of rowdy animals anyway.

>> No.8004369

I had pity sex with a fatty girl neighbor of mine once. She was too persistent so I guess it was not my fault after all. I think she wanted to lose virginity over a 'nice guy' so she could get all the dicks she wanted with no remorse (which she did later on).

She now thinks I'm gay because I started avoiding her after that. Then I moved from the house and I haven't seen her again. That was 2 years ago.

Bottom line is: don't do it /jp/. Not really worth it.
Onaholes feel much better if you warm up the lubricant between the sheets. And they don't give you the look if you start laughing while fucking them.

>> No.8004365


>> No.8004378

Get out of /jp/ Jones

>> No.8004402

I had similar experience to you. She was stalking me since fifth grade in elementary school and everyday I was bombarded with words like "honey", "I love you", "do you love me?". In second year of middle school I finally snapped and kissed her. She beaten the crap out of me because of this but stopped stalking so I guess it was worth sacrificing my first kiss.

>> No.8004395

I said to my best best friend (girl) "I love yoU" and she told me to wait until highschool... and then nothing.

>> No.8004398

That doesn't say much.
Stop being silly, jones is doesn't have a girlfriend. Why do you think his mother tells him about "that nice jewish girl that she introduced to him once" so often?

>> No.8004412

Pretty much, but the one who was all up on my crotch had really nice armpits and toes. I've been having dreams that remind me of how close I was since then.

>> No.8004414

>I was bombarded with words like "honey", "I love you", "do you love me?"
Oh god, this.

The weird thing is, I hardly even knew her. I just -kinda- knew one of her friends, and not even very well.

>> No.8004437

I probably have something to attract stalker girls because when I went into high school another one appeared. Thankfully she gave up after a month because I treated her as air.

>> No.8004441

I've never been in a relationship before. But back in highschool I never even had so much as a crush. Man or woman. No attraction in any way. Guess this is how its gonna be. I'm okay with this. Everyone think back to those days for a minute. Everyone was trying to get in a relationship and acting all depressed when some couldn't. Ever stopped to ask why they feel like they absolutely HAVE to be in a relationship? I have and never got a decent answer other than "ur a faget" or "I don't know I just do".

>> No.8004531

I'm in a steady relationship with a girl who loves playing video games with me and we regularly have sex. She says I'm the best thing that's happened to her and she wants to marry me someday.

Also this is my first time visiting /jp/. You people are sad fucks.

>> No.8004535

Make it your last visit.

>> No.8004545


I think I will.

>> No.8004568

>be 16
>semi-otaku guy going into college
>see most beautiful girl ever seen
>friends for 3 months, then finally first girlfriend in my life
>steady for 2 years, most wonderful feeling ever had (no sex deal with her cuz our families both old fashioned)
>visit her place 1 night to keep her company while her parents away
>saw her fucking a dude in her room

>foreverotakuvirginfagalone.jpg and all that

just so you know i still have some "friend-women" but i immediately walk out when they bring out conversations about my love life.

and yes i have a job.

>> No.8004575

Ten years later she's cheating on you because she thinks you're boring. Since you can't pay for a divorce with your wage-slave job, you're forced into supporting a disintegrating marriage without any hope of escape. Meanwhile we're still playing visual novels and Touhou.

>> No.8004582

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8004588

>who are you quoting?

No but you were 16 and in college?

>> No.8004612


yes, its the average age after graduating highschool.
im in a 3rd world country, dont expect much

>> No.8004620
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I've had 5. 2 serious.

And the current one, I guess as far as it can go besides marriage shit.

and I have been on /jp/ from the very beginning. Deal with it.

>> No.8004624

Seven years. Largely Hell on Earth, but also some really good times.

>> No.8004625

handicapped person.

move along.

>> No.8004673

I've been asked out twice I think, but I was too socially retarded to realize it at the time. It took a few years after the fact for me to realize it.
